1000 resultados para Carlos Herculano Lopes
La presente investigación es un estudio comparativo de las películas La Nación Clandestina, dirigida por Jorge Sanjinés y emitida a finales de los años 80, y Zona Sur de Juan Carlos Valdivia, emitida por el año 2009. En ambos casos se analizan los elementos de discurso para poder encontrar las principales temáticas, así como se recurre al análisis fílmico para indagar en aspectos implícitos en las escenas de ambos films con el propósito de identificar la Otredad, sus dimensiones y las características de los personajes Otros. Al mismo tiempo, se estudió sucesos históricos del contexto social y político de Bolivia en los momentos que son reflejados en estas ficciones. La vinculación con la cronología de la inserción del cine en ese país, también explicará el porqué de la elección de ambas producciones para ser el objeto de estudio de la presente tesis. Los resultados de este proceso de observación, indagación y reflexión develaron la trasformación del Otro en algunos niveles, y la conservación de la Otredad en otros, por ello, es pertinente recalcar que dicha la Otredad fue analizada en los niveles: étnico, de clase, de género y sexualidad. Los principales cambios que se observan en lo étnico y en el plano de clase social, siendo que en las otras dos categorías, aún se ven ciertos matices que develan un estado de quietud y de no transformación.
A continuación apuesto por la metodología de lectura histórica marxista propuesta por Frederic Jameson basada en una “reescritura fuerte” (Jameson 1989, 48). Del texto sobre las clases oprimidas (Mömer 1992, 28), y sus tres marcos concéntricos (Jameson 1989, 61-72): a) Historia política, b) Sociedad y tensión constitutiva entre la lucha de clases, c) Historia constitutiva de los modos de producción y el devenir de las formaciones sociales humanas. La Recopilación de las leyes de los reinos de las Indias (De Paredes 1973, 1), emitidas por el Rey Carlos II de España y su Corte, fueron compiladas por primera vez en 1681. Su importancia para la presente investigación radica en las disposiciones emitidas para las clases dominadas por la Corona Española mediante el discurso de “condición racial inferior” y exclusión social establecidas por el poder monárquico, durante la época de la esclavitud en los reinos americanos del siglo XVI, cuando se estipulan castigos para “vagabundos, gitanos, mulatos, negros, berberiscos (norteafricanos) e indios” (De Paredes 1973, 285- 295), quienes sobrevivían en la América de esas fechas. Estos documentos retratan las ideologías dominadoras, el castigo sobre el cuerpo, los intereses del orden imperial frente al auge económico y las formas de explotación y crueldad a las cuales fueron sometidos estos grupos étnicos.
Este estudio presenta una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa del hábito de compra de jugos y bebidas de frutas envasadas, en el canal tiendas y micro mercados en el barrio San Carlos, parroquia la Concepción de la ciudad de Quito, luego de un año de la vigencia del Reglamento Sanitario Sustitutivo de Etiquetado de Alimentos Procesados para el Consumo Humano desde el mes de agosto del 2014. El objetivo general conocer si los compradores de jugos y bebidas de frutas procesadas del barrio investigado, se fijan en las etiquetas semáforos y si estas influyen en la decisión de su compra. Entre los objetivos específicos propuestos estuvieron: elaborar una síntesis teórica que justifique el estudio del hábito de compra de jugos procesados; adquirir información relevante sobre criterios de elección que utilizan los compradores de jugos y bebidas de frutas procesadas, conocer si observan y cómo reaccionan ante la etiqueta semáforo, saber cuánto influye ésta en el proceso de compra y por último conocer si están conscientes del objetivo del Reglamento Sanitario Sustitutivo de Etiquetado de Alimentos Procesados para el Consumo Humano y si este está cumpliendo con el objetivo por el cual fue emitido. Se aplicaron herramientas de investigación para obtener información clara y concisa, se utilizaron procesos cualitativos como entrevistas, grupos focales y una mesa de análisis sobre el la aplicación del Reglamento, en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, cuyo aporte radicó en medir y registrar la conducta de todas las partes interesadas respecto del tema. Como método cuantitativo, que demostró los resultados de la investigación de manera descriptiva. El estudio determinó que el público objetivo realiza compras de jugos y bebidas de frutas en las tiendas y micro mercados motivados por factores definidos como el sabor, la comodidad y poder adquirirlo rápidamente en una presentación adecuada, la etiqueta semáforo se ha convertido en un instrumento poco visto y de poca utilidad de acuerdo al comprador. La medida ha significado la reformulación de contenidos de grasas, sal y azúcar en productos procesados y la elaboración de nuevas líneas de alimentos y bebidas light, aumentando la oferta al consumidor. Se propone una “Guía para el estudio de los hábitos de compra de un producto procesado respecto a la etiqueta semáforo”, por la importancia de fortalecer el objetivo de la etiqueta semáforo, con programas de educación en alimentación sana, eliminación del sedentarismo en niños y adultos, entre otros.
Objective: To investigate the microbial etiology of suppurative chronic otitis media (SCOM) in patients with complete cleft lip and palate and isolated cleft palate and to determine the sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics by drug diffusion from impregnated discs in agar and the minimum inhibitory concentration of each drug to these microorganisms by drug dilution in agar. Design/Patients: Effusion samples of SCOM obtained from 40 patients with cleft lip and palate registered at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo, at Bauru, Brazil, were bacteriologically analyzed by cultures. The isolated bacteria were submitted to an in vitro susceptibility test to clinically used drugs. Results: Positive cultures were obtained in 100% of studied cases. Among the 57 strains observed, the most frequent were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (35%), Staphylococcus aureus (15.5%), Enterococcus faecalis (14%), and Proteus mirabilis (12%). The frequency of Gram-negative bacilli (enterobacteriaceae and nonfermentative bacilli) was 67%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa presented the highest sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, and enterobacteriaceae exhibited the highest sensitivity to gentamicin. The strains of S. aureus and E. faecalis presented the highest sensitivity to imipenem and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, respectively. Conclusion: Patients with cleft lip and palate presenting with SCOM exhibited 100% positive cultures, with the highest frequency of Pseudomonas and enterobacteriaceae. With regard to the action of antibiotics, imipenem was effective against the four species of isolated microorganisms, followed by ciprofloxacin, which was effective against 75% of isolated species.
The genus Eigenmannia (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes), a widely distributed fish genus from the Neotropical region, presents very complex morphological patterns and many taxonomic problems. It is suggested that this genus harbors a species complex that is hard to differentiate using only morphological characteristics. As a result, many species of Eigenmannia may be currently gathered under a common name. With the objective of providing new tools for species characterization in this group, an analysis of the polymorphism of DNA inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR), obtained by single primer amplification reaction (SPAR), combined with karyotype identification, was carried out in specimens sampled from populations of the Upper Parana, So Francisco and Amazon river basins (Brazil). Specific ISSR patterns generated by primers (AAGC)(4) and (GGAC)(4) were found to characterize the ten cytotypes analyzed, even though the cytotypes 2n = 38 and 2n = 38 XX:XY, from the Upper Parana basin, share some ISSR amplification patterns. The geographical distribution of all Eigenmannia specimens sampled was inferred, showing the cytotype 2n = 31/2n = 32 as the most frequent and largely distributed in the Upper Parana basin. The cytotype 2n = 34 was reported for the first time in the genus Eigenmania, restricted to the So Francisco basin. Polymorphic ISSR patterns were also detected for each cytotype. Considering our results and the data reported previously in the literature, it is suggested that many of the forms of Eigenmannia herein analyzed might be regarded as different species. This work reinforces the importance of employing diverse approaches, such as molecular and cytogenetic characterization, to address taxonomic and evolutionary issues.
Mitotic chromosomes of Metynnis maculatus (KNER 1860) (Teleostei, Characiformes), a fish species that occurs in the Amazon and Parana-Paraguay river basins, were analyzed for the first time by Giemsa and Ag-NOR staining, C-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S and 5S rDNA sequences. The basic chromosome number of the species is 2n=62 (32M+22SM+4ST+4A) and, in addition to the 62 regular chromosomes, one small acrocentric supernumerary B chromosome was found in part of the specimens analyzed. Four active NORs were present, and constitutive heterochromatin blocks were found in the pericentromeric region of several chromosomes. A heterochromatic block was also present in the interstitial portion of the submetacentric NOR-bearing pair and the B chromosome was entirely heterochromatic. FISH using an 18S rDNA probe confirmed the results obtained with AgNO(3) staining, and an additional signal was also present on the B chromosomes. 5S rDNA sequences mapped only to the largest acrocentric pair. This is the first description of supernumerary B chromosomes in Serrasalminae, and this karyotype characterization may be useful in further studies about chromosome evolution in this fish group.
Background Chronic myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs) are clonal haematopoietic stem cell malignancies characterised by an accumulation of mature myeloid cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Deregulation of the apoptotic machinery may be associated with MPD physiopathology. Aims To evaluate expression of death receptors` family members, mononuclear cell apoptosis resistance, and JAK2 allele burden. Subjects and Methods Bone marrow haematopoietic progenitor CD34 cells were separated using the Ficoll-hypaque protocol followed by the Miltenyi CD34 isolation kit, and peripheral blood leukocytes were separated by the Haes-Steril method. Total RNA was extracted by the Trizol method, the High Capacity Kit was used to synthesise cDNA, and real-time PCR was performed using SybrGreen in ABIPrism 7500 equipment. The results of gene expression quantification are given as 2(-Delta Delta Ct). The JAK2 V617F mutation was detected by real-time allelic discrimination PCR assay. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated by the Ficoll-hypaque protocol and cultured in the presence of apoptosis inducers. Results In CD34 cells, there was mRNA overexpression for fas, faim and c-flip in polycythaemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythaemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF), as well as fasl in PMF, and dr4 levels were increased in ET. In leukocytes, fas, c-flip and trail levels were increased in PV, and dr5 expression was decreased in ET. There was an association between dr5 and fasl expression and JAK2V617F mutation. PBMCs from patients with PV, ET or PMF showed resistance to apoptosis inducers. Conclusions The results indicate deregulation of apoptosis gene expression, which may be associated with MPD pathogenesis leading to accumulation of myeloid cells in MPDs.
By heating powders of the aluminum monohydroxide fibrillar pseudoboehmite from 200 degrees C to 1400 degrees C several high surface area aluminas are prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron optical methods. Aqueous sols with pseudoboehmite fibrils of different lengths were dried by two methods: at room temperature and spray-dried. The following aluminas were obtained after treatment of the powders at increasing temperatures and having a range of specific surface areas: gamma-Al(2)O(3) (470 degrees C - 770 degrees C; 179 m(2)/g 497 m(2)/g); delta-Al(2)O(3) (770 degrees C - 930 degrees C; 156 m(2)/g - 230 m(2)/g); theta-Al(2)O(3) (930 degrees C - 1050 degrees C; 11 m(2)/g - 200 m(2)/g); alpha-Al(2)O(3) (1050 degrees C - 1400 degrees C; 2 m(2)/g - 17 m(2)/g). Spray-dried powders, fired at the same temperature than the ground powders, showed higher specific surface areas. The higher surface area alumina have values of the same order of magnitude of the commercial ""ad-cat"" aluminas.
A funerary gold mask from the Museum of Sican, Ferranafe, Peru was analyzed in 30 different areas using a portable equipment using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence. It was deduced from the measurements that the main sheet of the mask and the majority of the pendants have a similar composition and are made of tumbaga, which means a poor gold alloy enriched at the surface by depletion gilding, and have a similar `equivalent` gilding thickness of about 5 mu m. The nose, also on tumbaga, has different composition and a thickness of about 8 mu m. The clamps are on gilded or on silvered copper. The red pigment dispersed on the surface of the mask is cinnabar. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The controlled release of drugs can be efficient if a suitable encapsulation procedure is developed, which requires biocompatible materials to hold and release the drug. In this study, a natural rubber latex (NRL) membrane is used to deliver metronidazole (MET), a powerful antiprotozoal agent. MET was found to be adsorbed on the NRL membrane, with little or no incorporation into the membrane bulk, according to energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy data indicated that MET retained its structural and spectroscopic properties upon encapsulation in the NRL membrane, with no molecular-level interaction that could alter the antibacterial activity of MET. More importantly, the release time of MET in a NRL membrane in vitro was increased from the typical 6-8 h for oral tablets or injections to ca. 100 h. The kinetics of the drug release could be fitted with a double exponential function, with two characteristic times of 3.6 and 29.9 h. This is a demonstration that the induced angiogenesis known to be provided by NRL membranes can be combined with a controlled release of drugs, whose kinetics can be tailored by modifying experimental conditions of membrane fabrication for specific applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), a pattern matching technique traditionally used for restricted vocabulary speech recognition, is based on a temporal alignment of the input signal with the template models. The principal drawback of DTW is its high computational cost as the lengths of the signals increase. This paper shows extended results over our previously published conference paper, which introduces an optimized version of the DTW I hat is based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we present a new wavelet-based algorithm for low-cost computation of the cepstrum. It can be used for real time precise pitch determination in automatic speech and speaker recognition systems. Many wavelet families are examined to determine the one that works best. The results confirm the efficacy and accuracy of the proposed technique for pitch extraction. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neodymium and lead isotope values in sediment samples were used to interpret sediment transport and source rocks on the Southeastern South American upper margin. The sediments of the Argentinian margin exhibit an average epsilon(Nd) value of -1.9, indicating the influence of the Andean rocks as sediment sources. Sediments from the Rio de La Plata estuary show an average epsilon(Nd) value of -9.6 which is similar to that of the Southern Brazilian Upper Margin. Finally, sediments of Southeastern Brazil, which are associated with the transport of the Brazil Current exhibit an average epsilon(Nd) of -13.0. The Pb isotope signatures also confirm the differentiation of source rocks in the sedimentation of the study area. In addition, Pb isotopes helped to establish the extent of the influence of the Rio de La Plata on the sedimentation of the Southern Brazilian margin. In terms of Pb isotopes the sediments from the Rio de La Plata estuary and Southern Brazil are more radiogenic than those of Southeastem Brazil and the Argentinian margin. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Schistosomiasis is one of the world`s greatly neglected tropical diseases, and its control is largely dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. Here, we report the in vitro effect of piplartine, an amide isolated from Piper tuberculatum (Piperaceae), on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. A piplartine concentration of 15.8 mu M reduced the motor activity of worms and caused their death within 24 h in a RPMI 1640 medium. Similarly, the highest sub-lethal concentration of piplartine (6.3 mu M) caused a 75% reduction in egg production in spite of coupling. Additionally, piplartine induced morphological changes on the tegument, and a quantitative analysis carried out by confocal microscopy revealed an extensive tegumental destruction and damage in the tubercles. This damage was dose-dependent in the range of 15.8-630.2 mu M. At doses higher than 157.6 mu M, piplartine induced morphological changes in the oral and ventral sucker regions of the worms. It is the first time that the schistosomicidal activity has been reported for piplartine. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Esta tesina tiene el propósito de analizar las características de algunos de lospersonajes principales de La Sombra del Viento de Carlos Ruiz Zafón desde un punto de vistade género. El estudio se basa en diferentes teorías de género que pretenden funcionar comoherramientas para poder destacar las diferencias entre las descripciones femeninas y lasmasculinas que aparecen en la obra. Primero, definimos y concretamos el término género conla ayuda de las teorías de Yvonne Hirdman. En segundo lugar, presentamos la teoría deldualismo, de acuerdo con la cual Lena Gemzöe hace una división entre las cualidadesmasculinas y femeninas. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido hacer un análisis de lascaracterísticas de algunos de los personajes principales de para demostrar si existenconstrucciones de identidad de género desde una perspectiva dualista. Como resultado denuestro estudio podemos afirmar que Zafón refuerza la división entre las cualidadesmasculinas y femeninas. Los personajes masculinos son descritos como fuertes, valientes,lógicos, intelectuales e independientes. Paralelamente, las mujeres son descritas como débiles,cobardes, intuitivas y dependientes. Además, consideramos que Zafón da a todos lospersonajes masculinos mayor espacio, estatus y protagonismo en el desarrollo de la historia.En todo momento, queda claro que Zafón crea de forma inconsciente el orden de género yrefuerza así las diferencias sexuales.