983 resultados para Niger, Hieronymus


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L’évaluation de l’action humanitaire (ÉAH) est un outil valorisé pour soutenir l’imputabilité, la transparence et l’efficience de programmes humanitaires contribuant à diminuer les inéquités et à promouvoir la santé mondiale. L’EAH est incontournable pour les parties prenantes de programme, les bailleurs de fonds, décideurs et intervenants souhaitant intégrer les données probantes aux pratiques et à la prise de décisions. Cependant, l’utilisation de l’évaluation (UÉ) reste incertaine, l’ÉAH étant fréquemment menée, mais inutilisé. Aussi, les conditions influençant l’UÉ varient selon les contextes et leur présence et applicabilité au sein d’organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) humanitaires restent peu documentées. Les évaluateurs, parties prenantes et décideurs en contexte humanitaire souhaitant assurer l’UÉ pérenne détiennent peu de repères puisque rares sont les études examinant l’UÉ et ses conditions à long terme. La présente thèse tend à clarifier ces enjeux en documentant sur une période de deux ans l’UÉ et les conditions qui la détermine, au sein d’une stratégie d’évaluation intégrée au programme d’exemption de paiement des soins de santé d’une ONG humanitaire. L’objectif de ce programme est de faciliter l’accès à la santé aux mères, aux enfants de moins de cinq ans et aux indigents de districts sanitaires au Niger et au Burkina Faso, régions du Sahel où des crises alimentaires et économiques ont engendré des taux élevés de malnutrition, de morbidité et de mortalité. Une première évaluation du programme d’exemption au Niger a mené au développement de la stratégie d’évaluation intégrée à ce même programme au Burkina Faso. La thèse se compose de trois articles. Le premier présente une étude d’évaluabilité, étape préliminaire à la thèse et permettant de juger de sa faisabilité. Les résultats démontrent une logique cohérente et plausible de la stratégie d’évaluation, l’accessibilité de données et l’utilité d’étudier l’UÉ par l’ONG. Le second article documente l’UÉ des parties prenantes de la stratégie et comment celle-ci servit le programme d’exemption. L’utilisation des résultats fut instrumentale, conceptuelle et persuasive, alors que l’utilisation des processus ne fut qu’instrumentale et conceptuelle. Le troisième article documente les conditions qui, selon les parties prenantes, ont progressivement influencé l’UÉ. L’attitude des utilisateurs, les relations et communications interpersonnelles et l’habileté des évaluateurs à mener et à partager les connaissances adaptées aux besoins des utilisateurs furent les conditions clés liées à l’UÉ. La thèse contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur l’UÉ en milieu humanitaire et apporte des recommandations aux parties prenantes de l’ONG.


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L'accélération rapide de la croissance urbaine est l'une des caractéristiques les plus spectaculaires de l'Afrique actuelle. Elle détermine une nouvelle distribution du peuplement. Le glissement de population des villages vers les centres urbains entretient, d'une manière continue, le développement des capitales et la multiplication des "petites" villes. Elle impose un remaniement rapide des structures sociales, Elle contribue à l'élaboration d'une nouvelle culture africaine, "Le milieu urbain est le chantier où se construisent les sociétés africaines modernes". Étudier, dans ce processus d'accélération, les conditions de l'habitat et son évolution, ainsi que le rapport habitat-population, me paraît donc important, d'actualité et d'avenir. Le terrain choisi pour cette étude est celui de Niamey, capitale de la République du Niger. Village encore en 1927, agglomération urbaine approchant les 100 000 habitants aujourd'hui, peut-être métropole de 500 000 habitants en l'an 2000, Niamey, comme toutes les villes africaines, a grandi trop rapidement et, parfois, d'une façon anarchique. Une prise de conscience du développement rapide de cette ville a déjà provoqué des études de sociologie et d'urbanisme, des plans d'aménagement de l'espace urbain ont été élaborés (dès 1930) et souvent corrigés et améliorés, des projets d'avenir prennent corps avec le nouveau Conseil Municipal. Cette étude voudrait situer les problèmes de la population de Niamey face à son habitat dans un grand mouvement, celui amorcé en 1927, date de la fondation de Niamey, celui vécu aujourd'hui, d'une manière parfois très aiguë par la majeure partie de la population, celui de l'avenir qui résulte de la prise de conscience actuelle et de la volonté d'apporter des solutions durables. […]


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Background: A high level of adherence is required to achieve the desired outcomes of antiretroviral therapy. There is paucity of information about adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy in Bayelsa State of southern Nigeria. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the level of adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy among the patients, evaluate the improvement in their immune status and identify reasons for sub-optimal adherence to therapy. Methods: The cross-sectional study involved administration of an adapted and pretested questionnaire to 601 consented patients attending the two tertiary health institutions in Bayesla State, Nigeria: The Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa and the Niger-Delta University Teaching Hospital Okolobiri. The tool was divided into various sections such as socio-demographic data, HIV knowledge and adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy. Information on the patient's CD4+ T cells count was retrieved from their medical records. Adherence was assessed by asking patients to recall their intake of prescribed doses in the last fourteen days and subjects who had 95-100% of the prescribed antiretroviral drugs were considered adherent. Results: Three hundred and forty eight (57.9%) of the subjects were females and 253 (42.1%) were males. The majority of them, 557 (92.7%) have good knowledge of HIV and combined anti-retroviral therapy with a score of 70.0% and above. A larger proportion of the respondents, 441 (73.4%), had > 95% adherence. Some of the most important reasons giving for missing doses include, “simply forgot” 147 (24.5%), and “wanted to avoid the side-effects of drugs” 33(5.5%). There were remarkable improvements in the immune status of the subjects with an increment in the proportion of the subjects with CD4+ T cells count of greater than 350 cells/mm3 from 33 (5.5%) at therapy initiation to 338 (56.3%) at study period (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The adherence level of 73.4% was low which calls for intervention and improvement. The combined antiretroviral therapy has significantly improved the immune status of the majority of patients which must be sustained. “Simply forgot” was the most important reason for missing doses.


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O presente trabalho avaliou, na etapa experimental, um processo simultâneo de catálise e fermentação láctica visando obter um iogurte com potenciais características nutracêuticas e, na sua etapa teórica, estabeleceu uma interlocução entre a vivência experimentalista e a teoria da cinética enzimática, no que se refere à conversão da lactose e à síntese de galactooligossacarídeos (GOS). Na abordagem experimental, para um substrato específico, avaliouse biocatálise conduzida simultaneamente à fermentação, defasando a adição da enzima em relação ao início do processo fermentativo. A fermentação foi realizada a partir de cultura láctica liofilizada comercial contendo dois micro-organismos probióticos, Bifidobacterium animalis e Lactobacillus acidophilus, associados aos micro-organismos característicos do iogurte, Lactobacillus bulgaricus e Streptococcus thermophilus. Foi utilizado um preparado enzimático contendo -galactosidases obtidas de duas origens distintas: Kluyveromyces lactis e Aspergillus niger. Foram avaliados os efeitos da concentração da enzima e do tempo de adição da enzima em um planejamento experimental 2 2 . As respostas foram às concentrações, ao final do processo, de lactose, de GOS, de glicose e de galactose e a hidrólise dos galactooligossacarídeos ao longo do tempo. No que se refere à abordagem teórica, o presente trabalho considerou modelos matemáticos de hidrólise de dissacarídeos e conversão da lactose, em que a inibição foi representada a partir do incremento da concentração dos produtos da reação. No que se refere à conversão da lactose e síntese de GOS, o presente trabalho buscou estabelecer um modelo matemático em que a inibição ocorreu por efeito do incremento das concentrações de glicose e de galactose, comparando-o com os modelos conhecidos na literatura. Verificou-se que o desempenho do modelo obtido no presente trabalho foi robusto em relação às premissas estabelecidas. Na comparação com resultados experimentais de conversão enzimática, o modelo mostrou-se capaz de minimizar o erro e de ajustar-se aos dados experimentais.


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Os fungos são os principais micro-organismos associados às sementes, podendo causar danos, tanto na fase de campo, como também na pós-colheita e durante o armazenamento. Nesta última fase, a deterioração pode ocorrer pela ação específica de fungos, afetando a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. A utilização de extratos de plantas com propriedades antimicrobianas são alternativas ecológicas e promissoras para substituir a proteção promovida pela aplicação de fungicidas. Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar a eficiência dos extratos de Allamanda blanchetti e Momordica charantia nas concentrações de 10, 100, 500 e 1000 ppm sobre a micoflora e germinação em sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum . As sementes foram coletadas em diferentes municípios do estado da Paraíba (Areia, Arara, Conde e Sobrado). Os lotes foram submetidos a testes de sanidade e de germinação. A avaliação da incidência de fungos foi feita a partir da visualização dos fungos através do método de papel de filtro. Utilizaram-se no teste de sanidade 100 sementes por tratamento, as quais foram imersas em 20 mL dos extratos por cinco minutos, em seguida incubadas em placas de Petri sobre dupla camada de papel de filtro. No teste de germinação utilizaram-se 200 sementes, distribuídas em papel germitest e germinadas à temperatura de 30 ± 2°C. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Constatou-se nas sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum os fungos: Aspergillus niger , Aspergillus flavus , Rhizopus stolonifer , Penicillium sp., Curvularia lunata , Nigrospora sp. e Cladosporium sp. Os extratos de Allamanda blanchetti e Momordica charantia nas concentrações de 500 e 1000 ppm causaram redução da frequência dos fungos. O extrato de Momordica charantia nas concentrações de 500 e 1000 ppm proporcionou o aumento na germinação e primeira contagem, além de reduzir o percentual de sementes mortas.


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Este estudo envolve o controlo e a optimização das condições de culturas dos microrganismos: Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMI 396, S. cerevisiae v. lab., Aspergillus oryzae CCMI 125, Aspergillus japonicus CCMI 443, Fusarium oxysporum CCMI 866, Aspergillus niger CCMI 296 com vista à produção de oligossacáridos. Determinaram-se os parâmetros característicos das culturas de duas diferentes estirpes de Saccharomyces com diferentes fontes de carbono e em diferentes condições ambientais. O perfil de crescimento da S. cerevisiae CCMI 396 foi semelhante nos diferentes meios de cultura estudados, sendo a velocidade específica de crescimento mais elevada no meio com glucose a pH 5 e a 30°C (0,36h-1). A S. cerevisiae v. lab. Teve velocidade específica de crescimento idêntica nas mesmas condições da outra estirpe, no entanto, o perfil de crescimento foi diferente nos outros meios de cultura. Estudou-se o efeito da adição de sumo de laranja ou de tomate ao meio de cultura com sacarose e avaliou-se a evolução glucídica no meio de cultura durante o ensaio por HPLC com detector RI. Determinou-se a frutosiltransferase no sobrenadante e na fracção intracelular e determinou-se a evolução dos oligossacáridos. Numa segunda parte deste trabalho efectuaram-se culturas dos quatro fungos filamentosos com vista a avaliar a capacidade de produção, nomeadamente, de fruto­oligassacáridos. Os resultados mostraram que a espécie Aspergillus japonicus CCMI 443 originou, nas mesmas condições de cultura, valores superiores, sendo a percentagem de produção FOStotais/GluCtotais de 61% para as enzimas intracelulares e 40% para as enzimas no sobrenadante. ABSTRACT; This study involves control and optimization of the cultures of microorganisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMI 396, S. cerevisiae v. lab., Aspergillus oryzae CCMI 125, Aspergillus japonicus CCMI 443, Fusarium oxysporum CCMI 866, Aspergillus níger CCMI 296 for oligosaccharides production. Were determined the parameters characteristic of the cultures of two different strains of Saccharomyces with different sources of carbon and in different environmental conditions. The growth profile of S. cerevisiae CCMI 396 was similar in different cultures media, but the highest specific growth was obtained in a medium with glucose, pH 5, at 30°C (0.36h-1). S. cerevisiae v. lab. had similar growth profile in a medium with glucose but with others culture media was different. We studied the effect of adding orange juice or tomato to the culture medium with sucrose and evaluated the evolution glucidic in the culture medium during the test by HPLC with RI detector. Fructosyltransferase was determined in the extracellular and the intracellular fractions and determined the evolution of oligosaccharides. ln the second part of this work were carried out cultures of four filamentous fungi in order to assess production capacity, in particular, fructoligosaccharides. The results showed that the specie Aspergillus japonicus CCMI 443 originated in the same culture conditions, higher values and the percentage of production FOStotal/Guctotal of 61% for intracellular enzymes and 40% for extracellular enzymes.


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Synthetic additives used in a wide variety of food products have been associated to some toxic effects. This conducted to an increasing interest of consumers for natural additives, including food preservers [1]. Many aromatic herbs have been used to prepare bioactive extracts with benefits to the consumer's health. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel) and Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile) are examples of popular herbs rich in phenolic compounds with documented antioxidant and antimicrobial properties [2,3]. The present work confirms the antioxidant (DPPH scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and antimicrobial (against bacteria such as Bacillus cereus and Salmonella Typhimurium and fungi such as Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor and PenicilliumfimicuJosum) activities of fennel and chamomile extracts, obtained by decoction. The chemical characterization of the extracts, performed by HPLC-DAD-ESIIMS, revealed the presence of five flavonoids (mainly qercetin-3-0- glucoside) and twelve phenolic acids (mainly 5-0-caffeolyquinic acid) for fennel extract and the presence of nine flavonoids (mainly luteolin-0-glucuronide) and ten phenolic acids (mainly di-caffeoyl-2,7- anhydro-3-deoxy-2-octulopyranosonic acid) for chamomile extract. Due to their high antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, both extracts were then incorporated (at DPPH scavenging activity EC25 value: 0.35 mg/mL and 0.165 mg/mL for fennel and chamomile, respectively) in cottage cheeses (prepared by Queijos Casa Matias Lda) as natural additives with two objectives: to increase the shelf-life of the cottage cheeses and to provide bioactive properties to the final products. The results showed that the use of these natural extracts did not alter significantly the nutritional characteristics of the cottage cheese in comparison with control samples (cottage cheese without extracts), but improved its antioxidant potential (more evident in the samples with chamomile extract). After 14 days of storage, only the control samples showed signs of degradation. Overall, the present study highlights the preservation potential of fennel and chamomile extracts in cottage cheeses, improving also their bioactivity.


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Background: Aspergillosis has been identified as one of the hospital acquired infections but the contribution of water and inhouse air as possible sources of Aspergillus infection in immunocompromised individuals like HIV-TB patients have not been studied in any hospital setting in Nigeria. Objective: To identify and investigate genetic relationship between clinical and environmental Aspergillus species associated with HIV-TB co infected patients. Methods: DNA extraction, purification, amplification and sequencing of Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) genes were performed using standard protocols. Similarity search using BLAST on NCBI was used for species identification and MEGA 5.0 was used for phylogenetic analysis. Results: Analyses of sequenced ITS genes of selected fourteen (14) Aspergillus isolates identified in the GenBank database revealed Aspergillus niger (28.57%), Aspergillus tubingensis (7.14%), Aspergillus flavus (7.14%) and Aspergillus fumigatus (57.14%). Aspergillus in sputum of HIV patients were Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. tubingensis and A. flavus. Also, A. niger and A. fumigatus were identified from water and open-air. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences yielded genetic relatedness between clinical and environmental isolates. Conclusion: Water and air in health care settings in Nigeria are important sources of Aspergillus sp. for HIV-TB patients.


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In the context of this work we evaluated a multisensory, noninvasive prototype platform for shake flask cultivations by monitoring three basic parameters (pH, pO2 and biomass). The focus lies on the evaluation of the biomass sensor based on backward light scattering. The application spectrum was expanded to four new organisms in addition to E. coli K12 and S. cerevisiae [1]. It could be shown that the sensor is appropriate for a wide range of standard microorganisms, e.g., L. zeae, K. pastoris, A. niger and CHO-K1. The biomass sensor signal could successfully be correlated and calibrated with well-known measurement methods like OD600, cell dry weight (CDW) and cell concentration. Logarithmic and Bleasdale-Nelder derived functions were adequate for data fitting. Measurements at low cell concentrations proved to be critical in terms of a high signal to noise ratio, but the integration of a custom made light shade in the shake flask improved these measurements significantly. This sensor based measurement method has a high potential to initiate a new generation of online bioprocess monitoring. Metabolic studies will particularly benefit from the multisensory data acquisition. The sensor is already used in labscale experiments for shake flask cultivations.


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Atualmente, existe uma grande procura de alimentos com ingredientes naturais em substituição de aditivos sintéticos que têm sido associados, em determinadas circunstâncias, a alguns efeitos tóxicos [1]. Neste trabalho, preparou-se um extrato aquoso por decocção de Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (funcho) que, após caracterização por HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, revelou a presença de cinco flavonoides (sendo o maioritário o quercetin-3-O-glucósido) e doze ácidos fenólicos (sendo o maioritário o ácido 5-Ocafeoilquínico). O mesmo extrato revelou um enorme potencial antioxidante (efeito captador de radicais livres DPPH, poder redutor e inibição da peroxidação lipídica) e antimicrobiano (contra bactérias como Salmonella typhimurium e Bacillus cereus, e fungos como Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor e Penicillium funiculosum), o que suscitou o seu potencial de utilização como ingrediente bioativo na funcionalização de alimentos. Assim, procedeu-se à sua incorporação (atendendo ao EC25 =0,35 mg/mL obtido no ensaio de DPPH) em requeijões (preparados na empresa Queijos Casa Matias Lda.). Os resultados mostraram que a presença do extrato não alterou significativamente as características nutricionais (incluindo macronutrientes, valor energético e perfil em ácidos gordos) das amostras controlo (requeijão sem esse ingrediente), no entanto parece aumentar o amarelecimento (parâmetro da cor, b*) após 7 dias de armazenamento. Verificou-se ainda que, após duas semanas de armazenamento apenas as amostras controlo apresentaram sinais de degradação. Além disso, conseguiu-se provar que a incorporação do extrato de funcho conferiu propriedades antioxidantes ao requeijão. Os resultados obtidos provam assim que o extrato fenólico obtido através da decocção de funcho pode ser utilizado como conservante e agente bioativo natural em requeijões.


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L’évaluation de l’action humanitaire (ÉAH) est un outil valorisé pour soutenir l’imputabilité, la transparence et l’efficience de programmes humanitaires contribuant à diminuer les inéquités et à promouvoir la santé mondiale. L’EAH est incontournable pour les parties prenantes de programme, les bailleurs de fonds, décideurs et intervenants souhaitant intégrer les données probantes aux pratiques et à la prise de décisions. Cependant, l’utilisation de l’évaluation (UÉ) reste incertaine, l’ÉAH étant fréquemment menée, mais inutilisé. Aussi, les conditions influençant l’UÉ varient selon les contextes et leur présence et applicabilité au sein d’organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) humanitaires restent peu documentées. Les évaluateurs, parties prenantes et décideurs en contexte humanitaire souhaitant assurer l’UÉ pérenne détiennent peu de repères puisque rares sont les études examinant l’UÉ et ses conditions à long terme. La présente thèse tend à clarifier ces enjeux en documentant sur une période de deux ans l’UÉ et les conditions qui la détermine, au sein d’une stratégie d’évaluation intégrée au programme d’exemption de paiement des soins de santé d’une ONG humanitaire. L’objectif de ce programme est de faciliter l’accès à la santé aux mères, aux enfants de moins de cinq ans et aux indigents de districts sanitaires au Niger et au Burkina Faso, régions du Sahel où des crises alimentaires et économiques ont engendré des taux élevés de malnutrition, de morbidité et de mortalité. Une première évaluation du programme d’exemption au Niger a mené au développement de la stratégie d’évaluation intégrée à ce même programme au Burkina Faso. La thèse se compose de trois articles. Le premier présente une étude d’évaluabilité, étape préliminaire à la thèse et permettant de juger de sa faisabilité. Les résultats démontrent une logique cohérente et plausible de la stratégie d’évaluation, l’accessibilité de données et l’utilité d’étudier l’UÉ par l’ONG. Le second article documente l’UÉ des parties prenantes de la stratégie et comment celle-ci servit le programme d’exemption. L’utilisation des résultats fut instrumentale, conceptuelle et persuasive, alors que l’utilisation des processus ne fut qu’instrumentale et conceptuelle. Le troisième article documente les conditions qui, selon les parties prenantes, ont progressivement influencé l’UÉ. L’attitude des utilisateurs, les relations et communications interpersonnelles et l’habileté des évaluateurs à mener et à partager les connaissances adaptées aux besoins des utilisateurs furent les conditions clés liées à l’UÉ. La thèse contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur l’UÉ en milieu humanitaire et apporte des recommandations aux parties prenantes de l’ONG.


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Presence and concentrations of radionuclides could be as a result of natural and human activities. This study examined the associations and differences among soil, sediment and water specific activities of long-lived radioactive element (LLRE). Gamma spectroscopy was used to measure the concentration of the LLRE along the Mini Okoro/Oginigba Creek, Port Harcourt. Specific activities of three selected LLRE were derived. Correlation analysis was carried out to examine associations among the specific activities across different substrates. A strong and a significant negative correlation exists between the specific activities of Water 40K and Soil 232Th (r =-0.721, p<0.05); Water 238U and Soil 238U (r = -0.717, p<0.05) and Water 40K and Sediment 238U (r=-0.69, p<0.05). Comparison using Mann-Whitney U test shows that, soil and sediment are similar in their specific activities with Z values of -0.408, -1.209 and -1.021 (p > 0.05) for 40K, 232Th and 238U respectively. The concentration of solid samples (soil and sediment) is different from the liquid (water) samples. These associations can be attributed to some specific underlying factors. And in other to understand them there is need for more studies.


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Phytochemical analyses as well as antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the extracts of C. sumatrensis aerial parts were investigated in this study. METHODS: The aerial parts of C. sumatrensis were air dried, weighed and exhaustively extracted with hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol successively. The crude extracts were screened for metabolites. These extracts of the plant were evaluated for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities using agar diffusion and DPPH method respectively. The extracts were also analysed using Gas chromatography – Mass spectrometry, and the chromatogram coupled with mass spectra of the compounds were matched with a standard library. RESULTS: Preliminary phytochemical investigation of crude n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the aerial parts of Conyza sumatrensis revealed the presence of anthraquinones, flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolics, tannin, glycosides and carbohydrate. All the crude extracts gave a clear zone of inhibition against the growth of the test bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli , Bacillus subtilis , Pseudomona aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi , Klebsiellae pneumonae ) at moderate to high concentrations, as well as test fungi ( Candida albicans , Aspergillus niger , penicillium notatum and Rhizopus stolonifer ) at high concentration. Methanolic extract exhibited significant radical scavenging property with IC50 of 17.08 μg/mL while n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts showed no significant antioxidant activity. GC-MS of N-hexane extract showed a total number of eleven chemical constituents with α-Farnesene and spathulenol being the most abundance compounds constituting 20.27 and 22.28% of the extract respectively. Ethyl acetate extract revealed thirteen compounds with two most abundant compounds, cis-β-farnesene (16.64 %) and cis-pinane (21.09 %). While methanolic extract affords seventeen compounds with Ephytol being the most abundant compound (19.36 %).


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The aim of this study is to investigate the information provided by sulfur count rates obtained by X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF-CS) along sedimentary records. The analysis of two marine sediment cores from the Niger Delta margin shows that XRF-CS sulfur count rates obtained at the surface of split core sections with XRF-CS correlate with both direct quantitative pyrite concentrations, as inferred from X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and sulfur determination by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF) spectrometry, and total dissolved sulfide (TDS) contents in the sediment pore water. These findings demonstrate the potential of XRF-CS for providing continuous profiles of pyrite distribution along split sections of sediment cores. The potential of XRF-CS to detect TDS pore water enrichments in marine sediment records, even a long time after sediment recovery, will be further discussed.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Proteção da Plantas - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL