1000 resultados para EDUCACION SUPERIOR - MEXICO


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A theory of network-entrepreneurs or "spin-off system" is presented in this paper for the creation of firms based on the community’s social governance. It is argued that firm’s capacity for accumulation depends on the presence of employees belonging to the same social/ethnic group with expectations of "inheriting" the firm and becoming entrepreneurs once they have been selected for their merits and loyalty towards their patrons. Such accumulation is possible because of the credibility of the patrons’ promises of supporting newcomers due to high social cohesion and specific social norms prevailing in the community. This theory is exemplified through the case of the Barcelonnettes, a group of immigrants from the Alps in the South of France (Provence) who came to Mexico in the XIX Century.


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This paper proposes a two-dimensional Strategic Performance Measure (SPM) to evaluate the achievement of sustained superior performance. This proposal builds primarily on the fact that, under the strategic management perspective, a firm's prevalent objective is the pursuit of sustained superior performance. Three basic conceptual dimensions stem from this objective: relativity, sign dependence, and dynamism. These are the foundations of the SPM, which carries out a separate evaluation of the attained superior performance and of its sustainability over time. In contrast to existing measures of performance, the SPM provides: (i) a dynamic approach by considering the progress or regress in performance over time, and (ii) a cardinal measurement of performance differences and its changes over time. The paper also proposes an axiomatic framework that a measure of strategic performance should comply with to be theoretically and managerially sound. Finally, an empirical illustration of the Spanish banking sector during 1987-1999 is herein provided by discussing some relevant cases.


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This paper explores the real exchange rate behavior in Mexico from 1960 until 2005. Since the empirical analysis reveals that the real exchange rate is not mean reverting, we propose that economic fundamental variables affect its evolution in the long-run. Therefore, based on equilibrium exchange rate paradigms, we propose a simple model of real exchange rate determination which includes the relative labor productivity, the real interest rates and the net foreign assets over a long period of time. Our analysis also considers the dynamic adjustment in response to shocks through impulse response functions derived from the multivariate VAR model.


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This technical background paper describes the methods applied and data sources used in the compilation of the 1980-2003 data set for material flow accounts of the Mexican economy and presents the data set. It is organised in four parts: the first part gives an overview of the Material Flow Accounting (MFA) methodology. The second part presents the main material flows of the Mexican economy including biomass, fossil fuels, metal ores, industrial minerals and, construction minerals. The aim of this part is to explain the procedures and methods followed, the data sources used as well as providing a brief evaluation of the quality and reliability of the information used and the accounts established. Finally, some conclusions will be provided.


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In this paper we compare the resource flows of Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru between 1980 and 2000. In this time span, the domestic extraction of materials increased in the four countries, mainly due to the mining sector in Chile and Peru, biomass and oil in Ecuador and construction minerals in Mexico. Imports and exports increased too, due to the increasing integration in the international markets, prompted by the liberalization policies undertaken by the four countries between the late 1970s and the late 1990s. The four countries had a negative physical trade balance for most of the period analyzed, meaning that their exports exceeded their imports in terms of weight. However, the increase of imports reduced the physical deficit in Chile, Mexico and Peru. Ecuador’s physical deficit was the highest and did not decrease in the period analyzed. Also, a diversification of exports away from bulk commodities could be observed in Chile and Mexico, and to a lesser extent in Peru, whereas in Ecuador the export sector remained mainly based on oil and biomass. More research is needed to explore the environmental effects of this phenomenon. Also, the indirect flows associated to the direct physical flows deserve to be subject to further analysis.


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Primer estadi d’un projecte de recerca més ampli que pretén comparar les imatges de la cultura espanyola i japonesa que transmeten els Estudis Hispànics al Japó i els Estudis d’Àsia Oriental a Espanya, respectivament. Disquisició sobre el marc teòric dels estudis interculturals. Anàlisi de la creació de la imatge del Japó i de la distribució de la seva cultura internacionalment.


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El crédito ECTS (European Credit Transfert System) no es solamente un instrumento de transferencia que facilita el reconocimiento de los títulos en toda la UE y la movilidad de estudiantes y profesores, sino un nuevo marco normativo donde los estudios de grado y postgrado se desarrollan a lo largo de un proceso acumulativo de aprendizaje. El objetivo de la reforma, una vez sentadas las bases del adiestramiento personal, es que el mencionado aprendizaje pueda continuar actuando a lo largo de toda la vida (Long Life Learning – LLL). La asignatura de Historia Económica Mundial (HEM) puede constituir una plataforma privilegiada sobre la cual aplicar los planes pilotos de transición hacia la implantación definitiva del EEES. La existencia de esta materia de estudio en los programas de las actuales titulaciones de Economía y Administración y Dirección de Empresas, destinadas a convertirse en el grado de Economía, se hace más necesaria que nunca, dado que reúne una serie de características intrínsecas que favorecen las prácticas de autoaprendizaje.


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We analyse natural resource use dynamics in the Mexican economy during the last three decades. Despite low and uneven economic growth, the extraction and use of materials in the Mexican economy has continuously increased during the last 30 years. In this period, population growth rather than economic growth was the main driving force for biophysical growth. In addition, fundamental changes have taken place in the primary sectors, in manufacturing, and in household consumption and these are reflected in an increasing emphasis on the use of fossil fuels and construction materials. Mexico’s economy has been strongly influenced by international trade since the country commenced competing in international markets. In the 1970s, Mexico mainly exported primary resources. This pattern has changed and manufactured goods now have a much greater importance due to a boom in assembling industries. In contrast with other Latin American countries, Mexico has achieved a diversification of production, moving towards technology-intensive products and a better mix in its export portfolio. However, crude oil exports still represent the single most important export good. Mexico’s material consumption is still well below the OECD average but is growing fast and the current resource use patterns may well present serious social and environmental problems to the medium and long term sustainability of Mexico’s economy and community. Information on natural resource use and resource productivity could provide valuable guidance for economic policy planning in Mexico.


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El modelo americano de financiación universitaria no está centrado en la subvención directa de las Universidades sino en facilitar recursos a los estudiantes. Tanto la Unión como los Estados financian a los estudiantes directamente –mediante ayudas y becas- como indirectamente, a través de beneficios fiscales. El sistema es extremadamente complejo y tiene carencias en términos de equidad, eficiencia y neutralidad, pero, en definitiva, las Universidades americanas disponen de suficientes recursos para trabajar con eficacia y los estudiantes encuentran el modo –becas, préstamos y beneficios fiscales- de financiar buena parte de sus gastos educativos. El sistema español de Educación superior está en el polo opuesto. Programas de becas infradotados, precios universitarios simbólicos, programas de préstamos educativos marginales y ausencia de beneficios fiscales. Las Universidades públicas reciben sus recursos de los contribuyentes, a través de los presupuestos autonómicos, pero si se elige una Universidad privada el estudiante ha de pagar derechos de matrícula más elevados –puesto que sus programas no reciben soporte financiero público- al mismo tiempo que financia el sistema público mediante el abono de sus deudas tributarias. En el ordenamiento vigente se atribuye la principal responsabilidad en lo relativo a política universitaria a las Comunidades autónomas. ¿Qué podrían aprender los Gobiernos autonómicos del modelo americano, sin repetir sus errores? Tres lecciones sencillas: (1) Reducir los créditos presupuestarios a fondo perdido e incrementar los precios públicos, y las becas para los estudiantes de rentas bajas; (2) Crear un único beneficio fiscal, no más, en forma de deducción autonómica reembolsable en el IRPF, del 20% de lo invertido en Educación superior.; (3) Crear Programas de Ayuda al Mérito para todos los estudiantes con mejores resultados académicos en forma de cheque universitario para invertir en cualquier institución del sistema, ya sea de iniciativa estatal o social. Estas tres políticas contribuirían a incrementar los recursos financieros de todas las Universidades, y a mejorar la financiación de los estudiantes –en particular de quienes tienen más necesidades y condiciones para el estudio- al mismo tiempo que se refuerza la libertad de elección de Universidad. En dos palabras, mejoraría la eficacia y la equidad del conjunto del sistema.


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L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca és l'estudi de l'evolució del límit superior del bosc en la vessant sud dels Pirineus, concretament a l'àrea dels Plaus de Boldís-Montarenyo (Lladorre, Pallars Sobirà). S'han usat diferents fonts i metodologies amb cobertures temporals diverses. Per una banda s'ha emprat la pedoantracologia, per tal d'analitzar el carbons incorporats en el sòl. Per altra banda, s'ha treballat amb Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica; també s'han consultat fonts escrites i orals. S'ha dut a terme una anàlisi complexa d'aquesta evolució entesa com el resultat de la interacció entre natura i societat, amb un ús essencialment ramader, durant els últims 6.000 anys.