985 resultados para Milking equipment


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Claustrophobia causes a huge discomfort to those who need to perform Magnetic Resonance examinations mainly due to the physical design of most equipment. This study aimed to maximize the success rate of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) clinical studies in claustrophobic patients by the identification of facilitative strategies.


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Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) is the key enabling technology for the present and future vehicular communication for various applications, such as safety improvement and traffic jam mitigation. This paper describes the development of a microstrip antenna array for the roadside equipment of a DSRC system, whose characteristics are according with the vehicular communications standards. The proposed antenna, with circular polarization, has a wide bandwidth, enough to cover the current European DSRC 5.8 GHz band and the future 5.9 GHz band for next generation DSRC communications. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53: 2794-2796, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26394


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One of the most difficult problems that face researchers experimenting with complex systems in real world applications is the Facility Layout Design Problem. It relies with the design and location of production lines, machinery and equipment, inventory storage and shipping facilities. In this work it is intended to address this problem through the use of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) technology. The use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) as optimisation technique in CLP environment is also an issue addressed. The approach aims the implementation of genetic algorithm operators following the CLP paradigm.


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The main aims of this work are the development and the validation of one generic algorithm to provide the optimal control of small power wind generators. That means up to 40 kW and blades with fixed pitch angle. This algorithm allows the development of controllers to fetch the wind generators at the desired operational point in variable operating conditions. The problems posed by the variable wind intensity are solved using the proposed algorithm. This is done with no explicit measure of the wind velocity, and so no special equipment or anemometer is required to compute or measure the wind velocity.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Terapia com Radiações.


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The development of renewable energy sources and Distributed Generation (DG) of electricity is of main importance in the way towards a sustainable development. However, the management, in large scale, of these technologies is complicated because of the intermittency of primary resources (wind, sunshine, etc.) and small scale of some plants. The aggregation of DG plants gives place to a new concept: the Virtual Power Producer (VPP). VPPs can reinforce the importance of these generation technologies making them valuable in electricity markets. VPPs can ensure a secure, environmentally friendly generation and optimal management of heat, electricity and cold as well as optimal operation and maintenance of electrical equipment, including the sale of electricity in the energy market. For attaining these goals, there are important issues to deal with, such as reserve management strategies, strategies for bids formulation, the producers’ remuneration, and the producers’ characterization for coalition formation. This chapter presents the most important concepts related with renewable-based generation integration in electricity markets, using VPP paradigm. The presented case studies make use of two main computer applications:ViProd and MASCEM. ViProd simulates VPP operation, including the management of plants in operation. MASCEM is a multi-agent based electricity market simulator that supports the inclusion of VPPs in the players set.


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A osteoporose é uma doença crónica e progressiva. O diagnóstico baseia-se na avaliação de densidade mineral óssea (DMO), por absorciometria bifotónica por RX (DXA) e no conceito operacional da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) indicando que a doença acontece para valores de DMO inferiores a 2,5 desvios-padrão do valor médio máximo para mulheres jovens, saudáveis de etnia caucasóide. Existe variabilidade nos valores de pico de massa óssea entre diferentes populações. Este estudo pretende avaliar a prevalência de osteoporose quando utilizada a base de referência do equipamento e quando utilizada a base de dados para score-T construída a partir da amostra.


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A introdução de Ressonância Magnética de Corpo Inteiro (RM-CI) de alta resolução é baseada no desenvolvimento rápido e intensivo dos equipamentos de RM. Estes avanços associados ao aparecimento de novos métodos de aquisição de imagem, como as técnicas de Multistation ou imagem paralela impulsionam a RM-CI. Associado ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, a RM-CI apresenta vantagens clínicas essencialmente para patologias oncológicas como é o caso das metástases ósseas, e para patologias do foro cardiovascular. Muitas destas situações ainda se encontram em investigação mas os primeiros resultados têm superado todas as expectativas nomeadamente a RM-CI com a aplicação da técnica de Difusão.


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Dust is a complex mixture of particles of organic and inorganic origin and different gases absorbed in aerosol droplets. In a poultry unit include dried faecal matter and urine, skin flakes, ammonia, carbon dioxide, pollens, feed and litter particles, feathers, grain mites, fungi spores, bacteria, viruses and their constituents. Dust particles vary in size and differentiation between particle size fractions is important in health studies in order to quantify penetration within the respiratory system. A descriptive study was developed in order to assess exposure to particles in a poultry unit during different operations, namely routine examination and floor turn over. Direct-reading equipment was used (Lighthouse, model 3016 IAQ). Particle measurement was performed in 5 different sizes (PM0.5; PM1.0; PM2.5; PM5.0; PM10). The chemical composition of poultry litter was also determined by neutron activation analysis. Normally, the litter of poultry pavilions is turned over weekly and it was during this operation that the higher exposure of particles was observed. In all the tasks considered PM5.0 and PM10.0 were the sizes with higher concentrations values. PM10 is what turns out to have higher values and PM0.5 the lowest values. The chemical element with the highest concentration was Mg (5.7E6 mg.kg-1), followed by K (1.5E4 mg.kg-1), Ca (4.8E3 mg.kg-1), Na (1.7E3 mg.kg-1), Fe (2.1E2 mg.kg-1) and Zn (4.2E1 mg.kg-1). This high presence of particles in the respirable range (<5–7μm) means that poultry dust particles can penetrate into the gas exchange region of the lung. Larger particles (PM10) present a range of concentrations from 5.3E5 and 3.0E6 mg/m3.


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In the energy management of the isolated operation of small power system, the economic scheduling of the generation units is a crucial problem. Applying right timing can maximize the performance of the supply. The optimal operation of a wind turbine, a solar unit, a fuel cell and a storage battery is searched by a mixed-integer linear programming implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). A Virtual Power Producer (VPP) can optimal operate the generation units, assured the good functioning of equipment, including the maintenance, operation cost and the generation measurement and control. A central control at system allows a VPP to manage the optimal generation and their load control. The application of methodology to a real case study in Budapest Tech, demonstrates the effectiveness of this method to solve the optimal isolated dispatch of the DC micro-grid renewable energy park. The problem has been converged in 0.09 s and 30 iterations.


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A Ressonância Magnética Mamaria (RMM), ao longo da década, tem demonstrado um franco desenvolvimento no diagnóstico e caracterização do Carcinoma Mamário. O objectivo deste trabalho científico é demonstrar, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, os avanços desta modalidade na avaliação das lesões da mama, tendo em conta as características: elasticidade (Elastografia), bioquímicas (Espectroscopia), celularidade (Difusão) e vascularização (Perfusão). A avaliação destas em consonância com as morfológicas e cinéticas (RMM), permitem um aumento da especificidade da RMM, reduzindo assim o número de biopsias desnecessárias. Contudo estas evoluções técnicas devem estar em consonância com a inovação em questões de software de processamento de Imagem e hardware dos equipamentos de Ressonância Magnética.


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OBJECTIVE: Various support measures useful for promoting joint change approaches to the improvement of both shiftworking arrangements and safety and health management systems were reviewed. A particular focus was placed on enterprise-level risk reduction measures linking working hours and management systems. METHODS: Voluntary industry-based guidelines on night and shift work for department stores and the chemical, automobile and electrical equipment industries were examined. Survey results that had led to the compilation of practicable measures to be included in these guidelines were also examined. The common support measures were then compared with ergonomic checkpoints for plant maintenance work involving irregular nightshifts. On the basis of this analysis, a new night and shift work checklist was designed. RESULTS: Both the guidelines and the plant maintenance work checkpoints were found to commonly cover multiple issues including work schedules and various job-related risks. This close link between shiftwork arrangements and risk management was important as shiftworkers in these industries considered teamwork and welfare services to be essential for managing risks associated with night and shift work. Four areas found suitable for participatory improvement by managers and workers were work schedules, ergonomic work tasks, work environment and training. The checklist designed to facilitate participatory change processes covered all these areas. CONCLUSIONS: The checklist developed to describe feasible workplace actions was suitable for integration with comprehensive safety and health management systems and offered valuable opportunities for improving working time arrangements and job content together.


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The smart grid concept is rapidly evolving in the direction of practical implementations able to bring smart grid advantages into practice. Evolution in legacy equipment and infrastructures is not sufficient to accomplish the smart grid goals as it does not consider the needs of the players operating in a complex environment which is dynamic and competitive in nature. Artificial intelligence based applications can provide solutions to these problems, supporting decentralized intelligence and decision-making. A case study illustrates the importance of Virtual Power Players (VPP) and multi-player negotiation in the context of smart grids. This case study is based on real data and aims at optimizing energy resource management, considering generation, storage and demand response.


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Electrical activity is extremely broad and distinct, requiring by one hand, a deep knowledge on rules, regulations, materials, equipments, technical solutions and technologies and assistance in several areas, as electrical equipment, telecommunications, security and efficiency and rational use of energy, on the other hand, also requires other skills, depending on the specific projects to be implemented, being this knowledge a characteristic that belongs to the professionals with relevant experience, in terms of complexity and specific projects that were made.