987 resultados para Composite Dynamic Object


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The constitutive flow behavior of a metal matrix composite (MMC) with 2124 aluminum containing 20 vol pct silicon carbide particulates under hot-working conditions in the temperature range of 300 °C to 550 °C and strain-rate range of 0.001 to 1 s-1 has been studied using hot compression testing. Processing maps depicting the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation given by [2m/(m + 1)] (wherem is the strain-rate sensitivity of flow stress) with temperature and strain rate have been established for the MMC as well as for the matrix material. The maps have been interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model (DMM). [3] The MMC exhibited a domain of superplasticity in the temperature range of 450 °C to 550 °C and at strain rates less than 0.1 s-1. At 500 °C and 1 s-1 strain rate, the MMC undergoes dynamic recrystallization (DRX), resulting in a reconstitution of microstructure. In comparison with the map for the matrix material, the DRX domain occurred at a strain rate higher by three orders of magnitude. At temperatures lower than 400 °C, the MMC exhibited dynamic recovery, while at 550 °C and 1 s-1, cracking occurred at the prior particle boundaries (representing surfaces of the initial powder particles). The optimum temperature and strain-rate combination for billet conditioning of the MMC is 500 °C and 1 s-1, while secondary metalworking may be done in the super- plasticity domain. The MMC undergoes microstructural instability at temperatures lower than 400 °C and strain rates higher than 0.1 s-1.


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E glass epoxy laminates of thicknesses in the range 2-5 mm were subjected to repeated impacts. For each thickness the number of hits to cause tup penetration was determined and the value of this number was higher the larger the thickness of the laminate tested. The C-scan, before and after impact, was done to obtain information regarding flaw distribution. Short beam shear test samples were made from locations at fixed distances from impact point and tested. The samples closer to the zone of impact showed lower strength values. Scanning fractography revealed shear deformation features for these samples and brittle fracture features for the region near the zone of impact.


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Critical buckling loads of laminated fibre-reinforced plastic square panels have been obtained using the finite element method. Various boundary conditions, lay-up details, fibre orientations, cut-out sizes are considered. A 36 degrees of freedom triangular element, based on the classical lamination theory (CLT) has been used for the analysis. The performance of this element is validated by comparing results with some of those available in literature. New results have been given for several cases of boundary conditions for [0°/ ± 45°/90°]s laminates. The effect of fibre-orientation in the ply on the buckling loads has been investigated by considering [±?]6s laminates.


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Buckling of discretely stiffened composite cylindrical panels made of repeated sublaminate construction is studied using a finite element method. In repeated sublaminate construction, a full laminate is obtained by repeating a basic sublaminate, which has a smaller number of plies. This paper deals with the determination of the optimum lay-up for buckling by ranking of such stiffened (longitudinal and hoop) composite cylindrical panels. For this purpose we use the particularized form of a four-noded, 48 degrees of freedom doubly curved quadrilateral thin shell finite element together with a fully compatible two-noded, 16 degrees of freedom composite stiffener element. The computer program developed has been used, after extensive checking for correctness, to obtain an optimum orientation scheme of the plies in the sublaminate so as to achieve maximum buckling load for a specified thickness of typical stiffened composite cylindrical panels.


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A previous study on the tribological performance of a compression-moulded aramid fibre-phenolic resin composite, containing 30% continuous fibre, showed that this composite provides a reasonable combination of the friction coefficient and wear rate to be used as a friction component, such as a brake shoe. In the present work, the effect of sliding speed on the friction and wear behaviour of this composite has been investigated. The sliding experiments were conducted in a speed range of 0.1-6 m s(-1) at two normal pressure levels of 1.0 and 4.9 MPa. The coefficient of friction was found to be stable over a wide range of sliding speeds and normal pressures. The wear of the composite was found to be insensitive to changes in the speed in the higher speed range. The results have been supplemented with scanning electron micrographs to help understand possible friction and wear mechanisms.


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Nonlinear finite element analysis is used for the estimation of damage due to low-velocity impact loading of laminated composite circular plates. The impact loading is treated as an equivalent static loading by assuming the impactor to be spherical and the contact to obey Hertzian law. The stresses in the laminate are calculated using a 48 d.o.f. laminated composite sector element. Subsequently, the Tsai-Wu criterion is used to detect the zones of failure and the maximum stress criterion is used to identify the mode of failure. Then the material properties of the laminate are degraded in the failed regions. The stress analysis is performed again using the degraded properties of the plies. The iterative process is repeated until no more failure is detected in the laminate. The problem of a typical T300/N5208 composite [45 degrees/0 degrees/-45 degrees/90 degrees](s) circular plate being impacted by a spherical impactor is solved and the results are compared with experimental and analytical results available in the literature. The method proposed and the computer code developed can handle symmetric, as well as unsymmetric, laminates. It can be easily extended to cover the impact of composite rectangular plates, shell panels and shells.


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Static disorder has recently been implicated in the non-exponential kinetics of the unfolding of single molecules of poly-ubiquitin under a constant force Kuo, Garcia-Manyes, Li, Barel, Lu, Berne, Urbakh, Klafter, and Fernandez, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 11336 (2010)]. In the present paper, it is suggested that dynamic disorder may provide a plausible, alternative description of the experimental observations. This suggestion is made on the basis of a model in which the barrier to chain unfolding is assumed to be modulated by a control parameter r that evolves in a parabolic potential under the action of fractional Gaussian noise according to a generalized Langevin equation. The treatment of dynamic disorder within this model is pursued using Zwanzig's indirect approach to noise averaging Acc. Chem. Res. 23, 148 (1990)]. In conjunction with a self-consistent closure scheme developed by Wilemski and Fixman J. Chem. Phys. 58, 4009 (1973); ibid. 60, 866 (1974)], this approach eventually leads to an expression for the chain unfolding probability that can be made to fit the corresponding experimental data very closely. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Heat-up times derived from studies on the ignition characteristics of a few model composite solid propellants, containing polystyrene, carboxy-terminated polybutadiene, plasticised polyvinyl chloride and polyphenol formaldehyde as binders, show that they are directly proportional to the mass of the sample and inversely proportional to the hear flux. Propellant weight-loss prior to ignition and high pressure ignition temperature data on the propellants, ammonium per chlorate, and binders show that the ignition is governed by the gasification of the binder pyrolysis products. The activation energy for the gasification of the pyrolysed polymer products corresponds to their ignition behaviour suggesting that propellant ignition is controlled by the binder.


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Abstract: The dynamics of poly(2-vinylpyridine) in chloroform solution has been examined by C-13 spin-lattice relaxation time and NOE measurements as a function of temperature. The experiments were performed at 50.3 and 100.6 MHz. The backbone carbon relaxation data have been analyzed in terms of six motional models. Among these models, the models which consider conformational transitions and bond librations for the backbone were found to be more successful. Pyridyl ring motion has been modeled as a restricted rotation with the rotational amplitude varying with temperature. The activation energy parameters obtained from the relaxation data of the pyridyl ring carbon have been compared with the energy barrier for ring rotation estimated from conformational energy calculations using the AM1 semiempirical quantum chemical method. The results of the conformational energy calculations support the description of pyridyl ring motion as a restricted rotation.


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The domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in as-cast 304 stainless steel material occurs at higher temperatures (1250 degrees C) and lower strain rates (0.001 s(-1)) than in wrought 304 stainless steel (1100 degrees C and 0.01 s(-1)). The above result has been explained earlier on the basis of a simple theoretical DRX model involving the rate of nucleation versus rate of grain boundary migration. The present investigation is aimed at examining experimentally the influence of carbide particles on the DRX of ascast 304 using secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analysis. Isothermal compression tests at a constant true strain rate have been performed on wrought 304 and as-cast 304 materials in the temperature and strain rate ranges of 1000 to 1250 degrees C and 0.001 to 1 s(-1) respectively. The SIMS analysis carried out on the deformed samples revealed that the large carbides present in the as-cast 304 material strongly influence the DRX process. In as-cast 304 material, the presence of large carbide particles in the microstructure shifts the DRX domain to higher temperature and lower strain rate in comparison with wrought 304 material.


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A 48 d.o.f., four-noded quadrilateral laminated composite shell finite element is particularised to a sector finite element and is used for the large deformation analysis of circular composite laminated plates. The strain-displacement relationships for the sector element are obtained by reducing those of the quadrilateral shell finite element by substituting proper values for the geometric parameters. Subsequently, the linear and tangent stiffness matrices are formulated using conventional methods. The Newton-Raphson method is employed as the nonlinear solution technique. The computer code developed is validated by solving an isotropic case for which results are available in the literature. The method is then applied to solve problems of cylindrically orthotropic circular plates. Some of the results of cylindrically orthotropic case are compared with those available in the literature. Subsequently, application is made to the case of laminated composite circular plates having different lay-up schemes. The computer code can handle symmetric/unsymmetric lay-up schemes. The large displacement analysis is useful in estimating the damage in composite plates caused by low-velocity impact.


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A new design technique for an SVC-based power system damping controller has been proposed. The controller attempts to place all plant poles within a specified region on the s-plane to guarantee the desired closed loop performance. The use of Horowitz's quantitative feedback theory (QFT) permits the design of a 'fixed gain controller' that maintains its performance in spite of large variations in the plant parameters during its normal course of operation. The required controller parameters are arrived at by solving an optimization problem that incorporates the control specifications. The performance of this robust controller has been evaluated on a single machine infinite bus system equipped with a mid point SVC, and the results are shown to be consistent with the expected performance of the stabilizer. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Graded alternate layers of Al2O3 and 8% Y2O3-ZrO2 and their admixtures were plasma sprayed onto bond-coated mild steel. They were evaluated for thermal-shock resistance, thermal-barrier characteristics, hot corrosion resistance (molten NaCl corrodant) and depth of attack, adhesion strength and the presence of phases. Although front-back temperature drops of 423-623 K were observed, some of the coatings showed good adherence even after 100 thermal shack cycles. In the sequence of the graded layers, the oxide which is directly in contact with the bond coat appears to influence the properties especially in coatings of 150 and 300 mu m thickness. Molten NaCl readily attacks the films at high hot-face temperatures (1273 K for 1 h) and the adhesive strength falls significantly by 50-60%. Diffusion of alkaline elements is also found to depend on the chemical composition of the outer coating directly facing the molten corrodant. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Limited.


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The effect of uncertainty in composite material properties on the aeroelastic response, vibratory loads, and stability of a hingeless helicopter rotor is investigated. The uncertainty impact on rotating natural frequencies of the blade is studied with Monte Carlo simulations and first-order reliability methods. The stochastic aeroelastic analyses in hover and forward flight are carried out with Monte Carlo simulations. The flap, lag, and torsion responses show considerable scatter from their baseline values, and the uncertainty impact varies with the azimuth angle. Furthermore, the blade response shows finite probability of resonance-type conditions caused by modal frequencies approaching multiples of the rotor speed. The 4/rev vibratory forces show large deviations from their baseline values. The lag mode damping shows considerable scatter due to uncertain material properties with an almost 40% probability of instability in hover.


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We present a randomized and a deterministic data structure for maintaining a dynamic family of sequences under equality tests of pairs of sequences and creations of new sequences by joining or splitting existing sequences. Both data structures support equality tests in O(1) time. The randomized version supports new sequence creations in O(log(2) n) expected time where n is the length of the sequence created. The deterministic solution supports sequence creations in O(log n (log m log* m + log n)) time for the mth operation.