982 resultados para Catalogação descritiva - Metadados
A Indústria Farmacêutica é uma das mais competitivas indústrias do mundo contemporâneo, e um dos seus principais desafios está na comercialização de seus medicamentos, que na sua maioria depende da prescrição médica. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar as estratégias de avaliação de desempenho utilizadas pela Indústria Farmacêutica de origem multinacional que atua no nordeste Brasileiro e o papel dos seus gerentes, para avaliar os propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos. Para tanto, buscouse reunir elementos para uma abordagem satisfatória que contemple a complexidade da temática pesquisada: Avaliação de Desempenho, Estratégias da Indústria Farmacêutica, Propaganda Médica e Competências dos Propagandistas de Medicamentos. A temática justifica-se em razão da importância estratégica dos propagandistas de medicamentos para a indústria farmacêutica, que é uma das indústrias que mais investe em pesquisa na atualidade, e contribui para melhorar a qualidade de vida e a saúde humana. A metodologia é caracterizada como um survey, de natureza quali-quantitativa. O objeto de estudo é composto pelas empresas farmacêuticas multinacionais de origem Americanas, Europeias e Asiáticas, associadas à INTERFARMA que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário fechado (instrumento de pesquisa), composto por 5 perguntas fechadas que abordam a temática central dessa dissertação, 27 afirmativas para medir a concordância(escala likert) e 1 tabela contendo 46 competências, aplicado junto a gerentes da indústria farmacêutica. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio das técnicas de estatística descritiva e uma análise quantitativa para estabelecer o Ranking Médio (RM) para a parte do questionário que utilizou escala tipo Likert de 5 pontos para mensurar o grau de concordância dos respondestes. Através dos resultados desta pesquisa foi possível identificar as estratégias de avaliação de desempenho, utilizadas pelas empresas farmacêuticas, que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil, na gestão dos propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos, e identificar as competências essenciais dos propagandistas de medicamentos, na percepção dos gestores. Os resultados demonstraram que a Indústria Farmacêutica desenvolve e utiliza várias estratégias para medir e avaliar o desempenho dos propagandistas de medicamentos no Brasil, assim como em outros países, e que na percepção dos gerentes da Indústria Farmacêutica existem competências consideradas essenciais ao bom desempenho profissional dos propagandistas de medicamentos da indústria farmacêutica, contribuindo de para avanço do conhecimento deste tema
Knowledge and innovation were seen as major forces, both for survival, as the acquisition of competitive advantages in the Brazilian economy, as well as adding value to the product as a market differentiator. The Triple Helix model is directed toward the knowledge-based economy. Over the past six years, the Federal Government through the Financier of Studies and Projects ( FINEP ) invested in technological innovation projects, economic subsidies, about U.S. $ 1 billion supporting more than 800 projects with these resources. According to the MCTI , the Northeast, over the years 2000 to 2010 increased spending on Science and Technology (considering the activities of research and development more scientific and related activities) of the State Government in relation to its total revenue In 2000, 0.51% of total revenues were invested in Science & Technology, while in 2010 this figure increased to 1.31%. Among the nine Northeast states, Paraíba is highlighted. In 2000, 0.33% of its total revenues were directed to innovation, reaching 2.04% in 2010, the largest increase in the region while the RN invested 0.24% in 2000 and in 2010 reached the level of 1.42 %. According to IBGE, in the period 2000-2011, the micro and small enterprises surpassed the barrier of 6 million establishments. In 2000, there were 4.2 million establishments while in 2011 were 6.3 million active establishments. Therefore, throughout the period, there was a creation of approximately 2.1 million new establishments. Between 2000 and 2011, micro and small businesses have created 7.0 million formal jobs, 8.6 million jobs in 2000 to 15.6 million in 2011. This scenario shows the importance of this study in relation to the investment of governments in RD & I in micro and small enterprises. This study aims to analyze the interaction Universities - Business - Government in the development of innovation in micro and small companies in Rio Grande do Norte participants of the edicts of Inova FAPERN. We chose to adopt as a research method case study concerning the procedure of the research, exploratory, descriptive, and on documents with engineers and researchers of innovation projects approved by PAPPE Subsidy (Inova -RN I, II and III). Data collection was done through the report made by FAPERN entitled: " Evaluation of companies financed and supported by the Grant Program for Technological Innovation for Micro and Small Enterprises RN - INOVA -RN " (2010) and a questionnaire with 40 closed questions and 1 opened to 30 affirmative composed based on a 5-point Likert scale. The analysis of data was qualitative and quantitative. The study provided to identify the importance and barriers arising from the relation between Government Enterprise (micro and small) and University as essential to the economic development of the region. It was also identified that, in the innovation projects, 70% of the goods or services originating from research were to market these, 50% resulted in a patent for the company and 80% publications of scientific articles
The study aims identify the existence of quality culture in Brazilian automotive dealerships with ISO 9001, motivated by this research problem: exist a quality culture in this dealerships, which facilitates the adoption of quality practices supported by ISO 9001? For referencing, the theoretical review was written in five themes: organizational culture, quality culture, total quality management, ISO 9001 quality management system and the Brazilian automobile industry. As regards the methodological aspects, the research has an applied nature, with a quantitative approach, being exploratory in their objectives, and bibliographic, documental and survey as technical procedures. The organizations participating in the study were all Brazilian automotive dealerships certified with ISO 9001. The research intended cover all the 80 active dealers with ISO 9001 certification identified by the Brazilian Committee for Quality (ABNT CB-25). The survey recorded participation of 32 companies (response rate 40%). The questionnaire was sent to seller managers, formatted into five sections: 1) introductory message 2) manager profile, 3) reasons for implementation and benefits generated by ISO 4) adoption levels of quality practices and 5) diagnosis of organizational culture. The questions contained in sections 2 and 3 were structured in multiple choice, and in the remaining sections were structured in Likert 5-point scale. The statistical method used (data analysis), was the descriptive statistics, for data representation in frequency percentage (FP) and standard level (SL). The results showed that the interviewed dealerships have an organizational culture with very high levels of prevalence in "outcome orientation" and "attention to detail" cultural dimensions. In addition, about the other two dimensions considered conducive to quality (innovation and teamwork/respect for people), both observed high prevalence. Based on the present results, concluded that the organizational culture of Brazilian dealerships with ISO 9001 are quality oriented, being conducive to adoption of quality practices supported by TQM Systems. However, it is important to mention that the quality culture identified is not sufficiently developed to adopt quality practices at optimal levels, which sets up an unfavorable scenario to deals with highly rigorous customer
Public investments in the development of innovation in the country, either through the rigging of public universities, either through public announcements of the promotion, increased dramatically in recent years. To analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public resources is especially in times of austerity, essential for the development of a country. In this context, this research aims to identify the influence of public investments to promote innovation in the degree of maturity of innovative companies in the state of the RN. Another goal is to identify the regional influence from the installation site - capital or countryside, in the performance of the companies studied in the degree of innovation. The theoretical basis of the understanding of the scope of the concept of innovation and its determination for the purposes of this study. Typology, degree of innovation, evaluation methodologies and mechanisms to support innovation : Still on the theme of innovation additional concepts that help the reader to a greater understanding, such as are presented. Following is approached conceptualization of the triple helix, highlighting the concepts advocated by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, Salomon and Silva and Ipiranga, Freitas and Paiva, among others. With regard to methodological aspects, we propose a descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research quantitative and qualitative approach with the target audience group of companies served by INOVA PRO- NAGI design - multi-institutional action from a public resource called FINEP promotes the development of innovative companies in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - in 2013. The research should provide reflection and understanding of the influence of public investment in innovation, which by means of qualitative predictive variables associated with quantitative method to explain which variables are significant variations in the degree of maturity of enterprises studied
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This dissertation aims to identify the profile of the course coordinators of the Estacio/Natal Group Units , toward an understanding of the factors that can improve the relationship of this person within the HEIs surveyed , with students , teachers , directors . Seeks to understand the entrepreneurial and strategic actions in offering quality higher education . At first , a literature search , with the purpose of collecting issues related to theme , focusing on the concepts and landscapes through which they come to higher education was conducted , the course coordinator and entrepreneur profile. The research approach is quantitative . As for goals is descriptive exploratory , by providing greater understanding of the phenomenon investigated and understand the relationships among the concepts involved in the issue studied . A survey of data was done through personal interview , since this method allows the study of questions based on organizational and managerial field. The object of investigation are all the course coordinators of the four units of Estacio / Natal Group . The research instrument consisted of 13 closed questions to identify the profile of the engineer, 17 questions with Likert scale of 5 points for identifying the entrepreneurial profile , 42 questions with Likert scale of 5 points which measured the dimensions of the activity coordinator , 4 open and optional questions that measured the difficulties and opportunities that impact the development of entrepreneurship in the management of courses . Was used as statistical method ( analysis) and descriptive statistics. We conclude that the information collected and knowledge gained can contribute to the HEIs surveyed overcome challenges , foster strategic innovation management courses focusing on the implementation of a new vision of the course coordinator , as a professional who balances skills management and pedagogical skills , and innovation through entrepreneurial skills
The organic products represent one of the main trends of alimentary consumption in the new century. In Brazil, the answer is already well representative which it becomes the country, as a great consuming and exporting market of products of LVF type. The objective of this research was to investigate the factors capable to influence the food consumer in its purchase decision of organic products in the supermarkets of Teresina, capital of Piauí State. The methodology was exploratory and descriptive, using survey, with closed and opened questions in 542 interviewed. The questionnaire was based on projected scales to evaluate the factors that can influence the purchase decision of organic products, whose variable had been grouped in the following groups: behavior, knowledge, interest, competitiveness, importance, barrier and profile. The used statistical techniques were descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results demonstrate interest of the population in paying more for the organic product, due to better quality of life, however it lacks to one better spreading and greater sensitization to attract these consumers. Some recommendations and proposals are presented after the results, as suggestions for future research
This work treats of a field research in restaurants of Natal. The principal objective of the research was to verify the companies they would be using some type of acting evaluation with base in no-financial perspectives, that if they assimilated to Balanced Scorecard proposal, in the dimension of the Learning and Growth. In the statistical treatment, the descriptive analysis was accomplished with part of the Descriptive Statistics. The crossed analysis was made with Cluster Analysis employment. It was reached the conclusion that would not be careful to affirm the exact percentile of the ones that they use them referred practices, because there is not an uniform use on the part of the establishments. It is admitted that, even in an informal way, intentionally or not, partly, the companies are been worth of some investigated methods. It is also concluded that the adoption of instruments of that nature can take the companies they advance her/it in competitiveness, strengthening to your continuity possibilities and of growth. The word-key of this healthy work Balanced Scorecard, Knowledge Organizacional, Evaluation of Acting, Strategy and Competitiveness
The purpose of this paper is to identify the utilization of two models of orthotics used in the conservative treatment of rizartrose in patients/consumers that were referred by the medical clinic to the LAI (Laboratory of Integrated Accessibility). It describes this group s perception related to the functional aspects of the two models, evaluates the value of the product attributed by the patient/consumer and describes the importance attributed to each model. The research s objective consists in identifying which model this is preferred from the point of view by the patients that use either the dorsal or ventral models used in the conservative treatment of rizartrose . This work is then based on the exploratory research through the investigation of the bibliography available and in the research field. The research field used the case study methodology to investigate the phenomenon in the real context. The data were collected using a patient questionnaire during two times after the use of the dorsal orthotic and after the use of the ventral orthotic. The questionnaire was used to identify the relationship between the patients/consumers and the two different types of orthotics. A general descriptive analysis was used in order to verify the patient s abilities executing certain activities daily living using the dorsal and ventral orthotics, the product s functional aspects and its value from the patient s/consumer s point of view. The results show that the preference for the dorsal or ventral models is determined by the individual needs of each person. The results also show that other variables, such as the use of the orthotic on the dominant or non-dominant hand, play a role in the preferred model by the patient/consumer and need to be further investigated
In this work was developed an information system to apply the concepts of CAD3D-BIM technology for the design activities of the furniture industry. The development of this system was based in an architecture comprised of two modules: a web interface to management the metadata of models from furniture's library and the combination of three-dimensional CAD software with a specific plugin to access the information from this model. To develop this system was also used a Data Base Management System (DBMS) designed to storage the information from models in a hierarchical way, based on concepts of Group Technology (GT). The centralization of information in a single database allows the automatic availability of any changes to all participants involved in a particular project when it‟s happens. Each module from system has its own connection to this database. Finally was developed a prototype from a 3D virtual environment to help create Virtual Reality projects in the web. A study from available technologies to create 3D web applications for execution in websites was done to support this development. The interconnection between modules and the database developed allowed the assembly of a system architecture to support the construction and exhibition of projects of the furniture industry in accordance with the concepts proposed by BIM (Building Information Modeling), using as object of study the furniture industry of state of Rio Grande do Norte
Experience in the use of stabilization ponds shows that this is a system with low cost, easy operation and maintenance and suitable for tropical countries. One of its disadvantages is due to high concentrations of suspended solids, mainly due to algal biomass in the effluents. Accordingly, the dissolved air flotation has been shown to be an efficient post-treatment technology. However, the efficiency of this process is related to coagulation and flocculation steps, as well as the adjustment of the involved variables in the process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the algae removal efficiency from wastewater stabilization ponds and the influence of the factors involved in the process using dissolved air flotation. For this, we used primary facultative and maturation effluents of ETE Ponta Negra in Natal. We did tests of coagulation, flocculation and flotation with the samples, using the equipment flotatest. In this process were tested coagulants aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride, and varied the factors pH, coagulant concentration, polymer concentration and rate of recirculation. At the end of the experiments were analyzed turbidity, suspended solids, color, COD and chlorophyll "a". These results were submitted to descriptive statistics to verify the efficiency of the process in general, and regression analysis to identify models that describe the process and demonstrate the factors that have greater influence on flotation. After step methodology, high values were found removal efficiency of suspended solids, reaching values greater than 90% in the best cases. It was concluded that flotation is more efficient in the facultative pond effluent using ferric chloride, and the variability of algae may negatively influence the process. Regression analyzes showed that pH is the most influential variable in the coagulation-flocculation-flotation, and its optimal value among the tested is 5.5 for both coagulants
La disertación, desarrollada en el Programa de PostGraduación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales y de la Matemática de la UFRN, estudia las necesidades formativas de licenciandos en Química sobre el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones (NTIC), en especial, las relacionadas con la utilización de programas computacionales para la enseñanza de la química. En la actual sociedad del conocimiento, se torna imperativo la eclosión de nuevas formas de aprender y de enseñar, que requieren de nuevas concepciones del trabajo pedagógico. En ese sentido, se exige de los profesores el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades y competencias. El presente trabajo está comprometido con la búsqueda de elementos que puedan nortear los procesos formativos de profesores de química con el objetivo de contribuir con una mejor preparación de la formación inicial, tomando en cuenta sus necesidades de formación. Fue utilizado el cuestionario como instrumento de investigación para diagnosticar y caracterizar las necesidades fomativas, buscando establecer correlaciones entre diferentes variables que cacarterizan el estudio, con el fin de establecer semenazas y discrepancias entre las habilidades docentes en estudio y las necesidades formativas. Los analises de los datos tomo elementos de la estadistica descriptivo e inferencial, con analises multivariados, lo que posibilitó identificar las necesidades formativas. Los resultados muestran ue de forma general los licenciandos evaluan como de bajo, el grado de desarrollo de las habilidades para enseñar usando las NTIC, así como manifiestan sentir necesidades formativas en todas las habilidades referentes a esa esfera del trabajo docente
At the present investigation had the purpose to achieve a descritive analysis pedagogy in the work of Recherche méthodique et propriétés des triangles rectangles en nombres entiers. According to the analysis achieved, we made and applyed the teaching module called Pitagories: one of tools to comprehension Pitagory Theorema, there were studying by public students in mathematic course in the UFRN , the new mathematic teachers in future. The analysis the was made with writen test the was showed that all students got the view comprehension in the teaching approach module, to apointed the difference in the learning qualytative with other reseach that was made with quastionaire and enterview. With this module that was made with the new future teacheres there was more attention the better comprehension with the Pitagory Theorema, that was good focus in the pitagory about the potential historical pedagogyc in the work studied.
This dissertation proposes studying the issue of withdrawal undergraduate in physics at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) and collaborate with suggestions for dealing with this problem. The first chapter begins with an overview of two significant problems in the Brazilian educational system: the high dropout rates in degrees in physics and the lack of teachers with specific training in this science. Then, we discuss the relevance of this research to the area of physics teaching, as well as justify its completion as part of a professional master's degree. After, we present a proper definition for the term withdrawal, which is based on the existing problem in the IFRN. And, in the same chapter, we explicitly the focus, the objectives and the methodological aspects of this work. The results obtained in our investigation are presented in next four chapters. In the second chapter of this dissertation, we present: a brief history of the creation of IFRN degree in physics, the functioning of this course and the foundation of classrooms 2004.2 and 2006.1. We also show a kind of map of the withdrawal of the groups investigated (the dropout rate was 84.4% in both groups) and an analysis of the relationship between the curricula of each of them and the number of dropouts. In the third chapter, we display a descriptive statistics of the students which dropout and found that the largest dropout occurred with students who are women, married, parents of one kid; workers, joined with a minimum age of 23 years and completed high school at least 6 years. Then in the fourth chapter, we reveal and discuss the students' reports on the causes of their dropout. From the data presented, we can say that the answer to the question "What was the main reason for your dropout?" Is mainly in personal injury claims: another option for upper-level course and lack of time to devote to the course. In the fifth chapter, we show the results related to teacher s opinions about the phenomenon in question. We detected three main causes for the abandonment, according to teachers: the lack of dedication, the lack of interest and lack of integration in the course. In the sixth and final chapter, we discuss the results and present our conclusion and the proposed report - the product of this dissertation, presented as Annex. This report contains mainly suggestions for curricular and institutional actions that can contribute to reducing the dropout degree in Physics in the IFRN. The main actions suggested are: implementation of the curriculum in disciplines, implementation of programs or actions to combat this poor content of basic training, implementation of specific programs or actions for the student worker, and dissemination of IFRN degree in physics in schools through seminars or workshops
El trabajo práctico experimental en la educación en Ciencias y en el contexto de la enseñanza de la Biología es un objetivo clave. Teniendo en cuenta la influencia de los libros de texto en la actividad profesional de docentes, interesado en este estudio para caracterizar la orientación de este tipo de materiales, para el trabajo práctico experimental y el uso de la medición en esta actividad. Para ello analizaron las ocho colecciones de libros de Biología aprobado en PNLD en 2012. La investigación es de naturaleza descriptiva e interpretativa y de recogida de datos ha sido elegida por el método de análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 2002). El análisis de los trabajos práctico experimentales buscó caracterizar su naturaleza epistemológica, concepción de la ciencia implícita, conceptual, tipología, contenido conceptual de Biología utilizado, cuántos implican medidas, y cómo se utiliza en este contexto según el procedimiento general para medir propuesto por Núñez y Silva (2008). Los trabajo práctico experimental ha sugerido una epistemología de la enseñanza conceptual, carácter racionalista en su mayoría y dominada por las actividades del tipo de ejercicio práctico, a necesidad de medir está presente en una minoría de estos y se se utiliza el procedimiento general de medición de forma parcial e implícito en la mayoría de los trabajos prático experimentales. Por lo tanto, proponemos en este actividades de estudio a desarrollar una guía de análisis de los trabajo práctico experimentales propuesto en los libros de texto de Biología