985 resultados para Eggs.


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Abstract text Introduction: Cysticercosis results from the ingestion Taenia solium eggs directly by faecal-oral route or contaminated food or water. While, still considered a leading cause of acquired epilepsy in developed countries, this zoonosis has been controlled or eradicated in industrialized countries due to significant improvements in sanitation, pig rearing and slaughterhouse control systems. Objectives: the health burden of human cysticercosis in Portugal. Material and Metodes: We developed a retrospective study on human neurocysticercosis (NCC) hospitalisations based on the national database resulting from National Health Service (NHS) hospital episodes except those of Madeira and Azores Islands. Results: Between 2006 and 2013 there were 357 hospitalized NCC cases in Portugal. Annual frequency of cases between 2006-2013 kept stable (mean 45). NCC was most frequent in those aged 25-34 years (59; 16,5%) and those >75 years (65; 18,2%). Overall, mean age was 47,3 years (median age 45, standard deviation 41,1, mode 28) and 176 cases were in males (49,3%); no significant differences were observed between age and gender (t-student, p>0,05). In Norte Region cases tended to be older than in Lisboa and Vale do Tejo Region. Conclusions: The Directorate-General of Health established the National Observatory of Cysticercosis and Teniiasis which will define criteria for NCC cases monitoring and surveillance (hospitalized and non-hospitalized cases).


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Os anelídeos poliquetas são elementos importantes em ambientes estuarinos e costeiros, pela sua elevada biodiversidade e abundância e pelo papel que têm nas cadeias tróficas. Algumas espécies são intensivamente exploradas para serem utilizadas como isco na pesca desportiva e profissional, como é o caso de Diopatra neapolitana. Apesar da importância económica, existem poucos estudos sobre a sua biologia e ecologia. No decorrer deste estudo foram identificadas duas outras espécies do género Diopatra em Portugal: D. marocensis, inicialmente descrita para a costa de Marrocos e cuja distribuição actual se sabe estender-se a toda a costa Portuguesa e Norte de Espanha e, D. micrura, espécie nova para a ciência. O presente estudo tem como objectivos principais estudar a diversidade e reprodução do género Diopatra, bem como a capacidade de regeneração da espécie D. neapolitana. Este trabalho aborda a distribuição espacial de D. marocensis ao longo da costa Portuguesa e descreve a espécie D. micrura, uma nova espécie do género Diopatra Audouin and Milne Edwards, 1833. As três espécies coabitam em águas transicionais, onde as espécies D. micrura e D. marocensis facilmente se confundem com juvenis de D. neapolitana. Foi realizada uma comparação morfológica e genética entre as três espécies. A espécie D. neapolitana coexiste em algumas áreas da Ria de Aveiro com a D. marocensis. Apesar destas duas espécies apresentarem padrões reprodutivos muito diferentes, Maio a Agosto é o período principal para a reprodução de ambas as espécies. D. neapolitana apresenta um desenvolvimento larvar planctónico, e os óocitos presentes na cavidade celómica são esverdeados e apresentam um diâmetro de 40-240 μm (média = 164.39±40.79 μm) e as fêmeas contêm no celoma milhares de óocitos. Contrariamente, a espécie D. marocensis reproduz-se por desenvolvimento directo no interior do tubo parental. Os óocitos observados no celoma são amarelos com um diâmetro entre 180 e 740 μm (média = 497.65 ± 31.38 μm) e o seu número varia entre 44 e 624 (276.85 ± 161.54). Por seu turno, o número de ovos observados no interior dos tubos varia entre 75 e 298, com um diâmetro entre 600 e 660 μm, e o número de larvas entre 60 e 194. A proporção machos: fêmeas foi de 1:1 para a população de D. neapolitana e entre 1:2 e 1:4 para a população de D. marocensis, em que as fêmeas dominam a população durante todo o ano. O estudo da capacidade de regeneração da espécie D. neapolitana, avaliada a partir de experiências de laboratório, revelou que esta espécie é capaz de sobreviver à perda de alguns setígeros. Durante a captura de D. neapolitana para vender como isco são normalmente cortados mais de 20 setígeros e de acordo com os nossos resultados a extremidade posterior que fica no tubo não é capaz de regenerar a extremidade anterior; a espécie consegue no entanto recuperar de ataques por predadores.


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Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2011


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Marinha e Aquacultura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Dietary sources of methylamines such as choline, trimethylamine (TMA), trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and carnitine are present in a number of foodstuffs, including meat, fish, nuts and eggs. It is recognized that the gut microbiota is able to convert choline to TMA in a fermentation-like process. Similarly, PC and carnitine are converted to TMA by the gut microbiota. It has been suggested that TMAO is subject to ‘metabolic retroversion’ in the gut (i.e. it is reduced to TMA by the gut microbiota, with this TMA being oxidized to produce TMAO in the liver). Sixty-six strains of human faecal and caecal bacteria were screened on solid and liquid media for their ability to utilize trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), with metabolites in spent media profiled by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. Enterobacteriaceae produced mostly TMA from TMAO, with caecal/small intestinal isolates of Escherichia coli producing more TMA than their faecal counterparts. Lactic acid bacteria (enterococci, streptococci, bifidobacteria) produced increased amounts of lactate when grown in the presence of TMAO, but did not produce large amounts of TMA from TMAO. The presence of TMAO in media increased the growth rate of Enterobacteriaceae; while it did not affect the growth rate of lactic acid bacteria, TMAO increased the biomass of these bacteria. The positive influence of TMAO on Enterobacteriaceae was confirmed in anaerobic, stirred, pH-controlled batch culture fermentation systems inoculated with human faeces, where this was the only bacterial population whose growth was significantly stimulated by the presence of TMAO in the medium. We hypothesize that dietary TMAO is used as an alternative electron acceptor by the gut microbiota in the small intestine/proximal colon, and contributes to microbial population dynamics upon its utilization and retroversion to TMA, prior to absorption and secondary conversion to TMAO by hepatic flavin-containing monooxygenases. Our findings support the idea that oral TMAO supplementation is a physiologically-stable microbiota-mediated strategy to deliver TMA at the gut barrier.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Ornament expression fluctuates with age in many organisms. Whether these changes are adaptively plastic is poorly known. In order to understand the ultimate function of melanin-based ornaments, we studied their within-individual fluctuations and their covariation with fitness-related traits. In barn owls (Tyto alba), individuals vary from reddish-brown pheomelanic to white and from immaculate to marked with black eumelanic spots, males being less reddish and less spotted than females. During the first molt, both sexes became less pheomelanic, females displayed larger spots and males fewer spots, but the extent of these changes was not associated with reproduction. At subsequent molts, intra-individual changes in melanin-based traits covaried with simultaneous reproduction changes. Adult females bred earlier in the season and laid larger eggs when they became scattered with larger spots, while adults of both sexes produced larger broods when they became whiter. These results suggest that the production of melanin pigments and fitness-related life history traits are concomitantly regulated in a sex-specific way.


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This is a critical review of the medical, ethical, judicial and financial aspects of the so called "social freezing", the cryopreservation of a woman's oocytes for non-medical purposes. The possibility of storing the eggs of fertile women in order to prevent age-related fertility decline is being widely promoted by fertility centres and the lay press throughout the world. Research data has shown that social freezing should ideally be performed on women around 25 years of age in order to increase their chances of a future pregnancy. In reality, it is mostly performed after the age of 35. Unfortunately, social freezing is in general not a solution for the underlying societal problems to fit in with professionally active women and having children. It only delays the existing problems. Furthermore, it creates a lot of potential new problems. A great deal more should be undertaken to offer real solutions to the underlying societal problems which are in part: pre-school education, care in the event of childhood illness, and the many weeks of school holidays, acceptance of professionally active women having children, and more job offers with a workload <100%.). Furthermore, society should be informed about the decreasing chances of pregnancy with increasing maternal (and paternal) age as well as the increasing risks of miscarriage and obstetric/neonatal complications. Detailed information for woman considering social freezing is crucial. Every doctor, proposing social freezing to his patients, should be up to date with all these details. Follow-up studies on the outcome of these children are needed.


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Un nuevo método, el conteo de ovocitos hidratados, se aplica por primera vez para determinar la fecundidad de la caballa peruana (Scomber Japonicus peruanus) . En febrero de 1985, la fecundidad relativa media fue 278 huevos por gramo de hembra y la fecundidad parcial media de la muestra fue 78,174 huevos por hembra. Se muestra que la caballa del Perú es un desovador múltiple.


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Mitochondria have a fundamental role in the transduction of energy from food into ATP. The coupling between food oxidation and ATP production is never perfect, but may nevertheless be of evolutionary significance. The 'uncoupling to survive' hypothesis suggests that 'mild' mitochondrial uncoupling evolved as a protective mechanism against the excessive production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS). Because resource allocation and ROS production are thought to shape animal life histories, alternative life-history trajectories might be driven by individual variation in the degree of mitochondrial uncoupling. We tested this hypothesis in a small bird species, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), by treating adults with the artificial mitochondrial uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) over a 32-month period. In agreement with our expectations, the uncoupling treatment increased metabolic rate. However, we found no evidence that treated birds enjoyed lower oxidative stress levels or greater survival rates, in contrast to previous results in other taxa. In vitro experiments revealed lower sensitivity of ROS production to DNP in mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscles of zebra finch than mouse. In addition, we found significant reductions in the number of eggs laid and in the inflammatory immune response in treated birds. Altogether, our data suggest that the 'uncoupling to survive' hypothesis may not be applicable for zebra finches, presumably because of lower effects of mitochondrial uncoupling on mitochondrial ROS production in birds than in mammals. Nevertheless, mitochondrial uncoupling appeared to be a potential life-history regulator of traits such as fecundity and immunity at adulthood, even with food supplied ad libitum.