982 resultados para Consumption Values


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[cat] En aquest treball s'analitza l'efecte que comporta l'introducció de preferències inconsistents temporalment sobre les decisions òptimes de consum, inversió i compra d'assegurança de vida. En concret, es pretén recollir la creixent importància que un individu dóna a la herència que deixa i a la riquesa disponible per a la seva jubilació al llarg de la seva vida laboral. Amb aquesta finalitat, es parteix d'un model estocàstic en temps continu amb temps final aleatori, i s'introdueix el descompte heterogeni, considerant un agent amb una distribució de vida residual coneguda. Per tal d'obtenir solucions consistents temporalment es resol una equació de programació dinàmica no estàndard. Per al cas de funcions d'utilitat del tipus CRRA i CARA es troben solucions explícites. Finalment, els resultats obtinguts s'il·lustren numèricament.


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[cat] En aquest treball s'analitza l'efecte que comporta l'introducció de preferències inconsistents temporalment sobre les decisions òptimes de consum, inversió i compra d'assegurança de vida. En concret, es pretén recollir la creixent importància que un individu dóna a la herència que deixa i a la riquesa disponible per a la seva jubilació al llarg de la seva vida laboral. Amb aquesta finalitat, es parteix d'un model estocàstic en temps continu amb temps final aleatori, i s'introdueix el descompte heterogeni, considerant un agent amb una distribució de vida residual coneguda. Per tal d'obtenir solucions consistents temporalment es resol una equació de programació dinàmica no estàndard. Per al cas de funcions d'utilitat del tipus CRRA i CARA es troben solucions explícites. Finalment, els resultats obtinguts s'il·lustren numèricament.


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Information on antioxidant properties at different ontological stages may help producers and food technologists to identify which cultivar and/or maturity stage are most adequate for their need, therefore this work aimed to study the changes in the antioxidant metabolism during acerola development. Fruit from cv. Flor Branca, BRS366 and Florida Sweet were harvested at different stages: immature green colored (I), physiologically mature with green color and maximum size (II), breaker (III) and full red ripe (IV). After harvest, fruits were selected, divided into four replications with 500 g each and evaluated regarding their titratable acidity, pH, soluble solids, total soluble sugar, vitamin C, polyphenol, anthocyanin, yellow flavonoid, total antioxidant activity and antioxidant enzyme activity. Anthocyanin and flavonoid were determined through LC-DAD-ESI/MS and all analysis followed a completely randomized factorial 3 x 4 design. Fruits of 'Florida Sweet' presented significantly higher soluble solids (9.46ºBrix). Vitamin C content decreased during ripening, but ripe 'BRS 366' fruits showed the greatest values (1363 mg.100 g-1) and highest TAA with 42.36 µM TEAC.g-1FW. Cyanidin 3-rhamnoside (520.76 mg.100 g-1 DM) and quercetin 3-rhamnoside (33.72 mg.100 g-1 DM) were the most abundant anthocyanin and yellow flavonoids found mainly in 'Flor Branca' fruit of acerola, whose antioxidant enzymes activities were also higher. Ripe 'Florida Sweet' fruit presents a great potential for fresh consumption, meanwhile physiologically mature 'BRS 366' fruit seems the best option for the bioactive compounds processing industry. As 'Flor Branca' fruit of acerola kept the highest activity levels, it could be an indicative of greater potential for postharvest conservation.


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Diplomityössä tehtiin Balas- simulointimalli Stora Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd Varkauden tehtaiden kuumahierrelaitoksesta, johon sovitettiin tehtaan lämpö-, kuitu- ja kiertovesivirtaukset sekä kiertovesissä olevien liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden virtaukset. Kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin simulaattorimallin luontiin ja käyttötarkoituksiin. Siinä käsitellään Balas- simulaattorin ominaisuuksia ja laiteparametrointia. Tarkastellaan kuumahierreprosessin eri vaiheita, olosuhteita ja laitteiden toimintaa. Perehdytään prosessin energian kulutukseen ja talteenottoon sekä kiertovesien liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden mittaussuureisiin ja vaikutuksiin prosessissa. Simulaattorimallin tekemiseen kuului tehtaan virtauskaavion ja simulaattorimallin tekeminen, mittauskoesuunnittelu, tehdasmittaukset, simulaattorin parametrointi, mittaus- ja simulaattoritulosten yhteensovittaminen sekä mallin kelpoistaminen. Tehtaan virtauskaavion piirtämisessä käytettiin apuna tehtaan prosessi- ja instrumentointikaavioita, joiden pohjalta mittauskoesuunnitelma ja simulaattorimalli tehtiin. Koesuunnitelman mittaussuureiksi valittiin virtaukset, sakeudet, lämpötilat sekä kiertovesien kiintoaineen-, kokonaisorgaanisen hiilen- ja liuenneen orgaanisen aineen pitoisuuksien määritykset. Mittauksilla saatiin tietoja prosessivirtausten taseista, joita käytettiin simulaattorimallin keskeisempien laiteparametriarvojen määrityksessä. Exceliä hyödynnettiin mittaus- ja simulaattoritulosten taulukoinnissa, laiteparametrien laskemisessa sekä arvojen syötössä ja vastaanotossa Excelin ja simulaattorin välillä. Sitä käytettiin myös graafisessa mittaus- ja simulaattoritulosten yhteensovittamisessa, jolla pystyttiin havainnollisesti näkemään eri syöttöparametrien muutoksien vaikutukset simulaattorin laskemissa virtaustuloksissa. Mallin antamien arvojen ja todellisten prosessimittausarvojen yhteensovittamisen ja mallista varmistumisen tuloksista voidaan todeta mallin korreloivan todellista prosessia melko hyvin.


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Olive oil decreases the risk of CVD. This effect may be due to the fatty acid profile of the oil, but it may also be due to its antioxidant content which differs depending on the type of olive oil. In this study, the concentrations of oleic acid and antioxidants (phenolic compounds and vitamin E) in plasma and LDL were compared after consumption of three similar olive oils, but with differences in their phenolic content. Thirty healthy volunteers participated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover, randomized supplementation trial. Virgin, common, and refined olive oils were administered during three periods of 3 weeks separated by a 2-week washout period. Participants were requested to ingest a daily dose of 25 ml raw olive oil, distributed over the three meals of the day, during intervention periods. All three olive oils caused an increase in plasma and LDL oleic acid (P,0·05) content. Olive oils rich in phenolic compounds led to an increase in phenolic compounds in LDL (P,0·005). The concentration of phenolic compounds in LDL was directly correlated with the phenolic concentration in the olive oils. The increase in the phenolic content of LDL could account for the increase of the resistance of LDL to oxidation, and the decrease of the in vivo oxidized LDL, observed in the frame of this trial. Our results support the hypothesis that a daily intake of virgin olive oil promotes protective LDL changes ahead of its oxidation.


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Nicotine consumption is higher for people within the schizophrenia spectrum compared to controls. This observation supports the self-medication hypothesis, that nicotine relieves symptoms in, for example, schizophrenia patients. We tested whether performance in an endophenotype of schizophrenia (visual backward masking, VBM) is modulated by nicotine consumption in i) smoking and non-smoking schizophrenia patients, their first-degree relatives, and age-matched controls, ii) non-smoking and smoking university students, and iii) non-smoking, early and late onset nicotine smokers. Overall, our results confirmed that VBM deficits are an endophenotype of schizophrenia, i.e., deficits were highest in patients, followed by their relatives, students scoring high in Cognitive Disorganisation, and controls. Moreover, we found i) beneficial effects of chronic nicotine consumption on VBM performance, in particular with increasing age, and ii) little impact of clinical status. alone or in interactionwith nicotine consumption on VBMperformance. Given the younger age of undergraduate students (up to 30 years) versus controls and patients (up to 66 years),we propose that age-dependent VBMdeficits emergewhen schizotypy effects are targeted in populations of a larger age range, but that nicotine consumption might counteract these deficits (supporting the self-medication hypothesis).


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Diplomityössä on kehitetty websovelluksena toteutettavan ilmastolaskuripalvelun hiilidioksidipäästöjen laskentamoduulit, joiden avulla toimistot ja yleisötapahtumat voivat arvioida omasta toiminnastaan syntyviä hiilidioksidipäästöjä sähkönkulutuksen, lämmönkulutuksen, matkustamisen, kuljetusten ja paperin kulutuksen osalta. Tavoitteena oli kehittää ilmastolaskurista mahdollisimman helppokäyttöinen ja kohderyhmälle hyödyllinen websovellus. Työn kirjallisuusosiossa käsitellään toimistojen ja yleisötapahtumien ympäristövaikutuksia etenkin ilmastonmuutoksen näkökulmasta. Toimistot ja yleisötapahtumat vaikuttavat ilmastonmuutokseen pääasiassa kiinteistöjen sähkön- ja lämmönkulutuksen sekä liikenteen energiankulutuksesta syntyvien hiilidioksidipäästöjen muodossa. Rakennusten energiankulutuksen ja liikenteen yhteys kansalliseen CO2-päästötaseeseen sekä päästöjenvähennystavoitteisiin on merkittävä päästökauppadirektiivin sovellusalan ulkopuolella. Lisäksi tarkastellaan paino- ja paperituotteiden elinkaaren aikaisia ympäristövaikutuksia energiankulutuksen kannalta, sillä paperi on toimistojen ja usein myös tapahtumien merkittävin yksittäinen materiaalivirta. Ilmastolaskuriin kuuluvien hiilidioksidipäästöjen laskentamoduulien kehittämisessä pyrittiin huomioimaan mahdollisimman pitkälle käyttäjien tarpeet ja tiedonsaantimahdollisuudet. Ilmastolaskuri suunniteltiin toimistojen ja yleisötapahtumien ympäristövaikutuksia käsittelevän tutkimustiedon, ilmastolaskuriprojektissa toteutetun esimarkkinakyselyn tulosten, käyttäjähaastatteluista saadun palautteen sekä keskeisesti suunnitteluprosessissa mukana olleen asiantuntijaryhmän antamien kehitysehdotusten perusteella. Työssä on esitetty ilmastolaskurisovelluksen laadulliset kriteerit, tekninen vaatimusmäärittely sekä hiilidioksidipäästöjen laskentaosuuden toteutussuunnitelma, joka sisältää laskentamoduulien käyttöliittymämallit sekä päästölaskentaan liittyvät hiilidioksidipäästökertoimet, oletusarvot, päästölaskentakaavat ja huomautukset.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies observed associations of various aspects of diet with mental health, but little is known about the relationship between following the 5-a-day recommendation for fruit and vegetables consumption and mental health. Thus, we examined the associations of the Swiss daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake with psychological distress. METHODS: Data from 20,220 individuals aged 15+ years from the 2012 Swiss Health Survey were analyzed. The recommended portions of fruit and vegetables per day were defined as 5-a-day (at least 2 portions of fruit and 3 of vegetables). The outcome was perceived psychological distress over the previous 4 weeks (measured by the 5-item mental health index [MHI-5]). High distress (MHI-5 score ≤ 52), moderate distress (MHI-5 > 52 and ≤ 72) and low distress (MHI-5 > 72 and ≤ 100) were differentiated and multinomial logistic regression analyses adjusted for known confounding factors were performed. RESULTS: The 5-a-day recommendation was met by 11.6 % of the participants with low distress, 9.3 % of those with moderate distress, and 6.2 % of those with high distress. Consumers fulfilling the 5-a-day recommendation had lower odds of being highly or moderately distressed than individuals consuming less fruit and vegetables (moderate vs. low distress: OR = 0.82, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.69-0.97; high vs. low distress: OR = 0.55, 95 % CI 0.41-0.75). CONCLUSIONS: Daily intake of 5 servings of fruit and vegetable was associated with lower psychological distress. Longitudinal studies are needed to further determine the causal nature of this relationship.


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Sparus aurata larvae reared under controlled water-temperature conditions during the first 24 days after hatching displayed a linear relationship between age (t) and standard length (SL): SL = 2.68 + 0.19 t (r2 = 0.91l). Increments were laid down in the sagittae with daily periodicity starting on day of hatching. Standard length (SL) and sagittae radius (OR) were correlated: SL(mm) = 2.65 + 0.012 OR(mm). The series of measurements of daily growth increment widths (DWI), food density and water temperature were analyzed by means of time series analysis. The DWI series were strongly autocorrelated, the growth on any one day was dependent upon growth on the previous day. Time series of water temperatures showed, as expected, a random pattern of variation, while food consumed daily was a function of food consumed the two previous days. The DWI series and the food density were correlated positively at lags 1 and 2. The results provided evidence of the importance of food intake upon the sagittae growth when temperature is optimal (20ºC). Sagittae growth was correlated with growth on the previous day, so this should be taken into account when fish growth is derived from sagittae growth rates.


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Organizational values can be used as a tool for improving organization performance. The role of the leaders in building support and developing behaviours consistent with values-driven management is studied through value perceptions by the personnel in the object organization.


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This thesis analyses the calculation of FanSave and PumpSave energy saving tools calculation. With these programs energy consumption of variable speed drive control for fans and pumps can be compared to other control methods. With FanSave centrifugal and axial fans can be examined and PumpSave deals with centrifugal pumps. By means of these programs also suitable frequency converter can be chosen from the ABB collection. Programs need as initial values information about the appliances like amount of flow and efficiencies. Operation time is important factor when calculating the annual energy consumption and information about it are the length and profile. Basic theory related to fans and pumps is introduced without more precise instructions for dimensioning. FanSave and PumpSave contain various methods for flow control. These control methods are introduced in the thesis based on their operational principles and suitability. Also squirrel cage motor and frequency converter are introduced because of their close involvement to fans and pumps. Second part of the thesis contains comparison between results of FanSave’s and PumpSave’s calculation and performance curve based calculation. Also laboratory tests were made with centrifugal and axial fan and also with centrifugal pump. With the results from this thesis the calculation of these programs can be adjusted to be more accurate and also some new features can be added.