967 resultados para Holland Purchase.


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Ce mémoire porte sur le rapport entre la maison et la littérature dans l’œuvre de Carolina Maria de Jesus, notamment dans son livre Quarto de despejo. Étant une écrivaine pauvre issue d’une favela de São Paulo, son œuvre déborde de réflexions, témoignages et vécus qui nous révèlent la relation intrinsèque entre écrire et bâtir, la littérature et la maison et entre l’habitation et l’écriture. Il s’agit dans ce mémoire d’accompagner de près les pas de Carolina bâtissant cette œuvre tout à fait inattendue, vu ses conditions matérielles et intellectuelles (elle vivait misérablement dans un barracão, et n’avait que deux ans d’instruction); il est question ici, également, de suivre la construction de ses demeures, d’abord le barracão où elle habitait qui a été édifié avec ses propres mains, ensuite la maison en brique qu’elle a pu acheter grâce au succès de son livre et, principalement, la vraie maison à soi qui s’avère être son écriture, ses mots, le mouvement double et inséparable de bâtir et écrire qui a dicté sa vie et son œuvre. Pour trouver le vocabulaire juste pour cette approche difficile, les mots du poète Edmond Jabès nous accompagneront tout au long de notre parcours, ainsi que la pensée perçante du philosophe Gaston Bachelard.


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Siegfried Kracauer a fait remarquer, déjà en 1931, que le bestseller est un « signe d’une expérience sociologique réussie ». Dans le cas des émissions littéraires à la télévision, nous assistons à une double configuration d’un succès : celui de l’émission, puis celui du livre. Au- delà de leur influence sur la consommation des livres, les programmes médiatiques sur la littérature font partie de l’ensemble de lieux communs (Robert, 2002) et, comme les écoles ou les institutions littéraires, participent à l’établissement des traditions de lecture. Ils présentent explicitement ou implicitement les titres désirables et prescrivent les normes de lecture acceptées. En présélectionnant des livres pour des milliers de gens à la fois, en invitant des auteurs à présenter leur œuvres ou en mettant en vedette des critiques littéraires, ces programmes de formats fort différents participent aux processus de légitimation culturelle. Cette thèse décrit les différentes modalités des formes de présentation du fait littéraire à la télévision et leurs évolutions. À travers une analyse d’une sélection d’émissions qui ont connu du succès à différentes époques et dans différents contextes culturels, cette recherche vise à cerner la relation médiatique qui existe entre la littérature et la télévision. Établissant ainsi les caractéristiques d’une expérience socio-médiatique réussie, cette thèse explore le dispositif de l’émission littéraire télévisuelle tel qu’il s’est développé entre 1950 et 2010, principalement en étudiant les émissions qui ont marqué la télévision nationale et le paysage littéraire en Allemagne, en Espagne et en France. En décrivant le dispositif médiatique qui fait le lien entre la conception, la production, le contenu et la portée de ces émissions, à travers une approche comparée et intermédiale, cette recherche analyse le complexe réseau de médiations qui entrent en jeu dans la construction et dans la réception de ces émissions, suivant quatre axes thématiques: le dispositif médiatique, la relation avec l’écrivain, le rôle primordial du présentateur et la mise en scène des lecteurs.


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The objectives of the present study are to provide a systematic descriptive documentation of the nature of air pollution of the Cochin industrial agglomeration, estimate the willingness to pay for morbidity reduction due to air pollution in observed and hypothetical markets and to estimate the value of welfare loss in the purchase of property due to reduced air quality. This study is an attempt to examine economic impacts of air pollution on the human health and property values in the industrial capital of Kerala. The process of industrialization in Kerala and the increase in air pollution created damages to human, natural and economic resources in the state. The study documents the extent of air pollution and applied econometric approaches to estimate economic impacts of air pollution on human health and property values. The Important sources of air pollution identified in Cochin are emissions from industries and automobiles.


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Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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As of 1999. the state of Kerala has 3210 offices of scheduled commercial banks (SCBS). In all, there are 48 commercial banks operating in Kerala, which includes PSBs, OPBs, NPBS. FBs, and Gramin Banks. The urban areas give a complete picture of the competition in the present day banking scenario with the presence of all bank groups. Semi-urban areas of Kerala have 2196 and urban areas have 593 as on March 1995.“ The study focuses on the selected segments ofthe urban customers in Kerala which is capable of giving the finer aspects of variation in customer behaviour in the purchase of banking products and services. Considering the exhaustive nature of such an exercise, all the districts in the state have not been brought under the purview of the study. Instead. three districts with largest volume of business in terms of deposits, advances, and number of offices have been short listed as representative regions for a focused study. The study focuses on the retail customer segment and their perceptions on the various products or services offered to them. Non Resident Indians (NRIs), and Traders and Small—ScaIe Industries segments have also been included in the study with a view to obtain a comparative picture with respect to perception on customer satisfaction and service quality dimensions and bank choice behaviour. The research is hence confined to customer behaviour and the implications for possible strategies for segmentation within the retail segment customers


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For improving agricultural marketing, which has been discussed in the previous chapter, the Government has intervened in different ways. The direct regulatory role through the regulation of markets and market practices is one of the ways in which governmental intervention can improve agricultural marketing. This study is an enquiry of the direct regulatory role of the government through regulation of markets and market practices. By restructuring the operational methods and redesigning the existing physical markets, this system gives direct benefit to the cultivating class and protects them from the market manipulations of organised and powerful private traders. If traders do not continue their trade for the time being they will not be affected financially, because they are resourceful or financially solvent. On the other hand, Cultivators must sell their produce immediately after harvesting for the lack of additional facilities or to satisfy other needs for which finance is required. Another important reason is that Cultivators/farmers are not organised and because of lack of their organisation, they sell their produces individually. In this situation, a farmer is helpless when astute traders indulge in manipulations at the time of purchase of the produces. So it is the government's obligation to protect the interest of the farmers. Protection of the farmer/cultivator is necessary not only from the point of social justice but also from that of economic growth. If the farmers are assured of a remunerative or incentive price for their produce, they will get the inspiration to produce more and through more production, economy will be developed and the nation as a whole will be benefitted. This study will examine the management system of the markets through the direct regulatory role played by the governments to control markets and market practices in West Bengal and Bangladesh.


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Kerala was the pioneer in modern seafood processing and exporting. But now the industry is Iacingalot of problems due to low productivity and deterioration in the quality of the products. only about 17% of the installed freezing capacity in sea food processing industry was reported to be utilised during 1979-80. The price of the export commodities its decided by the buyers based on international supply and demand pattern and based on the strength and weakness of dollar/yen. The only way to increase the profitability of the processors is to reduce the cost of production to the possible extent. The individual processors find it difficult to continue in this field due to low productivity and quality problems. The main objectives of the research are to find out how the production is being managed in the seafood processing(freezing) 17industry in Kerala and the reasons for low productivity and poor quality of the products. The study includes a detailed analysis of Location of the factories. Layout Purchase, production and storage patterns. Production planning and scheduling. Work Measurement of the processing of important products. Quality Control and Inspection. Management Information System