982 resultados para Immaculée conception. Iconographie
This paper shows the relationship between two Spanish writers: Garcilaso de la Vega and Pedro Salinas; or better, the influence of the former over the latter. This influence may be noticed in different levels: the use of literary genres (eclogues, elegies or collections of verse), the conception of love, the use of myths and topics, the music of verse, etc. Some characteristics of Salinas’s style come clearly from Garcilaso (the intimacy, simplicity, orality, the dialogue, the use of the present tense and the first person, etc.). Our essay studies the influence of Garcilaso on the book Largo lamento, 1937?, written by Salinas at the same time as an essay about the renaissance poet —in addition of other unpublished works and his personal correspondence—, in order to show the presence of Garcilaso in his mind and all of his production
Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat äitiydelle tuotetut kulttuuriset odotukset, joita tarkastellaan kahdella yhteiskunnallisella keskustelufoorumilla. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yhtäältä lastensuojelun perhetyössä toimivien ammattilaisten ja toisaalta median puhetta äitiydestä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tehdä näkyväksi vaihtoehtoisia tapoja konstruoida äitiyttä hyvänä tai riittämättömänä sekä haastaa pohtimaan erilaisten tulkintojen perusteita ja seurauksia lastensuojelutyössä. Kulttuuriset, äitiyttä koskevat odotukset vaikuttavat myös siihen, miten äitiys henkilökohtaisella tasolla koetaan. Äitiyden kulttuurista määrittelyä analysoidaan kahdesta tekstiaineistosta. Yhtenä aineistona ovat Stakesissa vuonna 1999 toteutetun Perhetyöprojektin yhteydessä kerätyt, lastensuojelussa toimivien perhetyöammattilaisten ryhmäkeskustelut. Toisena aineistona on projektin ajankohtana ilmestyneistä suomalaisista naisten- ja perhelehdistä (Kotiliesi, Anna, Kaksplus) kerätyt äitien haastattelut. Tutkimuksessa kysytään 1) Mihin ammattilaisten äitejä koskeva huolipuhe kiinnittyy ja millaisia kulttuurisia äitiyden odotuksia se konstruoi? 2) Millaisia äitiyden odotuksia median äitihaastattelut konstruoivat? 3) Millaisen äitiyden odotushorisontin nämä puhekäytännöt yhdessä tuottavat? Analyysin teoreettis-metodologisina kulmakivinä ovat sosiaalinen konstruktionismi ja feministinen tietokäsitys. Analyysimenetelmänä on laadullinen, aineistojen ehdoilla etenevä, feministisesti ja kriittisesti sävyttynyt lukutapa, joka hyödyntää teemoittelun, diskurssianalyysin ja feministisen metodologian ideoita ja käsitteitä. Analysoitavana olevissa keskusteluissa äitiyttä konstruoidaan lapsen tarpeiden (ammattilaiset) ja naisen tarpeiden (media) näkökulmista. Ammattilaiset puhuvat tilanteista, joissa äitien toiminta rikkoo kulttuurista hyvän äidin kuvaa, vaarantaa lapsen hyvinvointia ja äitiyteen joudutaan puuttumaan ammatillisesti. Ammattilaisten tulkinnat kuvaavat taitavaa lapsen edun näkökulmasta tehtyä arviointia, jonka kiintopisteenä ovat äidit yksilöllisine ominaisuuksineen ja piirteineen. Ammatillisen huolipuheen keskiössä ovat äidin vuorovaikutussuhteet sekä äidin tunteet, käyttäytyminen ja asenteet. Riittävää äitiyttä konstruoi kodin luominen, kiintymyssuhteen rakentaminen ja lapsen ensisijaiseksi asettaminen. Sen sijaan vaikuttaa siltä, ettei äitiyden arviointia juurikaan tehdä suhteessa äidin muihin identiteetteihin tai äitiyden toteuttamisen kontekstiin. Paikoin ammattilaisten tulkinnat heijastavat myös stereotyyppisiä ja idealistisia odotuksia, joita vasten äitiyttä arvioidaan. Tällaiset piirteet voivat kertoa siitä, että äitien avuntarpeet jäävät lastensuojelutyössä kohtaamatta ja ymmärtämättä. Mediapuhe äitiydestä käydään naiseuden ja äitiyden mallien antamisen kontekstissa. Puheen keskiössä ovat mediajulkisuuteen päässeiden naisten äidiksi tuloon ja äitiyden toteuttamiseen liittyvät valinnat ja käyttäytyminen. Mediapuhe on puhetta kulttuuristen ja ammatillisten äitiyden odotusten rikkomisesta, uudelleen tulkinnasta ja niiden muovaamisesta itselle sopiviksi. Mediapuheessa hyvää äitiyttä konstruoi äidin itsenäisyys ja oma aika, sosiaalisen elämän rikkaus, ammatillinen identiteetti ja persoonalliset valinnat. Aineistojen kautta rakentuu moninaisten ja ristiriitaisten, äitejä eri suuntaan vetävien kulttuuristen odotusten kirjo. Odotukset jäsentyvät neljälle ulottuvuudelle: 1) lapselle omistautuva – itseään toteuttava, 2) emotionaalinen side – rationaalinen tehtävä, 3) odotuksia toteuttava – omaehtoinen, 4) itsenäinen - äitiyttä jakava. Äitiyden toteuttaminen kulttuurisesti ”oikein” on näiden odotusten välissä tasapainoilua. Ulottuvuuksien kautta esille tulevat kaksoisviestit voivat heikentää äitien itsetuntoa, tuottaa riittämättömyyden tunteita tai yllyttää suorittamaan äitiyttä. Myös äitiyden ammatillinen tukeminen edellyttää tasapainoilua, jottei äitejä idealisoida tai syyllistetä kulttuurisia odotuksia vasten.
This thesis is concerned with the philosophical grammar of certain psychiatric concepts, which play a central role in delineating the field of psychiatric work. The concepts studied are ‘psychosis’, ‘delusion’, ‘person’, ‘understanding’ and ‘incomprehensibility’. The purpose of this conceptual analysis is to provide a more perspicuous view of the logic of these concepts, how psychiatric work is constituted in relation to them, and what this tells us about the relationships between the conceptual and the empirical in psychiatric concepts. The method used in the thesis is indebted primarily to Ludwig Wittgenstein’s conception of philosophy, where we are urged to look at language uses in relation to practices in order to obtain a clearer overview of practices of interest; this will enable us to resolve the conceptual problems related to these practices. This questioning takes as its starting point the concept of psychosis, a central psychiatric concept during the twentieth century. The conceptual analysis of ‘psychosis’ shows that the concept is logically dependent on the concepts of ‘understanding’ and ‘person’. Following the lead found in this analysis, the logic of person-concepts in psychiatric discourse is analysed by a detailed textual analysis of a psychiatric journal article. The main finding is the ambiguous uses of ‘person’, enabling a specifically psychiatric form of concern in human affairs. The grammar of ‘understanding’ is then tackled from the opposite end, by exploring the logic of the concept of ‘incomprehensibility’. First, by studying the DSM-IV definition of delusion it is shown that its ambiguities boil down to the question of whether psychiatric practice is better accounted for in terms of the grammar of ‘incorrectness’ or ‘incomprehensibility’. Second, the grammar of ‘incomprehensibility’ is further focused on by introducing the distinction between positive and negative conceptions of ‘incomprehensibility’. The main finding is that this distinction has wide-ranging implications for our understanding of psychiatric concepts. Finally, some of the findings gained in these studies are ‘put into practice’ in studying the more practical question of the conceptual and ethical problems associated with the concept of ‘prodromal symptom of schizophrenia’ and the agenda of early detection and intervention in schizophrenia more generally.
En qualsevol disciplina els canvis en el vocabulari són importants pel fet que hi ha una evolució en la disciplina mateixa. Pel que fa a la discapacitat i la diversitat funcional no només hi ha un canvi de paraules sinó un canvi conceptual que genera substitucions de vocabulari però no com a sinònims. Els canvis de paradigma als quals fem referència en la darrera dècada comencen a prendre rellevància a molts nivells, com l’acadèmic, el social i el polític, com si fossin un engranatge en què, quan hi ha canvis en una peça, convé també plantejar-los en les altres. Des d’aquest punt de vista alteracions de la concepció de discapacitat i diversitat funcional generen canvis significatius en la manera de generar serveis si calgués. Però a més adquireixen molta importància les novetats a nivell actitudinal i de relació que estableixen els professionals de l’educació social o del treball social sobre les persones amb diversitat funcional.
The social activity of nurse teacher – a part of teacherhood Every nurse teacher must know the current health policy in order to use it in teaching. The conception of the role of health policy in curriculum and the concrete teaching of social activity are quite unclear. The purpose of this study was to describe the social activity of nurse teachers. The data were collected by a structured questionnaire (Paltta 1998) via E-mail. The questionnaire included background factors and nine items for society activities. The respondents were nurse teachers, teachers for emergency nursing, public health nurse and midwifery teachers from all polytechnics in Finland. Response rate was 46 % (n = 342). The data were analysed by using descriptive statistics. The results of this study showed that 36 % of nurse teachers evaluated themselves quite active in society activities and 43 % of them evaluated themselves inactive. 32 % of nurse teachers was member and involved to working in general organisations. 28 % of nurse teachers worked or have been worked in local commission or trustees. Nurse teachers evaluated their knowledge about health policy quite good (mean 3.75, Std 0.99). Their knowledge about education policy was also quite good (mean 3.57, Std 1.04). Nurse teachers updated their knowledge about health policy and education policy by reading professional journals, newspapers, internet and following television and radio. According to results nurse teachers are quite active in society activities even tough almost half of them evaluated themselves quite inactive. Although nurse teachers’ knowledge about health policy was quite good by their opinion, they must update and improve the knowledge. In the future it is important to study how nurse teachers use health policy in their teaching and how nurse students’ participation in society activities can be improved.
Text inèdit de Gaziel, prologat pel professor Manuel Llanas, que constitueix una monografia sobre la situació de la premsa diària espanyola. Es tracta d’una anàlisi històrica sobre el període comprès entre 1875 i 1942, amb una visió prospectiva final. L’autor divideix la periodització en tres fases: i) el passat (1874-1936); ii) el present, referit a la situació en la immediata postguerra; iii) el futur, on s’apunta una concepció normativa del periodisme. En cadascuna d’aquestes fases, la premsa és estudiada des de la dimensió política, professional, industrial i econòmica.
The proposed transdisciplinary field of ‘complexics’ would bring together allcontemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchersspecifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and conceptsintended for transversal application that are aimed at understanding andexplaining the most interwoven and dynamic phenomena of reality. Our aimneeds to be, as Morin says, not “to reduce complexity to simplicity, [but] totranslate complexity into theory”.New tools for the conception, apprehension and treatment of the data ofexperience will need to be devised to complement existing ones and toenable us to make headway toward practices that better fit complexictheories. New mathematical and computational contributions have alreadycontinued to grow in number, thanks primarily to scholars in statisticalphysics and computer science, who are now taking an interest in social andeconomic phenomena.Certainly, these methodological innovations put into question and againmake us take note of the excessive separation between the training receivedby researchers in the ‘sciences’ and in the ‘arts’. Closer collaborationbetween these two subsets would, in all likelihood, be much moreenergising and creative than their current mutual distance. Humancomplexics must be seen as multi-methodological, insofar as necessarycombining quantitative-computation methodologies and more qualitativemethodologies aimed at understanding the mental and emotional world ofpeople.In the final analysis, however, models always have a narrative runningbehind them that reflects the attempts of a human being to understand theworld, and models are always interpreted on that basis.
The proposed transdisciplinary field of ‘complexics’ would bring together allcontemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchersspecifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and conceptsintended for transversal application that are aimed at understanding andexplaining the most interwoven and dynamic phenomena of reality. Our aimneeds to be, as Morin says, not “to reduce complexity to simplicity, [but] totranslate complexity into theory”.New tools for the conception, apprehension and treatment of the data ofexperience will need to be devised to complement existing ones and toenable us to make headway toward practices that better fit complexictheories. New mathematical and computational contributions have alreadycontinued to grow in number, thanks primarily to scholars in statisticalphysics and computer science, who are now taking an interest in social andeconomic phenomena.Certainly, these methodological innovations put into question and againmake us take note of the excessive separation between the training receivedby researchers in the ‘sciences’ and in the ‘arts’. Closer collaborationbetween these two subsets would, in all likelihood, be much moreenergising and creative than their current mutual distance. Humancomplexics must be seen as multi-methodological, insofar as necessarycombining quantitative-computation methodologies and more qualitativemethodologies aimed at understanding the mental and emotional world ofpeople.In the final analysis, however, models always have a narrative runningbehind them that reflects the attempts of a human being to understand theworld, and models are always interpreted on that basis.
Emerging human rights are destined to modify, improve and transform a number of already traditional concepts so as to achieve greater guarantees and protection for the rights of individuals and collectivities. One of the big changes that will be brought about by the concept and conception of emerging human rights is that, following on from the processes of positivization, generalization, internationalization and specification, they represent the beginning of the fifth historical process in the consolidation of human rights, namely the process of interaction. A number of breakthroughs have already been achieved, such as the recognition of emerging biocultural rights in the recently adopted Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and shared benefits.
Aquest article es proposa explorar la possibilitat d'apropar a la concepció del liberalisme polític metafilosòfic de John Rawls des del punt de vista pragmatista de Richard Rorty. La proposta està motivada per les similituds que es poden observar entre elles respecte de la finalitat i la sortida d'una concepció política. El resultat final de l'article és ambigua: d'una banda, no sembla tan descabellat afirmar que la teoria de Rawls es pot llegir sense més dificultats des d'una perspectiva pragmàtica, d'altra banda, hi ha alguns aspectes importants en els quals un liberalisme polític de Rawls segueix sent incompatible amb una concepció política de Rorty
Fundamental aspects of the conception and applications of ecomaterials, in particular porous materials in the perspective of green chemistry are discussed in this paper. General recommendations for description and classification of porous materials are reviewed briefly. By way of illustration, some case studies of materials design and applications in pollution detection and remediation are described. It is shown here how different materials developed by our groups, such as porous glasses, ecomaterials from biomass and anionic clays were programmed to perform specific functions. A discussion of the present and future of ecomaterials in green chemistry is presented along with important key goals.
In Dewey, philosophy and education are inseparable. It is often forgotten that Dewey’s conception of school and education has only been possible because he conceived thought in terms of lived experience, of constantly tested experience, of incessant research; in other words, of 'continuous search' of 'effective means of action'. In addition, according to Dewey, true education is an education in democracy, and that means investing in an education that deals with thought. The service to democratic progress is done precisely through an education in reasonability and taking into account the experience
The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.
Currently, public policy has encouraged innovation in universities and also transference of technology to the industry. Another important stage to be considered would be the registration or filing of a patent and the economical viability study. Government programs, such as the innovation incentive program, among others, should facilitate popularization and promote interest by industry. In this work we described the steps, from the conception of the idea to the scale up going through its interest by the industry. The case study is about the glycerol conversion utilizing modified niobia as catalysts.
In this work, the beliefs of undergraduate students from Brazil and Portugal on the use of visual tools in teaching chemistry, which have increasingly been introduced in the areas of teaching/learning in these two countries in recent years, have been investigated. An interpretative analysis of the results shows little familiarity of students with specific points of the theme, beyond a poor conception about the way the visualization tools influence the construction of scientific concepts.