979 resultados para N-Methyl-D-Aspartate


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A real-time operational methodology has been developed for multipurpose reservoir operation for irrigation and hydropower generation with application to the Bhadra reservoir system in the state of Karnataka, India. The methodology consists of three phases of computer modelling. In the first phase, the optimal release policy for a given initial storage and inflow is determined using a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model. Streamflow forecasting using an adaptive AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model constitutes the second phase. A real-time simulation model is developed in the third phase using the forecast inflows of phase 2 and the operating policy of phase 1. A comparison of the optimal monthly real-time operation with the historical operation demonstrates the relevance, applicability and the relative advantage of the proposed methodology.


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Methyl isocyanate (MIC) interaction with the rabbit erythrocyte membrane increased the fluidity of the membrane and decreased the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes both in vitro and in vivo in rabbits intoxicated with MIC subcutaneously. MIC inhibited both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activities of erythrocytes dose-dependently in vitro, while in vivo a decreased trend in ATPase activity with unaltered AChE activity was observed. MIC also caused significant decrease in plasma sodium level with corresponding increase in potassium level in rabbits. The observed effects are due to MIC, per se, as the hydrolysis products of MIC, methylamine and N,Nprime-dimethylurea did not affect the erythrocyte fluidity and enzymes activities both in vitro and in vivo while they increased the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in vivo in rabbits administered subcutaneously in equimolar concentration to MIC dosage. Inhibition of Na+-K+-dependent ATPase with altered permeability to cations and also probably water transport of plasma membrane due to MIC interaction are envisaged.


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N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidaasi (NAGaasi) on glykosidaaseihin kuuluva, solujen lysosomeissa esiintyvä entsyymi, jota vapautuu maitoon utaretulehduksen aikana vaurioituneista utareen epiteelisoluista, neutrofiileistä ja makrofageista. NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuden on useissa tutkimuksissa havaittu korreloivan utareen tulehdustilan ja maidon soluluvun (SCC) kanssa ja sitä on ehdotettu käytettäväksi utareen epiteelisolutuhon mittaamiseen yksinään tai yhdistettynä SCC:n määritykseen. Koska saostuminen ei häiritse NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden mittausta maidosta, entsyymiaktiivisuus ei muutu maitoa säilytettäessä ja entsyymin mittaaminen on melko yksinkertaista ja nopeaa, menetelmä vaikuttaisi sopivan hyvin seulontatestiksi piileville utaretulehduksille. NAGaasin käyttö on toistaiseksi rajoittunut tutkimuskäyttöön. Sen hyödyntämistä vaikeuttaa se, että terveille lehmille eri tutkimuksissa määritetyissä NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvoissa on suurta vaihtelua. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus maidossa on useiden tutkimusten mukaan korkeampi silloin, kun tulehduksen on aiheuttanut jokin merkittävä patogeeni kuin silloin, kun tulehduksen taustalla on vähäpätöinen patogeeni. Lypsykauden vaiheen on havaittu vaikuttavan maidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen siten, että aktiivisuudet ovat korkeampia heti poikimisen jälkeen ja lypsykauden lopulla. On myös havaittu, että normaalimaidossa NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus on hieman korkeampi loppumaidossa kuin alkumaidossa. Poikimakerran vaikutuksista NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen on ristiriitaisia tutkimustuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvot terveen sekä utaretulehdusta sairastavan lypsylehmän maidossa, sekä selvittää tulehduksen voimakkuuden, aiheuttajapatogeenin, poikimakerran ja lypsykauden vaiheen vaikutusta kyseisen entsyymin aktiivisuuteen maidossa. Tutkimusaineistossa oli mukana kaikkiaan 838 vuosina 2000–2010 otettua maitonäytettä 62 eri lypsykarjatilalta Suomesta ja Virosta. Normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvot määritettiin yhdeksältä suomalaiselta lypsykarjatilalta kerätyistä 196 maitonäytteestä, jotka täyttivät asettamamme normaalimaidon kriteerit. Normaalimaidon kriteerit olivat seuraavat: SCC < 100 000, lehmällä ei ole utaretulehduksen oireita, poikimisesta on kulunut aikaa yli 30 vuorokautta ja edellisestä lypsystä yli 6 tuntia. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus mitattiin modifioidulla Mattilan menetelmällä (Mattila 1985) vakioiduissa olosuhteissa. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen Stata Intercooler tilasto-ohjelman versiota 11.0 (Stata Corporation, Texas, USA). Maidon NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuteen terveessä neljänneksessä vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkittiin lineaarisella sekamallilla, jossa sekoittavana tekijänä oli tila. SCC:n ja NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden korrelaatiota arvioitiin terveillä lehmillä, piilevää utaretulehdusta sairastaneilla lehmillä ja koko aineistossa. Korrelaatiot laskettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokertoimella. Tilastollisesti merkitsevänä raja-arvona kaikissa analyyseissä pidettiin p < 0.05. Normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvoiksi lehmillä, joilla poikimisesta oli kulunut yli 30 vrk, saatiin 0,09–1,04 pmol/min/μl maitoa. Verrattuna normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuksien keskiarvoon (0,56) ja piilevää utaretulehdusta sairastaneiden lehmien NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuksien keskiarvoon (2,49), kliinistä utaretulehdusta sairastavien lehmien maidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus oli keskimäärin selvästi korkeampi (16,65). Keskiarvoissa oli selvä ero paikallisoireisten (12,24) ja yleisoireisten (17,74) lehmien välillä. Terveiden neljännesten maitonäytteistä määritetyn NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden ja SCC:n välillä ei havaittu korrelaatiota. Piilevässä utaretulehduksessa havaittiin positiivinen korrelaatio (0,74) maidon NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuden ja SCC:n välillä. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen vaikuttivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi SCC, poikimisesta kulunut aika ja poikimakerta. Eri patogeeniryhmien osalta havaitsimme, että neljänneksissä, joista eristettiin vähäpätöinen patogeeni, NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus oli selvästi matalampi kuin neljänneksissä, joista eristettiin merkittävä patogeeni. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden keskiarvoksi vähäpätöisille patogeeneille (KNS, koryneformi) saatiin 2,82 ja merkittäville patogeeneille (S. aureus, Str. uberis, Str, agalactiae, Str. dysgalactiae, E.coli) 16,87.


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Studies of ZrO2 films prepared by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering are described. The effects of substrate temperature on the packing density, refractive index, extinction coefficient and crystallinity phase have been investigated in the temperature range 25–450 °C. The refractive index varied from 1.84 to 1.95 and extinction coefficient from 2 × 10−3 to 9.6 × 10−3. This was explained on the basis of an increase in packing density from 0.686 to 0.813. The change in packing density has been attributed to a decrease in the oxygen condensation at higher temperatures. Annealing results in a decrease in refractive index and increase in extinction coefficient. The films deposited at 150 °C showed a monoclinic phase which transforms to a tetragonal phase at higher substrate temperatures.


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DNA triple helices containing two thymine strands and one adenine strand have been studied, using model building followed by energy minimisation, for different orientations of the third strand resulting from variation in the hydrogen bonding between the Watson-Crick duplex and the third strand and the glycosidic torsion angle in the third strand. Our results show that the structure with a parallel orientation of the third strand, in which the third strand base forms Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds with the adenine base in the Watson-Crick duplex, is energetically the most favourable. An antiparallel orientation of the third strand is also possible, in which the third strand base hydrogen bonds to both the bases in the Watson-Crick duplex. This structure is energetically comparable to the parallel structure. For the parallel triplex a 200ps molecular dynamics simulation starting from two different starting structures indicates that at 300K significant structural heterogeneity exists in this tripler structure. The results are compared with existing structural data on this class of triplexes derived from theoretical and NMR techniques.


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Sequence repeats constituting the telomeric regions of chromosomes are known to adopt a variety of unusual structures, consisting of a G tetraplex stem and short stretches of thymines or thymines and adenines forming loops over the stem. Detailed model building and molecular mechanics studies have been carried out for these telomeric sequences to elucidate different types of loop orientations and possible conformations of thymines in the loop. The model building studies indicate that a minimum of two thymines have to be interspersed between guanine stretches to form folded-back structures with loops across adjacent strands in a G tetraplex (both over the small as well as large groove), while the minimum number of thymines required to build a loop across the diagonal strands in a G tetraplex is three. For two repeat sequences, these hairpins, resulting from different types of folding, can dimerize in three distinct ways-i.e., with loops across adjacent strands and on same side, with loops across adjacent strands and on opposite sides, and with loops across diagonal strands and on opposite sides-to form hairpin dimer structures. Energy minimization studies indicate that all possible hairpin dimers have very similar total energy values, though different structures are stabilized by different types of interactions. When the two loops are on the same side, in the hairpin dimer structures of d(G(4)T(n)G(4)), the thymines form favorably stacked tetrads in the loop region and there is interloop hydrogen bonding involving two hydrogen bonds for each thymine-thymine pair. Our molecular mechanics calculations on various folded-back as well as parallel tetraplex structures of these telomeric sequences provide a theoretical rationale for the experimentally observed feature that the presence of intervening thymine stretches stabilizes folded-back structures, while isolated stretches of guanines adopt a parallel tetraplex structure


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In the title compound, C11H8N6O4S, the plane of the coumarin aromatic ring is twisted by 17.2 (2)degrees with respect to the plane of the azide group bound to the methylene substituent, whereas it is twisted by 83.2 (2)degrees to the plane of the azide attached to the sulfonyl group. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions, leading to the formation of dimers with R-2(2)(12) graph-set motifs. These dimers are further linked by weak S-O center dot center dot center dot pi and pi-pi contacts centroid-centroid distance = 3.765 (2) angstrom], leading to the formation of a layered structure.


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A small-cluster approximation has been used to calculate the activation barriers for the d.c. conductivity in ionic glasses. The main emphasis of this approach is on the importance of the hitherto ignored polarization energy contribution to the total activation energy. For the first time it has been demonstrated that the d.c. conductivity activation energy can be calculated by considering ionic migration to a neighbouring vacancy in a smali cluster of ions consisting of face-sharing anion polyhedra. The activation energies from the model calculations have been compared with the experimental values in the case of highly modified lithium thioborate glasses.


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The title hydrate, C27H23NO2 center dot H2O, features an almost planar quinoline residue (r.m.s. deviation = 0.015 angstrom) with the benzene dihedral angle = 63.80 (7)degrees] and chalcone C-C-C-O torsion angle = -103.38 (18)degrees] substituents twisted significantly out of its plane. The configuration about the C=C bond 1.340 (2) angstrom] is E. In the crystal, molecules related by the 21 symmetry operation are linked along the b axis via water molecules that form O-H center dot center dot center dot O-c and O-H center dot center dot center dot N-q hydrogen bonds (c = carbonyl and q = quinoline). A C-H center dot center dot center dot O interaction also occurs.


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This thesis assesses clinical differences in patients with low and high vitamin D levels. The factors analyzed included the underlying disease, body size, age, ethnic background, use of vitamin D supplements and the season when the blood sample was taken. Fifty patients with the lowest and 50 patients with the highest vitamin D concentrations were selected from a cohort of 1351 chronically ill children and adolescents who had had their vitamin D status assessed at Children's Hospital. Protective factors appeared to be the usage of vitamin D supplements and young age, especially age <2 years. Predisposing factors included non-Finnish ethnic background and older age, especially age 12-18 years. High vitamin D values were more prevalent in the summer and autumn and low values in the winter and spring. Patients with non-Finnish background were overrepresented in the low value group. No differences regarding the underlying diseases could be detected. Conclusions: In the Northern latitudes UVB-radiation is insufficient for vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D recommendations appear to be inadequate to fulfill the needs of chronically ill patients whose requirements for vitamin D are elevated compared to the general population. New guidelines for vitamin D supplementation are needed particularly for those at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.


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new cembranoid diterpene was isolated from the soft coral Ckdiella h p f ifrom Minicoy Island (India), and its structure was established by X-ray crystallography to be sclerophytin F methyl ether (21 with the R absolute configuration at all six epimeric centers,assuming a configuration similar to that of sclerophytin C. Compound 2 may be an artifact of the isolation process.


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The subcutaneous administration of methyl isocyanate (MIC) to female rabbits, resulted in significant increases in haemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte volume fraction and leucocyte number in blood, as well as plasma total proteins, and urea. The present study was designed to investigate whether the hydrolytic products of MIC, methylamine (MA) and N,N'-dimethylurea (DMU) play any role in eliciting these changes. Both MA and DMU administered subcutaneously in an equimolar dose to that of 1.0 LD50 MIC, 2.2 mmol kg-1, had no influence on these parameters, although there was a marginal increase in the plasma urea level shortly after the administration of DMU. This study establishes that the observed haematological and biochemical changes induced by MIC intoxication in rabbits are mostly due to MIC.


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The temperature dependence of 1H spin-lattice relaxation time, T1, and that of the second moment, M2, are analysed in the temperature range 390 K to 77 K. A plot of T1 vs inverse temperature shows three phase transitions at 250 K, 167 K and 111 K. At 167 K, T1 displays a large jump while it shows changes in slope at 250 K and 111 K. In the high temperature phase (> 167 K), the correlated motion of CH3 and NH3 groups is found to cause the relaxation while their uncorrelated motion takes over in the low temperature phases (< 167 K). The unusual T1 behaviour in phase II (250 K-167 K) is ascribed to the small angle torsion of the cation. A constant M2 value of ∼ 9.7 G2, throughout the range of temperature studied, indicates the presence of reorientation of CH3 and NH3 groups.