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Stress is inevitable during thin film growth. It is demonstrated here that the growth stress has a significant effect on the dielectric constant of high-k thin films. ZrO2 thin films were deposited on Ge by reactive direct current sputtering. Stress in these films was measured using in-situ curvature measurement tool. The growth stress was tuned from -2.8 to 0.1 GPa by controlling deposition rate. Dielectric permittivity of ZrO2 depends on temperature, phase, and stress. The correct combination of parameters-phase, texture, and stress-is shown to yield films with an equivalent oxide thickness of 8 angstrom. Growth stresses are shown to affect the dielectric constant both directly by affecting lattice parameter and indirectly through the effect on phase stability of ZrO2. (c) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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GPR is widely used for ballast fouling identification, however, there are no robust guidelines to find the degree and type of fouling quantitatively. In this study, GPR studies were carried out on model and actual railway tracks using three ground coupled antennas and considering three fouling materials. Three ground coupled antennas viz., 100 MHz, 500 MHz and 800 MHz antennas were used for the initial survey and it was found that the 800 MHz ground coupled antenna is an optimum one to get quality results. Three major fouling materials viz., screened/broken ballast, coal and iron ore were used to construct prototype model sections, which were 1/2 of the actual Indian broad-gauge railway track. A separate model section has been created for each degree and type of fouling and GPR surveys were carried out. GPR study shows that increasing the fouling content results in a decrease in the Electromagnetic Wave (EMW) velocity and an increase in the dielectric constant. EMW velocity of ballast fouled with screened ballast was found to be more than coal fouled ballast and iron ore fouled ballast at any degree of fouling and EMW velocity of iron ore fouled ballast was found to be less than coal and screen ballast fouled ballast. Dielectric constant of iron ore fouled ballast was found to be higher than coal and screen ballast fouled ballast for all degrees of fouling. Average slope of the trend line of screen ballast fouled section is low (25.6 degrees), coal fouled ballast is medium (27.8 degrees) and iron ore fouled ballast is high (47.6 degrees). (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two dimensional (2D) materials demonstrate several novel electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties which are quite distinctive to those of their bulk form. Among many others, one important potential application of the 2D material is its use in the field of energy harvesting. Owing to that, here we present a detailed study on electrical as well as thermal transport of monolayer MoS2, in quasi ballistic regime. Besides the perfect monolayer in its pristine form, we also consider various line defects which have been experimentally observed in mechanically exfoliated MoS2 samples. For calculating various parameters related to the electrical transmission, we employ the non-equilibrium Green's function-density functional theory combination. However, to obtain the phonon transmission, we take help of the parametrized Stillinger-Weber potential which can accurately delineate the inter-atomic interactions for the monolayer MoS2. Due to the presence of line defects, we observed significant reductions in both the charge carrier and the phonon transmissions through a monolayer MoS2 flake. Moreover, we also report a comparative analysis showing the temperature dependency of the thermoelectric figure of merit values, as obtained for the perfect as well as the other defective 2D samples. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A dimensionless number, termed as response number in Zhao [Archive of Applied Mechanics 68 (1998) 524], has been suggested for the dynamic plastic response of beams and plates made up of rigidly perfect plastic materials subjected to dynamic loading. Many theoretical and experimental results can be reformulated into new concise forms with the response number. The concept of a new dimensionless number, response number, termed as Rn(n), is generalized in Zhao [Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 65 (1999) 107] to study the elastic, plastic, dynamic elastic as well as dynamic plastic buckling problems of columns, plates as well as shells. The response number Rn(n) is generalized to the dynamic behaviour of shells of various shapes in the present paper.


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In this paper, we propose a method for forming steady patterns of microparticles in a dispersion using optical tweezers. We demonstrate how to control the congregation of particles in a dispersion and to manually fabricate a pattern, The steady pattern (nay be useful for in-depth research, and the method will have applications in biology and nanotechnology.


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In addition to the layer thickness and effective Young’s modulus, the impact of the kinematic assumptions, interfacial condition, in-plane force, boundary conditions, and structure dimensions on the curvature of a film/substrate bilayer is examined. Different models for the analysis of the bilayer curvature are compared. It is demonstrated in our model that the assumption of a uniform curvature is valid only if there is no in-plane force. The effects of boundary conditions and structure dimensions, which are not-fully-included in previous models are shown to be significant. Three different approaches for deriving the curvature of a film/substrate bilayer are presented, compared, and analyzed. A more comprehensive study of the conditions regarding the applicability of Stoney’s formula and modified formulas is presented.


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Supersonic cluster beam deposition has been used to produce films with different nanostructures by controlling the deposition parameters such as the film thickness, substrate temperature and cluster mass distribution. The field emission properties of cluster-assembled carbon films have been characterized and correlated to the evolution of the film nanostructure. Threshold fields ranging between 4 and 10 V/mum and saturation current densities as high as 0.7 mA have been measured for samples heated during deposition. A series of voltage ramps, i.e., a conditioning process, was found to initiate more stable and reproducible emission. It was found that the presence of graphitic particles (onions, nanotube embryos) in the films substantially enhances the field emission performance. Films patterned on a micrometer scale have been conditioned spot by spot by a ball-tip anode, showing that a relatively high emission site density can be achieved from the cluster-assembled material. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes were synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using nickel as a metal catalyst. High resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis of the particle found at the tip of the tubes reveals the presence of a metastable carbide Ni3C. Since the carbide is found to decompose upon annealing at 600 degreesC, we suggest that Ni3C is formed after the growth is stopped due to the rapid cooling of the Ni-C interstitial solid solution. A detailed description of the tip growth mechanism is given, that accounts for the composite structure of the tube walls. The shape and size of the catalytic particle determine the concentration gradient that drives the diffusion of C atoms across and though the metal. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The diamond-like carbon (DLC) films with different thicknesses on 9Crl8 bearing steels were prepared using vacuum magnetic-filtering arc plasma deposition. Vickers indentation. nanoin-dentation and nanoscratch tests were used to characterize the DLC films with a wide range of applied loads. Mechanical and tribological behaviors of these submicron films were investigated and interpreted. The hardnesses of 9Crl8 and DLC, determined by nanoindentation, are approximately 8GPa and 60GPa respectively; their elastic moduli are approximately 25OGPa and 600GPa respectively. The friction coefficients of 9Crl8, DLC. organic coating, determined by nanoscratch, are approximately 0. 35, 0. 20 and 0. 13 respectively. It is demonstrated that nanoindentation and nanoscratch tests can provide more information about the near-surface elastic-plastic deformation, friction and wear properties. The correlation of mechanical properties and scratch resistance of DLC films on 9Crl8 steels can provide an assessment for the load-carrying capacity and wear resistance


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In this letter, the uniform lying helix (ULH) liquid crystal texture, required for the flexoelectro-optic effect, is polymer stabilized by the addition of a small percentage of reactive mesogen to a high-tilt-angle (φ>60°) bimesogenic chiral nematic host. The electro-optic response is measured for a range of reactive mesogen concentration mixtures, and compared to the large-tilt-angle switch of the pure chiral nematic mixture. The optimum concentration of reactive mesogen, which is found to provide ample stabilization of the texture with minimal impact on the electro-optic response, is found to be approximately 3%. Our results indicate that polymer stabilization of the ULH texture using a very low concentration of reactive mesogen is a reliable way of ruggedizing flexoelectro-optic devices without interfering significantly with the electro-optics of the effect, negating the need for complicated surface alignment patterns or surface-only polymerization. The polymer stabilization is shown to reduce the temperature dependence of the flexoelectro-optic response due to "pinning" of the chiral nematic helical pitch. This is a restriction of the characteristic thermochromic behavior of the chiral nematic. Furthermore, selection of the temperature at which the sample is ultraviolet cured allows the tilt angle to be optimized for the entire chiral nematic temperature range. The response time, however, remains more sensitive to operating temperature than curing temperature. This allows the sample to be cured at low temperature and operated at high temperature, providing simultaneous optimization of these two previously antagonistic performance aspects. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Ink-jet printing is an important process for placing active electronics on plastic substrates. We demonstrate ink-jet printing as a viable method for large area fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film transistors (TFTs). We investigate different routes for producing stable CNT solutions ("inks"). These consist of dispersion methods for CNT debundling and the use of different solvents, such as N -methyl-2-pyrrolidone. The resulting printable inks are dispensed by ink-jet onto electrode bearing silicon substrates. The source to drain electrode gap is bridged by percolating networks of CNTs. Despite the presence of metallic CNTs, our devices exhibit field effect behavior, with effective mobility of ∼0.07 cm2 /V s and ON/OFF current ratio of up to 100. This result demonstrates the feasibility of ink-jet printing of nanostructured materials for TFT manufacture. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper considers plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited (PECVD) silicon nitride (SiNx) and silicon oxide (SiOx) as gate dielectrics for organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs), with solution-processed poly[5, 5′ -bis(3-dodecyl-2-thienyl)-2, 2′ -bithiophene] (PQT-12) as the active semiconductor layer. We examine transistors with SiNx films of varying composition deposited at 300 °C as well as 150 °C for plastic compatibility. The transistors show over 100% (two times) improvement in field-effect mobility as the silicon content in SiNx increases, with mobility (μFE) up to 0.14 cm2 /V s and on/off current ratio (ION / IOFF) of 108. With PECVD SiOx gate dielectric, preliminary devices exhibit a μFE of 0.4 cm2 /V s and ION / IOFF of 108. PQT-12 OTFTs with PECVD SiNx and SiOx gate dielectrics on flexible plastic substrates are also presented. These results demonstrate the viability of using PECVD SiN x and SiOx as gate dielectrics for OTFT circuit integration, where the low temperature and large area deposition capabilities of PECVD films are highly amenable to integration of OTFT circuits targeted for flexible and lightweight applications. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The properties of amorphous carbon (a-C) deposited using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of the ion energy and substrate temperature are reported. The sp3 fraction was found to strongly depend on the ion energy, giving a highly sp3 bonded a-C denoted as tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) at ion energies around 100 eV. The optical band gap was found to follow similar trends to other diamondlike carbon films, varying almost linearly with sp2 fraction. The dependence of the electronic properties are discussed in terms of models of the electronic structure of a-C. The structure of ta-C was also strongly dependent on the deposition temperature, changing sharply to sp2 above a transition temperature, T1, of ≈200°C. Furthermore, T1 was found to decrease with increasing ion energy. Most film properties, such as compressive stress and plasmon energy, were correlated to the sp3 fraction. However, the optical and electrical properties were found to undergo a more gradual transition with the deposition temperature which we attribute to the medium range order of sp2 sites. We attribute the variation in film properties with the deposition temperature to diffusion of interstitials to the surface above T1 due to thermal activation, leading to the relaxation of density in context of a growth model. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The optical efficiency of GaN-based multiple quantum well (MQW) and light emitting diode (LED) structures grown on Si(111) substrates by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy was measured and compared with equivalent structures on sapphire. The crystalline quality of the LED structures was comprehensively characterized using x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and plan-view transmission electron microscopy. A room temperature photoluminescence (PL) internal quantum efficiency (IQE) as high as 58% has been achieved in an InGaN/GaN MQW on Si, emitting at 460 nm. This is the highest reported PL-IQE of a c-plane GaN-based MQW on Si, and the radiative efficiency of this sample compares well with similar structures grown on sapphire. Processed LED devices on Si also show good electroluminescence (EL) performance, including a forward bias voltage of ∼3.5 V at 20 mA and a light output power of 1 mW at 45 mA from a 500 ×500 μm2 planar device without the use of any additional techniques to enhance the output coupling. The extraction efficiency of the LED devices was calculated, and the EL-IQE was then estimated to have a maximum value of 33% at a current density of 4 A cm-2, dropping to 30% at a current density of 40 A cm-2 for a planar LED device on Si emitting at 455 nm. The EL-IQE was clearly observed to increase as the structural quality of the material increased for devices on both sapphire and Si substrates. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.