985 resultados para Heads.


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Archaeozoological mortality profiles have been used to infer site-specific subsistence strategies. There is however no common agreement on the best way to present these profiles and confidence intervals around age class proportions. In order to deal with these issues, we propose the use of the Dirichlet distribution and present a new approach to perform age-at-death multivariate graphical comparisons. We demonstrate the efficiency of this approach using domestic sheep/goat dental remains from 10 Cardial sites (Early Neolithic) located in South France and the Iberian Peninsula. We show that the Dirichlet distribution in age-at-death analysis can be used: (i) to generate Bayesian credible intervals around each age class of a mortality profile, even when not all age classes are observed; and (ii) to create 95% kernel density contours around each age-at-death frequency distribution when multiple sites are compared using correspondence analysis. The statistical procedure we present is applicable to the analysis of any categorical count data and particularly well-suited to archaeological data (e.g. potsherds, arrow heads) where sample sizes are typically small.


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In this study three chronicles from national newspapers (one generalist and two sport press) were analyzed. The chronicles belong to Spain’s soccer final of the King’s Cup in 2014. The aim of the study was to know if there was any influence on the readers’ perception of justice and consequently if this influence could cause a particular predisposition to participate in acts of protest. 462 university students participated. The results showed that different chronicles caused differences in the perception of justice depending on the chronicle read. However, a clear influence on the willingness to participate in acts of protest was not obtained. These results should make us think about the impact of sport press and its influence, and to be aware of the indirect responsibility of every sector on the antisocial behaviors generated by soccer in our country.


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Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e interpretación del corpus, su estructura y función. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los múltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurrección y salvación del difunto.


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Las etapas del cambio fonético-fonológico han sido descritas desde hace décadas, especialmente desde un punto de vista articulatorio y casi siempre partiendo de los testimonios escritos de que se podía disponer. No obstante, recientemente han ido surgiendo nuevas teorías que defienden que el cambio puede ser explicado a través del estudio de la variación y los procesos fonéticos propios del habla actual, puesto que ambos están relacionados con fenómenos de hipo (e hiper) articulación y, a la postre, de coarticulación. Una de ellas es la Fonología Evolutiva (Blevins 2004), aun cuando no ofrece una explicación satisfactoria para la difusión del cambio. En este estudio, se ha recurrido a estas teorías para esclarecer las causas de la evolución de dos contextos de yod segunda: /nj/ y /lj/, que llevaron a la fonologización de // y //, en un primer estadio de la historia del español.


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This Open Access (OA) Poster - ‘Destination Open Access: Getting Researchers on Board’, was devised by the Queen’s University Belfast’s OA Team. It outlines the advocacy strategy undertaken to strengthen researchers’ uptake of OA at the University. Research funders, such as the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE), are increasingly mandating that researchers make their work publically available via an institutional repository. It is therefore imperative that researchers and departments fully engage with open access to ensure future funding.

The team’s advocacy strategy centres around collaboration with the Heads of Schools, Subject Librarians, the Research and Enterprise Office and, most importantly, the researchers themselves. The team regularly organises training sessions and events, on understanding OA, funder compliance and using the institutional repository. We also run outreach activities, such as practical drop-in sessions, promotional give-aways, OA updates to library staff and direct communications to schools. Finally, the team maintain a strong online presence via LibGuides, LibAnswers, the Library Blog and Twitter. We utilise these platforms to highlight topical OA issues, to advertise events, to provide support materials and to interact with researchers.

Statistics indicate that researchers are increasingly engaging with the OA training, communications and outreach events. Since August 2014 over 1200 researchers have attended advocacy sessions. Additionally, the numbers of papers uploaded to the repository each year has steadily increased and there are now over 3, 000 full-text OA research outputs in the Queen’s Research Portal.

This reflects positively on the team’s established approach of working with researchers to develop an OA culture within the University. Whilst it is clear that an open access strategy is essential, support for the open access ethos must come from individual researchers and Schools in order for the University to reach its desired destination of maximum uptake of open access.


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Sedimentological and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C data provide estimates of the structure and age of five submarine landslides (∼0.4–3 km3) present on eastern Australia's continental slope between Noosa Heads and Yamba. Dating of the post-slide conformably deposited sediment indicates sediment accumulation rates between 0.017 m ka–1 and 0.2 m ka–1, which is consistent with previous estimates reported for this area. Boundary surfaces were identified in five continental slope cores at depths of 0.8 to 2.2 m below the present-day seafloor. Boundary surfaces present as a sharp colour-change across the surface, discernible but small increases in sediment stiffness, a slight increase in sediment bulk density of 0.1 g cm–3, and distinct gaps in AMS 14C ages of at least 25 ka. Boundary surfaces are interpreted to represent a slide plane detachment surface but are not necessarily the only ones or even the major ones. Sub-bottom profiler records indicate that: (1) the youngest identifiable sediment reflectors upslope from three submarine landslides terminate on and are truncated by slide rupture surfaces; (2) there is no obvious evidence for a post-slide sediment layer draped over, or burying, slide ruptures or exposed slide detachment surfaces; and (3) the boundary surfaces identified within the cores are unlikely to be near-surface slide surfaces within an overall larger en masse dislocation. These findings suggest that these submarine landslides are geologically recent (<25 ka), and that the boundary surfaces are either: (a) an erosional features that developed after the landslide, in which case the boundary surface age provides a minimum age for the landslide; or (b) detachment surfaces from which slabs of near-surface sediment were removed during landsliding, in which case the age of the sediment above the boundary surface indicates the approximate age of landsliding. While an earthquake-triggering mechanism is favoured for the initiation of submarine landslides on the eastern Australian margin, further evidence is required to confirm this interpretation.


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications. In the past, metals like Fe, Ni and Co were sought after for various applications though iron was in the forefront because of its cost effectiveness and abundance. Later, alloys based on Fe and Ni were increasingly employed. They were used in magnetic heads and in inductors. Ferrites entered the arena and subsequently most of the newer applications were based on ferrites, a ferrimagnetic material, whose composition can be tuned to tailor the magnetic properties. In the late 1950s a new class of magnetic material emerged on the magnetic horizon and they were fondly known as metallic glasses. They are well known for their soft magnetic properties. They were synthesized in the form of melt spun ribbons and are amorphous in nature and they are projected to replace the crystalline counterparts.


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications.


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[EN]Active Vision Systems can be considered as dynamical systems which close the loop around artificial visual perception, controlling camera parameters, motion and also controlling processing to simplify, accelerate and do more robust visual perception. Research and Development in Active Vision Systems [Aloi87], [Bajc88] is a main area of interest in Computer Vision, mainly by its potential application in different scenarios where real-time performance is needed such as robot navigation, surveillance, visual inspection, among many others. Several systems have been developed during last years using robotic-heads for this purpose...


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Pour les partis politiques attachés à des idéaux pacifiques et internationalistes, comme les partis socialistes, la période de préparation à la Conférence mondiale du désarmement, soit entre 1925 et 1932, put paraître pleine de possibilités pour la réduction des armements nationaux. Bien que ces partis aient partagé un lien transnational, par leur adhésion à l’Internationale ouvrière socialiste, ils étaient avant tout des organisations évoluant dans des cadres nationaux différents. Ainsi, les positions qu’ils mirent de l’avant afin de convaincre leur électorat respectif ne purent être totalement semblables. Dans ce mémoire, le discours public, ainsi que les arguments le sous-tendant, de la SFIO et du Labour concernant le désarmement entre le 12 décembre 1925 et le 3 février 1932 est décrit, analysé et comparé. Les raisons du désarmement, les appréciations des développements sur la question autant dans le contexte de la SDN que dans les autres réunions internationales ainsi qu’au niveau strictement national pour les deux partis sont l’objet de cette étude. Il apparaît que la SFIO et le Labour ont présenté des arguments similaires afin de justifier le désarmement. De plus, bien qu’ils aient tous deux appuyé un potentiel rôle d’arbitrage pour la SDN, alors que les socialistes ont insisté sur leur rôle de lobbyistes, les travaillistes tablèrent plutôt sur les responsabilités des chefs d’État et des « grands hommes » dans le processus, tout particulièrement lorsque leur parti fut au pouvoir. Les travaillistes démontrèrent également une ouverture pour toute avancée du désarmement, même minime, alors que les socialistes préférèrent manifestement les ententes globales. Finalement, des approches nationales aux implications différentes furent promues : l’organisation de la nation en temps de guerre en France et la promotion d’un esprit de paix en Grande-Bretagne.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli esitellä orbitaali-TIG-hitsauksen käyttämistä putkien päittäishitsaamiseen. Työssä esitellään Suomesta saatavia orbitaali-TIG-laitteita ja TIG-hitsausprosessi pääperiaatteiltaan sekä prosessin käyttämistä orbitaalihitsaukseen. Myös orbitaali-TIG-hitsauksen tuottavuuteen ja laatuun liittyviä asioita käydään läpi. Suomesta saatavilla olevista laitteista valittiin toiminnallisten mittojen kannalta sopivimmat kandidaatintyötä varten suunniteltuun ripaputkilämmönvaihtimen hitsaukseen. Työ on pääasiallisesti tehty kirjallisuustutkimuksena käyttäen apuna orbitaalilaitteistojen valmistajien ja jälleenmyyjien haastatteluja. Kirjalliset lähteet koostuvat kotimaisesta ja kansainvälisestä hitsauksen alan kirjallisuudesta ja teksti on pyritty sitomaan yhteen käyttäen useaa eri lähdettä. Laitekohtaiset tiedot saatiin laitevalmistajien tuotetiedotteista ja sähköpostihaastatteluna laitteiden jälleenmyyjiltä ja laitevalmistajilta. Suomessa orbitaali-TIG-laitteita maahantuo ja jälleenmyy Masino Welding Oy ja Suomen Teknohaus Oy. Suomessa laitteita valmistaa Kemppi Oy, jonka orbitaalilaitteilla on useita jälleenmyyjiä. Masino Welding Oy myy saksalaisia Orbitalum GmbH:n laitteita ja Suomen Teknohaus Oy ranskalaisia Polysoude S.A.S.:n laitteita. Näiden laitevalmistajien joukosta suunnitellun ripaputkilämmönvaihtimen hitsaukseen soveltuu Orbitalumilta ja Polysoudelta yhdet sekä Kempiltä kaksi umpipihtimallista orbitaalihitsauspäätä. Orbitaali-TIG-hitsauslaitteissa virtalähteet ovat kehittyneet eniten vuosien aikana ja eri laitevalmistajien laitteistojen erot ovat pääasiassa virtalähteisiin liittyviä. Ripaputkilämmönvaihtimen hitsaamiseen sopivin hitsauspäämalli on umpipihti, sillä lämmönvaihtimen päädyt ovat hyvin ahtaita ja umpipihdit ovat orbitaalihitsauspäistä kaikkein kompakteimmat. Suomessa orbitaali-TIG-laitteita ei ole kauheasti tarjolla ja laitteiden markkinointi on jossain määrin kannattamatonta. Orbitaalihitsaus on kuitenkin varteenotettava vaihtoehto TIG-käsinhitsaukselle, jos hitsataan paljon samankaltaisia hitsejä.


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Indoor and outdoor concentrations of various pollutants were measured in a naturally ventilated building in the West End of Edinburgh during and after the period of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to assess the effect upon indoor pollution levels of the closure of some streets in the city. The relationships between indoor and outdoor air qualities in respect of traffic-generated pollutants were studied and the building’s relative attenuation of external pollution levels investigated. The peak concentrations of some of the external pollutants were attenuated by the building and the internal concentrations showed a reduction of up to 30% in some periods. During periods of reduced traffic, the early analyses indicate that the daily mean concentrations of the pollutants were not significantly different from those measured at other times.


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The effect of a pre-shipment hypochlorite treatment on botrytis incidence was evaluated in a large number of rose cultivars and under different long-term storage conditions. Application parameters, stability and sources of hypochlorite were investigated. Irrespective of the type of packaging and shipment conditions, roses that received a pre-shipment treatment with 100 to 150 mg/L hypochlorite showed a significantly decreased botrytis incidence compared to non-hypochlorite treated roses. The hypochlorite treatment generally was more effective than a comparable treatment with commercial fungicides. Dipping the flower heads for approximately one second in a hypochlorite solution was more effective than spraying the heads. In few cases minor hypochlorite-induced damage on the petal tips was observed at higher concentrations (>200 mg/L). Apart from the effect on botrytis incidence, the treatment resulted in reduced water loss that may have an additional beneficial effect on the eventual flower quality. It is concluded that, apart from other obvious measures to reduce botrytis incidence (prevention of high humidity at the flower heads) a pre-shipment floral dip in 100 to 150 mg/L hypochlorite from commercial household bleach is an easy and cost effective way to reduce botrytis incidence following long term storage/transportation of roses. © 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.