994 resultados para Helical magnets


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A compact adjustable focusing system for a 2 MeV H- RFQ Linac is designed, constructed and tested based on four permanent magnet quadrupoles (PMQ). A PMQ model is realised using finite element simulations, providing an integrated field gradient of 2.35 T with a maximal field gradient of 57 T/m. A prototype is constructed and the magnetic field is measured, demonstrating good agreement with the simulation. Particle track simulations provide initial values for the quadrupole positions. Accordingly, four PMQs are constructed and assembled on the beam line, their positions are then tuned to obtain a minimal beam spot size of (1.2 x 2.2) mm^2 on target. This paper describes an adjustable PMQ beam line for an external ion beam. The novel compact design based on commercially available NdFeB magnets allows high flexibility for ion beam applications.


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Sensory rhodopsins I and II (SRI and SRII) are visual pigment-like phototaxis receptors in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. The receptor proteins each consist of a single polypeptide that folds into 7 $\alpha$-helical membrane-spanning segments forming an internal pocket where the chromophore retinal is bound. They transmit signals to their tightly bound transducer proteins, HtrI and HtrII, respectively, which in turn control a phosphotransfer pathway modulating the flagellar motors. SRI-HtrI mediates attractant responses to orange-light and repellent responses to UV light, while SRII-HtrII mediates repellent response to blue light. Experiments were designed to analyze the molecular processes in the SR-Htr complexes responsible for receptor activation, which previously had been shown by our laboratory to involve proton transfer reactions of the retinylidene Schiff base in the photoactive site, transfer of signals from receptor to transducer, and signaling specificity by the receptor-transducer complex.^ Site-directed mutagenesis and laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy revealed that His-166 in SRI (i) plays a role in the proton transfers both to and from the Schiffbase, either as a structurally critical residue or possibly as a direct participant, (ii) is involved in the modulation of SIU photoreaction kinetics by HtrI, and (iii) modulates the pKa of Asp-76, an important residue in the photoactive site, through a long-distance electrostatic interaction. Computerized cell tracking and motion analysis demonstrated that (iv) His-166 is crucial in phototaxis signaling: a spectrum of substitutions either eliminate signaling or greatly perturb the activation process that produces attractant and repellent signaling states of the receptor.^ The signaling states of SRI are communicated to HtrI, whose oligomeric structure and conformational changes were investigated by engineered sulfhydryl probes. It was found that signaling by the SRI-HtrI complex involves reversible conformational changes within a preexisting HtrI dimer, which is likely accomplished through a slight winding or unwinding of the two HtrT monomers via their loose coiled coil association. To elucidate which domains of the Htr dimers confer specificity for interaction with SRI or SRII, chimeras of HtrI and HtrII were constructed. The only determinant needed for functional and specific interaction with SRI or SRII was found to be the four transmembrane segments of the HtrI or HtrII dimers, respectively. The entire cytoplasmic parts of HtrI and HtrII, which include the functionally important signaling and adaptation domains, were interchangeable.^ These observations support a model in which SRI and SRII undergo conformational changes coupled to light-induced proton transfers in their photoactive sites, and that lateral helix-helix interactions with their cognate transducers' 4-helix bundle in the membrane relay these conformational changes into different states of the Htr proteins which regulate the down-stream phosphotransfer pathway. ^


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Partially functional forms of iso-1-cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were obtained by replacements of the evolutionarily conserved proline 71 with valine, isoleucine and threonine (Ernst et.al.,1985). Pro-71 lies at the juncture of two short helical regions and is believed to be important for proper local polypeptide chain folding within the iso-1-cytochrome c structure.^ To study folding in the absence of intermolecular disulfide dimer formation the free sulfhydryl group of Cys-102 was modified in both wild type and mutant proteins with an alkylating reagent, methyl methanethiosulfonate. Spectral analysis of the wild type and mutant proteins shows that the native-like functional (or partially functional) folded structure of cytochrome c is retained in the chemically modified derivatives. The replacement of Pro-71 with valine, isoleucine or threonine reduces the intensity of the 696 nm absorbance band which is an indicator of the Met-80 ligation to the heme. Thermal stability and guanidine hydrochloride unfolding studies of the mutant proteins shows a destabilization of the protein as a result of mutation. The degree of destabilization depends on the chemical nature of the substituent amino acid in the mutant protiens.^ Kinetics of folding/unfolding reactions of the proteins were monitored by fluorescence changes using stopped flow mixing to obtain guanidine hydrochloride concentration jumps ending below, within, and above the transition zone. The replacement of Pro-71 alters the rate on one of the fastest phases, $\tau\sb3$, while the two other phases, $\tau\sb1$ & $\tau\sb2$, remain the same.^ Slow refolding kinetic studies indicate that replacement of Pro-71 does not completely eliminate the absorbance or fluorescence detected slow phases leading to the conclusion that Pro-71 is not involved in the generation of the slow phases in the folding kinetics of iso-1-cytochrome c.^ The alkaline conformational change involving the disappearance of the 696 nm absorbance band occurs with increasing pH in the alkaline pH region (Davis et al., 1974). The apparent pK of this conformational change in mutant proteins is shifted as much as two pH units compared to wild type. The equilibrium and kinetic data of alkaline transition for the wild type follows a simple mechanism proposed by Davis et al., (1974) for horse heart cytochrome c. A more complex mechanism is proposed for the behavior of the mutant proteins. ^


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Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) provide metabolic information on the musculoskeletal system, thus helping to understand the biochemical and pathophysiological nature of numerous diseases. In particular, MRS has been used to study the energy metabolism of muscular tissue since the very beginning of magnetic resonance examinations in humans when small-bore magnets for studies of the limbs became available. Even more than in other organs, the observation of non-proton-nuclei was important in muscle tissue. Spatial localization was less demanding in these studies, however, high temporal resolution was necessary to follow metabolism during exercise and recovery. The observation of high-energy phosphates during and after the application of workload gives insight into oxidative phosphorylation, a process that takes place in the mitochondria and characterizes impaired mitochondrial function. New applications in insulin-resistant patients followed the development of volume-selective 1H-MRS in whole-body magnets. Nowadays, multinuclear MRS and MRSI of the musculoskeletal system provide several windows to vital biochemical pathways noninvasively. It is shown how MRS and MRSI have been used in numerous diseases to characterize an involvement of the muscular metabolism.


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Type I interferons (IFNs), mainly IFN-α/β play a crucial role in innate defense against viruses. In addition to their direct antiviral activity, type I IFNs have antitumoral and immunomodulatory effects. Although all cells are virtually able to induce IFN-α, the plasmacytoid dendritic cell (pDC) subset represents the ultimate producers of IFN-α as well as other proinflammatory cytokines. Due to the specific expression of TLR7 and TLR9 recognizing single-stranded (ss) RNA and unmethylated CpG motifs respectively, pDCs can secrete up to 1000 times more IFN-α than any cellular types. Additionally, it is well known that several cytokines including type I and II IFNs, Flt3-L, IL-4 and GM-CSF favor pDC-derived IFN-α responses to unmethylated CpG motifs. In a first step, we aimed to characterize and clarify the interactions of two porcine viruses with pDCs. The double-stranded DNA replicative forms of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) were demonstrated to inhibit CpG-induced IFN- α by pDCs. Our study showed that none of the cytokines known to enhance pDC responsiveness can counter-regulate the PCV2-mediated inhibition of IFN-α induced by CpG, albeit IFN-γ significantly reduced the level of inhibition. Interestingly, the presence of IFN-γ enabled pDCs to induce IFN-α to low doses of PCV2. We also noted that after DNase treatment, PCV2 preparations were still able to stimulate pDCs. These data suggest that encapsulated viral ssDNA promotes the induction of IFN-α in pDCs treated with IFN-γ whereas free DNA, presumably as double-stranded forms, was responsible for inhibiting pDC responses. Regarding PRRSV, it has been reported that North American isolates did not induce and even inhibited IFN-α response in pDCs. However, PRRSV infection was also shown to lead to an induction of IFN-α in the serum and in the lungs suggesting that certain cells are responsive to the virus. Contrasting to previous reports we found that numerous PRRSV isolates directly induced IFN-α in pDCs. This response was still observed after UV-inactivation of viruses and required TLR7 signaling. The inhibition of CpG-induced IFN-α was weak and strain dependent, again contrasting with a previous report. We also observed that IFN-γ and IL-4 enhanced IFN-α response to two prototype strains, VR-2332 and LVP23. In summary, we demonstrated that both PCV2 and PRRSV promote IFN-α secretion in pDCs in vitro suggesting that IFN-α detected in PCV2- or PRRSV-infected animal might originate from pDCs. On the other hand, PRRSV replication is restricted to the macrophage (MΦ) lineage. These innate immune cells represent a heterogeneous population which can be induce to “classical” (M1) and “alternative” (M2) activated MΦ acquiring inflammatory or “wound-healing” functional properties, respectively. Nonetheless, little is known about the effect of polarization into M1 or M2 and the susceptibility of these cells to PRRSV. Thus, we examined the impact of cytokine on MΦ polarization into M1 or M2. Infections of these cells by several PRRSV isolates enabled the discrimination of PRRSV isolate in a genotype- and irulencedependent manner in M1 and IFN-β-activated MΦ. In contrast, the expression of PRRSV nucleocapsid in M2 or inactivated MΦ was indistinguishable among the PRRSV isolates tested. In the last part of my Thesis, we investigated the influence of three synthetic porcine cathelicidin peptides for their ability to deliver nucleic acid to pDCs. We reported that all cathelicidins tested can complex and quickly deliver nucleic acids resulting in IFN-α induction. Moreover, we show that the typical α- helical amphipathic conformation is required to mediate killing of bacteria but not for inducing IFN-α secretion by pDCs. Furthermore, we found that E.coli treated with one of these cathelicidins is able to induce significantly higher levels of IFN-α compared to a non-sense version of the peptide. These data suggest that cathelicidins could influence the immune response in a two-step process. First, these peptides target bacteria leading to cell lysis. In turn, cathelicidins form complexes and deliver extracellular microbial nucleic acids released into pDCs. These pDC-derived IFN-α responses could be of particular relevance in driving the adaptive immune responses against microbial infections.


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Very important aspects of the modern nanotechnology are control and prediction of arraying patterns of opto- and electroactive molecules in discrete objects on nanoscale level both on surface and solution. Consequqntly, a self-assembly of small molucules provides such an opportunity.For example, oligopyrenotides (OPs, short amphiphilic pyrene oligomers) represent a novel class of amphiphilic molecules which tend to aggegate in aqueous phase. As has been already shown, OPs are able to form 1D supramolecular polymer only under high salt concentration. Since programmed arraying of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in structurally defined objects could offer enhanced performance over the individual components, prediction and controlling of their spatial arrangement remains challenging. Herein we demonstrate that substitution type of the pyrene is crutial, and it determines a morphology of the assemblies. Thus, a 1.6-linkage causes a formation of large, free-standing 2D supromolecular polymers with a thickness 2 nm. These assemblies possess a high degree of an internal order: the interior consists of hydrophobic pyrenes and alkyl chains, whereas the exterior exists as a net of hydrophilic negatively charged phosphates. Contrary, a 1.8-linkage exclusiveley leads to a formation of long (up to a few micrometer), nanometer thick helical supramolecular polymers. These structures tend to form even more complex structures (bundles, superhelixes). Moreover for both molecules, the polymerizations occurs via a nucleation-elongation mechanism. To study Py3 self-assembly, we carried out whole set of spectroscopic (UV/vis, fluorescence, DLS) and microscopic experiments (AFM).


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Herein we demonstrate that a substitution type of the pyrene in short amphiphilic oligomers determines a morphology of the assemblies formed. Thus, 1.6- and 2.7-linkages lead to a formation of micrometer-sized 2D supromolecular polymers with a constant thickness 2 nm (pictures A and B). These assemblies possess a high degree of an internal order: the interior consists of hydrophobic pyrenes and alkyl chains, whereas the exterior exists as a net of hydrophilic negatively charged phosphates. Contrary, a 1.8-linkage exclusiveley leads to a formation of long nanometer thick helical supramolecular polymers (picturee C). These structures tend to form even more complex assemblies (bundles, superhelixes). Moreover, for all samples the polymerization process occurs via a nucleation-elongation mechanism. To study Py3 self-assembly, we carried out whole set of spectroscopic (UV/vis, fluorescence, DLS) and microscopic experiments (AFM).


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A quantum critical point (QCP) is a singularity in the phase diagram arising because of quantum mechanical fluctuations. The exotic properties of some of the most enigmatic physical systems, including unconventional metals and superconductors, quantum magnets and ultracold atomic condensates, have been related to the importance of critical quantum and thermal fluctuations near such a point. However, direct and continuous control of these fluctuations has been difficult to realize, and complete thermodynamic and spectroscopic information is required to disentangle the effects of quantum and classical physics around a QCP. Here we achieve this control in a high-pressure, high-resolution neutron scattering experiment on the quantum dimer material TlCuCl3. By measuring the magnetic excitation spectrum across the entire quantum critical phase diagram, we illustrate the similarities between quantum and thermal melting of magnetic order. We prove the critical nature of the unconventional longitudinal (Higgs) mode of the ordered phase by damping it thermally. We demonstrate the development of two types of criticality, quantum and classical, and use their static and dynamic scaling properties to conclude that quantum and thermal fluctuations can behave largely independently near a QCP.


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OBJECTIVES In this phantom CT study, we investigated whether images reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) and iterative reconstruction (IR) with reduced tube voltage and current have equivalent quality. We evaluated the effects of different acquisition and reconstruction parameter settings on image quality and radiation doses. Additionally, patient CT studies were evaluated to confirm our phantom results. METHODS Helical and axial 256 multi-slice computed tomography scans of the phantom (Catphan(®)) were performed with varying tube voltages (80-140kV) and currents (30-200mAs). 198 phantom data sets were reconstructed applying FBP and IR with increasing iterations, and soft and sharp kernels. Further, 25 chest and abdomen CT scans, performed with high and low exposure per patient, were reconstructed with IR and FBP. Two independent observers evaluated image quality and radiation doses of both phantom and patient scans. RESULTS In phantom scans, noise reduction was significantly improved using IR with increasing iterations, independent from tissue, scan-mode, tube-voltage, current, and kernel. IR did not affect high-contrast resolution. Low-contrast resolution was also not negatively affected, but improved in scans with doses <5mGy, although object detectability generally decreased with the lowering of exposure. At comparable image quality levels, CTDIvol was reduced by 26-50% using IR. In patients, applying IR vs. FBP resulted in good to excellent image quality, while tube voltage and current settings could be significantly decreased. CONCLUSIONS Our phantom experiments demonstrate that image quality levels of FBP reconstructions can also be achieved at lower tube voltages and tube currents when applying IR. Our findings could be confirmed in patients revealing the potential of IR to significantly reduce CT radiation doses.


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New coordination polymers [M(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (M=Co (1), Cu (2); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 4-MeIm=4-methylimidazole) have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, thermogravimetric analysis and magnetic measurements. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 are isostructural and consist of [M(4-MeIm)2(H2O)] building units linked in infinite 1D helical chains by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions which also act as chelating ligands through two O atoms from one carboxylate group in the case of 1. In complex 1, each Co(II) atom adopts a distorted octahedral N2O4 geometry being coordinated by two N atoms from two 4-MeIm, three O atoms of two phthalate residues and one O atom of a water molecule, whereas the square-pyramidal N2O3 coordination of the Cu(II) atom in 2 includes two N atoms of N-containing ligands, two O atoms of two carboxylate groups from different Pht, and a water molecule. An additional strong O–H⋯O hydrogen bond between a carboxylate group of the phthalate ligand and a coordinated water molecule join the 1D helical chains to form a 2D network in both compounds. The thermal dependences of the magnetic susceptibilities of the polymeric helical Co(II) chain compound 1 were simulated within the temperature range 20–300 K as a single ion case, whereas for the Cu(II) compound 2, the simulations between 25 and 300 K, were made for a linear chain using the Bonner–Fisher approximation. Modelling the experimental data of compound 1 with MAGPACK resulted in: g=2.6, |D|=62 cm−1. Calculations using the Bonner–Fisher approximation gave the following result for compound 2: g=2.18, J=–0.4 cm−1.


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Our research goals are focused on the preparation of novel molecule-based materials that possess specifically designed properties in solution or in the solid state e.g. self-assembly, magnetism, conductivity and spin crossover phenomena. Most of our systems incorporate paramagnetic transition metal ions and the search for new molecule-based magnetic materials is a prominent theme. Specific areas of research include the preparation and study of oxalate based 2D and 3D magnets, probing the versatility of octacyanometalate building blocks as precursors for new molecular magnets, and the preparation of new tetrathiafulvalene (TIF) derivatives for applications in molecular and supramolecular chemistry.


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The field of molecule-based magnets is a relatively new branch of chemistry, which involves the design and study of molecular compounds that exhibit a spontaneous magnetic ordering below a critical temperature, Tc. One major goal involves the design of materials with tuneable Tc's for specific applications in memory storage devices. Molecule-based magnets with high magnetic ordering temperatures have recently been obtained from bimetallic and mixed-valence transition metal μ-cyanide complexes of the Prussian blue family. Since the μ-cyanide linkages permit an interaction between paramagnetic metal ions, cyanometalate building blocks have found useful applications in the field of molecule-based magnets. Our work involves the use of octacyanometalate building blocks for the self-assembly of two new classes of magnetic materials namely, high-spin molecular clusters which exhibit both ferromagnetic intra- and intercluster coupling, and specific extended network topologies which show long-range ferromagnetic ordering.


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10.1002/hlca.200390311.abs A series of oligonucleotides containing (5′S)-5′-C-butyl- and (5′S)-5′-C-isopentyl-substituted 2′-deoxyribonucleosides were designed, prepared, and characterized with the intention to explore alkyl-zipper formation between opposing alkyl chains across the minor groove of oligonucleotide duplexes as a means to modulate DNA-duplex stability. From four possible arrangements of the alkyl groups that differ in the density of packing of the alkyl chains across the minor groove, three (duplex types I–III, Fig. 2) could experimentally be realized and their duplex-forming properties analyzed by UV-melting curves, CD spectroscopy, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), as well as by molecular modeling. The results show that all arrangements of alkyl residues within the minor groove of DNA are thermally destabilizing by 1.5–3°/modification in Tm. We found that, within the proposed duplexes with more loosely packed alkyl groups (type-III duplexes), accommodation of alkyl residues without extended distorsion of the helical parameters of B-DNA is possible but does not lead to higher thermodynamic stability. The more densely packed and more unevenly distributed arrangement (type-II duplexes) seems to suffer from ecliptic positioning of opposite alkyl groups, which might account for a systematic negative contribution to stability due to steric interactions. The decreased stability in the type-III duplexes described here may be due either to missing hydrophobic interactions of the alkyl groups (not bulky enough to make close contacts), or to an overcompensation of favorable alkyl-zipper formation presumably by loss of structured H2O in the minor groove.


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DNA triple helix based approaches to control and modulate cellular functions on the level of genomic DNA (antigene technology) suffered in the past from a stepmother like treatment in comparison to the flourishing field of oligonucleotide based control of translation (antisense technology). This was mostly due to lack of affinity of triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) to their DNA target, to sequence restriciton constraints imposed by the triple helical recogniton motifs and by open questions to the accessibility of the target DNA. Recent developments in the area have brought about new bases that specifically recognize pyrimidine-purine inversion sites as well as sugar modifications, e.g. the 2'-aminoethoxy-oligonucleotides or oligonucleotides based on the locked nucleic acid (LNA) sugar unit, that greatly enhance triplex stability and alleviate in part the sequence restriction constraints. With this, sequence specific genomic DNA manipulation starts to become a useful tool in biotechnology


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The role of the DNA phosphodiester backbone in the transfer of melting cooperativity between two helical domains was experimentally addressed with a helix-bulge-helix DNA model, in which the bulge consisted of a varying number of either conformationally flexible propanediol or conformationally constrained bicyclic anucleosidic phosphodiester backbone units. We found that structural communication between two double helical domains is transferred along the DNA backbone over the equivalent of ca. 12-20 backbone units, depending on whether there is a symmetric or asymmetric distribution of the anucleosidic units on both strands. We observed that extension of anucleosidic units on one strand only suffices to disrupt cooperativity transfer in a similar way as if extension occurs on both strands, indicating that the length of the longest anucleosidic inset determines cooperativity transfer. Furthermore, conformational rigidity of the sugar unit increases the distance of coopertivity transfer along the phosphodiester backbone. This is especially the case when the units are asymmetrically distributed in both strands