984 resultados para Corn cob aggregate
This study aimed to correlate the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulose contained in a sugarcane bagasse sample pretreated with dilute H(2)SO(4) with the levels of independent variables such as initial content of solids and loadings of enzymes and surfactant (Tween 20), for two cellulolytic commercial preparations. The preparations, designated cellulase I and cellulase II, were characterized regarding the activities of total cellulases, endoglucanase, cellobiohydrolase, cellobiase, beta-glucosidase, xylanase, and phenoloxidases (laccase, manganese and lignin peroxidases), as well as protein contents. Both extracts showed complete cellulolytic complexes and considerable activities of xylanases, without activities of phenoloxidases. For the enzymatic hydrolyses, two 2(3) central composite full factorial designs were employed to evaluate the effects caused by the initial content of solids (1.19-4.81%, w/w) and loadings of enzymes (1.9-38.1 FPU/g bagasse) and Tween 20 (0.0-0.1 g/g bagasse) on the cellulose digestibility. Within 24 h of enzymatic hydrolysis, all three independent variables influenced the conversion of cellulose by cellulase I. Using cellulase II, only enzyme and surfactant loadings showed significant effects on cellulose conversion. An additional experiment demonstrated the possibility of increasing the initial content of solids to values much higher than 4.81% (w/w) without compromising the efficiency of cellulose conversion, consequently improving the glucose concentration in the hydrolysate.
Refractory castables are composed of fractions of fine to fairly coarse particles. The fine fraction is constituted primarily of raw materials and calcium aluminate cement, which becomes hydrated, forming chemical bonds that stiffen the concrete during the curing process. The present study focused on an evaluation of several characteristics of two refractory castables with similar chemical compositions but containing aggregates of different sizes. The features evaluated were the maximum load, the fracture energy, and the ""relative crack-propagation work"" of the two castables heat-treated at 110, 650, 1100 and 1550 degrees C. The results enabled us to draw the following conclusions: the heat treatment temperature exerts a significant influence on the matrix/aggregate interaction, different microstructures form in the castables with temperature, and a relationship was noted between the maximum load and the fracture energy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
There are about 7500 water treatment plants in Brazil. The wastes these plants generate in their decantation tanks and filters are discharged directly into the same brooks and rivers that supply water for treatment. Another serious environmental problem is the unregulated disposal of construction and demolition rubble, which increases the expenditure of public resources by degrading the urban environment and contributing to aggravate flooding and the proliferation of vectors harmful to public health. In this study, an evaluation was made of the possibility of recycling water treatment sludge in construction and demolition waste recycling plants. The axial compressive strength and water absorption of concretes and mortars produced with the exclusive and joint addition of these two types of waste was also determined. The ecoefficiency of this recycling was evaluated by determining the concentration of aluminum in the leached extract resulting from the solubilization of the recycled products. The production of concretes and mortars with the joint addition of water treatment sludge and recycled concrete rubble aggregates proved to be a viable recycling alternative from the standpoint of axial compression strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption and tensile strength by the Brazilian test method. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential application of a lightweight concrete produced with lightweight coarse aggregate made of the water treatment sludge and sawdust (lightweight composite), by determining the thermal properties and possible environmental impact of future residue of this concrete. Two types of concrete were prepared: concrete produced with the lightweight composite dosed with cement/sand/composite/water in a mass ratio of 1:2.5:0.67:0.6 and conventional concrete dosed with cement/sand/crushed stone/water in a mass ratio of 1:4.8:5.8:0.8. The thermal properties were determined by the hot wire parallel technique. The possible environmental impact was measured using the procedures and guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a 23% lower thermal conductivity than the conventional concrete. The concrete produced with the lightweight composite presented a set of thermal properties suitable for the application of this concrete in non-structural sealing elements. The concentration of aluminum in the solubilized extract of the concrete produced with the lightweight composite was much lower than the concentration of aluminum in the water treatment sludge, confirming the possible reduction of environmental impact of this composite for use in concrete. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Product lifecycle management (PLM) innovates as it defines both the product as a central element to aggregate enterprise information and the lifecycle as a new time dimension for information integration and analysis. Because of its potential benefits to shorten innovation lead-times and to reduce costs, PLM has attracted a lot of attention at industry and at research. However, the current PLM implementation stage at most organisations still does not apply the lifecycle management concepts thoroughly. In order to close the existing realisation gap, this article presents a process oriented framework to support effective PLM implementation. The framework central point consists of a set of lifecycle oriented business process reference models which links the necessary fundamental concepts, enterprise knowledge and software solutions to effectively deploy PLM. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents a statistical study on the variability of the mechanical properties of hardened self-compacting concrete, including the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. The comparison of the experimental results with those derived from several codes and recommendations allows evaluating if the hardened behaviour of self-compacting concrete can be appropriately predicted by the existing formulations. The variables analyzed include the maximum size aggregate, paste and gravel content. Results from the analyzed self-compacting concretes presented variability measures in the same range than the expected for conventional vibrated concrete, with all the results within a confidence level of 95%. From several formulations for conventional concrete considered in this study, it was observed that a safe estimation of the modulus of elasticity can be obtained from the value of compressive strength; with lower strength self-compacting concretes presenting higher safety margins. However, most codes overestimate the material tensile strength. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A nonlinear finite element model was developed to simulate the nonlinear response of three-leaf masonry specimens, which were subjected to laboratory tests with the aim of investigating the mechanical behaviour of multiple-leaf stone masonry walls up to failure. The specimens consisted of two external leaves made of stone bricks and mortar joints, and an internal leaf in mortar and stone aggregate. Different loading conditions, typologies of the collar joints, and stone types were taken into account. The constitutive law implemented in the model is characterized by a damage tensor, which allows the damage-induced anisotropy accompanying the cracking process to be described. To follow the post-peak behaviour of the specimens with sufficient accuracy it was necessary to make the damage model non-local, to avoid mesh-dependency effects related to the strain-softening behaviour of the material. Comparisons between the predicted and measured failure loads are quite satisfactory in most of the studied cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The compositions of canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of Canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. These data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity although compositional differences would surely affect oxidative stability. Cooling curve analysis showed that similar cooling profiles were obtained for different vegetable oils. Interestingly, no film boiling or transition nucleate boiling was observed with any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by pure nucleate boiling and convection. High-temperature cooling properties of vegetable oils are considerable faster than those observed for petroleum oil-based quenchants. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
Five vegetable oils: canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils were characterized with respect to their composition by gas chromatography and viscosity. The compositions of the vegetable oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of: canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. Viscosities at 40 degrees C and 100 degrees C and the viscosity index (VI) values were determined for the vegetable oils and two petroleum oil quenchants: Microtemp 157 (a conventional slow oil) and Microtemp 153B (an accelerated or fast oil). The kinematic viscosities of the different vegetable and petroleum oils at 40 degrees C were similar. The VI values for the different vegetable oils were very close and varied between 209-220 and were all much higher than the VI values obtained for Microtemp 157 (96) and Microtemp 153B (121). These data indicate that the viscosity variations of these vegetable oils are substantially less sensitive to temperature variation than are the parafinic oil based Microtemp 157 and Microtemp 153B. Although these data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity, the oxidative stability would surely be substantially impacted. Cooling curve analysis was performed on these vegetable oils at 60 degrees C under non-agitated conditions. These results were compared with cooling curves obtained for Microtemp 157, a conventional, unaccelerated petroleum oil, and Microtemp 153B, an accelerated petroleum oil under the same conditions. The results showed that cooling profiles of the different vegetable oils were similar as expected from the VI values. However, no boiling was observed wit any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by convection since there is no full-film boiling and nucleate boiling process as typically observed for petroleum oil quenchants, including those of this study. Therefore, high-temperature cooling is considerable faster for vegetable oils as a class. The cooling properties obtained suggest that vegetable oils would be especially suitable fur quenching low-hardenability steels such as carbon steels.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of the fibrous material obtained from ethanol-water fractionation of bagasse as reinforcement of thermoplastic starches in order to improve their mechanical properties. The composites were elaborated using matrices of corn and cassava starches plasticized with 30 wt%glycerin. The mixtures (0,5,10 and 15 wt% bagasse fiber) were elaborated in a rheometer at 150 degrees C. The mixtures obtained were pressed on a hot plate press at 155 degrees C. The test specimens were obtained according to ASTM D638. Tensile tests, moisture absorption tests for 24 days (20-23 degrees C and 53% RH, ASTM E104), and dynamic-mechanical analyses (DMA) in tensile mode were carried out. Images by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction were obtained. Fibers (10 wt% bagasse fiber) increased tensile strength by 44% and 47% compared to corn and cassava starches, respectively. The reinforcement (15 wt% bagasse fiber) increased more than fourfold the elastic modulus on starch matrices. The storage modulus at 30 C (E(30 degrees C)`) increased as the bagasse fiber content increased, following the trend of tensile elastic modulus. The results indicate that these fibers have potential applications in the development of biodegradable composite materials. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The processes that govern the rate of particle recovery in a flotation cell include the following sub-processes: collision, attachment, and stability of the aggregate formed by particles and bubbles. Collision is controlled by bulk hydrodynamics inside the flotation cell, while attachment is largely dominated by variables that belong to the domain of surface chemistry (contact angle, induction time). As for the stability of the particle/bubble aggregate, its efficiency depends on both hydrodynamics plus surface chemistry variables of the system. The flotation recovery of coarse particles of apatite and glass spheres was measured by micro-flotation and batch flotation tests in which hydrodynamic parameters were evaluated, such as impeller rotational speed, diameter, and geometry, as well as particle size and density. Results revealed that a proper impeller rotational speed yielded turbulence levels, which enabled to keep particles fully suspended, this way optimizing the collision efficiency between particles and bubbles, without jeopardizing the stability of the particle-bubble aggregates.
Real-time viscosity measurement remains a necessity for highly automated industry. To resolve this problem, many studies have been carried out using an ultrasonic shear wave reflectance method. This method is based on the determination of the complex reflection coefficient`s magnitude and phase at the solid-liquid interface. Although magnitude is a stable quantity and its measurement is relatively simple and precise, phase measurement is a difficult task because of strong temperature dependence. A simplified method that uses only the magnitude of the reflection coefficient and that is valid under the Newtonian regimen has been proposed by some authors, but the obtained viscosity values do not match conventional viscometry measurements. In this work, a mode conversion measurement cell was used to measure glycerin viscosity as a function of temperature (15 to 25 degrees C) and corn syrup-water mixtures as a function of concentration (70 to 100 wt% of corn syrup). Tests were carried out at 1 MHz. A novel signal processing technique that calculates the reflection coefficient magnitude in a frequency band, instead of a single frequency, was studied. The effects of the bandwidth on magnitude and viscosity were analyzed and the results were compared with the values predicted by the Newtonian liquid model. The frequency band technique improved the magnitude results. The obtained viscosity values came close to those measured by the rotational viscometer with percentage errors up to 14%, whereas errors up to 96% were found for the single frequency method.
This work presents the implementation of the ultrasonic shear reflectance method for viscosity measurement of Newtonian liquids using wave mode conversion from longitudinal to shear waves and vice versa. The method is based on the measurement of the complex reflection coefficient (magnitude and phase) at a solid-liquid interface. The implemented measurement cell is composed of an ultrasonic transducer, a water buffer, an aluminum prism, a PMMA buffer rod, and a sample chamber. Viscosity measurements were made in the range from 1 to 3.5 MHz for olive oil and for automotive oils (SAE 40, 90, and 250) at 15 and 22.5 degrees C, respectively. Moreover, olive oil and corn oil measurements were conducted in the range from 15 to 30 degrees C at 3.5 and 2.25 MHz, respectively. The ultrasonic measurements, in the case of the less viscous liquids, agree with the results provided by a rotational viscometer, showing Newtonian behavior. In the case of the more viscous liquids, a significant difference was obtained, showing a clear non-Newtonian behavior that cannot be described by the Kelvin-Voigt model.
This work addressed the production of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) by catalytic conversion of wastes from the bioethanol industry, in the form of either sugarcane bagasse or corn-derived distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Both bagasse and DDGS were pyrolysed at temperatures in the range of 600-1000 degrees C. The pyrolyzate gases were then used as CNM growth agents by chemical vapor deposition on stainless steel meshes, serving as both catalysts and substrates. CNM synthesis temperatures of 750-1000 degrees C were explored, and it was determined that their growth was most pronounced at 1000 degrees C. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of bagasse were in the form of long, straight, multi-wall nanotubes with smooth walls and axially uniform diameters. Typical lengths were circa 50 mu m and diameters were in the range of 20-80 nm. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of DDGS were in the form of long, entangled, rope-like structures with rugged walls, and axially non-uniform diameters. Typical diameters were in the range of 100-300 nm and their lengths were in the tens of microns. This process also produces a bio-syngas byproduct that is enriched in hydrogen. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The wide production of construction and demolition waste and its illegal deposition are serious current problems in Brazil. This research proposes to evaluate the feasibility of using aggregate from recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) in pavement applications. A laboratory program was conducted by geotechnical characterization, bearing capacity and repeated load triaxial tests. The results show that the composition and the compactive effort influence on the physical characteristics of the RCDW aggregate. The compaction process has promoted a partial crushing and breakage of RCDW particles, changing the grain-size distribution and increasing the percentage of cubic grains. This physical change contributes to a better densification of the RCDW aggregate and consequently an improvement in bearing capacity, resilient modulus and resistance to permanent deformation. The results have shown that the RCDW aggregate may be utilized as coarse base and sub-base layer for low-volume roads. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.