990 resultados para Intravenous Infusions


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Combination chemotherapy is widely accepted for patients with advanced gastric cancer, but uncertainty remains regarding the choice of the regimen. Objectives: To assess the effect of: Comparison 1) irinotecan versus non-irinotecancontaining regimens, comparison 2) docetaxel versus non-docetaxel-containing regimens, comparison 3) regimens including oral 5-FU prodrugs versus intravenous fluoropyrimidines, comparison 4) oxaliplatin versus cisplatin-containing regimens on overall survival. Search Strategy: We searched: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, proceedings from ECCO, ESMO, ASCO until December 2009. Selection Criteria: Randomised controlled trials on the above mentioned chemotherapy regimens in advanced or metastatic denocarcinoma of the stomach or GE-junction. Results: The meta-analysis of overall survival for comparison 1) included 4 trials, 640 patients, and results in a HR of 0.86 (95% CI 0.73-1.02) in favour of the irinotecancontaining regimens. For comparison 2) 4 trials with a total of 924 patients have been included in the analysis of overall survival. The resulting HR is 0.93 (95% CI 0.79-1.09) in favour of the docetaxel-containing regimens, with moderate heterogeneity (I2 =7%). For comparison 3 and 4, one major relevant study (Cunningham 2008) could not be included in this meta-analysis after discussion because it included patients with squamous cell cancer of the esophagus as well. Thus, for comparison 3) one relevant study (Kang 2009; 316 patients) comparing capecitabine versus 5-FU in combination with cisplatin is eligible. The resulting HR is 0.85 (95%CI 0.65-1.11) in favour of the oral regimen. For comparison 4) two eligible trials were identified (Al Batran 2008, Popov 2008; 292 patients) with a resulting HR of 0.82 (95% CI 0.47-1.45) in favour of the oxaliplatin-based regimens. For three further trials data is incomplete at present. Conclusions: Chemotherapy combinations including irinotecan, oxaliplatin, docetaxel or oral 5-FU prodrugs are alternative treatment options to cisplatin/5-FU or cisplatin/ 5-FU/anthracycline-combinations, but do not provide significant advantages in overall survival. Supported by: KKS Halle, grant number [BMBF/FKZ 01GH01GH0105]. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.


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Purpose: The HR-NBL1 trial of the European SIOP Neuroblastoma Group randomised 2 MAT regimens to demonstrate superiority based on event free survival (EFS).Method: Response eligibility criteria prior to randomisation after Rapid COJEC Induction (J Clin Oncol, 2010) 3 4 2 courses of TVD (Cancer, 2003) included complete bone marrow remission andA ^ 3, but improved, mIBG positive spots. The MAT regimens were BuMel (oral busulfan till 2006, 4_150 mg/m2 in 4 equal doses, or after 2006 intravenous use according to body weight and melphalan 140 mg/m__/day) and CEM (carboplatin ctn. infusion (4xAUC 4.1 mg/ml.min/day), etoposide ctn. infusion (4_338 mg/m__day or 4_200 mg/m__/ day*), melphalan (3_70 mg/m__/day or 3_60 mg/m__/day*. *reduced if GFR<100 ml/ min/1.73m__)). A minimum of 3_10E6 CD34/kgBW PBSC were requested. VOD prophylaxis included ursadiol, but not prophylactic defibrotide. Local control included surgery and radiotherapy of 21 Gy. A total of 598 high risk neuroblastoma patients were randomised (296 BuMel, 302 CEM). The median age at randomisation was 3 years (1-17.2).Results: A significant difference in EFS in favour of BuMel (3-years EFS 49% vs. 33%) was observed as well as for overall survival (3-years OS 60% vs. 48%, p¼0.004) with a median follow up of 3 years. This difference was mainly related to the relapse and progression incidence, which was significantly (p<0.001) lower with BuMel (48% vs. 60%). The severe toxicity rate up to day 100 (ICU and toxic deaths) was below 10%, but was significantly higher for CEM (p¼0.014). The acute toxic death rate was 3% for BuMel and 5% for CEM (NS). The acute MAT toxicity profile favours the BuMel regimen in spite of a total VOD incidence of 18% (grade 3:5%). Based on these results and following advice from the DMC, the randomisation was closed early.


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Non-malignant inflammatory sensory polyganglionopathy (NISP) is the most common form of acquired ganglionopathies, a rare and distinct subgroup of peripheral nerve diseases characterized by a primary degeneration of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia. There is a rational for the use of immune modifying agents (IMA) in NISP since an underlying auto-immune process is demonstrated or suspected. However, commonly used IMA such as corticosteroids, azathioprine, methotrexate or IVIG do not prevent disease's progression in the majority of patients. The use of newer IMA, especially those directed against B-cells, may be a therapeutic alternative. An interesting candidate is rituximab, a mouse-human chimeric anti CD20 antibody that specifically eliminates B-cells and B-cells precursors.Objectives: This is a prospective open label pilot study to determine the efficacy of rituximab treatment in NISP patients, who did not respond to commonly used IMA.Methods: Five patients (40% male) with a mean age of 55 years (range 49-67), diagnosed with NISP after extensive work-up, were treated (schema used for one cure: 2 9 1gr within 15 days interval). Neurological scores (NIS, ISSS, ODSS) and B cell counts were assessed at baseline and during clinical follow-up at 2 and 6 monthsto assess treatment efficacy.Results: The treatment was generally well tolerated. Minor adverse events reported were transient arterial hypotension during the infusions in two patients and intermittent mild leucopenia in one patient. Clinical evolution during the follow-up period was characterized by a stability of the functional scores in four patients (80%) and the continuation of disability progression of one patient (20%). CD4 cells disappeared in all patients after the second infusion, an effect that lasted until the follow up at 6 months.Conclusion: The preliminary results of this pilot study indicate that rituximab is generally well tolerated and prevents progression of disability during the 6-month observation period in NISP patients. Inclusion of additional patients and extending of the follow-up period are intended to further investigate the efficacy of rituximab in NISP.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke is beneficial within 4.5 hours of symptom onset, but the effect rapidly decreases over time, necessitating quick diagnostic in-hospital work-up. Initial time strain occasionally results in treatment of patients with an alternate diagnosis (stroke mimics). We investigated whether intravenous thrombolysis is safe in these patients. METHODS: In this multicenter observational cohort study containing 5581 consecutive patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis, we determined the frequency and the clinical characteristics of stroke mimics. For safety, we compared the symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study II [ECASS-II] definition) rate of stroke mimics with ischemic strokes. RESULTS: One hundred stroke mimics were identified, resulting in a frequency of 1.8% (95% confidence interval, 1.5-2.2). Patients with a stroke mimic were younger, more often female, and had fewer risk factors except smoking and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack. The symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage rate in stroke mimics was 1.0% (95% confidence interval, 0.0-5.0) compared with 7.9% (95% confidence interval, 7.2-8.7) in ischemic strokes. CONCLUSIONS: In experienced stroke centers, among patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis, only a few had a final diagnosis other than stroke. The complication rate in these stroke mimics was low.


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Infektiivinen endokardiitti yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa vuosina 1980-2004 hoidetuilla aikuispotilailla Tausta: Infektiivinen endokardiitti on edelleen vakava sairaus. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin diagnostiikka ja hoito ovat kehittyneet, siihen liittyy edelleen merkittävää sairastuvuutta ja kuolleisuutta. Endokardiitin taudinkuvassa on viime vuosina tapahtunut muutoksia monissa maissa. Tavoitteet: Tutkia endokardiitin kliinista kuvaa ja ennustetta suomalaisessa yliopistosairaalassa vuosina 1980-2004 endokardiitin vuoksi hoidetuilla aikuispotilailla. Aineisto: Osatyössä I endokardiitin todennäköisyyttä analysoitiin 222:lla vuosina 1980-1995 endokardiittiepäilyn vuoksi hoidetulla potilaalla käyttäen apuna sekä Duken että von Reyn diagnostisia kriteereitä. Osatyössä II tutkittiin endokardiittiin liittyviä neurologisia komplikaatioita 218 varmassa tai mahdollisessa endokardiittiepisodissa. Osatyössä III tutkittiin seerumin C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) käyttökelpoisuutta hoitovasteen arvioinnissa 134:ssä varmaksi luokitellussa endokardiittiepisodissa. Osatyössä IV tutkittiin yleisbakteeri-PCRmenetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta etiologisessa diagnostiikassa 56:lla endokardiittiepäilyn vuoksi leikatulla potilaalla. Osatöissä V ja VI analysoitiin kaikki vuosina 1980-2004 hoidetut 303 endokardiittipotilasta lyhytaikais- ja 1-vuotisennusteen suhteen sekä tutkittiin endokardiitin taudinkuvassa tapahtuneita muutoksia sairaalassamme. Tulokset: Duken kriteerit osoittautuivat von Reyn kriteereitä herkemmiksi endokardiitin diagnostiikassa: 243 tutkitusta episodista 114 luokiteltiin varmoiksi endokardiiteiksi Duken kriteereillä, kun vastaavasti ainoastaan 64 luoteltiin varmoiksi von Reyn kriteereillä (p<0.001). Lisäksi peräti 115 episodissa endokardiitin diagnoosi hylättiin von Reyn kriteereillä, kun diagnoosi hylättiin Duken kriteereillä ainoastaan 37 episodissa (p<0.001). Neurologinen komplikaatio ilmeni ennen mikrobilääkehoidon aloittamista 76 %:ssa episodeja ollen ensimmäinen oire 47 %:ssa. Kuolema oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä neurologisiin komplikaatioihin. Hoitovastetta seurattaessa seerumin CRP:n lasku oli merkitsevästi nopeampaa komplikaatioitta toipuvilla potilailla kuin niillä, joille kehittyi komplikaatioita tai jotka menehtyivät tautiinsa. PCR-tutkimus poistetusta läpästä antoi ainoana menetelmänä etiologisen diagnoosin neljässä tapauksessa (2 stafylokokkilajia, 1 Streptococcus bovis,1 Bartonella quintana), joissa kaikissa mikrobilääkehoito oli ollut käytössä ennen näytteiden ottamista. Koko aineistossa kahden läpän infektio tai neurologisten komplikaatioiden, perifeeristen embolioiden tai sydämen vajaatoiminnan kehittyminen ennustivat sekä sairaalakuolleisuutta että 1-vuotiskuolleisuutta, kun taas ≥65 vuoden ikä ja sydämen ultraäänitutkimuksessa todettu vegetaatio tai Duken luokittelun mukainen pääkriteeri ennustivat kuolemaa vuoden sisällä. Korkea CRP-taso sairaalaan tullessa ennusti sekä sairaalakuolleisuutta että 1-vuotiskuolleisuutta. Huumeiden käyttäjien endokardiitit lisääntyivät tutkimusaikana merkitsevästi (p<0.001). Päätelmät: Tässä työssä vahvistetaan Duken kriteerien käyttökelpoisuus endokardiitin diagnostiikassa. Lisäksi vahvistui käsitys, että nopea diagnoosi ja mikrobilääkehoidon aloittaminen ovat parhaat keinot ehkäistä neurologisia komplikaatioita ja parantaa endokardiittipotilaiden ennustetta. CRP:n normalisoituminen on endokardiittipotilailla hyvän ennusteen merkki. Suoraan läppäkudoksesta tehty PCR-tutkimus on hyödyllinen, kun taudin aiheuttaja on kasvuominaisuuksiltaan vaativa tai potilas on saanut mikrobilääkehoitoa ennen viljelynäytteiden ottamista. Muutamat aiemmissa tutkimuksissa todetut huonon ennusteen merkit ennustavat huonoa ennustetta myös tämän tutkimuksen potilailla. Uutena löydöksenä ilmeni, että korkea CRP-arvo sairaalaan tullessa merkitsee sekä huonoa lyhyt- että pitkäaikaisennustetta. Huumeiden käyttäjien endokardiittien ilmaantuminen on tärkein epidemiologinen muutos 25 vuoden tutkimusaikana.


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INTRODUCTION: Panarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a systemic vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized arteries. Neuro-ophthalmological complications of PAN are rare but numerous, and may affect the eye, the visual and the oculomotor pathways. Such complications occur mainly in patients previously diagnosed with PAN. OBSERVATION: A 51-year-old woman presented with an isolated right trochlear (IV) palsy, in the setting of headaches and fluctuating fever of unknown etiology. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 13 mm and full blood cell count was normal. Previous chest X-ray and blood studies were negative for an infection or inflammation. Orbital and cerebral CT scan was normal. Spontaneous recovery of diplopia ensued over four days. Two days later, paresthesia and sensory paresis of the dorsal portion of the left foot were present. Lumbar puncture revealed 14 leucocytes (76 percent lymphocytes) with elevated proteins, but blood studies and serologies were negative. A diagnosis of undetermined meningo-myelo-radiculoneuritis was made. Because of a possible tick bite six weeks previously the patient was empirically treated with 2 g intravenous ceftriaxone for 3 weeks. Fever rapidly dropped. Six weeks after the onset of diplopia, acute onset of blindness in her right eye, diffuse arthralgias and fever motivated a new hospitalization. There was a central retinal artery occlusion of the right eye. Blood studies now revealed signs of systemic inflammation (ESR 30 mm, CRP 12 mg/L, ANA 1/80, pANCA 1/40, leucocytosis 12.4 G/L, Hb 111 g/L, Ht 33 percent). Biopsy of the left sural nerve revealed arterial fibrinoid necrosis. A diagnosis of PAN was made. CONCLUSIONS: Transient diplopia can be the heralding symptom of a systemic vasculitis such as PAN, giant cell arteritis and Wegener granulomatosis. In this patient the presence of accompanying systemic symptoms raised a suspicion of systemic inflammation, but the absence of serologic and imaging abnormalities precluded a specific diagnosis initially. A few weeks later, the presence of a second ischemic event (retinal) and positive blood studies led to a further diagnostic procedure. Oculomotor and abducens palsies have rarely been reported in association with PAN. We report the first case of trochlear nerve paresis as the inaugural neurological sign of PAN. This case highlights the importance of considering inflammatory systemic disorders in patients with acute diplopia particularly when they are young, lack vascular risk factors or cause, and complain of associated systemic symptoms.


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Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors mediating long term transgene expression are excellent gene therapy tools for chronic neurological diseases. While rAAV2 was the first serotype tested in the clinics, more efficient vectors derived from the rh10 serotype are currently being evaluated and other serotypes are likely to be tested in the near future. In addition, aside from the currently used stereotaxy-guided intraparenchymal delivery, new techniques for global brain transduction (by intravenous or intra-cerebrospinal injections) are very promising. Various strategies for therapeutic gene delivery to the central nervous system have been explored in human clinical trials in the past decade. Canavan disease, a genetic disease caused by an enzymatic deficiency, was the first to be approved. Three gene transfer paradigms for Parkinson's disease have been explored: converting L-dopa into dopamine through AADC gene delivery in the putamen; synthesizing GABA through GAD gene delivery in the overactive subthalamic nucleus and providing neurotrophic support through neurturin gene delivery in the nigro-striatal pathway. These pioneer clinical trials demonstrated the safety and tolerability of rAAV delivery in the human brain at moderate doses. Therapeutic effects however, were modest, emphasizing the need for higher doses of the therapeutic transgene product which could be achieved using more efficient vectors or expression cassettes. This will require re-addressing pharmacological aspects, with attention to which cases require either localized and cell-type specific expression or efficient brain-wide transgene expression, and when it is necessary to modulate or terminate the administration of transgene product. The ongoing development of targeted and regulated rAAV vectors is described.


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We report on a 70-year-old woman with partial complex status epilepticus who was initially diagnosed with herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2) encephalitis, based on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocytic pleocytosis and HSV-2 DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the CSF, but without improvement on intravenous acyclovir. Anti-Ri antibodies were positive and computed tomography (CT) investigations revealed a small cell carcinoma at biopsy suggesting paraneoplastic encephalitis. The outcome was unfavourable and the autopsy showed typical features of paraneoplastic encephalitis but no evidence of viral inclusions. This case report is interesting because: (1) it is the first report of an autopsy proven paraneoplastic widespread encephalitis with anti-Ri antibodies; (2) despite a positive HSV-2 PCR in the CSF, there was no sign of herpetic infections of the nervous system; and (3) it illustrates the fact that if paraneoplastic antibodies are usually good markers of the underlying tumour, they are not always predictive of neurological deficits.


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Pooled F(ab')2 fragments of three MAbs against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were used for radioimmunotherapy of nude mice bearing a subcutaneous human colon carcinoma xenograft. 9-10 d after transplantation when tumor nodules were in exponential growth, 36 mice were treated by intravenous injection of different amounts of 131I-labeled MAb F(ab')2. All 14 mice injected with a single dose of 2,200 (n = 10) or 2,800 microCi (n = 4) showed complete tumor remission. 8 of the 10 mice treated with 2,200 microCi survived in good health for 1 yr when they were killed and shown to be tumor free. Four of nine other mice treated with four fractionated doses of 400 microCi showed no tumor relapse for more than 9 mo. In contrast, all 15 mice injected with 1,600-3,000 microCi 131I-control IgG F(ab')2 showed tumor growth retardation of only 1-4 wk, and 15 of 16 mice injected with unlabeled anti-CEA MAb F(ab')2 showed unmodified tumor progression as compared with untreated mice. From tissue radioactivity distributions it was calculated that by an injection of 2,200 microCi 131I-MAb F(ab')2 a mean dose of 8,335 rad was selectively delivered to the tumor, while the tissue-absorbed radiation doses for the normal organs were: peripheral blood, 2,093; stomach, 1,668; kidney, 1,289; lung, 1,185; liver, 617; spleen, 501; small intestine, 427; large intestine, 367; bone, 337; and muscle, 198. These treatments were well tolerated since out of 19 mice with complete tumor remission only 4 required bone marrow transplantation and 17 were in good health for 6-12 mo of observation. The results demonstrate the selective destruction of established human colon carcinoma transplants by intravenous injection of either single or fractionated doses of 131I-MAb F(ab')2.


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The major problems associated with the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of ocular diseases are their poor intraocular penetration to the posterior segment when administered locally and their secondary side effects when given systemically. To circumvent these problems more efficient methods and techniques of local delivery are being developed. The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the pharmacokinetics of intraocular penetration of hemisuccinate methyl prednisolone (HMP) after its delivery using the transscleral Coulomb controlled iontophoresis (CCI) system applied to the eye or after intravenous (i.v.) injection in the rabbit, (2) to test the safety of the CCI system for the treated eyes and (3) to compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of HMP intraocular distribution after CCI delivery to i.v. injection. For each parameter evaluated, six rabbit eyes were used. For the CCI system, two concentrations of HMP (62.5 and 150mg ml(-1)), various intensities of current and duration of treatment were analyzed. In rabbits serving as controls the HMP was infused in the CCI device but without applied electric current. For the i.v. delivery, HMP at 10mg kg(-1)as a 62.5mg ml(-1)solution was used. The rabbits were observed clinically for evidence of ocular toxicity. At various time points after the administration of drug, rabbits were killed and intraocular fluids and tissues were sampled for methylprednisolone (MP) concentrations by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Histology examinations were performed on six eyes of each group. Among groups that received CCI, the concentrations of MP increased in all ocular tissues and fluids in relation to the intensities of current used (0.4, 1.0 and 2.0mA/0.5cm(2)) and its duration (4 and 10min). Sustained and highest levels of MP were achieved in the choroid and the retina of rabbit eyes treated with the highest current and 10min duration of CCI. No clinical toxicity or histological lesions were observed following CCI. Negligible amounts of MP were found in ocular tissues in the CCI control group without application of current. Compared to i.v. administration, CCI achieved higher and more sustained tissue concentrations with negligible systemic absorption. These data demonstrate that high levels of MP can be safely achieved in intraocular tissues and fluids of the rabbit eye, using CCI. With this system, intraocular tissues levels of MP are higher than those achieved after i.v. injection. Furthermore, if needed, the drug levels achieved with CCI can be modulated as a function of current intensity and duration of treatment. CCI could therefore be used as an alternative method for the delivery of high levels of MP to the intraocular tissues of both the anterior and posterior segments.


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Background and Purpose-The safety and efficacy of thrombolysis in cervical artery dissection (CAD) are controversial. The aim of this meta-analysis was to pool all individual patient data and provide a valid estimate of safety and outcome of thrombolysis in CAD.Methods-We performed a systematic literature search on intravenous and intra-arterial thrombolysis in CAD. We calculated the rates of pooled symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage and mortality and indirectly compared them with matched controls from the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-International Stroke Thrombolysis Register. We applied multivariate regression models to identify predictors of excellent (modified Rankin Scale=0 to 1) and favorable (modified Rankin Scale=0 to 2) outcome.Results-We obtained individual patient data of 180 patients from 14 retrospective series and 22 case reports. Patients were predominantly female (68%), with a mean +/- SD age of 46 +/- 11 years. Most patients presented with severe stroke (median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score=16). Treatment was intravenous thrombolysis in 67% and intra-arterial thrombolysis in 33%. Median follow-up was 3 months. The pooled symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage rate was 3.1% (95% CI, 1.3 to 7.2). Overall mortality was 8.1% (95% CI, 4.9 to 13.2), and 41.0% (95% CI, 31.4 to 51.4) had an excellent outcome. Stroke severity was a strong predictor of outcome. Overlapping confidence intervals of end points indicated no relevant differences with matched controls from the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-International Stroke Thrombolysis Register.Conclusions-Safety and outcome of thrombolysis in patients with CAD-related stroke appear similar to those for stroke from all causes. Based on our findings, thrombolysis should not be withheld in patients with CAD. (Stroke. 2011;42:2515-2520.)


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The role of busulfan (Bu) metabolites in the adverse events seen during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and in drug interactions is not explored. Lack of availability of established analytical methods limits our understanding in this area. The present work describes a novel gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric assay for the analysis of sulfolane (Su) in plasma of patients receiving high-dose Bu. Su and Bu were extracted from a single 100 μL plasma sample by liquid-liquid extraction. Bu was separately derivatized with 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorothiophenolfluorinated agent. Mass spectrometric detection of the analytes was performed in the selected reaction monitoring mode on a triple quadrupole instrument after electronic impact ionization. Bu and Su were analyzed with separate chromatographic programs, lasting 5 min each. The assay for Su was found to be linear in the concentration range of 20-400 ng/mL. The method has satisfactory sensitivity (lower limit of quantification, 20 ng/mL) and precision (relative standard deviation less than 15 %) for all the concentrations tested with a good trueness (100 ± 5 %). This method was applied to measure Su from pediatric patients with samples collected 4 h after dose 1 (n = 46), before dose 7 (n = 56), and after dose 9 (n = 54) infusions of Bu. Su (mean ± SD) was detectable in plasma of patients 4 h after dose 1, and higher levels were observed after dose 9 (249.9 ± 123.4 ng/mL). This method may be used in clinical studies investigating the role of Su on adverse events and drug interactions associated with Bu therapy.


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OBJECTIVES: To obtain information about the prevalence of, reasons for, and adequacy of HIV testing in the general population in Switzerland in 1992. DESIGN: Telephone survey (n = 2800). RESULTS: Some 47% of the sample underwent one HIV test performed through blood donation (24%), voluntary testing (17%) or both (6%). Of the sample, 46% considered themselves well or very well informed about the HIV test. Patients reported unsystematic pre-test screening by doctors for the main HIV risks. People having been in situations of potential exposure to risk were more likely to have had the test than others. Overall, 85% of those HIV-tested had a relevant, generally risk-related reason for having it performed. CONCLUSIONS: HIV testing is widespread in Switzerland. Testing is mostly performed for relevant reasons. Pre-test counselling is poor and an opportunity for prevention is thus lost.


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, intravenous drug use (IDU) accounts for 80% of newly acquired hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Early HCV treatment has the potential to interrupt the transmission chain and reduce morbidity/mortality due to decompensated liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Nevertheless, patients in drug substitution programs are often insufficiently screened and treated. OBJECTIVE/METHODS: With the aim to improve HCV management in IDUs, we conducted a cross sectional chart review in three opioid substitution programs in St. Gallen (125 methadone and 71 heroin recipients). Results were compared with another heroin substitution program in Bern (202 patients) and SCCS/SHCS data. RESULTS: Among the methadone/heroin recipients in St. Gallen, diagnostic workup of HCV was better than expected: HCV/HIV-status was unknown in only 1% (2/196), HCV RNA was not performed in 9% (13/146) of anti-HCV-positives and the genotype missing in 15% (12/78) of HCV RNA-positives. In those without spontaneous clearance (two thirds), HCV treatment uptake was 23% (21/91) (HIV-: 29% (20/68), HIV+: 4% (1/23)), which was lower than in methadone/heroin recipients and particularly non-IDUs within the SCCS/SHCS, but higher than in the, mainly psychiatrically focussed, heroin substitution program in Bern (8%). Sustained virological response (SVR) rates were comparable in all settings (overall: 50%, genotype 1: 35-40%, genotype 3: two thirds). In St. Gallen, the median delay from the estimated date of infection (IDU start) to first diagnosis was 10 years and to treatment was another 7.5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Future efforts need to focus on earlier HCV diagnosis and improvement of treatment uptake among patients in drug substitution programs, particularly if patients are HIV-co-infected. New potent drugs might facilitate the decision to initiate treatment.