985 resultados para Difference equations


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A fractional-step method of predictor-corrector difference-pseudospectrum with unconditional L(2)-stability and exponential convergence is presented. The stability and convergence of this method is strictly proved mathematically for a nonlinear convection-dominated flow. The error estimation is given and the superiority of this method is verified by numerical test.


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The VEGETATION (VGT) sensor in SPOT 4 has four spectral bands that are equivalent to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) bands (blue, red, near-infrared and mid-infrared spectral bands) and provides daily images of the global land surface at a 1-km spatial resolution. We propose a new index for identifying and mapping of snow ice cover, namely the Normalized Difference Snow/Ice Index (NDSII), which uses reflectance values of red and mid-infrared spectral bands of Landsat TM and VGT. For Landsat TM data, NDSII is calculated as NDSIITM =(TM3 -TM5)/(TM3 +TM5); for VGT data, NDSII is calculated as NDSIIVGT =(B2- MIR)/(B2 + MIR). As a case study we used a Landsat TM image that covers the eastern part of the Qilian mountain range in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau of China. NDSIITM gave similar estimates of the area and spatial distribution of snow/ice cover to the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI=(TM2-TM5)/(TM2+TM5)) which has been proposed by Hall et al. The results indicated that the VGT sensor might have the potential for operational monitoring and mapping of snow/ice cover from regional to global scales, when using NDSIIVGT.


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After systemic investigation of the techniques,route lines and mechanisms about the remaining oil,the dynamic migration and congregation behavior of the remaining oil are discussed on base of interaction between flowing and enriching of water and oil.After the micro-scope modeling of the fluid flow in porous media and the changes in petrol-physical properties of the flowing system, the characters of fluid fields and the dynamic distribution of oil are discussed, among which the preference-flowing is focused on. Based on the preference-flowing in porous media, the concept of the preference-flowing channels is developed. According to above, heterogeneous distribution of water and oil in the field and dynamic mechanism of remaining oil are all obvious. media can be divided into three kinds, directional, stochastic, arbitrary porous media. The main research results are as following: 1. Treating the characteristic parameters such as permeability, porosity and wettability as regional parameter, the fluid field with high water-cut has been established by geostatistical method, among which the difference of flowing pores and the changes of its petrol-physical properties during flooding are studied. 2. The flow process of water and oil are recurrent in physical simulation experiments, in which the mechanisms and phenomena are caught and analyzed. Fluid flow mechanics in porous media with preference-flowing channels have been studied. 3. The mutual coupling between water and oil is induced and the mathematical evolution equations including this interaction were built. . 4. Through coupling effect between flowing water and oil, the dynamic migration and congregation behavior of remaining oil depend upon this coupling. 5. Coupling between water and oil act as driving force and trapping force for the remaining oil. The coupling model of thesis has been verified by simplified the numerical model and compared results with Ng35 oil reservoir in Gudao oil field, it has important theoretical and application values for improving precision of remaining oil and production performance prediction, and is a new method for studying the mechanics of remaining oil in channeled porous media has been established. Key words:flow field,high water-cut,coupling,dominant flow in porous media,remaining oil


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This dissertation presents a series of irregular-grid based numerical technique for modeling seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. The study involves the generation of the irregular numerical mesh corresponding to the irregular grid scheme, the discretized version of motion equations under the unstructured mesh, and irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The resulting numerical technique has been used in generating the synthetic data sets on the realistic complex geologic models that can examine the migration schemes. The motion equation discretization and modeling are based on Grid Method. The key idea is to use the integral equilibrium principle to replace the operator at each grid in Finite Difference scheme and variational formulation in Finite Element Method. The irregular grids of complex geologic model is generated by the Paving Method, which allow varying grid spacing according to meshing constraints. The grids have great quality at domain boundaries and contain equal quantities of nodes at interfaces, which avoids the interpolation of parameters and variables. The irregular grid absorbing boundary conditions is developed by extending the Perfectly Matched Layer method to the rotated local coordinates. The splitted PML equations of the first-order system is derived by using integral equilibrium principle. The proposed scheme can build PML boundary of arbitrary geometry in the computational domain, avoiding the special treatment at corners in a standard PML method and saving considerable memory and computation cost. The numerical implementation demonstrates the desired qualities of irregular grid based modeling technique. In particular, (1) smaller memory requirements and computational time are needed by changing the grid spacing according to local velocity; (2) Arbitrary surfaces and interface topographies are described accurately, thus removing the artificial reflection resulting from the stair approximation of the curved or dipping interfaces; (3) computational domain is significantly reduced by flexibly building the curved artificial boundaries using the irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The proposed irregular grid approach is apply to reverse time migration as the extrapolation algorithm. It can discretize the smoothed velocity model by irregular grid of variable scale, which contributes to reduce the computation cost. The topography. It can also handle data set of arbitrary topography and no field correction is needed.


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Along with the widespread and in-depth applications in petroleum prospecting and development, the seismic modeling and migration technologies are proposed with a higher requirement by oil industrial, and the related practical demand is getting more and more urgent. Based on theories of modeling and migration methods for wave equation, both related with velocity model, I thoroughly research and develop some methods for the goal of highly effective and practical in this dissertation. In the first part, this dissertation probes into the layout designing by wave equations modeling, focusing on the target-oriented layout designing method guided by wave equation modeling in complicated structure areas. It is implemented by using the fourth order staggered grid finite difference (FD) method in velocity-stress 2D acoustic wave equations plus perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition. To design target-oriented layout: (a) match the synthetic record on the surface with events of subsurface structures by analyzing the snapshots of theoretical model; (b) determine the shot-gather distance by tracking the events of target areas and measuring the receiving range when it reaches the surface; (c) restrict the range of valid shot-gather distance by drawing seismic windows in single shot records; (d) choose the best trace distance by comparing the resolution of prospecting targets from the simulated records with different trace distance. Eventually, we obtained the observation system parameters, which achieve the design requirements. In the second part, this dissertation presents the practical method to improve the 3D Fourier Finite Difference (FFD) migration, and carefully analyzes all the factors which influence 3D FFD migration’s efficiency. In which, one of the most important parameters of migration is the extrapolating step. This dissertation presents an efficient 3D FFD migration algorithm, which use FFD propagator to extrapolate wavefields over big layers, and use Born-Kirchhoff interpolator to image wavefields over small layers between the big ones. Finally, I show the effectiveness of this hybrid migration method by comparing migration results from 3D SEG/EAGE model with different methods.


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In this paper, we propose a new numerical modeling method – Convolutional Forsyte Polynomial Differentiator (CFPD), aimed at simulating seismic wave propagation in complex media with high efficiency and accuracy individually owned by short-scheme finite differentiator and general convolutional polynomial method. By adjusting the operator length and optimizing the operator coefficient, both global and local informations can be easily incorporated into the wavefield which is important to invert the undersurface geological structure. The key issue in this paper is to introduce the convolutional differentiator based on Forsyte generalized orthogonal polynomial in mathematics into the spatial differentiation of the first velocity-stress equation. To match the high accuracy of the spatial differentiator, this method in the time coordinate adopts staggered grid finite difference instead of conventional finite difference to model seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. To attenuate the reflection artifacts caused by artificial boundary, Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) absorbing boundary is also being considered in the method to deal with boundary problem due to its advantage of automatically handling large-angle emission. The PML formula for acoustic equation and first-order velocity-stress equation are also derived in this paper. There is little difference to implement the PML boundary condition in all kind of wave equations, but in Biot media, special attenuation factors should be taken. Numerical results demonstrate that the PML boundary condition is better than Cerjan absorbing boundary condition which makes it more suitable to hand the artificial boundary reflection. Based on the theories of anisotropy, Biot two-phase media and viscous-elasticity, this paper constructs the constitutive relationship for viscous-elastic and two-phase media, and further derives the first-order velocity-stress equation for 3D viscous-elastic and two-phase media. Numerical modeling using CFPD method is carried out in the above-mentioned media. The results modeled in the viscous-elastic media and the anisotropic pore elastic media can better explain wave phenomena of the true earth media, and can also prove that CFPD is a useful numerical tool to study the wave propagation in complex media.


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Elastic anisotropy is a very common phenomenon in the Earth’s interior, especial for sedimentary rock as important gas and oil reservoirs. But in the processing and interpretation of seismic data, it is assumption that the media in the Earth’s interior is completely elastic and isotropic, and then the methods based on isotropy are used to deal with anisotropic seismic data, so it makes the seismic resolution lower and the error on images is caused. The research on seismic wave simulation technology can improve our understanding on the rules of seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media, and it can help us to resolve problems caused by anisotropy of media in the processing and interpretation of seismic data. So researching on weakly anisotropic media with rotated axis of symmetry, we study systematically the rules of seismic wave propagation in this kind of media, simulate the process with numerical calculation, and get the better research results. The first-order ray tracing (FORT) formulas of qP wave derived can adapt to every anisotropic media with arbitrary symmetry. The equations are considerably simpler than the exact ray tracing equations. The equations allow qP waves to be treated independently from qS waves, just as in isotropic media. They simplify considerably in media with higher symmetry anisotropy. In isotropic media, they reduce to the exact ray tracing equations. In contrast to other perturbation techniques used to trace rays in weakly anisotropic media, our approach does not require calculation of reference rays in a reference isotropic medium. The FORT-method rays are obtained directly. They are computationally more effective than standard ray tracing equations. Moreover the second-order travel time corrections formula derived can be used to reduce effectively the travel time error, and improve the accuracy of travel time calculation. The tensor transformation equations of weak-anisotropy parameters in media with rotated axis of symmetry derived from the Bond transformation equations resolve effectively the problems of coordinate transformation caused by the difference between global system of coordinate and local system of coordinate. The calculated weak-anisotropy parameters are completely suitable to the first-order ray tracing used in this paper, and their forms are simpler than those from the Bond transformation. In the numerical simulation on ray tracing, we use the travel time table calculation method that the locations of the grids in the ray beam are determined, then the travel times of the grids are obtained by the reversed distance interpolation. We get better calculation efficiency and accuracy by this method. Finally we verify the validity and adaptability of this method used in this paper with numerical simulations for the rotated TI model with anisotropy of about 8% and the rotated ORTHO model with anisotropy of about 20%. The results indicate that this method has better accuracy for both media with different types and different anisotropic strength. Keywords: weak-anisotropy, numerical simulation, ray tracing equation, travel time, inhomogeneity


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As an important branch of electrical prospecting method, the artificial source frequency domain electromagnetism method has received more and more attention. But when conducts the fundamental research, people often isolated study some concrete method, so the research results of one method are very difficult to apply to another method directly. This article will possess the artificial source frequency domain EM method to an 1D model simply. It is stratified medium model, with an electric or magnetic source in or outside of it. Then take the horizontal electric dipole source as an example to introduce how to computing the EM field in stratified medium. Because layer matrix is the key of establishing equations, so we call it the layer-matrix method. The key of layer-matrix method is establishing equations by using layer matrixes in wavenumber(kx, ky, z) domain, then obtains the electromagnetic field value of wavenumber domain. After Fourier transform, we can get electromagnetic field of any position in spatial domain. The layer matrix technique theoretically can calculate electromagnetic field of any position for any source, is suitable for many kinds of electromagnetic method. After introduction of the layer matrix method, this article has done some CSAMT, MCSEM and Wireless Electro-Magnetic Method (WEM) modeling with layer matrix method separately. In CSAMT modeling, we get electromagnetic field dissemination characteristics considering wave number of the air, and obtain three-dimensional distribution characteristics of the electromagnetic field. In MCSEM modeling, we get electromagnetic field dissemination characteristics with and without considering the airwave, and obtain three-dimensional distribution characteristics of electromagnetic field. In WEM modeling, we get electromagnetic field’s difference between considering the ionosphere and not considering it, and recognize the ionosphere’s influence of electromagnetic field. With the layer matrix technique, we have got some new understandings of EM dissemination rules of different situations. All analysis results indicate that the layer-matrix technique is credible and effective, and are worthy of further thorough research and development.


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The real earth is far away from an ideal elastic ball. The movement of structures or fluid and scattering of thin-layer would inevitably affect seismic wave propagation, which is demonstrated mainly as energy nongeometrical attenuation. Today, most of theoretical researches and applications take the assumption that all media studied are fully elastic. Ignoring the viscoelastic property would, in some circumstances, lead to amplitude and phase distortion, which will indirectly affect extraction of traveltime and waveform we use in imaging and inversion. In order to investigate the response of seismic wave propagation and improve the imaging and inversion quality in complex media, we need not only consider into attenuation of the real media but also implement it by means of efficient numerical methods and imaging techniques. As for numerical modeling, most widely used methods, such as finite difference, finite element and pseudospectral algorithms, have difficulty in dealing with problem of simultaneously improving accuracy and efficiency in computation. To partially overcome this difficulty, this paper devises a matrix differentiator method and an optimal convolutional differentiator method based on staggered-grid Fourier pseudospectral differentiation, and a staggered-grid optimal Shannon singular kernel convolutional differentiator by function distribution theory, which then are used to study seismic wave propagation in viscoelastic media. Results through comparisons and accuracy analysis demonstrate that optimal convolutional differentiator methods can solve well the incompatibility between accuracy and efficiency, and are almost twice more accurate than the same-length finite difference. They can efficiently reduce dispersion and provide high-precision waveform data. On the basis of frequency-domain wavefield modeling, we discuss how to directly solve linear equations and point out that when compared to the time-domain methods, frequency-domain methods would be more convenient to handle the multi-source problem and be much easier to incorporate medium attenuation. We also prove the equivalence of the time- and frequency-domain methods by using numerical tests when assumptions with non-relaxation modulus and quality factor are made, and analyze the reason that causes waveform difference. In frequency-domain waveform inversion, experiments have been conducted with transmission, crosshole and reflection data. By using the relation between media scales and characteristic frequencies, we analyze the capacity of the frequency-domain sequential inversion method in anti-noising and dealing with non-uniqueness of nonlinear optimization. In crosshole experiments, we find the main sources of inversion error and figure out how incorrect quality factor would affect inverted results. When dealing with surface reflection data, several frequencies have been chosen with optimal frequency selection strategy, with which we use to carry out sequential and simultaneous inversions to verify how important low frequency data are to the inverted results and the functionality of simultaneous inversion in anti-noising. Finally, I come with some conclusions about the whole work I have done in this dissertation and discuss detailly the existing and would-be problems in it. I also point out the possible directions and theories we should go and deepen, which, to some extent, would provide a helpful reference to researchers who are interested in seismic wave propagation and imaging in complex media.


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Using the approximate high-frequency asymptotic methods to solve the scalar wave equation, we can get the eikonal equation and transport equation. Solving the eikonal equation by the method of characteristics provides a mathematical derivation of ray tracing equations. So, the ray tracing system is folly based on the approximate high-frequency asymptotic methods. If the eikonal is complex, more strictly, the eikonal is real value at the rays and complex outside rays, we can derive the Gaussian beam. This article mainly concentrates on the theory of Gaussian beam. To classical ray tracing theory, the Gaussina beam method (GBM) has many advantages. First, rays are no longer required to stop at the exact position of the receivers; thus time-consuming two-point ray tracing can be avoided. Second, the GBM yields stable results in regions of the wavefield where the standard ray theory fails (e.g., caustics, shadows zones and critical distance). Third, unlike seismograms computed by conventional ray tracing techniques, the GBM synthetic data are less influenced by minor details in the model representation. Here, I realize kinematical and dynamical system, and based on this, realize the GBM. Also, I give some mathematical examples. From these examples, we can find the importance and feasibility of the ray tracing system. Besides, I've studied about the reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous S-electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media. Basing on the difference of directions of phase shift constant and attenuation constant when the electromagnetic wave propagates in conductive medium, and using the boundary conditions of electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media, we derive the reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous S-electromagnetic wave, and draw the curves of it. The curves show that the quasi total reflection will occur when the electromagnetic wave incident from the medium with greater conductivity to the medium with smaller conductivity. There are two peak, values at the points of the critical angles of phase shift constant and attenuation constant, and the reflection coefficient is smaller than 1. This conclusion is different from that of total reflection light obviously.


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The topic of this study is about the propagation features of elastic waves in the anisotropic and nonlinear media by numerical methods with high accuracy and stability. The main achievements of this paper are as followings: Firstly, basing on the third order elastic energy formula, principle of energy conservation and circumvolved matrix method, we firstly reported the equations of non-linear elastic waves with two dimensions and three components in VTI media. Secondly, several conclusions about some numerical methods have been obtained in this paper. Namely, the minimum suitable sample stepth in space is about 1/8-1/12 of the main wavelength in order to distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion resulted from the numerical mehtod, at the same time, the higher order conventional finite difference (CFD) schemes will give little contribution to avoid the numerical solutions error accumulating with time. To get the similar accuracy with the fourth order center finite difference method, the half truncation length of SFFT should be no less than 7. The FDFCT method can present with the numerical solutions without obvious dispersion when the paprameters of FCT is suitable (we think they should be in the scope from 0.0001 to 0.07). Fortunately, the NADM method not only can reported us with the higher order accuracy solutions (higher than that of the fourth order finite difference method and lower than that of the sixth order finite difference method), but also can distinctly reduce the numerical dispersion. Thirdly, basing on the numerial and theoretical analysis, we reported such nonlinear response accumulating with time as waveform aberration, harmonic generation and resonant peak shift shown by the propagation of one- and two-dimensional non-linear elasticwaves in this paper. And then, we drew the conclusion that these nonlinear responses are controlled by the product between nonlinear strength (SN) and the amplitude of the source. At last, the modified FDFCT numerical method presented by this paper is used to model the two-dimensional non-linear elastic waves propagating in VTI media. Subsequently, the wavelet analysis and polarization are adopted to investigate and understand the numerical results. And then, we found the following principles (attention: the nonlinear strength presented by this paper is weak, the thickness of the -nonlinear media is thin (200m), the initial energy of the source is weak and the anisotropy of the media is weak too): The non-linear response shown by the elastic waves in VTI media is anisotropic too; The instantaneous main frequency sections of seismic records resulted from the media with a non-linear layer have about 1/4 to 1/2 changes of the initial main frequency of source with that resulted from the media without non-linear layer; The responses shown by the elasic waves about the anisotropy and nonlinearity have obvious mutual reformation, namely, the non-linear response will be stronger in some directions because of the anisotropy and the anisotropic strength shown by the elastic waves will be stronger when the media is nonlinear.


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Geophones being inside the well, VSP can record upgoing and downgoing P waves, upgoing and downgoing S waves simultaneously.Aiming at overcoming the shortages of the known VSP velocity tomography , attenuation tomography , inverse Q filtering and VSP image method , this article mainly do the following jobs:CD; I do the common-source-point raytracing by soving the raytracing equations with Runge-Kutta method, which can provide traveltime , raypath and amplitude for VSP velocity tomography , attenuation tomography and VSP multiwave migration.(D. The velocity distribution can be inversed from the difference between the computed traveltime and the observed traveltime of the VSP downgoing waves. I put forward two methods: A. VSP building-velocity tomography method that doesn't lie on the layered model from which we can derive the slowness of the grids' crunodes . B. deformable layer tomography method from which we can get the location of the interface if the layer's velocity is known..(3). On the basis of the velocity tomography , using the attenuation information shown by the VSP seismic wave , we can derive the attenuation distribution of the subsurface. I also present an algorithm to solve the inverse Q filtering problem directly and accurately from the Q modeling equation . Numerical results presented have shown that our algorithm gives reliable results . ?. According to the theory that the transformed point is the point where the four kinds of wave come into being , and where the stacked energy will be the largest than at other points . This article presents a VSP multiwave Kirchhoff migration method . Application on synthetic examples and field seismic records have shown that the algorithm gives reliable results . (5). When the location of the interface is determined and the velocity of the P wave and S wave is known , we can obtain the transmittivity and reflection coefficient 5 thereby we can gain the elastic parameters . This method is also put into use derive good result.Above all, application on models and field seismic records show that the method mentioned above is efficient and accurate .


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With the development of oil and gas exploration, the exploration of the continental oil and gas turns into the exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs from the structural oil and gas reservoirs in China. The reserves of the found subtle oil and gas reservoirs account for more than 60 percent of the in the discovered oil and gas reserves. Exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs is becoming more and more important and can be taken as the main orientation for the increase of the oil and gas reserves. The characteristics of the continental sedimentary facies determine the complexities of the lithological exploration. Most of the continental rift basins in East China have entered exploration stages of medium and high maturity. Although the quality of the seismic data is relatively good, this areas have the characteristics of the thin sand thickness, small faults, small range of the stratum. It requests that the seismic data have high resolution. It is a important task how to improve the signal/noise ratio of the high frequency of seismic data. In West China, there are the complex landforms, the deep embedding the targets of the prospecting, the complex geological constructs, many ruptures, small range of the traps, the low rock properties, many high pressure stratums and difficulties of boring well. Those represent low signal/noise ratio and complex kinds of noise in the seismic records. This needs to develop the method and technique of the noise attenuation in the data acquisition and processing. So that, oil and gas explorations need the high resolution technique of the geophysics in order to solve the implementation of the oil resources strategy for keep oil production and reserves stable in Ease China and developing the crude production and reserves in West China. High signal/noise ratio of seismic data is the basis. It is impossible to realize for the high resolution and high fidelity without the high signal/noise ratio. We play emphasis on many researches based on the structure analysis for improving signal/noise ratio of the complex areas. Several methods are put forward for noise attenuation to truly reflect the geological features. Those can reflect the geological structures, keep the edges of geological construction and improve the identifications of the oil and gas traps. The ideas of emphasize the foundation, give prominence to innovate, and pay attention to application runs through the paper. The dip-scanning method as the center of the scanned point inevitably blurs the edges of geological features, such as fault and fractures. We develop the new dip scanning method in the shap of end with two sides scanning to solve this problem. We bring forward the methods of signal estimation with the coherence, seismic wave characteristc with coherence, the most homogeneous dip-sanning for the noise attenuation using the new dip-scanning method. They can keep the geological characters, suppress the random noise and improve the s/n ratio and resolution. The rutine dip-scanning is in the time-space domain. Anew method of dip-scanning in the frequency-wavenumber domain for the noise attenuation is put forward. It use the quality of distinguishing between different dip events of the reflection in f-k domain. It can reduce the noise and gain the dip information. We describe a methodology for studying and developing filtering methods based on differential equations. It transforms the filtering equations in the frequency domain or the f-k domain into time or time-space domains, and uses a finite-difference algorithm to solve these equations. This method does not require that seismic data be stationary, so their parameters can vary at every temporal and spatial point. That enhances the adaptability of the filter. It is computationally efficient. We put forward a method of matching pursuits for the noise suppression. This method decomposes any signal into a linear expansion of waveforms that are selected from a redundant dictionary of functions. These waveforms are chosen in order to best match the signal structures. It can extract the effective signal from the noisy signal and reduce the noise. We introduce the beamforming filtering method for the noise elimination. Real seismic data processing shows that it is effective in attenuating multiples and internal multiples. The s/n ratio and resolution are improved. The effective signals have the high fidelity. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the real seismic data processing, it is proved that the methods in this paper can effectively suppress the random noise, eliminate the cohence noise, and improve the resolution of the seismic data. Their practicability is very better. And the effect is very obvious.


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In exploration seismology, the geologic target of oil and gas reservoir in complex medium request the high accuracy image of the structure and lithology of the medium. So the study of the prestack image and the elastic inversion of seismic wave in the complex medium come to the leading edge. The seismic response measured at the surface carries two fundamental pieces of information: the propagation effects of the medium and the reflections from the different layer boundaries in the medium. The propagation represent the low-wavenumber component of the medium, it is so-called the trend or macro layering, whereas the reflections represent the high-wavenumber component of the medium, it is called the detailed or fine layering. The result of migration velocity analysis is the resolution of the low-wavenumber component of the medium, but the prestack elastic inversion provided the resolution of the high-wavvenumber component the medium. In the dissertation, the two aspects about the migration velocity estimation and the elastic inversion have been studied.Firstly, any migration velocity analysis methods must include two basic elements: the criterion that tell us how to know whether the model parameters are correct and the updating that tell us how to update the model parameters when they are incorrect, which are effected on the properties and efficiency of the velocity estimation method. In the dissertation, a migration velocity analysis method based on the CFP technology has been presented in which the strategy of the top-down layer stripping approach are adapted to avoid the difficult of the selecting reduce .The proposed method has a advantage that the travel time errors obtained from the DTS panel are defined directly in time which is the difference with the method based on common image gather in which the residual curvature measured in depth should be converted to travel time errors.In the proposed migration velocity analysis method, the four aspects have been improved as follow:? The new parameterization of velocity model is provided in which the boundaries of layers are interpolated with the cubic spline of the control location and the velocity with a layer may change along with lateral position but the value is calculated as a segmented linear function of the velocity of the lateral control points. The proposed parameterization is suitable to updating procedure.? The analytical formulas to represent the travel time errors and the model parameters updates in the t-p domain are derived under local lateral homogeneous. The velocity estimations are iteratively computed as parametric inversion. The zero differential time shift in the DTS panel for each layer show the convergence of the velocity estimation.? The method of building initial model using the priori information is provided to improve the efficiency of velocity analysis. In the proposed method, Picking interesting events in the stacked section to define the boundaries of the layers and the results of conventional velocity analysis are used to define the velocity value of the layers? An interactive integrate software environment with the migration velocity analysis and prestack migration is built.The proposed method is firstly used to the synthetic data. The results of velocity estimation show both properties and efficiency of the velocity estimation are very good.The proposed method is also used to the field data which is the marine data set. In this example, the prestack and poststack depth migration of the data are completed using the different velocity models built with different method. The comparison between them shows that the model from the proposed method is better and improves obviously the quality of migration.In terms of the theoretical method of expressing a multi-variable function by products of single-variable functions which is suggested by Song Jian (2001), the separable expression of one-way wave operator has been studied. A optimization approximation with separable expression of the one-way wave operator is presented which easily deal with the lateral change of velocity in space and wave number domain respectively and has good approach accuracy. A new prestack depth migration algorithm based on the optimization approximation separable expression is developed and used to testing the results of velocity estimation.Secondly, according to the theory of the seismic wave reflection and transmission, the change of the amplitude via the incident angle is related to the elasticity of medium in the subsurface two-side. In the conventional inversion with poststack datum, only the information of the reflection operator at the zero incident angles can be used. If the more robust resolutions are requested, the amplitudes of all incident angles should be used.A natural separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator is represented, which is the sum of the products of two group functions. One group function vary with phase space whereas other group function is related to elastic parameters of the medium and geological structure.By employing the natural separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator, the method of seismic wave modeling with the one-way wave equation is developed to model the primary reflected waves, it is adapt to a certain extent heterogeneous media and confirms the accuracy of AVA of the reflections when the incident angle is less than 45'. The computational efficiency of the scheme is greatly high.The natural separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator is also used to construct prestack elastic inversion algorithm. Being different from the AVO analysis and inversion in which the angle gathers formed during the prstack migration are used, the proposed algorithm construct a linear equations during the prestack migration by the separable expression of the reflection/transmission operator. The unknowns of the linear equations are related to the elasticity of the medium, so the resolutions of them provided the elastic information of the medium.The proposed method of inversion is the same as AVO inversion in , the difference between them is only the method processing the amplitude via the incident angle and computational domain.