972 resultados para Intima-media Thickness


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Thickness and component distributions of large-area thin films are an issue of international concern in the field of material processing. The present work employs experiments and direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to investigate three-dimensional low-density, non-equilibrium jets of yttrium and titanium vapor atoms in an electron-beams physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) system furnished with two or three electron-beams, and obtains their deposition thickness and component distributions onto 4-inch and 6-inch mono-crystal silicon wafers. The DSMC results are found in excellent agreement with our measurements, such as evaporation rates of yttrium and titanium measured in-situ by quartz crystal resonators, deposited film thickness distribution measured by Rutherford backscattering spectrometer (RBS) and surface profilometer and deposited film molar ratio distribution measured by RBS and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). This can be taken as an indication that a combination of DSMC method with elaborate measurements may be satisfactory for predicting and designing accurately the transport process of EBPVD at the atomic level.


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Resumen: En este trabajo se estudia la fi gura del judío como posible inspirador de miedo para la sociedad hispanocristiana medieval, lo que parece estar en íntima relación con la imagen que de él se conformó a lo largo de la Edad Media en los derechos civil y canónico. Al analizar las distintas causas de temor inducidas por los judíos, se distingue entre los factores que causaban miedo físico, que muy probablemente tenían un componente más popular e irracional, aun cuando con frecuencia pudieran ser temores inducidos desde medios intelectuales, y los factores generadores de miedo espiritual, de naturaleza más intelectual y racional.


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A generalized model for the effective thermal conductivity of porous media is derived based on the fact that statistical self-similarity exists in porous media. The proposed model assumes that porous media consist of two portions: randomly distributed non-touching particles and self-similarly distributed particles contacting each other with resistance. The latter are simulated by Sierpinski carpets with side length L = 13 and cutout size C = 3, 5, 7 and 9, respectively, depending upon the porosity concerned. Recursive formulae are presented and expressed as a function of porosity, ratio of areas, ratio of component thermal conductivities and contact resistance, and there is no empirical constant and every parameter has a clear physical meaning. The model predictions are compared with the existing experimental data, and good agreement is found in a wide range of porosity of 0.14-0.80, and this verifies the validity of the proposed model.


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A simple geometry model for tortuosity of flow path in porous media is proposed based on the assumption that some particles in a porous medium are unrestrictedly overlapped and the others are not. The proposed model is expressed as a function of porosity and there is no empirical constant in this model. The model predictions are compared with those from available correlations obtained numerically and experimentally, both of which are in agreement with each other. The present model can also give the tortuosity with a good approximation near the percolation threshold. The validity of the present tortuosity model is thus verified.


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An approximate model, a fractal geometry model, for the effective thermal conductivity of three-phase/unsaturated porous media is proposed based on the thermal-electrical analogy technique and on statistical self-similarity of porous media. The proposed thermal conductivity model is expressed as a function of porosity (related to stage n of Sierpinski carpet), ratio of areas, ratio of component thermal conductivities, and saturation. The recursive algorithm for the thermal conductivity by the proposed model is presented and found to be quite simple. The model predictions are compared with the existing measurements. Good agreement is found between the present model predictions and the existing experimental data. This verifies the validity of the proposed model. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The analytical expressions of the fractal dimensions for wetting and non-wetting phases for unsaturated porous media are derived and are found to be a function of porosity, maximum and minimum pore sizes as well as saturation. There is no empirical constant in the proposed fractal dimensions. It is also found that the fractal dimensions increase with porosity of a medium and are meaningful only in a certain range of saturation S-w, i.e. S-w > S-min for wetting phase and S-w < S-max for non-wetting phase at a given porosity, based on real porous media for requirements from both fractal theory and experimental observations. The present analysis of the fractal dimensions is verified to be consistent with the existing experimental observations and it makes possible to analyze the transport properties such as permeability, thermal dispersion in unsaturated porous media by fractal theory and technique.


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Multilayer ceramic coatings were fabricated on steel substrate using a combined technique of hot dipping aluminum(HDA) and plasma electrolytic oxidation(PEO). A triangle of normalized layer thickness was created for describing thickness ratios of HDA/PEO coatings. Then, the effect of thickness ratio on stresses field of HDA/PEO coatings subjected to uniform normal contact load was investigated by finite element method. Results show that the surface tensile stress is mainly affected by the thickness ratio of Al layer when the total thickness of coating is unchanged. With the increase of A] layer thickness, the surface tensile stress rises quickly. When Al2O3 layer thickness increases, surface tensile stress is diminished. 'Meanwhile, the maximum shear stress moves rapidly towards internal part of HDA/PEO coatings. Shear stress at the Al2O3/Al interface is minimal when Al2O3 layer and Al layer have the same thickness.


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In this paper, we examine the characteristics of elastic wave propagation in viscoelastic porous media, which contain simultaneously both the Biot-flow and the squirt-flow mechanisms (BISQ). The frequency-domain Green's functions for viscoelastic BISQ media are then derived based on the classic potential function methods. Our numerical results show that S-waves are only affected by viscoelasticity, but not by squirt-flows. However, the phase velocity and attenuation of fast P-waves are seriously influenced by both viscoelasticity and squirt-flows; and there exist two peaks in the attenuation-frequency variations of fast P-waves. In the low-frequency range, the squirt-flow characteristic length, not viscoelasticity, affects the phase velocity of slow P-waves, whereas it is opposite in the high-frequency range. As to the contribution of potential functions of two types of compressional waves to the Green's function, the squirt-flow length has a small effect, and the effects of viscoelastic parameter are mainly in the higher frequency range. Crown Copyright (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: Este trabajo analiza las “redes de confi anza” que construyeron los campesinos de los concejos de la Tierra en Castilla tardomedieval. Es por ello que se estudian los resultados políticos de este tipo de construcciones y los puntos en los que poder político, gobernantes y gente del común se encuentran para organizar la vida cotidiana.


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La Facultad de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente (FARENA) en conjunto con el proyecto UNA-FAGRO DEPARTIR/ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL PARA LA SALUD Y SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA, FAO, consideraron como objetivo principal Diagnosticar el estado actual del bosque de galería en los ríos Ochomogo y Nandarola, del municipio de Nandaime, Granada. En el río Nandarola se inventarió un área de 23.33 ha, encontrándose 321 árboles en 62 especies y 29 familias; la especie más representativa es el Guácimo de ternero(Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) con 30 individuos, y la familia más representativa es Mimosaceae con ocho especies. El área inventariada del río Ochomogo fue de 8.18 ha, se identificaron 154 árboles en 37 especies y 24 familias; la especie más abundante es Tigüilote(Cordia dentata Poir) con 19 individuos, la familiacon mayor representatividad es la Mimosaceae con cinco especies. Las variables silviculturales, iluminación respecto al río Nandarola equivale a un 51% de iluminación vertical plena, un 52% poseen fustes rectos sin ningún daño, y un 65% se encuentra libre de lianas. Por otro lado en el río Ochomogo se encontró un 57% de árboles que recibe iluminación vertical plena, con una calidad de fuste recto sin ningún daño de 45% y el 65% están libres de lianas. En general se puede decir que la población local y circundante ejerce presión sobre el recurso bosque; el caudal del río ha disminuido notoriamente por las actividades de extracción de madera para consumo energético; se evidencia la sustitución de especies nativas por exóticas como Teca (Tectona grandis L.F), Eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) y Neem(Azadirachta indica A. Juss) en las áreas de las riveras de los ríos, el aumento de áreas para potreros y el establecimiento de pasto, de plantaciones de cultivos de plátanos y de micro fábricas de ladrillos.