965 resultados para Contempt of court proceedings


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This study aims to analyze the process of implementation of Maria da Penha Law in Paraná from the perception of persons directly involved in combating violence against women in that state. To achieve this goal, the implementation in Curitiba was taken as the main reference, due to its status as capital, being the headquarter of the political powers and the place where are some feminist social movements. We have chosen qualitative approach of interpretative nature as research methodology, because it is a method that allows the analysis of the responses and as a data collection technique. We also have chosen the individual semi-structured interview as interview mode, because it gives greater freedom to the interviewee to discuss the matter, but it is delimited to the study objectives. The research included nine persons, including members of the Judiciary and Public Ministry, public servants and activists. The importance of the study stems from the relevance of the numbers of violence against women in Brazil, and more specifically by the significant occurrence of this kind of acts in the state of Paraná, which currently occupies the 3rd place in the ranking for the most violent states. The paper also discusses gender relations by understanding that violence against women is the result of an asymmetrical power relationship between men and women; human rights because violence is a blatant disregard of women's human rights; on public policies and technologies to confront this form of violence. Among the policies, the Maria da Penha Law is highlighted as one of the most striking examples of public policy for combating violence against women. The research found out which was the participation of Paraná in the discussion and implementation of Maria da Penha Law, identifying relevant facts and people and also what was the repercussion obtained by this law. As for the implementation in Paraná, it was possible to determine progresses, difficulties and challenges of the process. The greatest advances obtained so far are the facilities of: Court of Domestic and Family Violence against Women in Curitiba, Maria da Penha Patrol and Women's Special City Office of Curitiba. As for the difficulties, they are related, among others things, to the physical structure, training of agents, political will, and even cultural issues, which are directly linked to gender issues. Thus it was found that the law is implemented in the state, but there are still several challenges to be achieved, which consist, mainly, of the structure increment for combating violence; awareness and change of mentality of public officials; training of service agents and a greater social participation in combating violence. We concluded that the need for change in gender relations, which is an educational and social evolutionary process and therefore time consuming, is also a challenge.


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Con el fin de participar en el debate que sobre consorcios se ha generado en la actualidad, se presenta en este documento una descripción de la experiencia de lo actuado en la Red de Sistemas Integrados de Información Documental de las Universidades miembros del Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano REDSIID/CSUCA; la cual pretende ser un consorcio académico bibliotecológico. Estructura de cooperación que podría favorecer a la región centroamericana.La globalización ha generado un estado de confrontación entre las corrientes de pensamiento. La formación académica tiende a ser más horizontal dejando de lado las élites intelectuales. Sin embargo, esa horizontalidad, que permite igualdad de acceso a todos los grupos sociales y a todos los niveles culturales, transgrede las identidades locales y a las universidades. La misma autonomía universitaria pareciera perder vigencia, para ampliar los espacios de convivencia y retroalimentación comunitaria; uno de ellos, establecer vínculos universidad-empresa. Consecuentemente, el modelo universitario debe reconceptualizar sus procesos, entre ellos: el acceso a la información, el acceso al conocimiento y el acceso al aprendizaje.


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W artykule przedstawiono istniejące w polskiej procedurze karnej formy konsensualizmu procesowego. Opisane zostały przesłanki wystąpienia z wnioskami o skazanie bez rozprawy (art. 335 § 1 i 2 Kodeksu postępowania karnego), warunki dobrowolnego poddania się odpowiedzialności karnej oraz instytucji przewidzianej w art. 338a Kodeksu postępowania karnego. Przedstawiona została również ewolucja uprawnień osoby pokrzywdzonej przestępstwem w kontekście rozwiązań konsensualnych oraz realizacja celów postępowania karnego w odniesieniu do wspomnianych trybów. Uwzględniając zmiany wprowadzone przez ostatnie nowelizacje podkreślono rolę porozumień, wskazując ich liczne zalety, zastosowanie w praktyce oraz konsekwencje, jakie wywołują w kolejnych etapach procesu. Zwrócono także uwagę na postępowanie mediacyjne, jak również na przejawy porozumień procesowych w innych aktach prawnych, do których należy zaliczyć między innymi umorzenie restytucyjne.


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Este trabalho é um estudo sobre o sistema de informação Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios, como nasceu e como se desenvolveu, através do estudo orgânico-funcional, análise da produção e tramitação documental, desde a sua criação (1930) até à sua extinção (1976), através da aplicação do método de investigação quadripolar. Este método vai desenrolar-se mediante três actividades, cujo exercício se integra numa abordagem sistémica: a) Estudo da natureza da instituição a partir da análise dos seus fins, dos seus órgãos, das suas funções e da sua prática administrativa, tendo em conta tanto a evolução destes elementos ao longo do tempo como as relações que se estabelecem entre eles, através da análise de leis orgânicas e outros diplomas legais. b) Identificação e delimitação das séries documentais a partir da análise dos modos de produção documental, as características externas e internas destes tipos de documentos e as operações de conservação, descrição e organização arquivística. c) Apresentação do quadro de classificação: estrutura hierárquica e lógica que reflicta as funções deste sistema de informação. Pretende-se dar resposta às seguintes questões: 1- como classificar arquivisticamente a documentação acumulada no Arquivo Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios? 2- Classificar arquivisticamente os processos de infracções/crimes do Tribunal de Recurso da Intendência-Geral da Segurança Pública e os processos de infracções/crimes até 1936 no sistema Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios. 3- A produção e o circuito documental do Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios são semelhantes à produção documental dos tribunais de jurisdição ordinária? 4- Quais a(s) especificidade(s) a nível processual e de tipologias documentais. ABSTRACT: This thesis is a study on the information system of the Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios: how it started and how it was developed, and we do so proceding with the study of the organizational system, of the channeling of the proceedings and documents, since its creation (1930) until its ending (1976), using the quadripolar research method. This method will develop into three different steps, following a systemic approach and using the Quadripolar Method: a) A study of the nature of the institution supported by the analysis of its purposes, its organs, its functions and its administrative practices, bearing in mind the evolution of these elements throughout time and the connections that are established between them, with the support of some organic laws and other legal diplomas. b) Identification and caracterization of the document series; the method that it will be used will include an analysis of the process of document production, and also of both the internal and external characteristics of that type of documents and the archival conservation, description and organization. c) Demonstration of the classification board: hierarchic structure and the logic that is behind the institution of this documental base. This work intends to answer the following questions: 1. How to classify archival documentation accumulated in the Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios? 2. How to classify the offense/crimes processes at the Tribunal de Recurso at Intendência-Geral da Segurança Pública and the offense/crimes processes until 1936 at Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios? 3. Are the circuit and the document production of the Tribunal Colectivo dos Géneros Alimentícios similar to the production of documents in regular jurisdiction courts? 4. What are the specific level procedural and documentary types?


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração, 2015.