985 resultados para London, Jack, 1876-1916 - White Fang - Crítica e interpretação


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Introducción: La melatonina, una sustancia cronobiótica endógena, es cada vez más empleada para el manejo de los problemas del sueño en adultos mayores por su aparente eficacia y buen perfil de eventos adversos. En este sentido, se intentó evaluar la eficacia de la melatonina en el tratamiento del insomnio primario en el adulto mayor (≥55 años) comparado con benzodiacepinas, zopiclona y placebo a la luz de la evidencia disponible en los últimos cinco años. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura. Resultados: En comparación con placebo, al parecer la melatonina mejora la calidad y los hábitos de sueño, no así la latencia de inicio de sueño en mediciones subjetivas ni objetivas (polisomnografía); a diferencia de otros medicamentos hipnóticos, no altera la arquitectura del sueño ni genera síntomas diurnos. Conclusiones: No se encontró evidencia que soporte el uso de melatonina en adultos mayores de 55 años para la reducción de la latencia de sueño, aumento del tiempo total de sueño, mejoría de la eficiencia del sueño, disminución de despertares nocturnos o mejoría de la calidad de sueño. Es necesario adelantar más estudios en comparación con placebo y otros medicamentos.


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La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales problemas del Estado de Derecho en el siglo XXI. Su incidencia reduce la eficacia de la inversión, aumenta el valor de los bienes y servicios, reduce la competitividad de las empresas, vulnera la confianza de los ciudadanos en el ordenamiento jurídico y sobre todo condena a la miseria a quienes deben ser destinatarios de las políticas públicas.Sin embrago, la lucha que han realizado muchos gobiernos y funcionarios judiciales contra este fenómeno ha modificado sus formas de aparición, pues es cada vez menos frecuente la apropiación directa de los caudales públicos o la entrega de sobornos a los funcionarios, prefiriéndose métodos mucho más sutiles como los sobrecostos, la subcontratación masiva o la constitución de complicadas sociedades, en las cuales tienen participación los funcionarios públicos o sus familias.Este libro constituye un esfuerzo por el estudio jurídico y criminológico de la corrupción y los delitos contra la administración pública en Europa y Latinoamérica y reúne la selección de los temas penales más relevantes de la tesis doctoral del profesor Carlos Guillermo Castro Cuenca, denominada Aproximación a la Corrupción en la contratación pública y defendida en la universidad de Salamanca en febrero de 2008, con lo cual obtuvo la calificación de sobresaliente por unanimidad.


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La presente obra expone, de forma crítica, el problema del secuestro, teniendo como modelo el caso colombiano. Sigue el método propuesto por el reconocido investigador para la paz, el noruego Johan Galtung, según el cual, para la resolución de un conflicto puede acudirse al sistema de análisis que tiene la ciencia médica para tratar una enfermedad. En este sentido, frente a lo que corresponde al diagnóstico del secuestro, se presenta su historia, las cifras, los datos oficiales, la realidad del cautiverio y los riesgos que implica un rescate militar. En lo que respecta a la prognosis del secuestro, se da una mirada a los antecedentes de negociación y rescate militar, tanto en Colombia como en el mundo: la pragmática política de intercambio de Israel, la posición del gobierno español en los secuestros de barcos pesqueros por Piratas somalíes, la masacre de Munich, el rescate con gases asfixiantes del Teatro de Moscú, el de la Escuela de Beslán, las tomas de las Embajadas de Japón en el Perú, de República Dominicana en Colombia, del Palacio de Justicia, la Operación Jaque, entre otros.


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El principal objeto de este contexto consisite en sistematicar el fragmentario, disperso, parco e incompleto material legal (LSA, Cde C, LMV, LCCH, y normativa de rango inferior) que ofrece el ordenamiento en materia de documentación y transmisión de acciones. Un material que conduce a la ambigüedad, la duda y, en no pocas ocaciones, a la discrepancia y contradicción, amén de errores de una mala traducción cuando se toman sin más figuras e institutos que pasan por ser análogas en otro ordenamiento y cuya esencia es distina.Así mismo, este libro pretende arrojar luz sobre la importancia que ha tenido la teoría de valor, para el derecho mercantil, genuina aportación donde los hubiere al derecho privado, la teoría del título valor a través del fenómeno de la representación de la acción, la incorporación del derecho al título, la tipología del título que no de la acción, pues la acción es lo que es como derecho, como valor y como alícuota, y es el título el que es nominativo, al portador o la orden, lo que ha supuesto la desincorporación o desdanar un camino que no es tal pues irrumpe el derecho valor, etc.; estos elementos constituyen un apasionante reto que lleva a hallar y bucear en la médula misma del derecho de sociedades y de los título valor.


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Para alentar el debate de los jóvenes a pensar en sus propios sueños, ya que el cambio de fantasía a realidad se confunde en algunos niños. La historia se centra en las cosas extraordinarias e inusuales de los sueños. Jack intenta recoger sus sueños en un saco para disfrutar de ellos mientras está despierto. En su búsqueda, encuentra historias alarmantes e incongruentes como cerdos eclosionando de huevos, ratones con el pelo de madera, un parque zoológico humano, teléfonos con barbas y otras extrañas historias. Al final llega a una increíble conclusión.


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Este cuento tradicional tiene un texto rítmico para ayudar a construir habilidades de lectura. Para leer en voz alta.


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Jack y su madre eran muy pobres hasta que encontraron una vaca en el campo. Pero la leche era un problema para ella y Jack cambia la vaca por un bote de alubias.


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In the event of a release of toxic gas in the center of London, the emergency services would need to determine quickly the extent of the area contaminated. The transport of pollutants by turbulent flow within the complex street and building architecture of cities is not straightforward, and we might wonder whether it is at all possible to make a scientifically-reasoned decision. Here we describe recent progress from a major UK project, ‘Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into the Local Environment’ (DAPPLE, www.dapple.org.uk). In DAPPLE, we focus on the movement of airborne pollutants in cities by developing a greater understanding of atmospheric flow and dispersion within urban street networks. In particular, we carried out full-scale dispersion experiments in central London (UK) during 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2008 to address the extent of the dispersion of tracers following their release at street level. These measurements complemented previous studies because (i) our focus was on dispersion within the first kilometer from the source, when most of the material was expected to remain within the street network rather than being mixed into the boundary layer aloft, (ii) measurements were made under a wide variety of meteorological conditions, and (iii) central London represents a European, rather than North American, city geometry. Interpretation of the results from the full-scale experiments was supported by extensive numerical and wind tunnel modeling, which allowed more detailed analysis under idealized and controlled conditions. In this article, we review the full-scale DAPPLE methodologies and show early results from the analysis of the 2007 field campaign data.


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There have been relatively few tracer experiments carried out that have looked at vertical plume spread in urban areas. In this paper we present results from two tracer (cyclic perfluorocarbon) experiments carried out in 2006 and 2007 in central London centred on the BT Tower as part of the REPARTEE (Regent’s Park and Tower Environmental Experiment) campaign. The height of the tower gives a unique opportunity to study vertical dispersion profiles and transport times in central London. Vertical gradients are contrasted with the relevant Pasquill stability classes. Estimation of lateral advection and vertical mixing times are made and compared with previous measurements. Data are then compared with a simple operational dispersion model and contrasted with data taken in central London as part of the DAPPLE campaign. This correlates dosage with non-dimensionalised distance from source. Such analyses illustrate the feasibility of the use of these empirical correlations over these prescribed distances in central London.


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As part of the DAPPLE programme two large scale urban tracer experiments using multiple simultaneous releases of cyclic perfluoroalkanes from fixed location point sources was performed. The receptor concentrations along with relevant meteorological parameters measured are compared with a three screening dispersion models in order to best predict the decay of pollution sources with respect to distance. It is shown here that the simple dispersion models tested here can provide a reasonable upper bound estimate of the maximum concentrations measured with an empirical model derived from field observations and wind tunnel studies providing the best estimate. An indoor receptor was also used to assess indoor concentrations and their pertinence to commonly used evacuation procedures.


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The teleological narrative that has dominated the handling of intelligence by the British state in the events that led up to the 1916 Irish Rebellion in Dublin has been characterised as a cocktail of incompetence and mendacity. Using new and existing archive material this article argues that both the cabinet in London and key members of the Irish Executive in Dublin were supplied with accurate and timely intelligence by the Admiralty's signals intelligence unit, the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Dublin Metropolitan Police with respect to this event. Far from being a failure of intelligence here is evidence to show that there occurred a failure of response on behalf of key decision-makers. The warnings that were given by intelligence organisations were filtered through the existing policy preferences and assumptions. As a result of these factors accurate evaluations and sound judgement were not exercised by key officials, such as Sir Matthew Nathan, in Dublin Castle.


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The REgents PARk and Tower Environmental Experiment (REPARTEE) comprised two campaigns in London in October 2006 and October/November 2007. The experiment design involved measurements at a heavily trafficked roadside site, two urban background sites and an elevated site at 160–190 m above ground on the BT Tower, supplemented in the second campaign by Doppler lidar measurements of atmospheric vertical structure. A wide range of measurements of airborne particle physical metrics and chemical composition were made as well as measurements of a considerable range of gas phase species and the fluxes of both particulate and gas phase substances. Significant findings include (a) demonstration of the evaporation of traffic-generated nanoparticles during both horizontal and vertical atmospheric transport; (b) generation of a large base of information on the fluxes of nanoparticles, accumulation mode particles and specific chemical components of the aerosol and a range of gas phase species, as well as the elucidation of key processes and comparison with emissions inventories; (c) quantification of vertical gradients in selected aerosol and trace gas species which has demonstrated the important role of regional transport in influencing concentrations of sulphate, nitrate and secondary organic compounds within the atmosphere of London; (d) generation of new data on the atmospheric structure and turbulence above London, including the estimation of mixed layer depths; (e) provision of new data on trace gas dispersion in the urban atmosphere through the release of purposeful tracers; (f) the determination of spatial differences in aerosol particle size distributions and their interpretation in terms of sources and physico-chemical transformations; (g) studies of the nocturnal oxidation of nitrogen oxides and of the diurnal behaviour of nitrate aerosol in the urban atmosphere, and (h) new information on the chemical composition and source apportionment of particulate matter size fractions in the atmosphere of London derived both from bulk chemical analysis and aerosol mass spectrometry with two instrument types.


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This study examines the impact of a global sports event on gender representations in media reporting. Whereas previous research on gender, sport and media has been mainly concerned with sports events in the North American or Australian context, this study investigates the British media reporting before, during and after the London Olympics 2012. Our study follows the approach of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) and uses both quantitative and qualitative research procedures. The results reveal more balanced gender representations during the London Olympics in that the ‘regular’ biased associations were supressed in favour of positive references to female achievements. However, little carry-though of the ‘gains’ was noted. Also, this study shows that the positive associations intersected with national sentiments and were used to celebrate the nation-state. At the same time, some subtle resistance was observed to accepting as ‘truly’ British the non-white athletes and those not born in Britain.


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This paper explores the activities of an Irish-led voluntary sector project that sought to minimise social isolation and build social networks among Irish elderly people living in a socio-economically deprived borough in South London, UK. The study from which this paper is drawn aimed to explore the nature and extent of unmet mental health needs among Irish pensioners. Using a naturalistic and exploratory design, data were collected through 19 semi-structured interviews, observation of project activities and analysis of members' case files. The paper presents findings in relation to the significant themes that emerged from the data analysis, which used a grounded theory approach. It discusses the social support systems within the project and examines the ways in which they maintained the mental wellbeing of the projects' members and interconnected with other areas of the project's activities. The study's findings demonstrated that the project provided space for social interaction among otherwise isolated Irish pensioners, many of whom experienced multiple morbidity. The project worked successfully to overcome the sense of stigma that prevented many of its members accessing statutory services; it also identified needs among carers. There was an Irish cultural ambience at the project centre, which generated a sense of belonging among members, and assisted in the development of social networks. The project initiated other forms of social support through the use of volunteers and developed befriending and telephone support services. The project developed partnership working with other agencies, particularly community mental health services, in order to provide support to elderly people who might otherwise have been institutionalised. The project engaged with the cultural norms of this marginalised white minority ethnic community to promote both social interaction and social networks. It offered a model of good practice for agencies working with isolated elderly members of minority ethnic communities.


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Research on both sides of the Atlantic demonstrates that achieving high uptake of breast cancer screening remains an important area of public heath concern. UK government targets for breast screening uptake are 70%, however, much lower figures are found in many parts of the country, including South East London. This paper reports the findings of a study carried out to explore the views of women aged 50 to 64 (the age group covered by the free National Health Service screening programme) in order to: · establish in what way women who do not attend for screening are different from women who do attend · ascertain the views of the non-attenders with a view to making recommendations to the service which may help address the low uptake locally.

305 women were recruited through a variety of different community sources across the study area. Using a structured questionnaire/interview, women gave their views on their health concerns generally, as well as on breast screening in particular. The analysis (being undertaken now, to be completed by May 2005) will explore the influence of candidacy (women's assessment of the personal risk to them of their disease) on women's screening behaviour and the differences, if any, between the major ethnic groups in the area, indigenous white, black African and black Caribbean.

Learning Objectives:
# At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to

* 1. Describe the factors associated with women’s screening behaviour
* 2. Evaluate the relevance of candidacy in understanding screening behaviour
* 3. Assess the relevance of UK findings for screening programmes elsewhere.