984 resultados para Northop, Philip M.
Microsatellites are codominantly inherited nuclear-DNA markers (Wright and Bentzen, 1994) that are now commonly used to assess both stock structure and the effective population size of exploited fishes (Turner et al., 2002; Chistiakov et al., 2006; Saillant and Gold, 2006). Multiplexing is the combination of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products from multiple loci into a single lane of an electrophoretic gel (Olsen et al., 1996; Neff et al., 2000) and is accomplished either by coamplification of multiple loci in a single reaction (Chamberlain et al., 1988) or by combination of products from multiple single-locus PCR amplifications (Olsen et al., 1996). The advantage of multiplexing micro-satellites lies in the significant reduction in both personnel time (labor) and consumable supplies generally required for large genotyping projects (Neff et al., 2000; Renshaw et al., 2006).
Oceanic incidence and spawning frequency of Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxatilis) were estimated by using microchemical analysis of strontium in otoliths. Otoliths from 40 males and 82 females sampled from Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay were analyzed for seasonal and age-specific patterns in strontium and calcium levels. The proportion of oceanic females increased from 50% to 75% between ages seven to 13; the proportion of oceanic males increased from 20% to ~50% between ages four to 13. Contrary to an earliermodel of Chesapeake Bay striped bass migration, results indicated that a substantial number of males undertook oceanic migrations. Further, we observed no mass emigration of females from three to four years of age from the Chesapeake Bay. Seasonal patterns of estuarine habitat use were consistent with annual spawning runs by striped bass of mature age classes, but with noteworthy exceptions for newly mature females. Evidence of an early oceanic presence indicated that Chesapeake Bay yearlings move into coastal regions—a pattern observed also for Hudson River striped bass. Otolith microchemical analyses revealed two types of behaviors (estuarine and oceanic) that confirm migratory behaviors recently determined for other populations of striped bass and diadromous species (e.g., American eels [Anguilla rostrata] American shad [Alosa sapidissima] and white perch [Morone Americana]).
Background: The rising temperature of the world’s oceans has become a major threat to coral reefs globally as the severity and frequency of mass coral bleaching and mortality events increase. In 2005, high ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean resulted in the most severe bleaching event ever recorded in the basin. Methodology/Principal Findings: Satellite-based tools provided warnings for coral reef managers and scientists, guiding both the timing and location of researchers’ field observations as anomalously warm conditions developed and spread across the greater Caribbean region from June to October 2005. Field surveys of bleaching and mortality exceeded prior efforts in detail and extent, and provided a new standard for documenting the effects of bleaching and for testing nowcast and forecast products. Collaborators from 22 countries undertook the most comprehensive documentation of basin-scale bleaching to date and found that over 80% of corals bleached and over 40% died at many sites. The most severe bleaching coincided with waters nearest a western Atlantic warm pool that was centered off the northern end of the Lesser Antilles. Conclusions/Significance: Thermal stress during the 2005 event exceeded any observed from the Caribbean in the prior 20 years, and regionally-averaged temperatures were the warmest in over 150 years. Comparison of satellite data against field surveys demonstrated a significant predictive relationship between accumulated heat stress (measured using NOAA Coral Reef Watch’s Degree Heating Weeks) and bleaching intensity. This severe, widespread bleaching and mortality will undoubtedly have long-term consequences for reef ecosystems and suggests a troubled future for tropical marine ecosystems under a warming climate
O colono português Gabriel Soares de Sousa apresentou à corte de Felipe II da Espanha, por volta de 1587, um dos mais importantes registros sobre o Brasil quinhentista, o Tratado descritivo do Brasil em 1587, e o bem menos conhecido Capítulos de Gabriel Soares de Sousa contra os padres da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil. Esta tese apresenta uma análise da história destes manuscritos quinhentistas, examinado como chegaram até os seus formatos atuais e as suas leituras através dos tempos.
This compilation of references to works which synthesize information on coastal topics is intended to be useful to resource managers in decision making processes. However, the utility must be understand in terms of its limited coverage. The bibliography is not inclusive of all the published materials on the topics selected. Coverage is clearly defined in the following paragraph. The time span of the bibliography is limited to references that were published from I983 to 1993, except for a last-minute addition of a few 1994 publications. All searches were done in mid- to late-1993. The bibliography was compiled from searches done on the following DIALOG electronic databases: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, BlOSlS Previews, Dissertation Abstracts Online, Life Sciences Collection, NTlS (National Technical lnformation Service), Oceanic Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, SciSearch, and Water Resources Abstracts. In addition, two NOAA electronic datases were searched: the NOAA Library and lnformation Catalog and the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. Synthesis of information is not an ubiquitous term used in database development. In order to locate syntheses of required coastal topics, 89 search terms were used in combinations which required 10 searches from each file. From the nearly 6,000 citations which resulted from the electronic searches, the most appropriate were selected to produce this bibliography. The document was edited and indexed using Wordperfect software. When available, an abstract has been included. Every abstract was edited. The bibliography is subdivided into four main topics or sections: ecosystems, coastal water body conditions, natural disasters, and resource management. In the ecosystems section, emphasis is placed on organisms in their environment on the major coastlines of the U.S. In the second section, coastal water body conditions, the environment itself is emphasized. References were found for the Alaskan coast, but none were found for Hawaii. The third section, on natural disasters, emphasizes environmental impacts resulting from natural phenomena. Guidelines, planning and management reports, modelling documents, strategic and restoration plans, and environmental economics related to sustainability are included in the fourth section, resource management. Author, geographic, and subject indices indices are provided. The authors would like to thank Victor Omelczenko and Terry Seldon of the NOAA Sea Grant Office for access to and training on the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. We are grateful also to Dorothy Anderson, Philip Keavey, and Elizabeth Petersen who reviewed the draft document.
A density prediction model for juvenile brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) was developed by using three bottom types, five salinity zones, and four seasons to quantify patterns of habitat use in Galveston Bay, Texas. Sixteen years of quantitative density data were used. Bottom types were vegetated marsh edge, submerged aquatic vegetation, and shallow nonvegetated bottom. Multiple regression was used to develop density estimates, and the resultant formula was then coupled with a geographical information system (GIS) to provide a spatial mosaic (map) of predicted habitat use. Results indicated that juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) selected vegetated habitats in salinities of 15−25 ppt and that seagrasses were selected over marsh edge where they co-occurred. Our results provide a spatially resolved estimate of high-density areas that will help designate essential fish habitat (EFH) in Galveston Bay. In addition, using this modeling technique, we were able to provide an estimate of the overall population of juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) in shallow water habitats within the bay of approximately 1.3 billion. Furthermore, the geographic range of the model was assessed by plotting observed (actual) versus expected (model) brown shrimp densities in three other Texas bays. Similar habitat-use patterns were observed in all three bays—each having a coefficient of determination >0.50. These results indicate that this model may have a broader geographic application and is a plausible approach in refining current EFH designations for all Gulf of Mexico estuaries with similar geomorphological and hydrological characteristics.
Two bycatch reduction devices (BRDs)—the extended mesh funnel (EMF) and the Florida fisheye (FFE)—were evaluated in otter trawls with net mouth circumferences of 14 m, 17 m, and 20 m and total net areas of 45 m2. Each test net was towed 20 times in parallel with a control net that had the same dimensions and configuration but no BRD. Both BRDs were tested at night during fall 1996 and winter 1997 in Tampa Bay, Florida. Usually, the bycatch was composed principally of finfish (44 species were captured); horseshoe crabs and blue crabs seasonally predominated in some trawls. Ten finfish species composed 92% of the total finfish catch; commercially or recreationally valuable species accounted for 7% of the catch. Mean finfish size in the BRD-equipped nets was usually slightly smaller than that in the control nets. Compared with the corresponding control nets, both biomass and number of finfish were almost always less in the BRD-equipped nets but neither shrimp number nor biomass were significantly reduced. The differences in proportions of both shrimp and finfish catch between the BRD-equipped and control nets varied between seasons and among net sizes, and differences in finfish catch were specific for each BRD type and season. In winter, shrimp catch was highest and size range of shrimp was greater than in fall. Season-specific differences in shrimp catch among the BRD types occurred only in the 14-m, EMF nets. Finfish bycatch species composition was also highly seasonal; each species was captured mainly during only one season. However, regardless of the finfish composition, the shrimp catch was relatively constant. In part as a result of this study, the State of Florida now requires the use of BRDs in state waters.
An improved method for processing sea cucumber (beche-de-mer) is described. Details of a machine named de-scummer are presented. The traditional method for preparation is discussed, and the new method outlined; this involves burying boiled sea cucumber in clean sand contained in cement pits for periods of 6-8 h. The animals are then transferred to the de-scummer for mechanical treatment and are boiled again. After this they are dried.
The Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions contain half of the world's children and are among the most rapidly industrializing regions of the globe. Environmental threats to children's health are widespread and are multiplying as nations in the area undergo industrial development and pass through the epidemiologic transition. These environmental hazards range from traditional threats such as bacterial contamination of drinking water and wood smoke in poorly ventilated dwellings to more recently introduced chemical threats such as asbestos construction materials; arsenic in groundwater; methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, India; untreated manufacturing wastes released to landfills; chlorinated hydrocarbon and organophosphorous pesticides; and atmospheric lead emissions from the combustion of leaded gasoline. To address these problems, pediatricians, environmental health scientists, and public health workers throughout Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific have begun to build local and national research and prevention programs in children's environmental health. Successes have been achieved as a result of these efforts: A cost-effective system for producing safe drinking water at the village level has been devised in India; many nations have launched aggressive antismoking campaigns; and Thailand, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan have all begun to reduce their use of lead in gasoline, with resultant declines in children's blood lead levels. The International Conference on Environmental Threats to the Health of Children, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2002, brought together more than 300 representatives from 35 countries and organizations to increase awareness on environmental health hazards affecting children in these regions and throughout the world. The conference, a direct result of the Environmental Threats to the Health of Children meeting held in Manila in April 2000, provided participants with the latest scientific data on children's vulnerability to environmental hazards and models for future policy and public health discussions on ways to improve children's health. The Bangkok Statement, a pledge resulting from the conference proceedings, is an important first step in creating a global alliance committed to developing active and innovative national and international networks to promote and protect children's environmental health.
为研究土壤粘粒含量对土壤入渗能力的影响,通过向自然土壤中添加沙粒、人工粘土的方法配制不同粘粒含量土壤,用土柱积水入渗模拟了人工配制土壤中粘粒含量对其入渗能力的影响。结果表明:(1)土壤粘粒含量对土壤入渗能力有较大影响,随粘粒含量增多,入渗能力递减:<0.001 mm粘粒含量从6%增加至40.4%时,稳定入渗速率从0.0169 cm/min降低至0.0068 cm/min,90 min累积入渗量则从3.66 cm低至2.02 cm;(2)稳定入渗速率9、0 min累积入渗量与粘粒及物理性粘粒含量分别呈幂函数负相关、指数负相关关系,但与粘粒含量相关性更为显著;(3)通过对Green-Ampt模型、Philip模型及Kostiakov模型的参数拟合及累积入渗量计算,发现在本试验中Kostiakov模型拟合精度最高,Philip模型次之,Green-Ampt模型较差,说明Kostiakov模型对于均质土体是个比较实用的入渗模型。
探索基于小流域土壤侵蚀治理基础上的雨水集蓄利用模式和技术,是解决丘陵半干旱区水资源短缺,实现生态环境良性循环和农业可持续发展的重要途径,也是雨水集蓄利用研究的热点。本文运用水土保持、径流叠加与异地利用理论和方法,在小流域入渗产流特征及雨水资源潜力分析基础上,开展了小流域坡耕地集流梯田工程和沟壑荒地窖棚工程雨水集蓄利用试验,对小流域雨水集蓄利用工程设计、集流蓄水与高效利用效果进行了系统研究。利用Philip入渗理论和逐步回归分析方法对人工降雨和自然降雨结果处理分析,建立了小流域坡耕地、林地和荒地土壤的入渗产流及其相关因子数学模型。雨水潜力分析表明,该地区典型小流域水资源供需态势基本上都处于用水高度紧张状态,而且生态需水比重最高,占总需水量的69.29%。研究建立了小流域坡耕地—集流梯田雨水集蓄叠加利用模式和技术,确定了集流梯田工程的平坡比、田面宽度和田坎高度等断面参数。集流梯田和坡耕地相比土壤含水量提高16.61%-25.87%,增加产值70.98%-114.30%;该区坡耕地适宜修建1: 1平坡比的集流梯田,集流坡面种植矮秆作物和林果。研究建立了小流域沟壑荒地—窖棚雨水集蓄异地利用模式和技术,确定了坡面窖群集蓄型、沟道坝窖结合型和山泉窖池长蓄短用型等雨水集蓄工程及其断面参数。窖棚模式渗灌比畦灌节水50.0%以上,灌溉效率提高19.01kg·m-3·hm-2,单位水产值增加 107.1%-143.2%,而且较好地改善了大棚内的环境条件。