989 resultados para Electrodes.


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1)本文首次制备了掺杂六氰亚铁铜胶体微粒的聚吡咯膜修饰电极,并用XPS,SEM等手段对其进行了表征。研究了此修饰电极的电化学行为,离子选择性行为及光谱电化学行业;2)利用聚吡咯膜修饰电极成地实现了神经递质三磷酸腺苷(ATP)的电化学控制释放;3)利用计时库仑法和交流阻抗法对掺杂电活性物质的聚吡咯膜修饰电极膜内的电子传输机理进行了详细的研究;4)研究了掺杂靛红的聚吡 咯膜的电色效应现象。合成了磺化二茂铁,并成功地将其掺入PPy膜中,制成功能化的PPy膜修饰电极。


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A convenient fabrication technology for large-area, highly-ordered nanoelectrode arrays on silicon substrate has been described here, using porous anodic alumina (PAA) as a template. The ultrathin PAA membranes were anodic oxidized utilizing a two-step anodization method, from Al film evaporated on substrate. The purposes for the use of two-step anodization were, first, improving the regularity of the porous structures, and second reducing the thickness of the membranes to 100 similar to 200 nm we desired. Then the nanoelectrode arrays were obtained by electroless depositing Ni-W alloy into the through pores of PAA membranes, making the alloy isolated by the insulating pore walls and contacting with the silicon substrates at the bottoms of pores. The Ni-W alloy was also electroless deposited at the back surface of silicon to form back electrode. Then ohmic contact properties between silicon and Ni-W alloy were investigated after rapid thermal annealing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations showed the structure characteristics, and the influence factors of fabrication effect were discussed. The current voltage (I-V) curves revealed the contact properties. After annealing in N-2 at 700 degrees C, good linear property was shown with contact resistance of 33 Omega, which confirmed ohmic contacts between silicon and electrodes. These results presented significant application potential of this technology in nanosize current-injection devices in optoelectronics, microelectronics and bio-medical fields.


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Unintentionally doped GaN epilayers are grown by the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Photovoltaic (PV) spectroscopy shows that there appears an abnormal photoabsorption in some undoped GaN films with high resistance. The peak energy of the absorption spectrum is smaller than the intrinsic energy band gap of GaN. This phenomenon may be related to exciton absorption. Then metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) Schottky photodetectors are fabricated on these high resistance epilayers. The photo spectrum responses are different when the light individually irradiates each of the two electrodes with the photodetector which are differently biased. When the excitation light irradiates around the reverse biased Schottky junction, the responsivity is almost one order of magnitude larger than that around the forward biased junction. Furthermore, when the excitation light irradiates the reverse biased Schottky junction, the peak energy of the spectrum has a prominent red-shift compared with the peak energy of the spectrum measured with the excitation light irradiating the forward biased Schottky junction. The shift value is about 28 meV, and it is found to be insensitive to temperature. According to the analyses of the distribution of the electric field within the MSM device and the different dependences of the response on the electric field intensity between the free carriers and excitons, a reliable explanation for the different response among various areas is proposed.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and six other PC-similar lipids are coated on interdigital electrodes, IEs, as sensitive membranes. Eight alcohols (C-1-C-4) are tested in a flow system at room temperature. It is found that all responses are log(response)-log(concentration) linear relations. These results agree with Steven's law in psychophysics. Moreover, the thresholds of the sensors are coincident with human olfactory thresholds. The authors have analysed the data of the lipid hypothesis suggested by Kurihara et al. We have found that this hypothesis is also in agreement with Steven's law. Lipid microresistors are real mimicking olfactory sensors. A definition of an olfactory sensor is suggested.


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Single and multiple quantum wells of lattice-matched superlattices material GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs have been studied as photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical cells containing nonaqueous electrolyte. Structural photocurrent spectra in the potential range of -1.8 to 1.0 V (vs standard calomel electrode) were obtained. The quantum yields for both superlattice electrodes were estimated and compared.


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The transient charge response Q(t) of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures to a small pulse of the gate voltage, applied between the top gate and source electrodes in a Corbino structure, was employed to directly measure the effective diffusion constant of a 2DEG in the quantum Hall regime. The measured diffusion constant D showed a drastic change as the magnetic field was swept through the integer fillings of the Landau levels.


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The EER spectra of a single quantum well GaAs\AlxGa1-xAs electrode were studied as a function of applied reverse bias in ferrocene, p-methyl nitrobenzene and hydroquinone+benzoquinone non-aqueous solutions. EER spectra were compared for different redox species and showed that a pronounced quantum-confined Stark effect and a Franz-Keldysh oscillation for a single quantum well electrode were obtained in the p-methyl-nitrobenzene- and hydroquinone+benzoquinone-containing solutions. A surface interaction of the single quantum well electrode with ferrocene led to fewer changes in the electric field of the space charge layer for reverse bias; this was suggested to explain the weak quantum-confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation effect observed for the single quantum well electrode in the ferrocene-containing solution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The interfacial behavior of the single quantum well (SQW) GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs electrode in HQ/BQ and Fc/Fc(+) electrolytes was characterized respectively by studying the quantum confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation with electrolyte electroreflectance spectroscopy. The interaction of the surface state of the SQW electrode with redox species and its effects on the distribution of external bias at the interface of the SQW electrode are discussed.


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Transient photocurrents induced by short light pulses at lattice-matched GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum well (MQW) electrodes were studied as a function of electrode potential. Dual exponential photocurrent decay transients were observed at various potentials. By analysis of the dual exponential decay transients, information on steady state photocurrents (I-s), surface collection of photoexcited minority carriers (G(0)) and lifetimes of surface states (T-s) was obtained. The kinetic behaviors of photoprocesses at illuminated MQW/electrolyte interface were discussed.


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Two kinds of quantum computation systems using artificial molecules: quantum computer and quantum analog computer are described. The artificial molecule consists of two or three coupled quantum dots stacked along z direction and one single electron, In quantum computer, one-qubit and two-qubit gates are constructed by one molecule and two molecules, respectively. The coupling between two qubits in a quantum gate can be controlled by thin film electrodes. We also constructed a quantum analog computer by designing a three-dot molecule network and mapping a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network. The ground-state configuration of the single electrons in the network corresponds to one of the problem solutions, We numerically study the operations of the two kinds of the quantum computers and demonstrate that they quantum gates can perform the quantum computation and solve complex problems.


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A novel crosslinkable polyurethane is used as the core layer of the electro-optic(E-O) modulator. The refractive index and dispersion of this material have been detected by analyzing the F-P oscillation in transmission spectra. Calculated results from the effective index method are given to design the Mach-Zehnder and straight 5-layer ridge wave-guide device (including the metal electrodes). With light at 1.31 mum being fiber coupled into waveguide, the mode properties of these devices have been demonstrated in a micron control system. The guided mode is accordant with the theoretical analysis.


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Large area (25 mm(2)) silicon drift detectors and detector arrays (5x5) have been designed, simulated, and fabricated for X-ray spectroscopy. On the anode side, the hexagonal drift detector was designed with self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) of fixed resistance between rings and with a grounded guard anode to separate surface current from the anode current. Two designs have been used for the P-side: symmetric self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) and a uniform backside p(+) implant. Only 3 to 5 electrodes are needed to bias the detector plus an anode for signal collection. With graded electrical potential, a sub-nanoamper anode current, and a very small anode capacitance, an initial FWHM of 1.3 keV, without optimization of all parameters, has been obtained for 5.9 keV Fe-55 X-ray at RT using a uniform backside detector.


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研制了一种新型的带有阻抗性电极的TGEM——RETGEM(Thick GEM with Resistive Electrodes)探测器,阻抗性电极可以有效地保护探测器和前端电子学免于偶尔放电的损伤。对RETGEM探测器进行了初步测试,其中包括计数率、能量分辨、增益以及打火率。结果表明,探测器达到了设计的基本要求。


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The RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L is one of the key parts of the being-built super-heavy nuclide research spectrometer. In order to understand the high-voltage breakdown phenomenon, the voltages between electrodes have been measured. In addition, more extensive simulations have been performed for better understanding and optimizing the RFQ1L work points.


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A novel Micro-pattern gaseous detector (MPGD), thick GEM with electrodes made of a resistive material (RETGEM) is presented. In this paper we mainly investigate the energy resolution of a RETGEM in Ar+CO2 with different gas mixtures. The results indicate that an energy resolution 30% in single and double mode can be obtained. The existence of an optimum energy resolution is discussed.