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Questa ricerca indaga la prospettiva investigativa di Carlos Martí Arís. È stato assunto il campo d’azione da lui prediletto, ovvero l’articolato rapporto che in architettura si instaura tra teoria e pratica, comprensivo delle svariate ricadute nel mondo dell’arte e della produzione umana in genere, che fanno del progetto architettonico un campo disciplinare complesso. La sua figura è però assunta in modo strumentale, come grimaldello per addentrarsi in un articolato ambito culturale, che se da un lato coincide con la sua città, Barcellona, dall’altro la trascende grazie a quei “ponti della conoscenza” che CMA interrottamente ha teso al suo intorno. Ci riferiamo alla sua costruzione teorica destinata a consolidare la storica reciprocità tra Italia e Spagna, le cui tematiche urbane e tipologiche ne sono la base, Milano e Barcellona ne sono gli estremi. Ci riferiamo al suo sguardo sull’esperienza del Movimento Moderno e il relativo tema della residenza. Ci riferiamo alla sua naturale vocazione al silenzio, che si oppone al fragoroso rumore della contemporaneità e affianca la discreta parola del mestiere: un modo per porsi all’ascolto. All’ascolto dell’altro e del mondo. Ci riferiamo, insomma, alla sua idea di architettura intesa come «territorio dissodato da tempi remoti»; come trama di corrispondenze sincroniche tra terre, tempi, fatti, uomini, vicini e lontani: condizione ideale per chi voglia disciogliere il proprio lavoro nei labirintici sentieri del mondo, indifferente al rischio di perdersi nell’oblio. Oggi, in cui il progetto architettonico risulta sempre più spesso veicolo di soggettive e arbitrarie sperimentazioni formali, la lezione di CMA indica una via d’uscita: un mo(n)do condiviso che all’arroganza opponga la discrezione, che persuada a celarsi nella tradizione e a porsi umilmente all’ombra dei maestri. Tradizione e Maestri, Eteronimi e Nomi, complementarità a cui CMA affida il suo progetto di anonimato, sovrapersonale e ostinatamente teso a rilevarne le relazioni inedite.


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Chemotherapeutic SN1‑methylating agents are important anticancer drugs. They induce several covalent modifications in the DNA, from which O6‑methylguanine (O6MeG) is the main toxic lesion. In this work, different hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the mechanism of O6MeG‑triggered cell death were tested. The results of this work support the abortive processing model, which states that abortive post‑replicative processing of O6MeG‑driven mispairs by the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) machinery results in single‑strand gaps in the DNA that, upon a 2nd round of DNA replication, leads to DNA double‑strand break (DSB) formation, checkpoint activation and cell death. In this work, it was shown that O6MeG induces an accumulation of cells in the 2nd G2/M‑phase after treatment. This was accompanied by an increase in DSB formation in the 2nd S/G2/M‑phase, and paralleled by activation of the checkpoint kinases ATR and CHK1. Apoptosis was activated in the 2nd cell cycle. A portion of cells continue proliferating past the 2nd cell cycle, and triggers apoptosis in the subsequent generations. An extension to the original model is proposed, where the persistence of O6MeG in the DNA causes new abortive MMR processing in the 2nd and subsequent generations, where new DSB are produced triggering cell death. Interestingly, removal of O6MeG beyond the 2nd generation lead to a significant, but not complete, reduction in apoptosis, pointing to the involvement of additional mechanisms as a cause of apoptosis. We therefore propose that an increase in genomic instability resulting from accumulation of mis‑repaired DNA damage plays a role in cell death induction. Given the central role of DSB formation in toxicity triggered by chemotherapeutic SN1‑alkylating agents, it was aimed in the second part of this thesis to determine whether inhibition of DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR) or non‑homologous end joining (NHEJ) is a reasonable strategy for sensitizing glioblastoma cells to these agents. The results of this work show that HR down‑regulation in glioblastoma cells impairs the repair of temozolomide (TMZ)‑induced DSB. HR down‑regulation greatly sensitizes cells to cell death following O6‑methylating (TMZ) or O6‑chlorethylating (nimustine) treatment, but not following ionizing radiation. The RNAi mediated inhibition in DSB repair and chemo‑sensitization was proportional to the knockdown of the HR protein RAD51. Chemo‑sensitization was demonstrated for several HR proteins, in glioma cell lines proficient and mutated in p53. Evidence is provided showing that O6MeG is the primary lesion responsible for the increased sensitivity of glioblastoma cells following TMZ treatment, and that inhibition of the resistance marker MGMT restores the chemo‑sensitization achieved by HR down‑regulation. Data are also provided to show that inhibition of DNA‑PK dependent NHEJ does not significantly sensitized glioblastoma cells to TMZ treatment. Finally, the data also show that PARP inhibition with olaparib additionally sensitized HR down‑regulated glioma cells to TMZ. Collectively, the data show that processing of O6MeG through two rounds of DNA replication is required for DSB formation, checkpoint activation and apoptosis induction, and that O6MeG‑triggered apoptosis is also executed in subsequent generations. Furthermore, the data provide proof of principle evidence that down‑regulation of HR is a reasonable strategy for sensitizing glioma cells to killing by O6‑alkylating chemotherapeutics.


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Angiotensin II induziert intrazellulär die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies, welche DNA-Schäden erzeugen können. Um die Hypothese zu prüfen, dass durch Angiotensin II induzierte DNA-Schäden für die erhöhte Krebsinzidenz hypertensiver Menschen verantwortlich sind, wurde eine vierwöchige Behandlung von Mäusen mit Angiotensin II (0,6 μg/kg/min) durchgeführt. Mit der Alkalischen Elution wurden in Zellen aus verschiedenen Organen der Mäuse die Menge an DNA-Einzelstrangbrüchen und oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen bestimmt. In der Niere wurde außerdem mit dem BigBlue® Mutations-Assay die Entstehung von Mutationen analysiert. In keinem der analysierten Organe konnte eine Erhöhung der DNA-Schäden oder eine Erhöhung der Mutationsfrequenzen durch die Angiotensin II-Behandlung nachgewiesen werden. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen geben somit keinen Hinweis auf eine DNA-schädigende und mutagene Wirkung von Angiotensin II.rnBei der Entstehung und dem Krankheitsverlauf von Arteriosklerose spielen reaktive Sauerstoffspezies ebenfalls eine noch nicht genau geklärte Rolle. Um zu ermitteln, ob oxidative DNA-Schäden die Entstehung der Arteriosklerose begünstigen, wurde die Endothelfunktion von Wildtyp- und reparaturdefizienten Ogg1-/--Mäusen verglichen. Entgegen der Vermutung, dass oxidative DNA-Modifikationen die Endothelfunktion verschlechtern, zeigen die Untersuchungen, dass Ogg1-/--Mäuse, die höhere Spiegel an oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen in ihrem Genom haben, eine signifikant bessere Endothelfunktion besitzen als Wildtyptiere. Dieser Befund weist auf eine neuartige, von der DNA-Reparatur unabhängige Funktion von OGG1 hin.rn


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Toll-like receptors are a group of pattern-recognition receptors that play a crucial role in "danger" recognition and induction of the innate immune response against bacterial and viral infections. TLR3 has emerged as a key sensor of viral dsRNA, resulting in the induction of the anti-viral molecule, IFN- . Thus, a clearer understanding of the biological processes that modulate TLR3 signaling is essential. Previous studies have shown that the TLR adaptor, Mal/TIRAP, an activator of TLR4, inhibits TLR3-mediated IFN- induction through a mechanism involving IRF7. In this study, we sought to investigate whether the TLR adaptor, MyD88, an activator of all TLRs except TLR3, has the ability to modulate TLR3 signaling. Although MyD88 does not significantly affect TLR3 ligand-induced TNF- induction, MyD88 negatively regulates TLR3-, but not TLR4-, mediated IFN- and RANTES production; this process is mechanistically distinct from that employed by Mal/TIRAP. We show that MyD88 inhibits IKK -, but not TBK1-, induced activation of IRF3. In doing so, MyD88 curtails TLR3 ligand-induced IFN- induction. The present study shows that while MyD88 activates all TLRs except TLR3, MyD88 also functions as a negative regulator of TLR3. Thus, MyD88 is essential in restricting TLR3 signaling, thereby protecting the host from unwanted immunopathologies associated with the excessive production of IFN- . Our study offers a new role for MyD88 in restricting TLR3 signaling through a hitherto unknown mechanism whereby MyD88 specifically impairs IKK -mediated induction of IRF3 and concomitant IFN- and RANTES production.


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The paralysis-by-analysis phenomenon, i.e., attending to the execution of one's movement impairs performance, has gathered a lot of attention over recent years (see Wulf, 2007, for a review). Explanations of this phenomenon, e.g., the hypotheses of constrained action (Wulf et al., 2001) or of step-by-step execution (Masters, 1992; Beilock et al., 2002), however, do not refer to the level of underlying mechanisms on the level of sensorimotor control. For this purpose, a “nodal-point hypothesis” is presented here with the core assumption that skilled motor behavior is internally based on sensorimotor chains of nodal points, that attending to intermediate nodal points leads to a muscular re-freezing of the motor system at exactly and exclusively these points in time, and that this re-freezing is accompanied by the disruption of compensatory processes, resulting in an overall decrease of motor performance. Two experiments, on lever sequencing and basketball free throws, respectively, are reported that successfully tested these time-referenced predictions, i.e., showing that muscular activity is selectively increased and compensatory variability selectively decreased at movement-related nodal points if these points are in the focus of attention.


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Functional disruption of dendritic cells (DC) is an important strategy for viral pathogens to evade host defences. In this context, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), a single-stranded DNA virus, impairs plasmacytoid DC (pDC) and conventional DC activation by certain viruses or Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. This inhibitory capacity is associated with the viral DNA, but the impairment does not affect all signalling cascades; TLR7 ligation by small chemical molecules will still induce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α secretion, but not interferon-α or IL-12. In this study, the molecular mechanisms by which silencing occurs were investigated. PP2, a potent inhibitor of the Lyn and Hck kinases, produced a similar profile to the PCV2 DNA interference with cytokine secretion by pDC, efficiently inhibiting cell activation induced through TLR9, but not TLR7, ligation. Confocal microscopy and cytometry analysis strongly suggested that PCV2 DNA impairs actin polymerization and endocytosis in pDC and monocyte-derived DC, respectively. Altogether, this study delineates for the first time particular molecular mechanisms involved in PCV2 interference with DC danger recognition, which may be responsible for the virus-induced immunosuppression observed in infected pigs.


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Case series are a commonly reported study design, but the label "case series" is used inconsistently and sometimes incorrectly. Mislabeling impairs the appropriate indexing and sorting of evidence. This article tries to clarify the concept of case series and proposes a way to distinguish them from cohort studies. In a cohort study, patients are sampled on the basis of exposure and are followed over time, and the occurrence of outcomes is assessed. A cohort study may include a comparison group, although this is not a necessary feature. A case series may be a study that samples patients with both a specific outcome and a specific exposure, or one that samples patients with a specific outcome and includes patients regardless of whether they have specific exposures. Whereas a cohort study, in principle, enables the calculation of an absolute risk or a rate for the outcome, such a calculation is not possible in a case series.


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Recurrence of chronic hepatitis C and progressive fibrosis in liver transplants is frequent and impairs both graft and patient survival. Whether or not the choice of immunosuppression affects progression of fibrosis remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to compare the potential of the commonly used immunosuppressants to halt experimental liver fibrosis progression.


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Although chronic pelvic pain syndrome impairs the life of millions of people worldwide, the exact pathomechanisms involved remain to be elucidated. As with other chronic pain syndromes, the central nervous system may have an important role in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Thus, we assessed brain alterations associated with abnormal pain processing in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome.


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Intraperitoneal larval infection (alveolar echinococcosis, AE) with Echinococcus multilocularis in mice impairs host immunity. Metacestode metabolites may modulate immunity putatively via dendritic cells. During murine AE, a relative increase of peritoneal DCs (pe-DCs) in infected mice (AE-pe-DCs; 4% of total peritoneal cells) as compared to control mice (naive pe-DCs; 2%) became apparent in our study. The differentiation of AE-pe-DCs into TGF-beta-expressing cells and the higher level of IL-4 than IFN-gamma/IL-2 mRNA expression in AE-CD4+pe-T cells indicated a Th2 orientation. Analysis of major accessory molecule expression on pe-DCs from AE-infected mice revealed that CD80 and CD86 were down-regulated on AE-pe-DCs, while ICAM-1(CD54) remained practically unchanged. Moreover, AE-pe-DCs had a weaker surface expression of MHC class II (Ia) molecules as compared to naive pe-DCs. The gene expression level of molecules involved in MHC class II (Ia) synthesis and formation of MHC class II (Ia)-peptide complexes were down-regulated. In addition, metacestodes excreted/secreted (E/S) or vesicle-fluid (V/F) antigens were found to alter MHC class II molecule expression on the surface of BMDCs. Finally, conversely to naive pe-DCs, an increasing number of AE-pe-DCs down-regulated Con A-induced proliferation of naive CD4+pe-T cells. These findings altogether suggested that TGF-beta-expressing immature AE-pe-DCs might play a significant role in the generation of a regulatory immune response within the peritoneal cavity of AE-infected mice.


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The calcium-binding protein calreticulin (CRT) regulates protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is induced in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells with activation of the unfolded protein response. Intracellular CRT translocation to the cell surface induces immunogenic cell death, suggesting a role in tumor suppression. In this study, we investigated CRT regulation in the serum of patients with AML. We found that CRT is not only exposed by exocytosis on the outer cell membrane after treatment with anthracyclin but also ultimately released to the serum in vitro and in AML patients during induction therapy. Leukemic cells of 113 AML patients showed increased levels of cell-surface CRT (P < .0001) and N-terminus serum CRT (P < .0001) compared with normal myeloid cells. Neutrophil elastase was identified to cleave an N-terminus CRT peptide, which was characterized as vasostatin and blocked ATRA-triggered differentiation. Levels of serum vasostatin in patients with AML inversely correlated with bone marrow vascularization, suggesting a role in antiangiogenesis. Finally, patients with increased vasostatin levels had longer relapse-free survival (P = .04) and specifically benefited from autologous transplantation (P = .006). Our data indicate that vasostatin is released from cell-surface CRT and impairs differentiation of myeloid cells and vascularization of the bone marrow microenvironment.


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Background Falls of elderly people may cause permanent disability or death. Particularly susceptible are elderly patients in rehabilitation hospitals. We systematically reviewed the literature to identify falls prediction tools available for assessing elderly inpatients in rehabilitation hospitals. Methods and Findings We searched six electronic databases using comprehensive search strategies developed for each database. Estimates of sensitivity and specificity were plotted in ROC space graphs and pooled across studies. Our search identified three studies which assessed the prediction properties of falls prediction tools in a total of 754 elderly inpatients in rehabilitation hospitals. Only the STRATIFY tool was assessed in all three studies; the other identified tools (PJC-FRAT and DOWNTON) were assessed by a single study. For a STRATIFY cut-score of two, pooled sensitivity was 73% (95%CI 63 to 81%) and pooled specificity was 42% (95%CI 34 to 51%). An indirect comparison of the tools across studies indicated that the DOWNTON tool has the highest sensitivity (92%), while the PJC-FRAT offers the best balance between sensitivity and specificity (73% and 75%, respectively). All studies presented major methodological limitations. Conclusions We did not identify any tool which had an optimal balance between sensitivity and specificity, or which were clearly better than a simple clinical judgment of risk of falling. The limited number of identified studies with major methodological limitations impairs sound conclusions on the usefulness of falls risk prediction tools in geriatric rehabilitation hospitals.


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Background Minor protease inhibitor (PI) mutations often exist as polymorphisms in HIV-1 sequences from treatment-naïve patients. Previous studies showed that their presence impairs the antiretroviral treatment (ART) response. Evaluating these findings in a larger cohort is essential. Methods To study the impact of minor PI mutations on time to viral suppression and time to virological failure, we included patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study infected with HIV-1 subtype B who started first-line ART with a PI and two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Cox regression models were performed to compare the outcomes among patients with 0 and ≥1 minor PI mutation. Models were adjusted for baseline HIV-1 RNA, CD4 cell count, sex, transmission category, age, ethnicity, year of ART start, the presence of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor mutations, and stratified for the administered PIs. Results We included 1199 patients of whom 944 (78.7%) received a boosted PI. Minor PI mutations associated with the administered PI were common: 41.7%, 16.1%, 4.7% and 1.9% had 1, 2, 3 or ≥4 mutations, respectively. The time to viral suppression was similar between patients with 0 (reference) and ≥1 minor PI mutation (multivariable hazard ratio (HR): 1.1 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.0–1.3], P = .196). The time to virological failure was also similar (multivariable HR:.9 [95% CI:.5–1.6], P = .765). In addition, the impact of each single minor PI mutation was analyzed separately: none was significantly associated with the treatment outcome. Conclusions The presence of minor PI mutations at baseline has no effect on the therapy outcome in HIV infected individuals.


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Defects in urothelial integrity resulting in leakage and activation of underlying sensory nerves are potential causative factors of bladder pain syndrome, a clinical syndrome of pelvic pain and urinary urgency/frequency in the absence of a specific cause. Herein, we identified the microRNA miR-199a-5p as an important regulator of intercellular junctions. On overexpression in urothelial cells, it impairs correct tight junction formation and leads to increased permeability. miR-199a-5p directly targets mRNAs encoding LIN7C, ARHGAP12, PALS1, RND1, and PVRL1 and attenuates their expression levels to a similar extent. Using laser microdissection, we showed that miR-199a-5p is predominantly expressed in bladder smooth muscle but that it is also detected in mature bladder urothelium and primary urothelial cultures. In the urothelium, its expression can be up-regulated after activation of cAMP signaling pathways. While validating miR-199a-5p targets, we delineated novel functions of LIN7C and ARHGAP12 in urothelial integrity and confirmed the essential role of PALS1 in establishing and maintaining urothelial polarity and junction assembly. The present results point to a possible link between miR-199a-5p expression and the control of urothelial permeability in bladder pain syndrome. Up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and concomitant down-regulation of its multiple targets might be detrimental to the establishment of a tight urothelial barrier, leading to chronic pain.


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We tested the hypothesis that excess saturated fat consumption during pregnancy, lactation, and/or postweaning alters the expression of genes mediating hippocampal synaptic efficacy and impairs spatial learning and memory in adulthood. Dams were fed control chow or a diet high in saturated fat before mating, during pregnancy, and into lactation. Offspring were weaned to either standard chow or a diet high in saturated fat. The Morris Water Maze was used to evaluate spatial learning and memory. Open field testing was used to evaluate motor activity. Hippocampal gene expression in adult males was measured using RT-PCR and ELISA. Offspring from high fat-fed dams took longer, swam farther, and faster to try and find the hidden platform during the 5-day learning period. Control offspring consuming standard chow spent the most time in memory quadrant during the probe test. Offspring from high fat-fed dams consuming excess saturated fat spent the least. The levels of mRNA and protein for brain-derived neurotrophic factor and activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein were significantly decreased by maternal diet effects. Nerve growth factor mRNA and protein levels were significantly reduced in response to both maternal and postweaning high-fat diets. Expression levels for the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA) receptor subunit NR2B as well as synaptophysin were significantly decreased in response to both maternal and postweaning diets. Synaptotagmin was significantly increased in offspring from high fat-fed dams. These data support the hypothesis that exposure to excess saturated fat during hippocampal development is associated with complex patterns of gene expression and deficits in learning and memory.