981 resultados para MAT-sf


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estructura factorial de la versión reducida del Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP-SF), un cuestionario recientemente elaborado por Eysenck, Wilson y Jackson (1996) que permite la evaluación de los rasgos primarios más importantes que constituyen cada una de las tres dimensiones básicas de personalidad. Los resultados derivados de la aplicación de la técnica de análisis factorial y escalamiento multidimensional a las puntuaciones del EPP-SF de una muestra española de 946 sujetos replican los datos obtenidos en la muestra inglesa. La estructura factorial de la escala perfila claramente una composición tripartita y evidencia un aceptable grado de homogeneidad entre los rasgos primarios que constituyen cada uno de los tres tipos básicos de personalidad. Si bien, el rasgo primario de impulsividad sigue presentado saturaciones importantes en más de una dimensión. Este resultado es interpretado en los términos aducidos por el propio Eysenck, y otros autores, sobre la naturaleza multifactorial de este atributo de personalidad. Hecho que viene a constatar la necesidad de realizar estudios centrados en el análisis de la supuesta unidimensionalidad de las escalas que constituyen el EPP-SF.


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Introduction. - La lombalgie chronique, définie comme une douleur de plus de 3 mois, est un état cher pour la société. Les patients les plus chers sont ceux avec des longs arrêts de travail. Plusieurs études ont été fait sur des modèles de réhabilitation travaillant en augmentant la confiance corporelle de ses patients : une possibilité reste un programme interdisciplinaire. IL traite la situation déconditionnée dans sa globalité de manière interdisciplinaire. Le but de cette étude était d'analyser la diminution de l'appréhension à l'aide de questionnaires : un concernant la capacité de travail (PACT) et un sur l'appréhension (FABQ). Patients et Méthodes. - Nous avons étudié les résultants de 520 de nos patients ayant accomplis un programme interdisciplinaire, et qui ont été suivis sur 24 mois. Le programme contenait un réentraînement physique, du work hardening, le tout dans un contexte cognitive-comportemental. Nous avons analysé la diminution de l'appréhension durant le temps à l'aide de questionnaires d'autoévaluation (PACT et FABQ). Résultats. - Nous avons vu une claire augmentation de la capacité de travail globale entre le début du programme et à 24 mois faisant passer de 48 à 80,4 %. En parallèle il y avait une augmentation subjective de la capacité physique mesurée par le Pact. Cette augmentation était corrélée avec une diminution de l'appréhension selon le Fabq. Le retour au travail n'était pas corrélé à une amélioration des performances physiques, mais dans moins d'appréhension. Conclusion. - Dans la lombalgie chronique, avec des patients ayant des nombreux arrêts de travail, un programme interdisciplinaire de réhabilitation a un effet positif sur l'appréhension. Cette corrélation était encore présente sur le côté psychologique avec moins d'appréhensions et une augmentation globale au SF 36. Ainsi une meilleure confiance corporelle reste un facteur important dans les programmes de restauration fonctionnelle.


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Concrete bridge decks subjected to corrosive environment because of the application of de-icing chemical could deteriorate at a rapid rate. In an effort to minimize corrosion of the reinforcement and the corresponding delaminations and spalls, the Iowa Department of Transportation started using epoxy-coated rebars (ECR) in the top mat of reinforcing around 1976 and in both mats 10 years later. The overall objective of this research was to determine the impact of deck cracking on durability and estimate the remaining functional service life of a bridge deck. This was accomplished by conducting a literature review, visually inspecting several bridge decks, collecting and sampling test cores from cracked and uncracked areas of bridge decks, determining the extent to which epoxy-coated rebars deteriorate at the site of cracks, and evaluating the impact of cracking on service life.


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PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between the nonmedical prescription drug use (NMPDU) of six drug classes and health. METHODS: Data on young adults males (mean age, 19.96 years) from the baseline and follow-up of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) were used (n = 4,958). Two sets of logistic regression models were fitted to examine the associations between NMPDU of opioid analgesics, sedatives or sleeping pills, anxiolytics, antidepressants, beta blockers and stimulants, and health status (assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study 12-Item Short Form Survey Instrument [SF-12 v2]). We first computed odds ratios between NMPDU at baseline and poor mental and physical health at follow-up, adjusting for poor mental or physical health at baseline. We then computed odds ratios between poor mental and physical health at baseline and NMPDU at follow-up, adjusting for NMPDU at baseline. RESULTS: Three key findings regarding mental health were (1) there was a reciprocal risk between poor mental health and sedatives and anxiolytics; (2) poor mental health increased NMPDU of opioid analgesics and antidepressants but not vice versa; and (3) there were no associations with stimulants. Three key findings regarding physical health were (1) poor physical health increased the risk of NMPDU of anxiolytics; (2) the only reciprocal risk was between physical health and NMPDU of opioid analgesics; and (3) there were no associations with stimulants. CONCLUSION: These results, among the first ever on reciprocal effects between NMPDU and mental and physical health status, give unique information concerning the adverse effects of NMPDU on health and vice versa. The study shows that NMPDU is not only a sign of self-medication but may induce health problems.


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Reflexionem amb en Frato és un projecte d'innovació que s'ha portat a terme a la Facultat de Formació del Professorat de la Universitat de Barcelona, en l'assignatura de Didàctica de la llengua IIdels estudis de Mestre en l'especialitat d'Educació Infantil, durant quatre cursos lectius en horari de matí i tarda. La tasca forma part d'un projecte del grup d'innovació docent consolidat de la Universitat de Barcelona GIDC-DLL, al qual pertanyen les dues professores. La innovació té la voluntat d'iniciar la transformació de l'ensenyament i aprenentatge a la universitat en el marc de l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior com a context general i, més específicament, dins la matèria de Didàctica de la llengua II delsestudis de Mestre en l'especialitat d'Educació Infantil. El projecte neix arran de la publicació del llibreFrato: 40 anys amb ulls d'infant, de Francesco Tonucci, a partir del qual es planteja una seqüènciaformativa competencial per als estudiants fàcilment transferible i amb valoracions molts positives.


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Optimal seeding of a nerve conduit with cells is a core problem in tissue engineering of constructing an artificial nerve substitute to gap lesions in the peripheral nerve system. An ideal nerve gap substitute would have to present an equally distributed number of cells that can activate the regrowing axons. This work shows a new in vitro technique of two-step seeding of cells inside a conduit and on layered mats that allows a valuable targeting of the cells and a proven survival in the environment of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) conduits. The technique uses two components of diluted fibrin glue Tisseel. Initially, the chosen area on the mat was coated with thrombin followed from the seeding of a fibrinogen-cell compound. Using Sprague Dawley rat cells, we could demonstrate with immunohistochemistry (S100, DAPI) techniques that undifferentiated (uMSC) and Schwann cells (SC) mimicking differentiated mesenchymal stem cells (dMSC) as well as SC can be suspended and targeted significantly better in dissolvable diluted fibrin glue than in growth medium. Analysis showed significantly better values for adherence (p < 0.001) and drop off (p < 0.05) from seeded cells. Using this two-step application allows the seeding of the cells to be more precise and simplifies the handling of cell transplantation.


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A method for the quantitative analysis of the hydrophobicity of the mycelial mat of filamentous fungi based on contact angle measurements is presented. It was tested for a range of fungi belonging to the classes of basidiomycetes, ascomycetes and deuteromycetes. The measured contact angles of the mycelial mats ranged between hydrophilic (<30 degrees) for the deuteromycetes Fusarium oxysporum Fo47 GUS1 and Trichoderma harzianum P1[pZEGA1] and hydrophobic (>60 degrees) for the ascomycete Cladosporium sp. DSE48.1b and the basidiomycetes Paxillus involutus WSL 37.7, Hebeloma crustiliniforme WSL 6.2, Suillus bovinus WSL 48.1 and Laccaria bicolor WSL 73.1. For some fungi, variations in the hydrophobicity of the mycelium depending on the growth medium, the physiological state and the exposure to water were distinguished.


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comprovar si una millor relació entre gimnasta i entrenadora és un factor determinant per a poder obtenir més resultats en les competicions. S’estudien tres grups dividits per tres nivells diferents: Escolar (8 gimnastes), Promogym (11 gimnastes) i Tecnificació (28 gimnastes). A partir d’una adaptació feta dels qüestionaris Cart-Q de Jowett i Ntoumanis (2004) i l’ SF-PANAS de Thompson (2007) es realitzarà l’anàlisi de la relació gimnasta-entrenadora abans de dues competicions, on s’analitzaran els podis. Observant l’estudi, una baixada de mitjanes dels aspectes de les 3 C’s (proximitat, compromís i complementarietat) estava acompanyat d’una baixada de resultats i una pujada de les mitjanes de les 3 C’s estava relacionat amb l’obtenció de més podis. Per tant, a l’hora de valorar els resultats en competició la relació gimnasta-entrenadora és un factor important a tenir en compte.


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Proposit: L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar quins efectes produeix un programa d'activitat física en pacients amb trastorn bipolar de tipus II. Mètodes: Per la realització d'aquest estudi he comptat amb una mostra petita (n=14), la qual estava dividida en grup control (n=7) i grup intervenció (n=7). Es va realitzar una valoració inicial de la mostra per mitjà del Yesavage i SF-12. Posteriorment el grup intervenció va participar en 20 sessions d'activitat física (freq: 2/set). Un cop finalitzat el programa es va tornar a valorar la mostra per mitjà del Yesavage i SF-12. Resultats: Els subjectes del grup intervenció van millorar en: Estat d'ànim (Yesavage), Percepció de la pròpia salut, nivell d'energia i sentiment de tristesa i desànim. En l'estat de tranquil·litat i calma no van mostrar una gran variació. Conclusions: La pràctica d'activitat física en grup millora l'estat d'ànim, percepció de pròpia salut, redueix l'estat de tristesa i desànim i nivell d'energia.


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Contexte¦Le syndrome d'apnées/hypopnées obstructives du sommeil (SAHOS) est une maladie qui¦touche 4% des hommes et 2% des femmes entre 30 à 60 ans. Les patients touchés par le¦SAHOS ont deux problèmes principaux: premièrement, ils ont davantage de risque de¦développer une maladie cardiovasculaire. Deuxièmement, ils ont une diminution de la qualité¦de vie se présentant principalement sous forme de somnolence diurne et une perte de¦vigilance. Le meilleur traitement à l'heure actuelle est le CPAP (continuous positive airway¦pressure) qui permet de normaliser la respiration nocturne et d'améliorer la qualité du¦sommeil. Les effets favorables du CPAP sur la qualité de vie, la vigilance et l'inflammation¦ont été suggérés par plusieurs études mais restent controversés.¦Objectifs¦Évaluer l'effet de 6 semaines de traitement par CPAP sur la qualité de vie, la vigilance, la¦pression artérielle et l'inflammation (HsCRP).¦Méthodes¦Vingt-neuf patients connus pour un SAHOS ont été inclus dans cette étude. Les critères¦d'exclusions comprenaient une grossesse chez la femme, la présence de facteurs de risque¦cardiovasculaires ou d'une autre pathologie sévère.¦Les patients inclus dans l'étude ont tous été investigués, avant de débuter le traitement par¦CPAP, par un PVT (psychomotor vigilance test), un questionnaire de qualité de vie (SF-36),¦une polysomnographie, un dosage de l'hsCRP et par 2 prises de pression artérielle (avant et¦après la polysomnographie). Après ces examens, le traitement par CPAP a été introduit pour¦six semaines à l'issue desquelles les mêmes examens ont été répétés.¦Résultats¦L'étude montre tout d'abord une amélioration significative des paramètres concernant la¦vigilance : 1/temps de réaction (P = 0.01) et les oublis (P = 0.04). Ensuite, tous les paramètres¦de la santé mentale évalués par le questionnaire SF-36 s'améliorent significativement ainsi¦que le score global de santé physique. L'hsCRP évaluant l'inflammation montre une tendance¦à la diminution (P = 0.07). Quant à la pression artérielle, la pression systolique du soir¦diminue de manière significative et la pression systolique du matin et les deux tensions¦artérielles moyennes calculées montrent une tendance à la diminution.¦Conclusion¦Cette étude montre un effet bénéfique du CPAP chez les patients atteints de SAHOS au niveau¦de la vigilance et de la qualité de vie. Les effets sur la pression artérielle et l'inflammation ne¦sont toutefois pas complètement établis et restent encore sujet à débat.


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Background: Declining physical activity is associated with a rising burden of global disease. There is little evidence about effective ways to increase adherence to physical activity. Therefore, interventions are needed that produce sustained increases in adherence to physical activity and are cost-effective. The purpose is to assess the effectiveness of a primary care physical activity intervention in increasing adherence to physical activity in the general population seen in primary care. Method and design: Randomized controlled trial with systematic random sampling. A total of 424 subjects of both sexes will participate; all will be over the age of 18 with a low level of physical activity (according to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ), self-employed and from 9 Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC). They will volunteer to participate in a physical activity programme during 3 months (24 sessions; 2 sessions a week, 60 minutes per session). Participants from each PHC will be randomly allocated to an intervention (IG) and control group (CG). The following parameters will be assessed pre and post intervention in both groups: (1) health-related quality of life (SF-12), (2) physical activity stage of change (Prochaska's stages of change), (3) level of physical activity (IPAQ-short version), (4) change in perception of health (vignettes from the Cooperative World Organization of National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of Family Physicians, COOP/WONCA), (5) level of social support for the physical activity practice (Social Support for Physical Activity Scale, SSPAS), and (6) control based on analysis (HDL, LDL and glycated haemoglobin).Participants' frequency of visits to the PHC will be registered over the six months before and after the programme. There will be a follow up in a face to face interview three, six and twelve months after the programme, with the reduced version of IPAQ, SF-12, SSPAS, and Prochaska's stages. Discussion: The pilot study showed the effectiveness of an enhanced low-cost, evidence-based intervention in increased physical activity and improved social support. If successful in demonstrating long-term improvements, this randomised controlled trial will be the first sustainable physical activity intervention based in primary care in our country to demonstrate longterm adherence to physical activity. Trial Registration: A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Developed by the National Library of Medicine. ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT00714831.


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Abstract Background: Effective promotion of exercise could result in substantial savings in healthcare cost expenses in terms of direct medical costs, such as the number of medical appointments. However, this is hampered by our limited knowledge of how to achieve sustained increases in physical activity. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of a Primary Health Care (PHC) based physical activity program in reducing the total number of visits to the healthcare center among inactive patients, over a 15-month period. Research Design: Randomized controlled trial. Subjects: Three hundred and sixty-two (n = 362) inactive patients suffering from at least one chronic condition were included. One hundred and eighty-three patients (n = 183; mean (SD); 68.3 (8.8) years; 118 women) were randomly allocated to the physical activity program (IG). One hundred and seventy-nine patients (n = 179; 67.2 (9.1) years; 106 women) were allocated to the control group (CG). The IG went through a three-month standardized physical activity program led by physical activity specialists and linked to community resources. Measures: The total number of medical appointments to the PHC, during twelve months before and after the program, was registered. Self-reported health status (SF-12 version 2) was assessed at baseline (month 0), at the end of the intervention (month 3), and at 12 months follow-up after the end of the intervention (month 15). Results: The IG had a significantly reduced number of visits during the 12 months after the intervention: 14.8 (8.5). The CG remained about the same: 18.2 (11.1) (P = .002). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that a 3-month physical activity program linked to community resources is a shortduration, effective and sustainable intervention in inactive patients to decrease rates of PHC visits. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00714831


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o acúmulo de solutos orgânicos, em materiais genéticos de sorgo sob estresse salino. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, organizado em arranjo fatorial entre três índices de salinidade no solo (2,4, 10 e 16 dS m-1) e dez genótipos de sorgo forrageiro (IPA SF-25, IPA 02-03-01, IPA 42-70-02, CSF-4, CSF-5, CSF-6, CSF-7, CSF-8, CSF-9 e CSF-10), com quatro repetições. Os índices de salinidade 10 e 16 dS m-1 incrementaram o teor de carboidratos solúveis totais em 20,2 e 21,3%, respectivamente. O teor de proteínas solúveis variou entre as cultivares de sorgo em resposta aos índices de salinidade do solo. Os maiores valores de aminoácidos livres totais ocorreram nas plantas submetidas ao índice de salinidade equivalente a 16 dS m-1. Os tratamentos salinos causaram elevação no teor de prolina nos genótipos CSF-5, CSF-6 e CSF-9 (a 10 dS m-1) e CSF-10 e CSF-4 (a 16 dS m-1). O aumento nos teores de carboidratos solúveis, proteínas solúveis, aminoácidos livres totais e prolina é proporcional ao teor de sal no meio de cultivo e varia com os genótipos estudados.


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Road dust is caused by wind entraining fine material from the roadway surface and the main source of Iowa road dust is attrition of carbonate rock used as aggregate. The mechanisms of dust suppression can be considered as two processes: increasing particle size of the surface fines by agglomeration and inhibiting degradation of the coarse material. Agglomeration may occur by capillary tension in the pore water, surfactants that increase bonding between clay particles, and cements that bind the mineral matter together. Hygroscopic dust suppressants such as calcium chloride have short durations of effectiveness because capillary tension is the primary agglomeration mechanism. Somewhat more permanent methods of agglomeration result from chemicals that cement smaller particles into a mat or larger particles. The cements include lignosulfonates, resins, and asphalt products. The duration of the cements depend on their solubility and the climate. The only dust palliative that decreases aggregate degradation is shredded shingles that act as cushions between aggregate particles. It is likely that synthetic polymers also provide some protection against coarse aggregate attrition. Calcium chloride and lignosulfonates are widely used in Iowa. Both palliatives have a useful duration of about 6 months. Calcium chloride is effective with surface soils of moderate fine content and plasticity whereas lignin works best with materials that have high fine content and high plasticity indices. Bentonite appears to be effective for up to two years and works well with surface materials having low fines and plasticity and works well with limestone aggregate. Selection of appropriate dust suppressants should be based on characterization of the road surface material. Estimation of dosage rates for potential palliatives can be based on data from this report, from technical reports, information from reliable vendors, or laboratory screening tests. The selection should include economic analysis of construction and maintenance costs. The effectiveness of the treatment should be evaluated by any of the field performance measuring techniques discussed in this report. Novel dust control agents that need research for potential application in Iowa include; acidulated soybean oil (soapstock), soybean oil, ground up asphalt shingles, and foamed asphalt. New laboratory evaluation protocols to screen additives for potential effectiveness and determine dosage are needed. A modification of ASTM D 560 to estimate the freeze-thaw and wet-dry durability of Portland cement stabilized soils would be a starting point for improved laboratory testing of dust palliatives.


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Objective. Collaborative quality improvement programs have been successfully used to manage chronic diseases in adults and acute lung complications in premature infants. Their effectiveness to improve pain management in acute care hospitals is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a collaborative quality improvement program implemented at hospital level could improve pain management and overall pain relief. Design.To assess the effectiveness of the program, we performed a before-after trial comparing patient's self-reported pain management and experience before and after program implementation. We included all adult patients hospitalized for more than 24 hours and discharged either to their home or to a nursing facility, between March 1, 2001 and March 31, 2001 (before program implementation) and between September 15, 2005 and October 15, 2005 (after program implementation). Setting.A teaching hospital of 2,096 beds in Geneva, Switzerland. Patients.All adult patients hospitalized for more than 24 hours and discharged between 1 to 31 March 2001 (before program) and 15 September to 15 October 2005 (after program implementation). Interventions.Implementation of a collaborative quality improvement program using multifaceted interventions (staff education, opinion leaders, patient education, audit, and feedback) to improve pain management at hospital level. Outcome Measures.Patient-reported pain experience, pain management, and overall hospital experience based on the Picker Patient Experience questionnaire, perceived health (SF-36 Health survey). Results.After implementation of the program only 2.3% of the patients reported having no pain relief during their hospital stay (vs 4.5% in 2001, P = 0.05). Among nonsurgical patients, improvements were observed for pain assessment (42.3% vs 27.9% of the patients had pain intensity measured with a visual analog scale, P = 0.012), pain management (staff did everything they could to help in 78.9% vs 67.9% of cases P = 0.003), and pain relief (70.4% vs 57.3% of patients reported full pain relief P = 0.008). In surgical patients, pain assessment also improved (53.7.3% vs 37.6%) as well as pain treatment. More patients received treatments to relieve pain regularly or intermittently after program implementation (95.1% vs 91.9% P = 0.046). Conclusion.Implementation of a collaborative quality improvement program at hospital level improved both pain management and pain relief in patients. Further studies are needed to determine the overall cost-effectiveness of such programs.