1000 resultados para CGAR-EM (cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução - espectrometria de massas)
One of the best established properties of the single late type evolved stars is that their rotational velocity and lithium content decrease with effective temperature and age. Nevertheless, the root cause of this property, as well as the link between rotation and lithium abundance and, in particular, the effects of binarity on rotation and lithium content in binary systems with evolved component, are not yet completely established. How does the gravitational tides, in binary systems, affects rotational evolution and lithium dilution? Trying to answer these questions, we have carried out an observational survey, in the lithium region centered at the lithium I line A6707.81A, for a large sample of about 100 binary systems with evolved component along the spectral range F, G and K, with the CES spectrometer mounted at the CAT 1.44 m Telescope of the ESO, La Silla, Chile. By combining the abundances of lithium issued from these observations with rotational velocity and orbital parameters, we have found a number of important results. First of all, we confirm that in this class of binary systems rotation is effectively affected by tidal effects. Binary systems with orbital period lower than about 100 days and circular or nearly circular orbits, present rotational velocity enhanced in relation to the single giant stars and to the binary systems with an orbital period larger than 100 days. This is clearly the result of the synchonization between the rotational and orbital motions due to tidal effects. In addition, we have found that lithium abundances in binary systems with giant components present the same gradual decreasing with effective temperature, observed in the single giants of same luminosity class and spectral types. We have found no lithium-rich binary systems, in contrast with single giants. A remarkable result from the present study is the one showing that synchronized binary systems with giant component retains more of their original lithium than the unsynchronized systems. In fact, we have found a possible "inhibited zone", in which synchronized binary systems with giant component having lithium abundance lower than a threshold level should be unusual. Finally, the present study also shows that the binary systems with giant component presenting the highest lithium contents are those with the highest rotation rates
A proposta deste trabalho é a construção artesanal de um telescópio refletor do tipo Newtoniano relacionando conteúdos abordados na disciplina de óptica, como a formação de imagens em lentes e espelhos, aberrações esféricas e cromáticas, interferência e difração, com cada fase do processo de construção. Com o aparelho construído é possível abordar a fotografia lunar e planetária com alta resolução e sua utilização por alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física já demonstra ser um grande incentivo à contemplação do céu e à compreensão de muitos fenômenos físicos, com ocorrências de eclipses, formação das marés, estações do ano, etc, que geralmente são pouco abordados nas escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio. de acordo com diagnóstico realizado pelos alunos de graduação em algumas escolas do município de Bauru, verificou-se que a única abordagem de astronomia é apenas em relação ao sistema solar, especificamente órbitas planetárias, nas disciplinas de Física ou Geografia. Além do telescópio, a utilização de animações produzidas por alunos de graduação também pode ser considerada como uma ferramenta eficiente no ensino de astronomia, principalmente para alunos de Ensino Fundamental.
Activation of the kynurenine (KYN) pathway (KP) by modulators of immune system has been observed during several neurological diseases. Here we assessed the association of chemo-/cytokine levels with the concentration of KP metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma samples from patients with bacterial meningitis (BM). All samples were collected from 42 patients diagnosed with acute bacterial meningitis (ABM), aseptic meningitis, tuberculous meningitis and patients without infection neurological disorders. CSF and plasma concentration of metabolites from the KP was assessed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and cytokines and chemokines by Bio-plex 200 suspension array system. Concentrations of the KP metabolites KYN and kynurenic acid (KYNA) were significantly higher in CSF of patients with ABM compared to other groups. Tryptophan (TRP), anthranilic acid (AA), 3-hydroxykynurenine (3HK) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3HAA) did not show statistical significance, although some of them presented a good accumulation during ABM. The expression of TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, IL-10, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta, MCP-1 and G-CSF was about 100-fold higher in CSF from ABM patients than other infected groups. In all CSF and plasma samples, the concentration of IL-2, IL-12(p70), IL-4, IL-8 and GM-CSF was not significant. ABM still showed significant concentrations of IL-6, IL-10, IL-1Ra and MCP-1 in plasma samples. Based on the comparison of KP metabolites concentrations between plasma and CSF samples we conclude that the activation of the tryptophan pathway upon BM occurs within the brain. This increase in KP metabolites is most due to activation of the KP by molecules as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha in response to infection.
The activities developed in the coastal zone always arise the researchers interest, mainly when it is developed in fragile ecological areas, not observing the sustenable development laws. In this context, the analysis presented developed around the estuary of Curimatau river, located in the Eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, integrates information provided by high resolution images of orbital remote sensing (IKONOS II, dated of July of 2003) and images of not-orbital remote sensing (Air photographs of DPU, dated of March of 1997) in a multitemporary perspective, diagnosising patterns of use and occupation, evaluating the main area´s impacts, together with the estuarian region fisiograph of Curimatau river. The use of high resolution images consequently allowed generates a precision cartography, facilitating the quantification of the evolution of the landscape and supporting decisions. Was possible yet, the definition of use areas, conservation areas and preservation areas; that were inserted in the concept of Potentialities: a fundamental element to management of vulnerable areas of the natural point of view. The information provided during the research had been stored in an Enviromental Georreferenced Data Base, constructed under the optics of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), that they facilitate the environment management Through fast access to information. The results were satisfactory, because permits the quantification of evolution of the landscape and the mapping. Beyond the geoenviromental diagnosis, was possible develop maps and matrixes that support the Rio Grande do Norte state costal Management.
Recently, genetically encoded optical indicators have emerged as noninvasive tools of high spatial and temporal resolution utilized to monitor the activity of individual neurons and specific neuronal populations. The increasing number of new optogenetic indicators, together with the absence of comparisons under identical conditions, has generated difficulty in choosing the most appropriate protein, depending on the experimental design. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to compare three recently developed reporter proteins: the calcium indicators GCaMP3 and R-GECO1, and the voltage indicator VSFP butterfly1.2. These probes were expressed in hippocampal neurons in culture, which were subjected to patchclamp recordings and optical imaging. The three groups (each one expressing a protein) exhibited similar values of membrane potential (in mV, GCaMP3: -56 ±8.0, R-GECO1: -57 ±2.5; VSFP: -60 ±3.9, p = 0.86); however, the group of neurons expressing VSFP showed a lower average of input resistance than the other groups (in Mohms, GCaMP3: 161 ±18.3; GECO1-R: 128 ±15.3; VSFP: 94 ±14.0, p = 0.02). Each neuron was submitted to current injections at different frequencies (10 Hz, 5 Hz, 3 Hz, 1.5 Hz, and 0.7 Hz) and their fluorescence responses were recorded in time. In our study, only 26.7% (4/15) of the neurons expressing VSFP showed detectable fluorescence signal in response to action potentials (APs). The average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) obtained in response to five spikes (at 10 Hz) was small (1.3 ± 0.21), however the rapid kinetics of the VSFP allowed discrimination of APs as individual peaks, with detection of 53% of the evoked APs. Frequencies below 5 Hz and subthreshold signals were undetectable due to high noise. On the other hand, calcium indicators showed the greatest change in fluorescence following the same protocol (five APs at 10 Hz). Among the GCaMP3 expressing neurons, 80% (8/10) exhibited signal, with an average SNR value of 21 ±6.69 (soma), while for the R-GECO1 neurons, 50% (2/4) of the neurons had signal, with a mean SNR value of 52 ±19.7 (soma). For protocols at 10 Hz, 54% of the evoked APs were detected with GCaMP3 and 85% with R-GECO1. APs were detectable in all the analyzed frequencies and fluorescence signals were detected from subthreshold depolarizations as well. Because GCaMP3 is the most likely to yield fluorescence signal and with high SNR, some experiments were performed only with this probe. We demonstrate that GCaMP3 is effective in detecting synaptic inputs (involving Ca2+ influx), with high spatial and temporal resolution. Differences were also observed between the SNR values resulting from evoked APs, compared to spontaneous APs. In recordings of groups of cells, GCaMP3 showed clear discrimination between activated and silent cells, and reveals itself as a potential tool in studies of neuronal synchronization. Thus, our results indicate that the presently available calcium indicators allow detailed studies on neuronal communication, ranging from individual dendritic spines to the investigation of events of synchrony in neuronal networks genetically defined. In contrast, studies employing VSFPs represent a promising technology for monitoring neural activity and, although still to be improved, they may become more appropriate than calcium indicators, since neurons work on a time scale faster than events of calcium may foresee
Mothers with good vitamin A nutritional status during gestation and lactation are better able to nourish and protect their infant with maternal milk. Our hypothesis is that women with more serum retinol have more retinol and secretory immunoglobulin A in colostrum. 190 healthy puerperal women from a Brazilian public maternity were recruited and divided according to the cutoff point for serum retinol (30 μg/dL). A number of the women was supplemented with 200000 UI (60 mg) of retinyl palmitate in the immediate postpartum. Serum and colostrum were collected on the 1st day postpartum and colostrum again on the following day. Retinol (serum and colostrum) was analyzed by HPLC and SIgA (colostrum) by turbidimetry. The mothers presented with adequate biochemical indicators of nutritional status, according to serum retinol (44.6 μg/dL). There were significant differences (p= 0.0017 and p= 0.043, respectively) in retinol and SIgA levels in the colostrum of mothers with serum retinol > 30 μg/dL and < 30 μg/dL. The concentration of SIgA in the colostrum of non-supplemented mothers on the 1st day postpartum was 822.6 mg/dL, decreasing after 24 hours to 343.7 mg/dL. Supplemented mothers showed levels of SIgA in colostrum of 498.9 mg/dL on the 2nd day postpartum (p= 0.00006). The colostrum of women with good vitamin A nutritional status had more retinol and SIgA. Additionally, maternal supplementation increases the levels of SIgA in colostrum. The higher levels of SIgA on the 1st day postpartum showed the importance of early breastfeeding, given that it provides considerable immunological benefits to newborn infants
O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol) e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.
Enzymes have been widely used in biosynthesis/transformation of organic compounds in substitution the classic synthetic methods. This work is the first writing in literature of enzymatic synthesis for attainment the biossurfactants, the use glucose sucrose, ricinoleic acid e castor oil as substratum, and as biocatalyst, used immobilized lipase Thermomyces lanuginose, Rhizomucor miehei and the Candida antarctica lipase B; alkaline protease and neutral protease from Bacillus subtillis and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeI. The analysis of HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) showed that highest conversions were reached of used the alkaline protease from Bacillus subtillis. Laboratory tests, to evaluate the applicability, indicated that the produced biosurfactantes had good stability in presence of salts (NaCl) and temperature (55 e 25°C), they are effective in the reduction of the superficial tension and contac angle, but they have little foaming capacity, when compared with traditional detergents. These results suggest that the prepared surfactants have potential application as wetting agent and perforation fluid stabilizer
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute a family of compounds characterized by having two or more condensed aromatic rings and for being a class of substances that are widely distributed in the environment as a complex mixture, being very persistent in the environment due to its low solubility in water. The application of chemometric methods to analytical chemistry has provided excellent results in studying the solubility of PAHs in aqueous media in order to understand the mechanisms involved in environmental contamination. The method consists in analyzing the solubilization of PAHs from diesel oil in water varying parameters such as stirring time, volume of oil added and pH, using a full factorial design of two levels and three factors. PAHs were extracted with n-hexane and analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy because they have molecular characteristics fluorescent due to the large number of condensed rings and links, and gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results of fluorescence analysis showed that only the stirring time and pH influenced the solubility of PAHs in diesel fuel. How is a non-selective technique for the study of fluorescence was performed on form and semi-quantitative. And for the chromatographic analysis the results showed that the solubility of the different PAHs is influenced differently so that you can classify them into groups by the results of the effects
Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution
The oxidative desulfurization process (ODS) of a commercial diesel fuel was performed under mild conditions in the presence of catalysts based on vanadium or manganese, supported on alumina, clays (commercial, natural and pillared) and zeolites (NaX, NaY, beta, mordenite and ZSM-5). The catalysts were synthesized by wet impregnation and characterized by X-ray diffraction, textural analysis by N2 adsorption and scanning electron microscopy. The dibenzothiophene (DBT) was used as sulfur compound in catalytic evaluation. The reactions were performed using acetonitrile as solvent and the hydrogen peroxide as oxidant at 55°C. The reaction products were analized by gas chromatography (GC-FID). In the studied conditions, the process was efficient due to the DBT was converted to its corresponding sulfone. Both DBT and corresponding sulfone were extracted by the solvent. Removals and oxidations up to 100% of sulfur compound were achieved. The catalysts supported on ZSM-5 zeolite showed are more effective for oxidation reaction of sulfur compound, presenting the best results. It was observed for oxidation reaction, that vanadium catalysts were more effective and manganese catalysts showed best results for removal of sulfur compounds
This study conducted chemical analyzes of the fruits of Licania tomentosa Benth belonging to the Chrysobalanaceae family, order and superorder Rosiflorae Rosales. Samples were collected in February 2011 in the city of Natal - RN. The fruits were separated into peel, pulp and seed, and the samples were analyzed on moisture and ash by thermogravimetric methods, reducing and total sugars, lipids by Soxhlet extraction, minerals by ICP / OES and other analyzes by physical measurements of the fruit. The fruits for the analysis of determination of flavonoids and phenolic compounds were dried at 40 ° C and ground. For the analyzes to determine the content of phenolics and flavonols was used spectroscopy in the visible region, and also performed the characterization of ethanol extracts by high performance liquid chromatography and test for antioxidant activity hydroethanolic extracts. The results obtained are about 83.9% of the fruits have a length between 4.0 to 6.0 cm with respect to the diameter of the fruit about 97.4% of the fruits have a diameter between 2.0 - 4, 0 cm, mean weight of 36.14 g (7.86), the bark showed 60.5 (1.5)% relative humidity, the flesh 72.3 (0.9) and 44.4 seeds (0.4 )%, the bark showed 0.22 (0.00)% ash, the pulp 1.41 (0.01)% and the seed 1.18 (0.01)%, the bark showed 3.73 (0, 09) mg lipids / 100 g sample of the pulp 0.40 (0.04) and the seed 0.05 (0.00). With respect to reducing sugars and total gave the results, 16.23 (0.23) g/100g and 20.70 (0.24) g/100g. The fruit is presented with a good source of nutrients especially carbohydrates and lipids. The analysis for determining the antioxidant activity tests were performed reducing power and antioxidant capacity, the antioxidant capacity of hydroethanolic extracts of peel and pulp showed similar results, with higher concentrations however hydroethanolic bark extract. Regarding the content of phenolics and flavonoids hidroetanílico bark extract showed higher concentration values. The characterization of the extracts by high performance liquid chromatography identified the following compounds by retention time indicated by the race of the standards: galic acid, kaempferol and kaempferol derivatives. Considering the results of the fruit Licania tomentosa Benth may be an alternative food by analysis of their nutritional content and has substances with antioxidant action
In this work were synthesized and characterized the materials mesoporous SBA-15 and Al- SBA-15, Si / Al = 25, 50 and 75, discovered by researchers at the University of California- Santa Barbara, USA, with pore diameters ranging from 2 to 30 nm and wall thickness from 3.1 to 6.4 nm, making these promising materials in the field of catalysis, particularly for petroleum refining (catalytic cracking), as their mesopores facilitate access of the molecules constituting the oil to active sites, thereby increasing the production of hydrocarbons in the range of light and medium. To verify that the materials used as catalysts were successfully synthesized, they were characterized using techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). Aiming to check the catalytic activity thereof, a sample of atmospheric residue oil (ATR) from the pole Guamaré-RN was performed the process by means of thermogravimetry and thermal degradation of catalytic residue. Upon the curves, it was observed a reduction in the onset temperature of the decomposition process of catalytic ATR. For the kinetic model proposed by Flynn-Wall yielded some parameters to determine the apparent activation energy of decomposition, being shown the efficiency of mesoporous materials, since there was a decrease in the activation energy for the reactions using catalysts. The ATR was also subjected to pyrolysis process using a pyrolyzer with gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. Through the chromatograms obtained, there was an increase in the yield of the compounds in the range of gasoline and diesel from the catalytic pyrolysis, with emphasis on Al-SBA-15 (Si / Al = 25), which showed a percentage higher than the other catalysts. These results are due to the fact that the synthesized materials exhibit specific properties for application in the process of pyrolysis of complex molecules and high molecular weight as constituents of the ATR
Nowadays several electronics devices support digital videos. Some examples of these devices are cellphones, digital cameras, video cameras and digital televisions. However, raw videos present a huge amount of data, millions of bits, for their representation as the way they were captured. To store them in its primary form it would be necessary a huge amount of disk space and a huge bandwidth to allow the transmission of these data. The video compression becomes essential to make possible information storage and transmission. Motion Estimation is a technique used in the video coder that explores the temporal redundancy present in video sequences to reduce the amount of data necessary to represent the information. This work presents a hardware architecture of a motion estimation module for high resolution videos according to H.264/AVC standard. The H.264/AVC is the most advanced video coder standard, with several new features which allow it to achieve high compression rates. The architecture presented in this work was developed to provide a high data reuse. The data reuse schema adopted reduces the bandwidth required to execute motion estimation. The motion estimation is the task responsible for the largest share of the gains obtained with the H.264/AVC standard so this module is essential for final video coder performance. This work is included in Rede H.264 project which aims to develop Brazilian technology for Brazilian System of Digital Television
The current environmental crisis demands transformations in the relations among society, nature and development, considering sustainability. In this context, an important theme is replacing fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel. Moringa oleifera Lam. is a species that can be used as a raw material to produce biodiesel. Besides, it is a multiple purposes plant, which can be used also in water treatment. Thus, the aims of this work were to analyze the anatomical adaptations found in the stem and in the leaf and the seed s oil stores of M. oleifera., to investigate chemical characteristics of M. oleifera s seed oil, considering biodiesel production, and to evaluate the coagulation activity of these seeds in water treatment. Semipermanent histological laminas were made and it follows that the stem has thick cuticle, stomata whose cells guard are below the epidermis line, hollow medulla, druses and tector trichomes as adaptations to climate and soil conditions in which the species is found and the leaf is dorsiventral and it has thick cuticle, tector trichomes and druses. The seed has great reserves of oil. These features favor the use of Moringa oleifera Lam. as a raw material to produce biodiesel in Brazil s Northeast semiarid region. Chemical analysis were made through oil solvent extraction using mechanic stirrer. The oil was analyzed in UV spectrophotometer. A transesterification was made and biodiesel was analyzed in gas chromatography. Oil yield was high and good quality biodiesel was obtained. To evaluate seeds coagulantion activity, coagulation and flocculation essays in jartest were made, using seed extract to treat raw water. Seeds were efficient in cogulation process to treat water. So, they can be used in rudimentary systems or as a raw material to coagulant proteins extraction, as an alternative to traditional coagulants. M. oleifera has characteristics that favor its use to biodiesel production and water treatment