982 resultados para INITIAL CONDITION


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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In the framework of the Bologna process, and with regard to pre-service teacher education, it is necessary to model student-centred learning experiences in order to promote the required competences for future professional practice and critical participation in society. Despite the potential of discussion in promoting several competences, this methodology does not always integrate the teaching practices. This case study sought to: a) understand the experiences and views of future teachers from a School of Education on the use of discussion in their past education; and b) investigate the impact of an educational experience centred on discussion. Data were collected through narratives, questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. The learning situations experienced through this study contributed to the development of citizens more aware of their role in society and allowed the promotion of skills indispensable for an Elementary Education teacher.


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The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form Neighbourhood Forums and to prepare their own Neighbourhood Development Plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the Core Strategies of higher-tier plans and have to undergo an examination by an independent person appointed by government. This paper discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans and the evidence base on which they are founded. It then reviews the ways in which housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of plans which have been adopted to date. It concludes with an assessment of the broader impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process.


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The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form neighbourhood forums and to prepare their own neighbourhood development plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the core strategies of higher-tier plans and often make provision for more new homes than planned before 2011. This article discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans, the evidence base on which they are founded and some of the legal challenges which have helped clarify procedures. It then identifies two types of plan based on the ways housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of 10 plans which have been made to date. It concludes that the voluntary nature of localism to date tends to favour more rural and affluent areas and ends with an assessment of the impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process. It suggests that the implications for spatial planning may be far-reaching.


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We study a Conditional Cash Transfer program in which the cash transfers to the mother only depends on the fulfillment of the national preventive visit schedule by her children born before she registered in the program. We estimate that preventive visits of children born after the mother registered in the program are 50% lower because they are excluded from the conditionality requirement. Using the same variation, we also show that attendance to preventive care improves children's health.


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Background: Acute respiratory infections are usual in children under three years old occurring in upper respiratory tract, having an impact on child and caregiver’s quality of life predisposing to otitis media or bronchiolitis. There are few valid and reliable measures to determine the child’s respiratory condition and to guide the physiotherapy intervention. Aim: To assess the intra and inter rater reliability of nasal auscultation, to analyze the relation between sounds’ classification and middle ear’s pressure and compliance as well as with the Clinical Severity Score. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was composed by 125 nursery children aged up to three years old. Tympanometry, pulmonary and nasal auscultation and application of Clinical Severity Score were performed to each child. Nasal auscultation sounds’ were recorded and sent to 3 blinded experts, that classified, as “obstructed” and “unobstructed”, with a 48 hours interval, in order to analyze inter and intra rater reliability. Results: Nasal auscultation revealed a substantial inter and intra rater reliability (=0,749 and evaluator A - K= 0,691; evaluator B - K= 0,605 and evaluator C - K= 0,724, respectively). Both ears’ pressure was significantly lower in children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound when compared with an “obstructed” nasal sound (t=-3,599, p<0,001 in left ear; t=-2,258, p=0,026 in right ear). Compliance in both ears was significantly lower in children with an "obstructed" nasal sound when compared with “unobstructed” nasal sound (t=-2,728, p=0,007 in left ear; t=-3,830, p<0,001 in right ear). There was a statistically significant association between sounds’ classification and tympanograms types in both ear’s (=11,437, p=0,003 in left ear; =13,535, p=0,001 in right ear). There was a trend to children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound that had a lower clinical severity score when compared with “obstructed” children. Conclusion: It was observed a good intra and substantial inter reliability for nasal auscultation. Nasal auscultation sounds’ classification was related to middle ears’ pressure and compliance.


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Introdução: Apesar dos muitos estudos sobre a temática da sensação retardada de desconforto muscular, atualmente, ainda se discute a explicação dos mecanismos subjacentes a esta condição clínica, bem como, a sua prevenção e tratamento. A literatura sugere a massagem como uma das formas de terapia, contudo, os estudos têm mostrado resultados controversos. Objetivo: Verificar se a massagem aplicada 2 horas após um protocolo de exercício excêntrico tem influência na sensação retardada de desconforto muscular, bem como, se o seu efeito varia dependendo do tempo de aplicação. Métodos: 21 participantes (23,62±1,32 anos; 76,95±12,17 kg; 174,71±4,78 cm; 25,25±4,26 Kg/m 2) foram divididos em três grupos. Foi avaliada a dor, força muscular e a perimetria antes, e 2h, 24h, 48h, e 72h após um protocolo de exercício constituído por três séries de dez repetições de contrações excêntricas dos isquiotibiais do membro dominante, com 80% da força máxima, a uma velocidade constante de 60º/s, numa amplitude entre 0º e 80º, utilizando o dinamómetro isocinético Biodex System 4. A massagem foi efetuada 2 horas após o exercício em dois grupos experimentais com durações diferentes, sendo o terceiro grupo de controlo. Para identificar diferenças entre os grupos no momento inicial e na variável diferença entre o momento inicial e os restantes momentos, recorreu-se ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido de uma análise Post-Hoc através do teste de Dunn com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Verificou-se que a massagem teve efeito na redução da dor e na perimetria. Relativamente à força não foram encontradas alterações significativas. Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a massagem aplicada 2 horas após o exercício excêntrico, independentemente da duração utilizada, teve efeito na redução da dor, mas não na força muscular. Na perimetria apesar de haver alterações, estas não foram consideradas relevantes.


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La tragi-comédie de Corneille, «Le Cid» (1636-7), est davantage une pièce d‘amour qui illustre bien la condition de la femme au XVIIème siècle. Le triangle amoureux constitué par l‘Infante, Chimène et Rodrigue est l‘un des fondements de la pièce. Cependant, comme les personnages sont insérés dans un système féodal basé sur une idéologie aristocratique, l‘amour ne se présente pas comme une jouissance paisible. De cette façon, il y a une lutte acharnée entre l‘amour, le devoir et l‘honneur, ce qui est frappant au niveau lexical. Les personnages les plus jeunes utilisent beaucoup de mots associés au thème de l‘amour et qui ont le radical amour-, tandis que les plus âgés emploient très souvent des mots qui appartiennent au champ lexical de l‘honneur et de la gloire. Selon D. Diègue, l‘honneur a plus de puissance que l‘amour, et il trouve que l‘homme qui s‘endort dans l‘amour oublie ses devoirs. Pour l‘Infante, Chimène et Rodrigue, l‘amour est lié à la souffrance. L‘Infante souffre, mais elle se conforme, parce qu‘étant donné qu‘elle est fille de roi, elle ne peut pas aimer Rodrigue qui appartient à un rang inférieur. Chimène est le revers de l‘Infante, c‘est une femme rebelle qui veut mouler sa destinée. Cependant, tout au long de la pièce, l‘héroïne est assujettie à une force mâle: si parfois l‘amour entre elle et Rodrigue ressemble à l‘amour courtois du Moyen âge quand il se met à la disposition de sa maîtresse et la place au-dessus de lui, la plupart du temps il met la passion en dessous de l‘honneur, parce que c‘est un homme et descend d‘une famille de guerriers vaillants. Selon le code chevaleresque dans lequel il est inséré la femme est inférieure à l‘homme. À la fin de la pièce, il y a une victoire de l‘amour sur l‘honneur et le devoir : Chimène abdique de son honneur en pardonnant et en prenant pour mari l‘assassin de son père. Le monde de l‘élément masculin triomphe et elle devient le prix de la victoire de Rodrigue. Mais si son statut de femme l‘empêche de sortir victorieuse, elle ne se conforme pas et dans sa dernière tirade elle met en question la justice et défie la société féodale.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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The use of remote labs in undergraduate courses has been reported in literature several times since the mid 90's. Nevertheless, very few articles present results about the correspondent learning gains obtained by students, and in what conditions those systems can be more efficient, thus suggesting a lack of data concerning their pedagogical effectiveness. This paper addresses such a gap by presenting some initial findings concerning the use of a remote lab (VISIR), in a large undergraduate course on Physics, with over 550 students enrolled.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Fractional dynamics is a growing topic in theoretical and experimental scientific research. A classical problem is the initialization required by fractional operators. While the problem is clear from the mathematical point of view, it constitutes a challenge in applied sciences. This paper addresses the problem of initialization and its effect upon dynamical system simulation when adopting numerical approximations. The results are compatible with system dynamics and clarify the formulation of adequate values for the initial conditions in numerical simulations.


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Relatório de Estágio Curricular para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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An intensive use of dispersed energy resources is expected for future power systems, including distributed generation, especially based on renewable sources, and electric vehicles. The system operation methods and tool must be adapted to the increased complexity, especially the optimal resource scheduling problem. Therefore, the use of metaheuristics is required to obtain good solutions in a reasonable amount of time. This paper proposes two new heuristics, called naive electric vehicles charge and discharge allocation and generation tournament based on cost, developed to obtain an initial solution to be used in the energy resource scheduling methodology based on simulated annealing previously developed by the authors. The case study considers two scenarios with 1000 and 2000 electric vehicles connected in a distribution network. The proposed heuristics are compared with a deterministic approach and presenting a very small error concerning the objective function with a low execution time for the scenario with 2000 vehicles.


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Fractional dynamics is a growing topic in theoretical and experimental scientific research. A classical problem is the initialization required by fractional operators. While the problem is clear from the mathematical point of view, it constitutes a challenge in applied sciences. This paper addresses the problem of initialization and its effect upon dynamical system simulation when adopting numerical approximations. The results are compatible with system dynamics and clarify the formulation of adequate values for the initial conditions in numerical simulations.