1000 resultados para Café - Cultivo - Melhoramento genético


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IntroducciónSe ha vuelto tradición en la historiografía centroamericana usar el análisis del café para explicar fenómenos más amplios como las diferencias entre los países en cuanto a estructura de clases, regímenes políticos, relaciones étnicas, ritmos de crecimiento y patrones de cambio tecnológico (Cardoso, 1975; Paige, 1987). El café ofrece una oportunidad excelente para este tipo de análisis, ya que es un cultivo importante en los países, hay difencias marcadas entre países en cuanto a las características  de la caficultura y el periodo de consolidación de los Estados nacionales en la región corresponde a una época cuado el café ocupaba un papel dominante en la estructura de las exportaciones, el café se encuentra en un laboratorio perfecto para realizar una amplia variedad de "cuasi-experimentos" de ciencias sociales.


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Análise da infraestrutura frente ao cultivo das culturas cafeeira e canavieira no estado do Paraná - Brasil, utilizando-se do processo metodológico empregado por Diniz Filho (2000), que visa identificar e hierarquizar os inúmeros fatores que atuam sobre a dinâmica regional de modo a esclarecer suas inter-relações. Agregou-se na análise a abordagem espacial econômica de Milton Santos. Geraram-se mapas e gráficos para compreender a dinâmica estrutural na região de análise, delimitada em razão da forte presença das duas culturas no estado. Para realizar o recorte analítico da área de estudo, utilizaram-se critérios climáticos (limitação climática no plantio cafeeiro), históricos (áreas em que foram plantadas as duas culturas) e estruturais (disposição das usinas de cana-de-açúcar). Encontrou-se sobreposição das áreas de plantio do café (limites climáticos) e da cana-de-açúcar (estrutural, pela localização das usinas e limite de plantio em relação a estas, 30 quilômetros, por fatores logísticos e econômicos). Ambas as culturas receberam fomento estatal e possuíram programas. Resultados encontrados são que a infraestrutura da área, os solos e o clima, beneficiam o plantio nesta região, juntamente com o fomento estatal. Encontrou-se ainda queda na área de plantio do café em concomitância com o aumento do plantio da cana.


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O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de café do mundo, sendo responsável por mais de 30% da produção, com o plantio numa área total de 1,96 milhões de hectares (CONAB, 2014). A Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab) revelou que em 2014 foram produzidas entre 46,53 a 50,15 milhões de sacas de 60 quilos de café (arábica e conilon) do produto beneficiado, que irá contribuir significativamente para o crescimento do PIB brasileiro. Minas Gerais possui o maior parque cafeeiro do País, respondendo por mais de 51% da produção nacional e por 2/3 da produção total de café arábica com o volume variando entre 25,6 a 27,1 milhões de saca (CONAB, 2014). O café é vendido para mais de 60 países do mundo, sendo quatro as regiões produtoras no Estado: Sul de Minas (47%), Matas de Minas (30,7%), Cerrado Mineiro (19%) e Chapada de Minas (3,3%).


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Existem diferentes formas de se produzir uma muda de café, desde a mais simples, onde se fazem mudas em viveiros comercias, podendo ser permanentes ou temporários, e ainda em ambientes controlados ou não, sendo nestes casos sempre por meio de sementes. Outra possibilidade é o emprego de técnicas mais complexas, como cultura de tecidos, enxertia, estaquia, técnicas essas tidas como clonagem, uma vez que se consegue obter o mesmo material genético da planta a ser trabalhada.


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Distribución del cultivo de Café por distrito en el cantón de Poás para el año 1986.


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Distribución del cultivo de Café por distrito en el cantón de Poás para el año 2004.


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In this work a fast method for the determination of the total sugar levels in samples of raw coffee was developed using the near infrared spectroscopy technique and multivariate regression. The sugar levels were initially obtained using gravimety as the reference method. Later on, the regression models were built from the near infrared spectra of the coffee samples. The original spectra were pre-treated according to the Kubelka-Munk transformation and multiplicative signal correction. The proposed analytical method made possible the direct determination of the total sugar levels in the samples with an error lower by 8% with respect to the conventional methodology.


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This work reports an economic evaluation of the dried banana production from an agroindustry located in Guaraqueçaba - PR State, Brazil. The conventional and the organic banana processings were evaluated by comparing the economic viability pointers. The dried organic banana is exported to the Europe and the dried conventional banana is commercialized in the region of Curitiba - PR. Both processings presented positive economic viability, however the dried organic banana presented better indices (TIR 94%, VPL R$ 486,009.39 and benefit cost relation of 2.11) than the conventional dried banana (TIR 14%, VPL R$ 34,668.00 and benefit cost relation of 1.17). The dried organic banana presented a cost of production of R$ 3.64, being 50.1% relative to the expense with insumos and 27% with labour. The dried conventional banana presented a cost of R$ 3.21, being 45.3% for insumos and 31.2% for labour.


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It was proposed to evaluate the hydroponic lettuce production, variety Vera, on inclined benches with channels of 100 mm, and Nutrient Film Technique, as answer to carbon dioxide application and evaporative cooling. There were five cycles of cultivation from March, 20th to April, 17th (C1); from May, 25th to June, 29th (C2); from July, 13th to August, 20th (C3); from August, 27th to October, 10th (C4); from December, 12th to January, 10th (C5). In three greenhouses were tested the following systems: (A1) without evaporative cooling air CO2 aerial injection, (A2) with CO2 aerial injection and without evaporative cooling and (A3) with CO2 aerial injection and pad-fan evaporative cooling system. The fresh and dry mass of leaves in grams, number of leaves and leaf area in square millimeter were evaluated. The completely randomized statistical analysis was used. The cycle C1 were used 48 replications, for cycles C2, C3 and C5 were used 64 replications and C5 were used 24 replications. The results showed that greenhouse with evaporative cooling system and CO2 allow better development and greater lettuce yield. It was possible to conclude that the aerial injection of CO2, in the absence of evaporative cooling system, did not lead increasing the lettuce productivity to most cycles. Bigger lettuce leaf areas were found in periods with higher temperatures.


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Remote sensing data are each time more available and can be used to monitor the vegetal development of main agricultural crops, such as the Arabic coffee in Brazil, since that the relationship between spectral and agronomical data be well known. Therefore, this work had the main objective to assess the use of Quickbird satellite images to estimate biophysical parameters of coffee crop. Test area was composed by 25 coffee fields located between the cities of Ribeirão Corrente, Franca and Cristais Paulista (SP), Brazil, and the biophysical parameters used were row and between plants spacing, plant height, LAI, canopy diameter, percentage of vegetation cover, roughness and biomass. Spectral data were the reflectance of four bands of QUICKBIRD and values of four vegetations indexes (NDVI, GVI, SAVI and RVI) based on the same satellite. All these data were analyzed using linear and nonlinear regression methods to generate estimation models of biophysical parameters. The use of regression models based on nonlinear equations was more appropriate to estimate parameters such as the LAI and the percentage of biomass, important to indicate the productivity of coffee crop.


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A common breeding strategy is to carry out basic studies to investigate the hypothesis of a single gene controlling the trait (major gene) with or without polygenes of minor effect. In this study we used Bayesian inference to fit genetic additive-dominance models of inheritance to plant breeding experiments with multiple generations. Normal densities with different means, according to the major gene genotype, were considered in a linear model in which the design matrix of the genetic effects had unknown coefficients (which were estimated in individual basis). An actual data set from an inheritance study of partenocarpy in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) was used for illustration. Model fitting included posterior probabilities for all individual genotypes. Analysis agrees with results in the literature but this approach was far more efficient than previous alternatives assuming that design matrix was known for the generations. Partenocarpy in zucchini is controlled by a major gene with important additive effect and partial dominance.


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Relief influences soil texture variability, since it contributes to the time of exposition of the materials to weathering factors. Our work was carried out in the city of Gavião Peixoto (SP), with the objective of characterizing the spatial variability of texture of a dystrophic Red Latosol cultivated with citrus. The hillside was divided into three segments: top, stocking lean and inferior lean. Soil samples were collected in a grid with regular intervals of 50 m, at the depths of 0.0-0.2 m and 0.6-0.8 m, comprising a total of 332 points in an area of 83.5 ha. The data were submitted to descriptive and geostatistics analyses (semivariogram modeling and kriging maps). The spatial behavior of the texture of oxisols is directly related to the relief forms in this study, which controls the direction of surface and subsurface water flows. The concept of homogeneity of clay distribution in the Oxisol profile is a piece of information that can be adjusted by knowing the spatial pattern of this distribution in different relief forms.


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The objective of the work was to evaluate the effects of environment, recipients, and substrate compositions in passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) seedlings biomass production in Pantanal region from September to November of 2006. Experimental trials were conducted in four protected environments, in two types of containers and three different substrate compositions. The environments were: A1 (greenhouse covered with low-density, 150-microns-thick polyethylene film), A2 (monofilament black screened with mesh for 50% of shade), A3 (aluminized screened with mesh for 50% of shade) and A4 (environment covered with straw of native coconut palm); the recipients were: polyethylene bags (R1) (15 x 25 cm) and polystyrene trays (R2) (with 72 cells). There substrates were: S1 (soil + organic compost + vermiculite, 1:1: 1 v/v), S2 (soil + organic compost + sawdust, 1:1: 1 v/v) and S3 (soil + organic compost + vermiculite + sawdust, 1:1: 1/2: 1/2 v/v). The experimental design was completely randomized statistical analysis in split-split-plot, with fifteen replications. The treatments in the plot were environments, in the subplots were pots, and subsubplots were substrates (4 x 2 x 3 = 24 treatments). Fresh and dry mass of aerial and root system parts were evaluated. Environments with screen showed better results for seedlings of yellow passion fruit biomass in polyethylene bags. Polyethylene bags promoted higher biomasses. The substrate with vermiculite showed better results for both types of containers. The substrate with a higher percentage of sawdust showed the worst result.


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O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do pH do meio de cultivo sobre alguns parâmetros de crescimento da Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen cultivada in vitro, bem como checar se o crescimento dos explantes altera o pH do meio ao longo do período de cultivo. Foram testados quatro tratamentos constituídos de distintos valores de pH (3,7; 5,0; 6,0 e 7,5) do meio de cultivo. O pH do meio de cultivo foi ajustado antes da inclusão do agar (6g L-1 - Merck) e da autoclavagem. Como fonte de explantes foram utilizadas segmentos nodais de plantas previamente estabelecidas in vitro em meio MS. Dos nove aos 15 dias após a inoculação (DAI) dos segmentos nodais, verificou-se maior número de raízes em pH 6,0 e o menor no pH 7,5. Aos 35 DAI, o comprimento da maior brotação e o número total de segmentos nodais por planta foram maiores em torno de pH 6,0. Aos 35 DAI, observou-se menor crescimento em biomassa de raízes em pH 3,7. Já a parte aérea apresentou menor biomassa em pH 7,5. Aos 35 DAI, a produção de matéria fresca e seca total da plântula foi maior em pH próximo a 6,0. Concluiu-se que valores de pH do meio de cultivo próximos a 6,0, ajustados antes da autoclavagem, são ideais para o crescimento da P. glomerata cultivada in vitro. Também se verificou que o crescimento da plântula modificou significativamente o pH do meio de cultivo.