973 resultados para Magnetism in materials


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The effect of nonmagnetic Ti4+ substitution for Mn4+ on magnetic ordering of La1-xPbxMn1-yTiyO3 (x = 0.15,0.26, and 0.4; 0 less than or equal to y less than or equal to x )has been studied. The ferromagnetic transition temperature and the magnetization decrease with increasing amount of titanium. Complete substitution of Mn4+ by Ti4+, for x = y, excludes the Mn3+-O-Mn4+ double exchange. However, these compounds still show ferromagnetism if the dilution of the Mn sublattice by Ti is small enough (y less than or equal to 0.2). This ferromagnetism probably originates from a ferromagnetic Mn3+-O-Mn3+ superexchange. A thorough study of magnetic properties including AC magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, temperature dependence of coercivity and relaxation of remanent magnetization has been carried out and gives evidence of cluster spin glass behaviour for La0.6Pb0.4Mn0.6Ti0.4O3. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Strained epitaxial La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 films are grown on LaAlO3 substrate. Structural, electrical,and magnetic measurements were carried out. Out of plane lattice parameter of the film undergoes compressive strain and the coercivity is enhanced. The zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization curve for a field applied parallel to the film plane shows a jump, which suggests a spin reorientation transition (SRT), while ZFC magnetization for a field applied perpendicular to the film plane is featureless. This jump in magnetization is shifted to higher temperatures when the magnetic field is reduced. The SRT is attributed to the strain in the film. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An attempt is made to study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity-to-mobility ratio (DMR) under crossed fields' configuration in nonlinear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law by incorporating the crystal field in the Hamiltonian and including the anisotropies of the effective electron mass and the spin-orbit splitting constants within the framework of kp formalisms. The corresponding results for III-V, ternary and quaternary compounds form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR has also been investigated for II-VI and stressed materials on the basis of various appropriate dispersion relations. We have considered n-CdGeAs2, n-Hg1-xCdxTe, n-In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, p-CdS and stressed n-InSb materials as examples. The DMR also increases with increasing electric field and the natures of oscillations are totally band structure dependent with different numerical values. It has been observed that the DMR exhibits oscillatory dependences with inverse quantizing magnetic field and carrier degeneracy due to the Subhnikov-de Haas effect. An experimental method of determining the DMR for degenerate materials in the present case has been suggested. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanomaterials with a hexagonally ordered atomic structure, e.g., graphene, carbon and boron nitride nanotubes, and white graphene (a monolayer of hexagonal boron nitride) possess many impressive properties. For example, the mechanical stiffness and strength of these materials are unprecedented. Also, the extraordinary electronic properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes suggest that these materials may serve as building blocks of next generation electronics. However, the properties of pristine materials are not always what is needed in applications, but careful manipulation of their atomic structure, e.g., via particle irradiation can be used to tailor the properties. On the other hand, inadvertently introduced defects can deteriorate the useful properties of these materials in radiation hostile environments, such as outer space. In this thesis, defect production via energetic particle bombardment in the aforementioned materials is investigated. The effects of ion irradiation on multi-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes are studied experimentally by first conducting controlled irradiation treatments of the samples using an ion accelerator and subsequently characterizing the induced changes by transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The usefulness of the characterization methods is critically evaluated and a damage grading scale is proposed, based on transmission electron microscopy images. Theoretical predictions are made on defect production in graphene and white graphene under particle bombardment. A stochastic model based on first-principles molecular dynamics simulations is used together with electron irradiation experiments for understanding the formation of peculiar triangular defect structures in white graphene. An extensive set of classical molecular dynamics simulations is conducted, in order to study defect production under ion irradiation in graphene and white graphene. In the experimental studies the response of carbon and boron nitride multi-walled nanotubes to irradiation with a wide range of ion types, energies and fluences is explored. The stabilities of these structures under ion irradiation are investigated, as well as the issue of how the mechanism of energy transfer affects the irradiation-induced damage. An irradiation fluence of 5.5x10^15 ions/cm^2 with 40 keV Ar+ ions is established to be sufficient to amorphize a multi-walled nanotube. In the case of 350 keV He+ ion irradiation, where most of the energy transfer happens through inelastic collisions between the ion and the target electrons, an irradiation fluence of 1.4x10^17 ions/cm^2 heavily damages carbon nanotubes, whereas a larger irradiation fluence of 1.2x10^18 ions/cm^2 leaves a boron nitride nanotube in much better condition, indicating that carbon nanotubes might be more susceptible to damage via electronic excitations than their boron nitride counterparts. An elevated temperature was discovered to considerably reduce the accumulated damage created by energetic ions in both carbon and boron nitride nanotubes, attributed to enhanced defect mobility and efficient recombination at high temperatures. Additionally, cobalt nanorods encapsulated inside multi-walled carbon nanotubes were observed to transform into spherical nanoparticles after ion irradiation at an elevated temperature, which can be explained by the inverse Ostwald ripening effect. The simulation studies on ion irradiation of the hexagonal monolayers yielded quantitative estimates on types and abundances of defects produced within a large range of irradiation parameters. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Ga ions were considered in the simulations with kinetic energies ranging from 35 eV to 10 MeV, and the role of the angle of incidence of the ions was studied in detail. A stochastic model was developed for utilizing the large amount of data produced by the molecular dynamics simulations. It was discovered that a high degree of selectivity over the types and abundances of defects can be achieved by carefully selecting the irradiation parameters, which can be of great use when precise pattering of graphene or white graphene using focused ion beams is planned.


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C28H48N2Oa.H2 O, Mr=494.7, orthorhombic,P2~2~2~, a = 7.634 (2), b = 11.370 (2), c=34. 167 (4) A, V = 2966 (2) A 3, Z = 4, D m = 1.095,D x -- 1. 108 g cm -3, Mo Kct, 2 -- 0.7107 ,/k, ~ =0.43 cm -~, F(000) = 1088.0, T= 293 K, R = 0.061 for 1578 significant reflections. The second-harmonicgeneration (SHG) efficiency of this compound is negligible (1/100th of the urea standard). The observed low second-order nonlinear response has been attributed to the unfavourable packing of the molecules in the crystal lattice.


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We present a simplified theoretical formulation of the thermoelectric power (TP) under magnetic quantization in quantum wells (QWs) of nonlinear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated magneto-dispersion law. We consider the anisotropies in the effective electron masses and the spin-orbit constants within the framework of k.p formalism by incorporating the influence of the crystal field splitting. The corresponding results for III-V materials form a special case of our generalized analysis under certain limiting conditions. The TP in QWs of Bismuth, II-VI, IV-VI and stressed materials has been studied by formulating appropriate electron magneto-dispersion laws. We also address the fact that the TP exhibits composite oscillations with a varying quantizing magnetic field in QWs of n-Cd3As2, n-CdGeAs2, n-InSb, p-CdS, stressed InSb, PbTe and Bismuth. This reflects the combined signatures of magnetic and spatial quantizations of the carriers in such structures. The TP also decreases with increasing electron statistics and under the condition of non-degeneracy, all the results as derived in this paper get transformed into the well-known classical equation of TP and thus confirming the compatibility test. We have also suggested an experimental method of determining the elastic constants in such systems with arbitrary carrier energy spectra from the known value of the TP. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the influence of Fe excess on the electrical transport and magnetism of Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 (y=0.04 and 0.09) single crystals. Both compositions exhibit resistively determined superconducting transitions (T-c) with an onset temperature of about 15 K. From the width of the superconducting transition and the magnitude of the lower critical field H-c1, it is inferred that excess of Fe suppresses superconductivity. The linear and nonlinear responses of the ac susceptibility show that the superconducting state for these compositions is inhomogeneous. A possible origin of this phase separation is a magnetic coupling between Fe excess occupying interstitial sites in the chalcogen planes and those in the Fe-square lattice. The temperature derivative of the resistivity d(rho)/d(T) in the temperature range T-c < T < T-a with T-a being the temperature of a magnetic anomaly, changes from positive to negative with increasing Fe. A log 1/T divergence of the resistivity above T-c in the sample with higher amount of Fe suggests a disorder-driven electronic localization.


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Using a continuum Dirac theory, we study the density and spin response of zigzag edge-terminated graphene ribbons subjected to edge potentials and Zeeman fields. Our analytical calculations of the density and spin responses of the closed system (fixed particle number) to the static edge fields, show a highly nonlinear Weber-Fechner type behavior where the response depends logarithmically on the edge potential. The dependence of the response on the size of the system (e.g., width of a nanoribbon) is also uncovered. Zigzag edge graphene nanoribbons, therefore, provide a realization of response of organs such as the eye and ear that obey Weber-Fechner law. We validate our analytical results with tight-binding calculations. These results are crucial in understanding important effects of electron-electron interactions in graphene nanoribbons such as edge magnetism, etc., and also suggest possibilities for device applications of graphene nanoribbons.


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A study of the correlations between material properties and normalized erosion resistance (inverse of erosion rates) of various materials tested in the rotating disk and the flow venturi at various intensities indicates that different individual properties influence different stages of erosion. At high and low intensities of erosion, energy properties predominate the phenomenon, whereas at intermediate intensities strength and acoustic properties become more significant. However, both strength and energy properties are significant in the correlations for the entire spectrum of erosion when extensive cavitation and liquid impingement data from several laboratories involving different intensities and hydrodynamic conditions are considered. The use of true material properties improved the statistical parameters by 3 to 37%, depending on the intensity of erosion. It is possible to evaluate qualitatively the erosion resistances of materials based on the true stress-true strain curves.


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The aim of this paper is to construct a nonequilibrium statistical‐mechanics theory to study hysteresis in ferromagnetic systems. We study the hysteretic response of model spin systems to periodic magnetic fields H(t) as a function of the amplitude H0 and frequency Ω. At fixed H0, we find conventional, squarelike hysteresis loops at low Ω, and rounded, roughly elliptical loops at high Ω, in agreement with experiments. For the O(N→∞), d=3, (Φ2)2 model with Langevin dynamics, we find a novel scaling behavior for the area A of the hysteresis loop, of the form A∝H0.660Ω0.33. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation of the hysteretic response of the two‐dimensional, nearest‐neighbor, ferromagnetic Ising model. These results agree qualitatively with the results obtained for the O(N) model.


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A new feature-based technique is introduced to solve the nonlinear forward problem (FP) of the electrical capacitance tomography with the target application of monitoring the metal fill profile in the lost foam casting process. The new technique is based on combining a linear solution to the FP and a correction factor (CF). The CF is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) trained using key features extracted from the metal distribution. The CF adjusts the linear solution of the FP to account for the nonlinear effects caused by the shielding effects of the metal. This approach shows promising results and avoids the curse of dimensionality through the use of features and not the actual metal distribution to train the ANN. The ANN is trained using nine features extracted from the metal distributions as input. The expected sensors readings are generated using ANSYS software. The performance of the ANN for the training and testing data was satisfactory, with an average root-mean-square error equal to 2.2%.