990 resultados para Medicinal chemistry


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En este texto se presenta un espacio de intercambio de conocimientos desde una perspectiva científica, técnica y jurídica, para contribuir a la protección de los recursos naturales. Debido a la importancia de establecer mecanismos para proteger la biodiversidad y posibilitar la preservación de los conocimientos asociados especialmente al uso de la flora medicinal, la Línea de Investigación en Política y Legislación, del Grupo de Estudios en Sistemas Tradicionales de Salud de la Facultad de Medicina, y la Línea de Derecho Ambiental y Grupos Étnicos, del Grupo de Derechos Humanos de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario, desarrollaron este libro a través del cual la Universidad se propone profundizar en el panorama actual de la reglamentación y política –Internacional, nacional y local—respecto a la flora medicinal y al patrimonio cultural inmaterial asociado a esta.


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These documents show the outcomes of surveys conducted by David Read in the School of Chemistry to find out about our students' expectations and perceptions of feedback, with a view to enhancing our provision and ensuring that student learning is maximised.


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This document outlines the material covered by the main UK exam board specifications at A-level in chemistry. This is for the A-level taught up until and including June 2009 (i.e. relevant to undergraduates arriving at university in October 2009).


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Lineamientos para una reglamentación de la flora medicinal Tres décadas después de que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) avalara el uso de las plantas medicinales en los sistemas nacionales de salud, Colombia aún no cuenta con una legislación que le permita proteger y aprovechar su flora medicinal en beneficio de la población. Para subsanar este vacío, el Grupo de Estudios en Sistemas Tradicionales de Salud de la Facultad de Medicina (GESTS) y el Grupo de Investigación en Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario decidieron analizar los avances legislativos desarrollados en todo el mundo, con el fin de sentar las bases de una reglamentación nacional que estimule el cultivo, aprovechamiento sostenible y uso terapéutico de las plantas y sus productos derivados.(...) Esta iniciativa cobra mayor importancia ante el incremento de reglamentaciones locales relacionadas con las medicinas herbáceas (...) . Mientras en 1995 sólo 42 de los 193 países miembros de la OMS tenían normas relacionadas con la medicina basada en hierbas, para el 2005 una encuesta realizada en 140 países mostró que en 92 de ellos ya se había reglamentado el uso de plantas medicinales. Se ha extendido tanto el uso de éstas plantas que el mercado mundial de medicinas elaboradas con hierbas basadas en el conocimiento tradicional supera los 60.000 millones de dólares(...)(cerca de la mitad del PIB de Colombia). Ésto se traduce, además, en una preocupación permanente sobre su tráfico y comercio inadecuado (...) , ante el inminente riesgo de extinción biológica de algunas especies, como lo advierten varios estudios de la OMS (...) (...) (*) . Ahora bien, aunque la propuesta de los investigadores podría sentar los lineamientos básicos para un proyecto de ley, la reglamentación no puede convertirse en un punto de llegada, ya que sin importar lo que diga la legislación, la gente seguirá haciendo uso –con viejas o nuevas maneras– de las plantas medicinales. Por tanto, el grupo interdisciplinario de investigadores, propone un marco conceptual que permita entender el universo de la botánica médica, estableciendo las fronteras de su estudio y precisando los lenguajes utilizados por la medicina moderna y la medicina tradicional.


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This document is a review of the content of the A-level Chemistry specifications from the main UK exam boards (Scottish highers not included - sorry!). These A-level specifications commenced teaching in September 2008. Students entering university in 2010 will have studied the new A-levels, and this document is intended to help academics to identify what students will have covered. The document also contains a summary of discussions which took place between teachers and academics at our annual Post-16 teachers' day in June 2010 regarding the nature of the 2010 intake and their capabilities in chemistry. Please inform us of any errors or typos that you spot and we'll update the document. LAST UPDATE at 13:15 on Aug 27th 2010.


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These images have been created for use in Physical Chemistry slides to overcome copyright issues when recording lectures. They are free to use without restrictions, although we do not accept responsibility for any errors in the images. Please let us know if you spot any errors, though! Please view the catalogue document for a description of the images. We intend to add to this collection on an ongoing basis. Check back for updates. Current content - 43 images. Last update: August 31st 2011


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These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is in the style of 'Chalk and Talk'. The lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.


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These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using a Tablet PC. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.


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These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using PowerPoint. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.


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A video markscheme was created using a combination of Camtasia screen capture (on a Tablet PC) and 'live action' video taken with a camcorder. The resulting video supported students in the self-assessment of an organic chemistry exercise which had been set over the Easter vacation break. Feedback was collected from the students after the exercise and was overwhelmingly positive. The video won the 2010 award for 'Most Effective Use of Video in an Educational Context' from the Assocation for Learning Technology. DOWNLOAD THE ZIP FOLDER AND EXTRACT THE FILES TO ACCESS THEM.


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The full script and worksheet for the 6th form outreach event where the practical extraction of trimyristin is undertaken.The PDF also contains a detailed NMR spectrum


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The script used in the 2015 January Twilight sessions for chemistry.