992 resultados para Ferromagnetic nanoclusters


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Ferromagnetism is predicted in undoped diluted magnetic semiconductors illuminated by intense sub-band-gap laser radiation . The mechanism for photoinduced ferromagnetism is coherence between conduction and valence bands induced by the light which leads to an optical exchange interaction. The ferromagnetic critical temperature TC depends both on the properties of the material and on the frequency and intensity of the laser and could be above 1K.


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By computing spin-polarized electronic transport across a finite zigzag graphene ribbon bridging two metallic graphene electrodes, we demonstrate, as a proof of principle, that devices featuring 100% magnetoresistance can be built entirely out of carbon. In the ground state a short zigzag ribbon is an antiferromagnetic insulator which, when connecting two metallic electrodes, acts as a tunnel barrier that suppresses the conductance. The application of a magnetic field makes the ribbon ferromagnetic and conductive, increasing dramatically the current between electrodes. We predict large magnetoresistance in this system at liquid nitrogen temperature and 10 T or at liquid helium temperature and 300 G.


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We consider dilute magnetic doping in the surface of a three dimensional topological insulator where a two dimensional Dirac electron gas resides. We find that exchange coupling between magnetic atoms and the Dirac electrons has a strong and peculiar effect on both. First, the exchange-induced single ion magnetic anisotropy is very large and favors off-plane orientation. In the case of a ferromagnetically ordered phase, we find a colossal magnetic anisotropy energy, of the order of the critical temperature. Second, a persistent electronic current circulates around the magnetic atom and, in the case of a ferromagnetic phase, around the edges of the surface.


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Poster presented in TNT 2005 "Trends in Nanotechnology", Oviedo, Spain, 29 August-02 September, 2005.


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We study the effect of magnetic anisotropy in a single electron transistor with ferromagnetic electrodes and a non-magnetic island. We identify the variation δμ of the chemical potential of the electrodes as a function of the magnetization orientation as a key quantity that permits to tune the electrical properties of the device. Different effects occur depending on the relative size of δμ and the charging energy. We provide preliminary quantitative estimates of δμ using a very simple toy model for the electrodes.


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The appearance of ferromagnetic correlations among π electrons of phenanthrene (C14H10) molecules in the herringbone structure is proven for K doped clusters both by ab initio quantum-chemistry calculations and by the direct solution of the many-body Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian. Magnetic ground states are predicted for one or three additional electrons per phenanthrene molecule. These results are a consequence of the small overlap between the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals + 1) of neutral neighboring phenanthrene molecules, which makes the gain in energy by delocalization similar to the corresponding increase due to the Coulomb interaction.


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Application of a perpendicular magnetic field to charge neutral graphene is expected to result in a variety of broken symmetry phases, including antiferromagnetic, canted, and ferromagnetic. All these phases open a gap in bulk but have very different edge states and noncollinear spin order, recently confirmed experimentally. Here we provide an integrated description of both edge and bulk for the various magnetic phases of graphene Hall bars making use of a noncollinear mean field Hubbard model. Our calculations show that, at the edges, the three types of magnetic order are either enhanced (zigzag) or suppressed (armchair). Interestingly, we find that preformed local moments in zigzag edges interact with the quantum spin Hall like edge states of the ferromagnetic phase and can induce backscattering.


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We calculate the effect of spin waves on the properties of finite-size spin chains with a chiral spin ground state observed on biatomic Fe chains deposited on iridium(001). The system is described with a Heisenberg model supplemented with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling and a uniaxial single ion anisotropy that presents a chiral spin ground state. Spin waves are studied using the Holstein-Primakoff boson representation of spin operators. Both the renormalized ground state and the elementary excitations are found by means of Bogoliubov transformation, as a function of the two variables that can be controlled experimentally, the applied magnetic field and the chain length. Three main results are found. First, because of the noncollinear nature of the classical ground state, there is a significant zero-point reduction of the ground-state magnetization of the spin spiral. Second, there is a critical external field from which the ground state changes from chiral spin ground state to collinear ferromagnetic order. The character of the two lowest-energy spin waves changes from edge modes to confined bulk modes over this critical field. Third, in the spin-spiral state, the spin-wave spectrum exhibits oscillatory behavior as function of the chain length with the same period of the spin helix.


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The independent predictions of edge ferromagnetism and the quantum spin Hall phase in graphene have inspired the quest of other two-dimensional honeycomb systems, such as silicene, germanene, stanene, iridates, and organometallic lattices, as well as artificial superlattices, all of them with electronic properties analogous to those of graphene, but a larger spin-orbit coupling. Here, we study the interplay of ferromagnetic order and spin-orbit interactions at the zigzag edges of these graphenelike systems. We find an in-plane magnetic anisotropy that opens a gap in the otherwise conducting edge channels that should result in large changes of electronic properties upon rotation of the magnetization.


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The spin dynamics of all ferromagnetic materials are governed by two types of collective phenomenon: spin waves and domain walls. The fundamental processes underlying these collective modes, such as exchange interactions and magnetic anisotropy, all originate at the atomic scale. However, conventional probing techniques based on neutron1 and photon scattering2 provide high resolution in reciprocal space, and thereby poor spatial resolution. Here we present direct imaging of standing spin waves in individual chains of ferromagnetically coupled S = 2 Fe atoms, assembled one by one on a Cu2N surface using a scanning tunnelling microscope. We are able to map the spin dynamics of these designer nanomagnets with atomic resolution in two complementary ways. First, atom-to-atom variations of the amplitude of the quantized spin-wave excitations are probed using inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy. Second, we observe slow stochastic switching between two opposite magnetization states3, 4, whose rate varies strongly depending on the location of the tip along the chain. Our observations, combined with model calculations, reveal that switches of the chain are initiated by a spin-wave excited state that has its antinodes at the edges of the chain, followed by a domain wall shifting through the chain from one end to the other. This approach opens the way towards atomic-scale imaging of other types of spin excitation, such as spinon pairs and fractional end-states5, 6, in engineered spin chains.


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The edges of graphene and graphene like systems can host localized states with evanescent wave function with properties radically different from those of the Dirac electrons in bulk. This happens in a variety of situations, that are reviewed here. First, zigzag edges host a set of localized non-dispersive state at the Dirac energy. At half filling, it is expected that these states are prone to ferromagnetic instability, causing a very interesting type of edge ferromagnetism. Second, graphene under the influence of external perturbations can host a variety of topological insulating phases, including the conventional quantum Hall effect, the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) and the quantum spin Hall phase, in all of which phases conduction can only take place through topologically protected edge states. Here we provide an unified vision of the properties of all these edge states, examined under the light of the same one orbital tight-binding model. We consider the combined action of interactions, spin–orbit coupling and magnetic field, which produces a wealth of different physical phenomena. We briefly address what has been actually observed experimentally.


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Based on a synthetic strategy, extended anionic, homo and bimetallic oxalato-bridged transition-metal compounds with two (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) connectivities can be synthesized and crystallized. Thereby, the choice of the templating counterions will determine the crystal chemistry. Since the oxalato bridge is a mediator for both antiferro and ferromagnetic interactions between similar and dissimilar metal ions, long-range magnetic ordering will occur. Examples of the determination of magnetic structures in 2D and 3D compounds by means of elastic neutron scattering methods will be discussed. In addition, due to the possibility of the variation of different metal ions in varying oxidation states, interesting photophysical processes can be observed within the extended three-dimensional host/guest systems.


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We perform density functional calculations to investigate the structure of the intermetallic alloy FeRh under epitaxial strain. Bulk FeRh exhibits a metamagnetic transition from a low-temperature antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase to a ferromagnetic phase at 350 K, and its strain dependence is of interest for tuning the transition temperature to the room-temperature operating conditions of typical memory devices. We find an unusually strong dependence of the structural energetics on the choice of exchange-correlation functional, with the usual local density approximation yielding the wrong ground-state structure, and generalized gradient (GGA) extensions being in better agreement with the bulk experimental structure. Using the GGA we show the existence of a metastable face-centered-cubic-like AFM structure that is reached from the ground-state body-centered-cubic-like AFM structure by following the epitaxial Bain path. We show that the behavior is well described using nonlinear elasticity theory, which captures the softening and eventual sign change of the orthorhombic shear modulus under compressive strain, consistent with this structural instability. Finally, we predict the existence of an additional unit-cell-doubling lattice instability, which should be observable at low temperature.


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Surface sediment samples representative for the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic (15°N to 40°S) were investigated by isothermal magnetic methods to delineate magnetic mineral distribution patterns and to identify their predominant Holocene climatic and oceanographic controls. Individual parameters reveal distinct, yet frequently overlapping, regional sedimentation characteristics. A probabilistic ('fuzzy c-means') cluster analysis was applied to five concentration independent magnetic properties assessing magnetite to hematite ratios and diagnostic of bulk and fine-particle magnetite grain size and coercivity spectra. The resultant 10 cluster structures establish an oceanwide magnetic sediment classification scheme tracing the major terrigenous eolian and fluvial fluxes, authigenic biogenic magnetite accumulation in high-productivity areas, transport by ocean current systems, and effects of bottom water velocity on depositional regimes. Distinct dissimilarities in magnetic mineral inventories between the eastern and western basins of the South Atlantic reflect prominent contrasts of both oceanic and continental influences.