993 resultados para Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. II--Hist.-filos. klasse.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as fusões carunculares em gestações de conceptos não clonados (CNC) e conceptos clonados (CC). Os CNC foram divididos segundo o período de gestação em Grupo I (2-3 meses, n=9), Grupo II (4-6 meses, n=9), Grupo III (7-8 meses, n=10) e Grupo IV (9 meses, n=7). Os CC formaram o Grupo V (9 meses, n=4). As carúnculas foram observadas macroscopicamente (número e dimensões: comprimento, largura e altura), microscopicamente e submetidas à análise estatística (5% de significância). Observaram-se três tipos de fusões carunculares macroscópicas: ovais (morfologicamente normais); duas carúnculas adjacentes unidas e do tipo lobuladas, caracterizadas por regiões com várias carúnculas unidas apresentando falsa fusão ou deformação do parênquima caruncular. O comprimento das carúnculas foi de 1,55±0,57; 2,45±0,55; 4,66±2,00 e 5,72±1,90cm para os Grupos I, II, III e IV, respectivamente. Quanto à altura, as carúnculas apresentaram um crescimento linear durante a gestação e foram de 0,40±0,15; 0;57±0,21; 1,00±0,48 e 1,80±0,91cm, para os respectivos Grupos I, II, III e IV. A largura das carúnculas foi semelhante entre os Grupos I e II (0,97±0,30 e 1,42±0,71cm) e os Grupos III e IV (2,68±1,22 e 3,52±1,16cm). Quando o Grupo V foi comparado ao Grupo IV, as carúnculas do Grupo V apresentaram maior comprimento (5,72±1,90 vs. 7,88±2,13cm) e largura (3,52±1,16 vs. 4,93±1,46cm), porém foram semelhantes em altura (1,80±0,91 e 2,25±0,67cm). Verificou-se que em gestações de CC, as carúnculas apresentaram maior desenvolvimento que em gestações de CNC. As carúnculas fusionadas apresentaram medidas estatisticamente semelhantes às isoladas em todos os parâmetros e grupos. Sob microscopia de luz, observou-se a formação de um eixo estromal, da base da carúncula ao ápice da fissura fusional, de constituição histológica semelhante ao estroma endometrial. Também foram ineditamente definidos três formatos microscópicos: fusão propriamente dita com eixo único, evidente abaixo da fissura fusional; pseudofusão com eixo duplo em forma de "H" e a falsa fusão com ausência do eixo. Os dois primeiros formatos referem-se às carúnculas ovais e lobuladas e o último à falsa fusão com deformação do parênquima caruncular. O eixo fusional aumentou de tamanho durante a gestação entre os Grupos I, II, III e IV. O Grupo V apresentou maior comprimento e largura de eixo quando comparado ao Grupo IV. Sendo assim, em gestações de CC a destruição do epitélio lateral das carúnculas está associada a uma incompetência na interdigitação materno-fetal, que comprometem a fusão cotiledonária. Sugere-se que, em gestações provenientes de CC, o aumento do tamanho das fusões carunculares possivelmente associa-se a um mecanismo compensatório para as trocas metabólicas entre mãe e feto, em razão do menor número de carúnculas isoladas.


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The morphofunctional aspects of oogenesis of Poecilia vivipara were studied aiming to understand the reproductive biology and development of species with internal fertilization, particularly those belonging to the family Poeciliidae. The stages of gonadal maturation and follicular development were characterized using mesoscopic, histological, histochemical, and lectin cytochemical analyses. Through mesoscopic evaluation the ovarian development was classified in six phases of development: immature, in maturation I, in maturation II, mature I, mature II, and post-spawn. Based on microscopic examination of the ovaries, we identified the presence of oocytes types I and II during the previtellogenic phase and types III, IV, and V during the vitellogenic phase. As oogenesis proceeded the oocyte cytosol increased in volume and presented increased cytoplasmic granule accumulation, characterizing vitellogenesis. The zona radiata (ZR) increased in thickness and complexity, and the follicular epithelium, which was initially thin and consisting of pavimentous cells, in type III oocytes exhibited cubic simple cells. The histochemical and cytochemical analyses revealed alterations in the composition of the molecular structures that form the ovarian follicle throughout the gonadal development. Our study demonstrated differences in the female reproductive system among fish species with internal and external fertilization and we suggest P. vivipara can be used as experimental model to test environmental toxicity.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kustannustehokkaat, tien nykyiseen poikkileikkaukseen toteutettavissa olevat keskikaide- ja leveän keskimerkinnän kohteet Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen maantieverkolla. Tarkastelussa olivat mukana kaikki Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen yksiajorataiset maantiet, jotka täyttivät vaaditut kriteerit. Yksi tärkeimmistä rajausperusteista oli tien poikkileikkaus, ja lisäksi tierekisteritiedoista otettiin huomioon mm. liikennemäärä, nopeusrajoitus ja yhtäjaksoisen osuuden pituus. Leveän keskialueen tiemerkinnän vaikutuksia liikenneturvallisuuteen kartoittaneessa Liikenneviraston selvityksessä suositellaan, että leveän keskimerkinnän kohteissa käytetään vähintään metrin levyistä keskialuetta ja kaistanleveyttä 3,25–3,5 metriä sekä vähintään 0,75 metrin päällystettyä piennarta. Tässä työssä leveän keskialueen tiemerkinnän kohteeksi katsottiin näin ollen soveltuvan tie, jonka päällysteen leveys on vähintään 9,5 metriä. Liikenneviraston laatiman tien poikkileikkauksen suunnitteluohjeen mukaisesti 1+1- keskikaideteiden poikkileikkauksen minimiarvo on 10,0 metriä ja ohjearvo 12,5 metriä. Päällysteen leveyden minimiarvo on 9,5 metriä ja ohjearvo 12,0 metriä. Tierekisteritietojen perusteella noin 30 mahdollista kohdetta tarkasteltiin maastossa, jolloin voitiin täydentää ja korjata tierekisteritietoja sekä ehdottaa kohteeseen soveltuvaa toimenpidettä. Maastokäyntihavaintojen perusteella valituille kohteille laadittiin onnettomuusanalyysi, jossa selvitettiin mm. onnettomuustiheys ja -aste sekä tiettyjen onnettomuusluokkien yleisyys tieosuudella (kohtaamis- ja ohitusonnettomuudet sekä vasemmalle suistumiset, joihin keskikaiteella ja leveällä keskimerkinnällä pyritään erityisesti vaikuttamaan). Soveltuvat kohteet priorisoitiin kolmeen luokkaan mm. onnettomuustietojen ja liikennemäärän perusteella. Mahdollisiksi keskikaidekohteiksi työssä esitettiin valtatietä 2 välillä Nummela-valtatie 25, valtatietä 5 välillä Tuusjärvi-Paaso sekä kantatietä 50 Espoossa välillä Kirkkonummi-Kauklahti. Valtatie 5 priorisoitiin luokkaan I, valtatie 2 luokkaan II ja kantatie 50 luokkaan III. Keskikaidekohteiden yhteispituus oli noin 17 km. Leveän keskimerkinnän kohteita esitettiin yhteensä 15 tielle, joista valtateitä olivat tiet 2, 4, 6, 24 ja 25. Korkeimpaan priorisointiluokkaan I määritettiin valtatie 2 välillä Nummela-Vihti, valtatie 4 välillä Lusi-Hartola, valtatie 25 välillä Nummela- Rajamäki ja Hyvinkää-Mäntsälä, kantatie 50 välillä Kirkkonummi-Kauklahti, kantatie 51 välillä Kirkkonummi-Siuntio sekä maantie 132 välillä Klaukkala-Röykkä. Priorisointiluokan I keskimerkintäkohteiden yhteispituus oli noin 140 km. Soveltuville kohteille määritettiin suuntaa-antava kustannusarvio perustuen olemassa oleviin suunnitelmiin ja selvityksiin sekä asiantuntija- arvioihin. Lisäksi kohteille määritettiin laskennallinen henkilövahinkoon johtaneiden onnettomuuksien vähenemä.


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A Salmonelose é uma importante zoonose, considerada a principal causa de infecções bacterianas, sendo associada ao consumo de produtos avícolas. Como alternativa de controle, ácidos orgânicos têm sido amplamente usados. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre o estado imunológico de aves de produção, e uma avaliação deste status é necessária para proteger frente a enfermidades e para garantir à aplicação segura de agentes terapêuticos ou imunização profilática. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o comportamento do sistema imunológico das aves previamente infectadas com Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) tratadas com um composto de ácidos orgânicos em diferentes concentrações administrado via água e ração comparando com as aves infectadas e não tratadas. Foram inoculados 120 frangos de corte com 1mL de SE, via oral, na concentração de 1,0 x 108 UFC/mL, no 1º e 2º dia de idade, divididos em seis tratamentos com duas repetições, utilizando 200, 400, 500 e 1000ppm do ácido orgânico. Aos 35 dias de vida das aves, foram coletados, de todos os grupos, alíquotas de sangue de 3mL em tubo contendo EDTA para a avaliação das células imunes através de citometria de fluxo. Foram analisadas as porcentagens circulantes de células CD4+, CD8β+, MHC I+, MHC II+, TCRVβ1+, TCRVβ2+ e CD28+. Para análise microbiológica foram coletadas tonsilas cecais destas aves. Observou-se com esse estudo que os ácidos orgânicos nas dosagens 1000ppm na água e 500ppm na ração durante, dois e sete dias respectivamente antes do abate, foram eficazes na redução da infecção por SE em frangos de corte, comprovadas pelo método microbiológico e demonstradas através do comportamento das células do sistema imune. No presente estudo as aves infectadas apresentaram uma proporção menor de células T auxiliares circulantes quando comparadas às aves infectadas, mas tratadas com o AO ou com o grupo não infectado. A mesma tendência pode ser observada para as células CD28+, TCRVβ1+ e MHC IIbright+, e, com menor resolução, para CD8β+.


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The ongoing global financial crisis has demonstrated the importance of a systemwide, or macroprudential, approach to safeguarding financial stability. An essential part of macroprudential oversight concerns the tasks of early identification and assessment of risks and vulnerabilities that eventually may lead to a systemic financial crisis. Thriving tools are crucial as they allow early policy actions to decrease or prevent further build-up of risks or to otherwise enhance the shock absorption capacity of the financial system. In the literature, three types of systemic risk can be identified: i ) build-up of widespread imbalances, ii ) exogenous aggregate shocks, and iii ) contagion. Accordingly, the systemic risks are matched by three categories of analytical methods for decision support: i ) early-warning, ii ) macro stress-testing, and iii ) contagion models. Stimulated by the prolonged global financial crisis, today's toolbox of analytical methods includes a wide range of innovative solutions to the two tasks of risk identification and risk assessment. Yet, the literature lacks a focus on the task of risk communication. This thesis discusses macroprudential oversight from the viewpoint of all three tasks: Within analytical tools for risk identification and risk assessment, the focus concerns a tight integration of means for risk communication. Data and dimension reduction methods, and their combinations, hold promise for representing multivariate data structures in easily understandable formats. The overall task of this thesis is to represent high-dimensional data concerning financial entities on lowdimensional displays. The low-dimensional representations have two subtasks: i ) to function as a display for individual data concerning entities and their time series, and ii ) to use the display as a basis to which additional information can be linked. The final nuance of the task is, however, set by the needs of the domain, data and methods. The following ve questions comprise subsequent steps addressed in the process of this thesis: 1. What are the needs for macroprudential oversight? 2. What form do macroprudential data take? 3. Which data and dimension reduction methods hold most promise for the task? 4. How should the methods be extended and enhanced for the task? 5. How should the methods and their extensions be applied to the task? Based upon the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), this thesis not only creates the Self-Organizing Financial Stability Map (SOFSM), but also lays out a general framework for mapping the state of financial stability. This thesis also introduces three extensions to the standard SOM for enhancing the visualization and extraction of information: i ) fuzzifications, ii ) transition probabilities, and iii ) network analysis. Thus, the SOFSM functions as a display for risk identification, on top of which risk assessments can be illustrated. In addition, this thesis puts forward the Self-Organizing Time Map (SOTM) to provide means for visual dynamic clustering, which in the context of macroprudential oversight concerns the identification of cross-sectional changes in risks and vulnerabilities over time. Rather than automated analysis, the aim of visual means for identifying and assessing risks is to support disciplined and structured judgmental analysis based upon policymakers' experience and domain intelligence, as well as external risk communication.


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In order to encourage children and adolescents to defend and support their victimized peers, it is important to identify factors that either maximize or minimize the probability that students will engage in such behaviors. This thesis is composed of four studies designed to elucidate how a variety of factors work in conjunction to explain why some children defend their victimized classmates, whereas others remain passive or reinforce the bully. The conceptual framework of this thesis is drawn from several theoretical considerations, including social cognitive learning theory, the expectancy-value framework as well as the literature emphasizing the importance of empathy in motivating behaviors. Also the child-by-environment perspective and the socialecological perspective influenced this research. Accordingly, several intra- and interpersonal characteristics (e.g., social cognitions, empathy, and social status) as well as group-level factors (e.g., norms) that may either enhance or reduce the probability that students defend their victimized peers are investigated. In Studies I and II, the focus is on social cognitions, and special attention is paid to take into account the domain-specificity of cognition-behavior processes. Self-efficacy for defending is still an interest of study III, but the role of affective empathy on defending is also investigated. Also social status variables (preference and perceived popularity) are evaluated as possible moderators of links between intrapersonal factors and defending. In Study IV, the focus is expanded further by concentrating on characteristics of children’s proximal environments (i.e., classroom). Bullying norms and collective perceptions (i.e., connectedness among the students and the teachers’ ability to deal with bullying situations) are examined. Data are drawn from two research projects: the Kaarina Cohort Study (consisting of fourth and eighth graders) and the randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the effects of the KiVa antibullying program (consisting of third to fifth graders). The results of the thesis suggest that defending the victims of bullying is influenced by a variety of individual level motivational characteristics, such as social cognitions and affective empathy. Also, both perceived popularity and social preference play a role in defending, and the findings support the conceptualization that behavior results from the interplay between the characteristics of an individual child and their social-relational environment. Classroom context further influences students’ defending behavior. Thus, antibullying efforts targeting peer bystanders should aim to influence intra- and interpersonal characteristics of children and adolescents as well as their social environment.


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Brainstem auditory-evoked potential (BAEP) has been widely used for different purposes in veterinary practice and is commonly used to identify inherited deafness and presbycusis. In this study, 43 Boxer dogs were evaluated using the BAEP. Deafness was diagnosed in 3 dogs (2 bilateral and 1 unilateral) allowing the remaining 40 Boxers to be included for normative data analysis including an evaluation on the influence of age on the BAEP. The animals were divided into 2 groups of 20 Boxers each based on age. The mean age was 4.54 years (range, 1-8) in group I, and 9.83 years (range, 8.5-12) in group II. The mean latency for I, III, and V waves were 1.14 (±0.07), 2.64 (±0.11), and 3.48 (±0.10) ms in group I, and 1.20 (±0.12), 2.73 (±0.15), and 3.58 (±0.22) ms in group II, respectively. The mean inter-peak latencies for the I-III, III-V and I-V intervals were 1.50 (±0.15), 0.84 (±0.15), and 2.34 (±0.11) ms in group I, and 1.53 (±0.16), 0.85 (±0.15), and 2.38 (±0.19) ms in group II, respectively. Latencies of waves I and III were significant different between group I and II. For the I-III, III-V and I-V intervals, no significant differences were observed between the 2 groups. As far as we know, this is the first normative study of BAEP obtained from Boxer dogs.


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Resumo: Para estudar os fatores anatomofisiológicos que interferem na qualidade de complexos cumulus-oócitos (CCOs) bovinos, foram obtidas 396 ovários após abate de 198 fêmeas Bos indicus em frigorífico. Os ovários foram separados por categorias, sendo distribuídos em nulípara vs multípara e com progesterona (P4 - presença de corpo lúteo em um dos ovários) vs sem progesterona (NP4 - ausência de corpo lúteo). Todos os folículos foram mensurados e categorizados em pequenos (<6mm), médios (6 a 9mm) ou grandes (>9mm). Em seguida todos os folículos foram puncionados e os CCOs recuperados e avaliados morfologicamente. Não houve diferença na taxa de recuperação nem na qualidade dos CCOs de fêmeas nulíparas vs multíparas. O percentual de CCOs desnudos/degenerados foi maior no grupo NP4 e os CCOs expandidos foram superiores no grupo P4. A taxa de recuperação e o percentual de CCOs selecionados para PIV (graus I e II) foram similares nos grupos P4 vs NP4. Folículos pequenos apresentam menor taxa de recuperação em comparação aos de tamanho médio e grande, porém o percentual de CCOs de grau I foi superior em folículos pequenos e médios. Diante dos resultados aqui encontrados conclui-se que a categoria da doadora e a progesterona não influenciaram a qualidade de CCOs selecionados para PIV e que folículos menores apresentam de CCOs de melhor qualidade.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar através de teste in vivo, a eficácia e o período residual de proteção do fipronil 10% "top spot" em cães infestados com diferentes cargas parasitárias de Ctenocephalides felis felis. Foram utilizados 24 cães da raça Beagle, compondo seis animais por grupo. Os cães foram divididos em quatro grupos. Os cães dos grupos controles I e II não receberam tratamento, enquanto que os cães dos grupos tratados I e II receberam tratamento com formulação de fipronil 10% "top spot". Os cães dos grupos controle I e tratado I foram infestados com 100 pulgas adultas não alimentadas, e os cães dos grupos controle II e tratado II foram infestados com 300 pulgas adultas não alimentadas. As infestações foram realizadas nos dias, -2, +5, +12, +19, +26, +33 e +40 e nos dias +2, +7, +14, +21, +28, +35 e +42 foi realizada retirada mecânica e contagem de pulgas para avaliação. As eficácias pulguicidas, para o grupo tratado I, nos dias +2, +7, +14, +21, +28, +35 e +42, foram respectivamente 99,36%; 99,73%; 99,48%; 99,74%; 99,75%; 95,06% e 67,62%. As eficácias pulguicidas, para o grupo tratado II, avaliadas nos mesmos dias, foram respectivamente 100%; 100%; 100%; 100%; 99,91%; 95,60% e 68,55%. O fipronil mostrou-se eficaz na eliminação das pulgas em cães até o dia +35. A análise estatística comparativa entre as médias de pulgas vivas, entre os grupos controle I e tratado I, demonstrou que ocorreu diferença significativa (p≤0,05) para os desafios em todos os dias experimentais, após o tratamento. Os grupos controle II e tratado II também apresentaram diferença significativa (p≤0,05) para os desafios em todos os dias experimentais, após o tratamento. A análise estatística entre os grupos tratados I e II demonstrou que não ocorreu diferença significativa (p≥0,05) para os desafios em todos os dias experimentais. O desafio foi encerrado no dia +42 já que a eficácia do fipronil nos grupos tratados I e II foram inferiores 70%. O produto em teste mostrou-se eficaz na eliminação das pulgas em cães até o dia + 35, não apresentando mais efeito residual de proteção quando os animais foram reinfestados. Não houve diferença significativa nos níveis de eficácia entre os grupos infestados com 100 e 300 exemplares adultos de C. felis felis ao longo do período experimental.


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Abstract The digital cushion is characterized as a modified subcutaneous tissue that absorbs the shock during gait, assists venous return of the hoof and supports a considerable part of body weight. Digital cushions have particular importance in the pathogenesis of the hoof, since they need to properly work in order to prevent compression and traumas in soft tissues. This study aimed to measure and determine how is the arrangement of these structures, and for this it was established the proportions of connective, adipose, vascular tissues and collagen fibers and collagen types found in palmar and plantar digital cushion of bovine using fore and hindlimbs of twelve adult zebu cattle of both sexes, 11 male and one female, with 269kg average carcass weight and without limb disorders. Fragments of cushions were subjected to conventional histology, cut to a thickness of 4µm and stained with Red Picrosirius. With digital optical microscope, the quantification of the connective tissue and differentiation of types of collagen used the Image Pro Plus® software, and of adipose and vascular tissue, the test point system. The mean and standard error were estimated with the GraphPad Prism 5.0 software, and then data were subjected to Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and Student's t-test with significance level set at 5% for determining the amount of different tissues between fore and hindlimbs of studied animals. In forelimbs the mean and standard error of the connective tissue proportion was 50.10%+1.54, of the adipose tissue was 21.34%+1.44, and of vascular tissue was 3.43%+0.28. Hindlimbs presented a proportion of connective tissue of 61.61%+1.47, 20.66%+1.53 of adipose tissue, and 3.06%+0.20 of vascular tissue. A significant difference (p<0.001) was detected in the connective tissue proportion between fore and hindlimbs. Types I and II collagen fibers have presented, respectively, a proportion of 31.89% and 3.9% in forelimbs and 34.05% and 1.78% in hindlimbs. According to the used methodology, digital cushions had a clear differentiation relative to adipose tissue between fore and hindlimbs.


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Foram conduzidos em áreas de agricultores do Projeto de Irrigação de Bebedouro, no município de Petrolina, PE, dois experimentos de campo, onde estudouse o comportamento de diferentes herbicidas, no controle de plantas daninhas e na tolerância da cultura da cebola transpl antada. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com três repetições, em um Latossolo Amarelo, fase arenosa, com baixos teores de argila e matéria orgânica. No experimento I aplicaram- se oxadiazon 1,00, pentimethalin 1,25 e napropamide 1,50 kg/ha em pré-emergência, dois dias após o transplante; oxifluorfen 0,24 e 0,48 kg/ha em pós-emergência precoce, dez dias após o transplante; oxadiazon 1,00, oxadiazon 1,00 + sulfato de amônio 5,00, bentazon 0,72, acifluorfen sódico 0,32, dinoseb acetato 1,50, sethodydim 0,23, alloxydim-sodium 1,12, diclofop -metil 0,72 e bentazon 0,72 + sethoxydim 0,23 kg/ha em pós -emergência, 14 dias após o transplante. No experimento II aplicaram-se oxadiazon 1,00, oxifluorfen 0,48 e 0,96 napropamide 1,50 e 3,00 kg/ha, aos dois dias após o transplante; oxifluorfen 0,48 e 0,96, bentazon 0,72 e 1,44, acifluorfen sódico 0,27 e 0,54, dinoseb acetato 1,50 3,00 e bentazon 0,72 + sethoxydim 0,23 kg/ha , aos 14 dias após o transplante. Em avaliações realizadas aos 20 e34 dias após o transplante da cultura, respectivamente nos experimentos I e II, constataramse altos índices de controle da comunidade daninha pelos herbicidas oxadiazon e oxifluorfen. Entre os outros tratamentos, destacaram-se o acifluorfen sódico no controle de folhas largas e sethoxydim, alloxydim, napropamide, pendi methalin e a mistura bentazon + sethoxyadim no controle de gramíneas.No experimento II, dinoseb acetato e principal mente napropamide afetaram o desenvolvimento da cultu ra e comprometeram a produtividade.


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Optimointi on sovelletun matematiikan osa-alue, jossa pyritään löytämään paras mahdollinen ratkaisu ongelmaan useimmiten etsimällä funktion minimiä tai maksimia. Myös löydettyjen arvojen ominaisuuksien kuten herkkyyden tutkiminen on osa optimointia. Optimoinnista on konkreettista hyötyä monenlaisissa tilanteissa, koska sillä voidaan esimerkiksi tuoda kustannussäästöjä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään alueittain optimointia lukiolaisen lähtökohdista käsin pääpainon ollessa monipuolisuudessa ja sovellettavuudessa. Käsiteltäviä alueita ovat optimointiohjelmistojen käyttö, optimoinnnin perusteet, lineaariset ja epälineaariset optimointitehtävät sekä matemaattiset optimointimenetelmät. Käsittelyä havainnollistetaan esimerkein. Tutkielma perustuu kirjallisuuteen ja pääasiallisina lähteinä ovat toimineet Timo Leipälän monisteet Matemaattinen Optimointi I ja II.


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Tulevaisuuden taistelijaa varustettaessa on huomioitava taistelukentän uhkakentän muutos ja uhkakuvien määrä. Taistelujen tempo kiihtyy ja uhkakuvien kirjo lisääntyy taistelijoiden lukumäärän pienentyessä. Koneiden lukumäärä ja tyyppi kasvavat, yhteistoiminta vähenevien taistelijoiden ja koneiden kanssa lisääntyy. Erilaisilla taistelijaan asennettavilla päätelaitteilla pyritään saamaan taistelijalle lisää suorituskykyä. Taistelijan tilannetietoisuuden parantaminen on keskeinen tavoite. Työn tavoitteena on luoda käsitys lisääntyvien päätelaitteiden vaikutus taistelijaan ja hänen kykyynsä suoriutua taistelutehtävistä tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksen pääongelmaksi muodostuu taistelijan toimintakyvyn lisääminen parantuvan tilannetietoisuuden ja teknologian avulla. Taistelijasta on saatava lisää suorituskykyä yhä lyhyemmässä ajassa, kaikissa olosuhteissa. Tulevaisuuden teknologioiden ja materiaalien asema on keskeinen varusteiden kehitystyössä. Tutkimuksen tärkeimmät lähteet ovat Sotatekninen arvio ja ennuste (STAE 2020) I ja II osa sekä aiemmat Sotatekniset arviot ja ennusteet. Keskeisiä lähteitä ovat Maanpuolustuksen Tieteellisen Neuvottelukunnan (MATINE) kokouspöytäkirjat, muistiinpanot niissä ja raportit. Tietoja on täydennetty haastatteluilla.


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O controle contínuo de plantas daninhas através da aplicação de herbicidas que apresentam atividade em um único local de ação nas plantas favorece a seleção de biótipos resistentes a estes herbicidas, em certas espécies vegetais. Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos em condições casa-de-vegetação, na Faculdade de Agronomia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com os objetivos de avaliar a ocorrência de resistência aos herbicidas inibidores da enzima acetolactato sintase (ALS) em vários biótipos de leiteiro ou amendoim-bravo (Euphorbia heterophylla EPHHL) e avaliar a ocorrência de resistência múltipla a herbicidas com atividade em outros locais de ação. Biótipo oriundo de Passo Fundo foi resistente ao imazethapyr, enquanto biótipo oriundo de Porto Alegre foi suscetível. O biótipo de Passo Fundo apresentou resistência cruzada aos herbicidas imidazolinonas: imazapyr, imazaquin e imazethapyr; sulfoniluréias: chlorimuron, nicosulfuron e metsulfuron; e sulfonanilida: flumetsulan. Este biótipo não foi resistente aos herbicidas com os seguintes mecanismos de ação: inibidores de EPSPs, mimetizadores de auxina, inibidores dos fotossistemas I e II e inibidores de PROTOX. A confirmação de resistência aos inibidores de ALS em biótipos oriundos de Nãome-Toque, Passo Fundo e Rio Pardo sugere ampla dispersão no Rio Grande do Sul de resistência de E. heterophylla aos herbicidas deste mecanismo de ação.


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The aim of the present set of studies was to explore primary school children’s Spontaneous Focusing On quantitative Relations (SFOR) and its role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. The specific goals were to determine if it was possible to identify a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency that indexes children’s tendency to recognize and utilize quantitative relations in non-explicitly mathematical situations and to determine if this tendency has an impact on the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in late primary school. To this end, we report on six original empirical studies that measure SFOR in children ages five to thirteen years and the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in ten- to thirteen-year-olds. SFOR measures were developed to determine if there are substantial differences in SFOR that are not explained by the ability to use quantitative relations. A measure of children’s conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations of rational numbers and the density of rational numbers is utilized to capture the process of conceptual change with rational numbers in late primary school students. Finally, SFOR tendency was examined in relation to the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in these students. Study I concerned the first attempts to measure individual differences in children’s spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in 86 Finnish children from the ages of five to seven years. Results revealed that there were substantial inter-individual differences in the spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in these tasks. This was particularly true for the oldest group of participants, who were in grade one (roughly seven years old). However, the study did not control for ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, so it was not clear if these differences were due to ability or SFOR. Study II more deeply investigated the nature of the two tasks reported in Study I, through the use of a stimulated-recall procedure examining children’s verbalizations of how they interpreted the tasks. Results reveal that participants were able to verbalize reasoning about their quantitative relational responses, but not their responses based on exact number. Furthermore, participants’ non-mathematical responses revealed a variety of other aspects, beyond quantitative relations and exact number, which participants focused on in completing the tasks. These results suggest that exact number may be more easily perceived than quantitative relations. As well, these tasks were revealed to contain both mathematical and non-mathematical aspects which were interpreted by the participants as relevant. Study III investigated individual differences in SFOR 84 children, ages five to nine, from the US and is the first to report on the connection between SFOR and other mathematical abilities. The cross-sectional data revealed that there were individual differences in SFOR. Importantly, these differences were not entirely explained by the ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, suggesting that SFOR is partially independent from the ability to use quantitative relations. In other words, the lack of use of quantitative relations on the SFOR tasks was not solely due to participants being unable to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, but due to a lack of the spontaneous attention to the quantitative relations in the tasks. Furthermore, SFOR tendency was found to be related to arithmetic fluency among these participants. This is the first evidence to suggest that SFOR may be a partially distinct aspect of children’s existing mathematical competences. Study IV presented a follow-up study of the first graders who participated in Studies I and II, examining SFOR tendency as a predictor of their conceptual knowledge of fraction magnitudes in fourth grade. Results revealed that first graders’ SFOR tendency was a unique predictor of fraction conceptual knowledge in fourth grade, even after controlling for general mathematical skills. These results are the first to suggest that SFOR tendency may play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Study V presents a longitudinal study of the development of 263 Finnish students’ rational number conceptual knowledge over a one year period. During this time participants completed a measure of conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations and the density of rational numbers at three time points. First, a Latent Profile Analysis indicated that a four-class model, differentiating between those participants with high magnitude comparison and density knowledge, was the most appropriate. A Latent Transition Analysis reveal that few students display sustained conceptual change with density concepts, though conceptual change with magnitude representations is present in this group. Overall, this study indicated that there were severe deficiencies in conceptual knowledge of rational numbers, especially concepts of density. The longitudinal Study VI presented a synthesis of the previous studies in order to specifically detail the role of SFOR tendency in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Thus, the same participants from Study V completed a measure of SFOR, along with the rational number test, including a fourth time point. Results reveal that SFOR tendency was a predictor of rational number conceptual knowledge after two school years, even after taking into consideration prior rational number knowledge (through the use of residualized SFOR scores), arithmetic fluency, and non-verbal intelligence. Furthermore, those participants with higher-than-expected SFOR scores improved significantly more on magnitude representation and density concepts over the four time points. These results indicate that SFOR tendency is a strong predictor of rational number conceptual development in late primary school children. The results of the six studies reveal that within children’s existing mathematical competences there can be identified a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency named spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations. Furthermore, this tendency is found to play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in primary school children. Results suggest that conceptual change with the magnitude representations and density of rational numbers is rare among this group of students. However, those children who are more likely to notice and use quantitative relations in situations that are not explicitly mathematical seem to have an advantage in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. It may be that these students gain quantitative more and qualitatively better self-initiated deliberate practice with quantitative relations in everyday situations due to an increased SFOR tendency. This suggests that it may be important to promote this type of mathematical activity in teaching rational numbers. Furthermore, these results suggest that there may be a series of spontaneous quantitative focusing tendencies that have an impact on mathematical development throughout the learning trajectory.