993 resultados para COMPACT LIE GROUP


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This paper proposes compact adders that are based on non-binary redundant number systems and single-electron (SE) devices. The adders use the number of single electrons to represent discrete multiple-valued logic state and manipulate single electrons to perform arithmetic operations. These adders have fast speed and are referred as fast adders. We develop a family of SE transfer circuits based on MOSFET-based SE turnstile. The fast adder circuit can be easily designed by directly mapping the graphical counter tree diagram (CTD) representation of the addition algorithm to SE devices and circuits. We propose two design approaches to implement fast adders using SE transfer circuits the threshold approach and the periodic approach. The periodic approach uses the voltage-controlled single-electron transfer characteristics to efficiently achieve periodic arithmetic functions. We use HSPICE simulator to verify fast adders operations. The speeds of the proposed adders are fast. The numbers of transistors of the adders are much smaller than conventional approaches. The power dissipations are much lower than CMOS and multiple-valued current-mode fast adders. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We designed and fabricated a four-channel reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer based on silicon photonic wire waveguide, which is controlled through the thermo-optic effect. The effective footprint of the device is about 1000 x 500 mu m(2). The minimum insertion loss including the transmission loss and coupling loss is about 10.7 dB. The tuning bandwidth is about 17 nm, the average tuning efficiency about 6.11 mW/nm and the tuning speed about 24.5 kHz. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using an all-electron band structure approach, we have systematically calculated the natural band offsets between all group IV, III-V, and II-VI semiconductor compounds, taking into account the deformation potential of the core states. This revised approach removes assumptions regarding the reference level volume deformation and offers a more reliable prediction of the "natural" unstrained offsets. Comparison is made to experimental work, where a noticeable improvement is found compared to previous methodologies.


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Triple-axis x-ray diffraction (TXRD) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra are used to assess the influence of the ratio of TMIn flow to group III flow on structural defects, such as dislocations and interface roughness, and optical properties of multiple quantum wells(MQWs). In this paper the mean densities of edge and screw dislocations in InGaN/GaN MQWs are obtained by W scan of every satellite peak of (0002) symmetric and (1012) asymmetric diffractions. At the same time, the interface roughness is measured by the radio of the full width at half maximum of satellite peaks to the peak orders. The experimental results showed that the density of dislocation, especially of edge dislocation, and interface roughness increase with the increase of the ratio, which leads to the decrease of PL properties. It also can be concluded that the edge dislocation acts as nonradiative recombination centers in InGaN/GaN MQWs. Also noticed is that the variation of the ratio has more influence on edge dislocation than on screw dislocation.


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Entanglement transformation of composite quantum systems is investigated in the context of group representation theory. Representation of the direct product group SL(2, C) circle times SL(2, C), composed of local operators acting on the binary composite system, is realized in the four-dimensional complex space in terms of a set of novel bases that are pseudo-orthonormalized. The two-to-one homomorphism is then established for the group SL(2, C) circle times SL(2, C) onto the SO(4, C). It is shown that the resulting representation theory leads to the complete characterization for the entanglement transformation of the binary composite system.


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The hydrogen dilution profiling (HDP) technique has been developed to improve the quality and the crystalline uniformity in the growth direction of mu c-Si:H thin films prepared by hot-wire chemical-vapor deposition. The high H dilution in the initial growth stage reduces the amorphous transition layer from 30-50 to less than 10 nm. The uniformity of crystalline content X-c in the growth direction was much improved by the proper design of hydrogen dilution profiling which effectively controls the nonuniform transition region of Xc from 300 to less than 30 nm. Furthermore, the HDP approach restrains the formation of microvoids in mu c-Si: H thin films with a high Xc and enhances the compactness of the film. As a result the stability of mu c-Si: H thin films by HDP against the oxygen diffusion, as well as the electrical property, is much improved. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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A folding nonblocking 4 X 4 optical matrix switch in simplified-tree architecture was designed and fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer. To compress chip size, switch elements (SEs) were connected by total internal reflection mirrors instead of conventional S-bends. For obtaining smooth interfaces, potassium hydroxide (KOH) anisotropic chemical etching of silicon was employed. The device has a compact size of 20 X 3.2 mm(2) and a fast response of 8 +/- 1 mu s. Power consumption of 2 x 2 SE and excess loss per mirror were 145 mW and -1.1 dB, respectively. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We propose an effective admittance ( EA) method to design antireflection structures for two-dimensional photonic crystals (PCs). We demonstrate that a compact and efficient antireflection structure, which is difficult to obtain by the conventional admittance matching method, can be readily designed by the EA method. The antireflection structure consists of an air slot resonant cavity that is constructed only with the materials that constitute the PC. Compared with a bare PC, the reflection from a PC with an antireflection structure is reduced by two orders of magnitude over a wide bandwidth. To confirm the presented EA method, finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations are performed, and the results from the FDTD and the EA method are in good agreement.


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Using first-principles methods, we have systematically calculated the defect formation energies and transition energy levels of group-III and group-V impurities doped in H passivated Si quantum dots (QDs) as functions of the QD size. The general chemical trends found in the QDs are similar to that found in bulk Si. We show that defect formation energy and transition energy level increase when the size of the QD decreases; thus, doping in small Si QDs becomes more difficult. B-Si has the lowest acceptor transition energy level, and it is more stable near the surface than at the center of the H passivated Si QD. On the other hand, P-Si has the smallest donor ionization energy, and it prefers to stay at the interior of the H passivated Si QD. We explained the general chemical trends and the dependence on the QD size in terms of the atomic chemical potentials and quantum confinement effects.


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A compact eight-channel flat spectral response arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) multiplexer based on siliconon-insulator (SOI) materials has been fabricated on the planar lightwave circuit (PLC). The 1-dB bandwidth of 48 GHz and 3-dB bandwidth of 69 GHz are obtained for the 100 GHz channel spacing. Not only non-adjacent crosstalk but also adjacent crosstalk are less than -25 dB. The on-chip propagation loss range is from 3.5 to 3.9 dB, and the 2 total device size is 1.5 x 1.0 cm(2). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we report the applicability of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) approach to the cylindrical single wall carbon nanotube (SWCN) for the purpose of its correlation effect. By applying the DMRG approach to the t+U+V model, with t and V being the hopping and Coulomb energies between the nearest neighboring sites, respectively, and U the on-site Coulomb energy, we calculate the phase diagram for the SWCN with chiral numbers (n(1)=3, n(2)=2), which reflects the competition between the correlation energy U and V. Within reasonable parameter ranges, we investigate possible correlated ground states, the lowest excitations, and the corresponding correlation functions in which the connection with the excitonic insulator is particularly addressed.


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The purpose of this article is to examine the methods and equipment for abating waste gases and water produced during the manufacture of semiconductor materials and devices. Three separating methods and equipment are used to control three different groups of electronic wastes. The first group includes arsine and phosphine emitted during the processes of semiconductor materials manufacture. The abatement procedure for this group of pollutants consists of adding iodates, cupric and manganese salts to a multiple shower tower (MST) structure. The second group includes pollutants containing arsenic, phosphorus, HF, HCl, NO2, and SO3 emitted during the manufacture of semiconductor materials and devices. The abatement procedure involves mixing oxidants and bases in an oval column with a separator in the middle. The third group consists of the ions of As, P and heavy metals contained in the waste water. The abatement procedure includes adding CaCO3 and ferric salts in a flocculation-sedimentation compact device equipment. Test results showed that all waste gases and water after the abatement procedures presented in this article passed the discharge standards set by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China.


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We have fabricated a compact 3-dB multimode interference coupler with a large silicon-on-insulator cross section. To reduce the length of the usual symmetric interference multimode interference coupler, we propose using a parabolically tapered structure. The length of the device is 398 mum. The device has a uniformity of 0.28 dB. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.


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A compact direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS) for system-on-chip (SoC) is developed in this paper. For smaller chip size and lower power consumption, the phase to sine mapping data is compressed by using sine symmetry technique, sine-phase difference technique, quad line approximation (QLA) technique and quantization and error read only memory (QE-ROM) technique. The ROM size is reduced by 98 % using the techniques mentioned above. A compact DDFS chip with 32-bit phase storage depth and a 10-bit on-chip digital to analog converter(DAC) has been successfully implemented using standard 0.35um CMOS process. The core area of the DDFS is 1.6mm(2). It consumes 167 mW at 3.3V, and its spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) is 61dB.


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Novel compact design for 4-channel SOI-based reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer using microring resonators is presented and analyzed. Microring resonators have two important attributes as a key new technology for future optical communications, namely functionality and compactness. Functionality refers to the fact that a wide range of desirable filter characteristics can be synthesized by coupling multiple rings. Compactness refers the fact that ring resonators with radii about 30 mu m can lead to large scale integration of devices with densities on the order of 10(4) similar to 10(5) devices per square centimeter. A 4-channel reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer comprises a grid-like array of ridge waveguides which perpendicularly cross through each other. SOI-based resonators consisted of multiple rings at each of the cross-grid nodes serve as the wavelength selective switch, and they can switch an optical signal between two ports by means of tuning refractive index of one of the rings. The thermo-optic coefficient of silicon is 1.86x 10(-4) /K. Thus a temperature rise of 27K will increase the refractive index by 5 x 10(-3), which is enough to cause the switching of our designed microring resonators. The thermo-optic effect is used to suppress the resonator power transfer, rather than to promote loss. Thus, the input signal only suffers small attenuation and simultaneously low crosstalk can be achieved by using multiple rings.