980 resultados para Breathing apparatus.


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The origin of neurons was a key event in evolution, allowing metazoans to evolve rapid behavioral responses to environmental cues. Reconstructing the origin of synaptic proteins promises to reveal their ancestral functions and might shed light on the evolution of the first neuron-like cells in metazoans. By analyzing the genomes of diverse metazoans and their closest relatives, the evolutionary history of diverse presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins has been reconstructed. These analyses revealed that choanoflagellates, the closest relatives of metazoans, possess diverse synaptic protein homologs. Recent studies have now begun to investigate their ancestral functions. A primordial neurosecretory apparatus in choanoflagellates was identified and it was found that the mechanism, by which presynaptic proteins required for secretion of neurotransmitters interact, is conserved in choanoflagellates and metazoans. Moreover, studies on the postsynaptic protein homolog Homer revealed unexpected localization patterns in choanoflagellates and new binding partners, both which are conserved in metazoans. These findings demonstrate that the study of choanoflagellates can uncover ancient and previously undescribed functions of synaptic proteins.


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Oviductin is an oviduct-specific and high-molecular-weight glycoprotein that has been suggested to play important roles in the early events of reproduction. The present study was undertaken to localize the oviductin binding sites in the uterine epithelial cells of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) both in situ and in vitro, and to detect a hamster oviductin homologue in the female rat reproductive tract. Immunohistochemical localization of oviductin in the hamster uterus revealed certain uterine epithelial cells reactive to the monoclonal anti-hamster oviductin antibody. In order to study the interaction between hamster oviductin and the endometrium in vitro, a method for culturing primary hamster uterine epithelial cells has been established and optimized. Study with confocal microscopy of the cell culture system showed a labeling pattern similar to what was observed using immunohistochemistry. Pre-embedding immunolabeling of cultured uterine epithelial cells also showed gold particles associated with the plasma membrane and microvilli. These results demonstrated that hamster oviductin can bind to the plasma membrane of certain hamster uterine epithelial cells, suggesting the presence of a putative oviductin receptor on the uterine epithelial cell surface. In the second part of the present study, using the monoclonal anti-hamster oviductin antibody that cross-reacts with the rat tissue, we have been able to detect an oviduct-specific glycoprotein, with a molecular weight of 180~300kDa, in the female rat reproductive tract. Immunohistochemical labeling of the female rat reproductive tract revealed a strong immunolabeling in the non-ciliated oviductal epithelial cells and a faint immunoreaction on the cell surface of some uterine epithelial cells. Ultrastructurally, immunogold labeling was restricted to the secretory granules, Golgi apparatus, and microvilli of the non-ciliated secretory cells of the oviduct. In the uterus, immunogold labeling was observed on the cell surface of some uterine epithelial cells. Furthermore, electron micrographs of ovulated oocytes showed an intense immunolabeling for rat oviductin within the perivitelline space surrounding the ovulated oocytes. The findings of the present study demonstrated that oviductin is present in the rat oviduct and uterus, and it appears that, in the rat, oviductin is secreted by the non-ciliated secretory cells of the oviduct.


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During mammalian fertilization, the exposure of the inner acrosomal membrane (IAM) after acrosomal exocytosis is essential for the secondary binding between sperm and zona pellucida (ZP) of the oocyte, a prerequisite for sperm penetration through the ZP. The identification of the sperm protein(s) responsible for secondary binding has posed a challenge for researchers. We were able to isolate a sperm head fraction in which the IAM was exposed. Attached to the IAM was an electon dense layer, which we termed the IAM extracellular coat (IAMC). The IAMC was also observable in acrosome reacted sperm. High salt extraction removed the IAMC including a prominent 38 kDa polypeptide, referred to as IAM38. Antibodies raised against IAM38 confirmed its presence in the IAMC of intact, sonicated, and acrosome-reacted sperm. Sequencing of IAM38 revealed it as the ortholog of porcine SP38, a protein that was found to bind specifically to ZP2 but whose intra-acrosomal location was not known. We showed that IAM38 occupied the leading edge of sperm contact with the zona pellucida during fertilization, and that secondary binding and fertilization were inhibited in vitro by antibodies directed against IAM38. As for the mechanism of secondary sperm-zona binding by IAM38, we provided evidence that the synthetic peptide derived from the ZP2-binding motif of IAM38 had a competitive inhibitory effect on both sperm-zona binding and fertilization while its mutant form was ineffective. In summary, our study provides a novel approach to obtain direct information on the peripheral and integral protein composition of the IAM and consolidates IAM38 as a genuine secondary sperm-zona binding protein. In addition, our investigation also provides an ultrastructural description of the origin, expression and assembly of IAM38 during spermatogenesis. It shows that IAM38 is originally secreted by the Golgi apparatus as part of the dense contents of the proacrosomic granules but later, during acrosome capping phase of spermiogenesis, is redistributed to the inner periphery of the acrosomal membrane. This relocation occurs at the time of acrosomal compaction, an obligatory structural change that fails to occur in Zpbp1-/- knockout mice, which do not express IAM38 and are infertile.


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Background: Exhaled nitric oxide has been proposed as a marker for airway inflammation in asthma. The aim of this study was to compare exhaled nitric oxide levels with inflammatory cells and mediators in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from asthmatic and normal children.

Methods: Children were recruited from elective surgical lists and a non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed after induction of anaesthesia. Exhaled nitric oxide (parts per billion) was measured by two techniques: tidal breathing and restricted breath.

Results: Median (interquartile range) exhaled nitric oxide measured by restricted breath was increased in asthmatics compared with normal children (24.3 (10.5–66.5) v 9.7 (6.5–16.5), difference between medians 14.6 (95% CI 5.1 to 29.9), p=0.001). In asthmatic children exhaled nitric oxide correlated significantly with percentage eosinophils (r=0.78, p<0.001 (tidal breathing) and r=0.78, p<0.001 (restricted breath)) and with eosinophilic cationic protein (r=0.53, p<0.01 restricted breath)), but not with other inflammatory cells in the BAL fluid. The area under the receiver operator characteristic curves for the prediction of the presence of eosinophilic airways inflammation by exhaled nitric oxide (tidal and restricted) was 0.80 and 0.87, respectively.

Conclusions: Exhaled nitric oxide correlates closely with percentage eosinophils in BAL fluid in asthmatic children and is therefore likely to be a useful non-invasive marker of airway inflammation.


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Cystatin Related Epididymal Spermatogenic protein (CRES) is expressed in both the testis and epididymis and found associated with spermatozoa. It appears as non-glycosylated (14 and 12 kDa) and glycosylated isoforms (19 and 17 kDa). The role of CRES is enigmatic and dependent on localization of its isoforms, which is the objective of this study. The initial approach was to investigate testicular and epididymal origins of these isoforms by immunohistochemistry and immunogold cytochemistry. To further pinpoint CRES localization we then selectively extracted and fractionated epididymal spermatozoa in order to find by immunoblotting which sperm fractions contained CRES isoforms. Immunohistochemical analysis of mouse spermatogenesis showed that CRES was expressed in the tail cytoplasm of elongating spermatids from step 9-16, with a pattern reminiscent of outer dense fibre (ODF) proteins. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry revealed that the immunogold label was concentrated over growing ODFs and mitochondrial sheath in the testes which persisted in spermatozoa through the epididymis. Sequential extractions of isolated sperm tails with Triton X-100-dithiothreitol (DTT) to remove the mitochondrial sheath, whose extract contained an unrelated 66 kDa immunoreactive band, followed by either sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-DTT or urea-DTT to solubilise accessory fibres of the tail revealed a 14 kDa immunoreactive band associated with the ODF. In addition, Western blots revealed glycosylated and non-glycosylated CRES isoforms in nonyl phenoxylpolyethoxylethanol (NP40) extracts of the caput, but not cauda, sperm. Immunohistochemical analysis of the caput and cauda epithelium showed that CRES is secreted by the Golgi apparatus of the ii initial segment, fills the proximal caput lumen, and disappears by mid caput. Western blots of caput and cauda tissue and luminal fluid revealed 14 and 19 kDa immunoreactive bands in caput tissues and luminal fluid, but not in the cauda. This study concludes that there are two origins of CRES, one arising in the testis and the other in the epididymis. Testicular CRES is ionically and covalently associated with the ODF while epididymal CRES is detergent soluble and is most likely associated temporarily with the surface of caput epididymal sperm.


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The most common mode of deactivation suffered by catalysts fitted to two-stroke engines has traditionally been thermal degradation, or even meltdown, of the washcoat and substrate. The high temperatures experienced by these catalysts are caused by excessively high concentrations of HC and CO in the exhaust gas which are, in turn, caused by a rich AFR and the loss of neat fuel to the exhaust during the scavenging period. The effects of catalyst poisoning due to additives in the oil is often regarded as a secondary, or even negligible, deactivating mechanism in two-stroke catalysts and has therefore received little attention. However, with the introduction of direct in-cylinder fuel injection to some larger versions of this engine, the quantities of HC escaping to the exhaust can be reduced to levels similar to those found on four-stroke gasoline engines. Under these conditions, the effects of poisoning are much more significant to catalyst durability, particularly for crankcase scavenged derivatives which allow considerable quantities of oil to escape into the exhaust in a neat, or partially burned form. In this paper the effects of oil-derived sulphur on catalyst performance are examined using specialised test apparatus. The oil used throughout the study was formulated specifically for a two-stroke engine fitted with direct in-cylinder fuel injection. The sulphur content of this oil was 0.21% by mass and particular attention was paid to the role of this element in the resulting deactivation. The catalyst was also designed for two-stroke applications and contained a high palladium loading of 300g/ft3 (28g/l) to prolong the life of the catalyst. It was found that the sulphur caused permanent deactivation of the CO reaction and increased the light-off temperature by around 40oC after oiling for 60 hours. This deactivation was progressive and led to a reduction in surface area of the washcoat, particularly in the micropores of around 5Å diameter. By using a validated catalyst model the change in surface area of the precious metal was estimated. It was found that the simulated palladium surface area had to be reduced by a factor of around 7.5 to produce the light-off temperature of the deactivated catalyst. Conversely, the light-off temperature of the C3H6 reaction was barely affected by the deactivation.


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Traditionally the simulation of the thermodynamic aspects of the internal combustion engine has been undertaken using one-dimensional gas-dynamic models to represent the intake and exhaust systems. CFD analysis of engines has been restricted to modelling of in-cylinder flow structures. With the increasing accessibility of CFD software it is now worth considering its use for complete gas-dynamic engine simulation. This paper appraises the accuracy of various CFD models in comparison to a 1D gas-dynamic simulation. All of the models are compared to experimental data acquired on an apparatus that generates a single gas-dynamic pressure wave. The progress of the wave along a constant area pipe and its subsequent reflection from the open pipe end are recorded with a number of high speed pressure transducers. It was found that there was little to choose between the accuracy of the 1D model and the best CFD model. The CFD model did not require experimentally derived loss coefficients to accurately represent the open pipe end; however, it took several hundred times longer to complete its analysis. The best congruency between the CFD models and the experimental data was achieved using the RNG k-e turbulence model. The open end of the pipe was most effectively represented by surrounding it with a relatively small volume of cells connected to the rest of the environment using a pressure boundary.


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We present a technique for measuring the radiative lifetimes of metastable states of negative ions that involves the use of a heavy-ion storage ring. The method has been applied to investigate the radiative decay of the np3 2P1/2 levels of Te–(n=5) and Se–(n=4) and the 3p3 2D state of Si– for which the J=3/2 and 5/2 levels were unresolved. All of these states are metastable and decay primarily by emission of E2 and M1 radiation. Multi Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of rates for the transitions in Te– and Se– yielded lifetimes of 0.45 s and 4.7 s, respectively. The measured values agree well with these predicted values. In the case of the 2D state of Si–, however, our measurement was only able to set a lower limit on the lifetime. The upper limit of the lifetime that can be measured with our apparatus is set by how long the ions can be stored in the ring, a limit determined by the rate of collisional detachment. Our lower limit of 1 min for the lifetime of the 2D state is consistent with both the calculated lifetimes of 162 s for the 2D3/2 level and 27.3 h for the 2D5/2 level reported by O'Malley and Beck and 14.5 h and 12.5 h, respectively, from our Breit-Pauli calculations.


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The use of recycled aggregates has increased greatly over the last decade owing to enhanced environmental sensitivities. The level of performance required by such materials is dependent upon the applications for which they are used. Many recycled construction wastes have adequate shear strength in relation to various geotechnical applications. However, a possible drawback of these materials is the risk of crushing during repeated loading. The work reported in this paper examined two waste materials: crushed concrete and building debris, both regarded as construction wastes. Tests were also performed on traditionally used crushed rock, in this case basalt. The materials were subjected to repeated loading in a large direct shear apparatus. The amount of crushing was quantified by performing particle size analysis of the tested material. The results have shown that both recycled construction wastes were susceptible to particle crushing. The amount of crushing was influenced by both the vertical pressure and the number of loading cycles. This leads to a marked decrease in peak friction angle


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Relative Evidential Supports (RES) was developed and justified several years ago as a non-numeric apparatus that allows us to compare evidential supports for alternative conclusions when making a decision. An extension called Graded Relative Evidence (GRE) of the RES concept of pairwise balancing and trading-off of evidence is reported here which keeps its basic features of simplicity and perspicacity but enriches its modelling fidelity by permitting very modest and intuitive variations in degrees of outweighing (which the essentially binary RES does not). The formal justification is very simply based on linkages to RES and to the Dempster - Shafer theory of evidence. The use of the simple extension is illustrated and to a small degree further justified empirically by application to a topical scientific debate about what is called the Congo Crossover Conjecture here. This decision-making instance is chosen because of the wealth of evidence that has been accumulated on both sides of the debate and the range of evidence strengths manifested in it. The conjecture is that the advent of Aids was in the late 1950s in the Congo when a vaccine for polio was allegedly cultivated in the kidneys of chimpanzees which allowed the Aids infection to cross over to humans from primates. © 2005 Springer.


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Electroless nickel-phosphorus deposits with 5-8 wt% P and 3-5 wt% P were analysed for the effects of continuous heating on the crystallization kinetics and phase transformation behaviour of the deposits. The as-deposited coatings consist of a mixture of amorphous and microcrystalline nickel phases, featuring in their X-ray diffraction patterns. Continuous heating processes to 300C-800C at 20C/min were carried out on the deposits in a differential scanning calorimetric apparatus. The subsequent X-ray diffraction analyses show that the sequence of phase transformation process was: amorphous phase + microcrystalline nickel, f.c.c. nickel + Ni3P stable phases. Preferred orientation of nickel {200} plane developed in the deposits after the heating processes. Differential scanning calorimetry of the deposits indicates that the crystallization temperatures increased with decreasing phosphorus content, and increasing heating rate. Crystallization activation energies of the deposits (230 and 322 kJ/mol, respectively) were calculated using the peak temperatures of crystallization process, from the differential scanning calorimetric curves at the heating rates ranging from 5 to 50C/min. It was found that the deposit with lower phosphorus content has higher activation energy.


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Charge exchange followed by radiative stabilization are the main processes responsible for the recent observations of X-ray emission from comets in their approach to the Sun. A new apparatus was constructed at JPL to measure, in collisions of HCIs with atoms and molecules, (a) absolute cross sections for single and multiple charge exchange, and (b) normalized X-ray emission cross sections. The ions are produced by the JPL HCI Facility and passed through a neutral-gas target cell. The product charge states are analyzed by a retarding potential difference technique. Results are made absolute by measuring target pressure, and incident and product ion currents. X-rays emitted from the product ions are detected with a Ge solid-state detector having a resolution of approximately 100 eV. X-ray astronomy has taken major steps forward with the recent launch of the high-resolution satellites Chandra and Newton. The cross sections reported herein are essential for the development of the solar wind comet interaction models inspired by these observations.


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In order for mammalian fertilization to transpire, spermatozoa must transit through the female reproductive tract and penetrate the outer investments of the oocyte: the cumulus oophorus and the zona pellucida. In order to penetrate the oocyte, spermatozoa must undergo the acrosome reaction. The acrosome reaction results in the exposure of the inner acrosomal membrane (IAM) and proteins that coat it to the extracellular environment. After the acrosome reaction, the IAM becomes the leading edge of spermatozoa undergoing progressive movement. Thus the enzymes which effect lysis of the oocyte investments ought to be located on the IAM. An objective of this study was to identify and characterize enzymatic activity detected on the IAM and provide evidence that they play a role in fertilization. This study also describes procedures for fractionating spermatozoa and isolating the IAM and proteins on its intra- and extra-vesicular surfaces, and describes their development during male gametogenesis. Since the IAM is exposed to the extracellular environment and oviductal milieu after the acrosome reaction, this study also sought to characterize interactions and relationships between factors in the oviductal environment and the enzymes identified on the IAM. The data presented provide evidence that MMP2 and acrosin are co-localized on the IAM, originate from the Golgi apparatus in gametogenesis, and suggest they cooperate in their function. Their localization and results of in vitro fertilization suggests they have a function in zona pellucida penetration. The data also provide evidence that plasminogen, originating from the oviductal epithelium and/or cumulus-oocyte complex, is present in the immediate environment of sperm-egg initial contact and penetration. Additionally, plasminogen interacts with MMP2 and enhances its enzymatic action on the IAM. The data also provide evidence that MMP2 has an important function in penetration of the cumulus oophorus. Holistically, this thesis provides evidence that enzymes on the IAM, originating from the Golgi apparatus in development, have an important function in penetration of the outer investments of the oocyte, and are aided in penetration by plasminogen in the female reproductive tract.


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Dense deployment of wireless local area network (WLAN) access points (APs) is an important part of the next generation Wi-Fi and standardization (802.11ax) efforts are underway. Increasing demand for WLAN connectivity motivates such dense deployments, especially in geographical areas with large numbers of users, such as stadiums, large enterprises, multi-tenant buildings, and urban cities. Although densification of WLAN APs guarantees coverage, it is susceptible to increased interference and uncoordinated association of stations (STAs) to APs, which degrade network throughput. Therefore, to improve network throughput, algorithms are proposed in this thesis to optimally coordinate AP associations in the presence of interference. In essence, coordination of APs in dense WLANs (DWLANs) is achieved through coordination of STAs' associations with APs. While existing approaches suggest tuning of APs' beacon powers or using transmit power control (TPC) for association control, here, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINRs) of STAs and the clear channel assessment (CCA) threshold of the 802.11 MAC protocol are employed. The proposed algorithms in this thesis enhance throughput and minimize coverage holes inherent in cell breathing and TPC techniques by not altering the transmit powers of APs, which determine cell coverage. Besides uncoordinated AP associations, unnecessary frequent transmission deferment is envisaged as another problem in DWLANs due to the clear channel assessment aspect of the carrier sensing multiple access collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme in 802.11 standards and the short spatial reuse distance between co-channel APs. To address this problem in addition to AP association coordination, an algorithm is proposed for CCA threshold adjustment in each AP cell, such that CCA threshold used in one cell mitigates transmission deferment in neighboring cells. Performance evaluation reveals that the proposed association optimization algorithms achieve significant gain in throughput when compared with the default strongest signal first (SSF) association scheme in the current 802.11 standard. Also, further gain in throughput is observed when the CCA threshold adjustment is combined with the optimized association. Results show that when STA-AP association is optimized and CCA threshold is adjusted in each cell, throughput improves. Finally, transmission delay and the number of packet re-transmissions due to collision and contention significantly decrease.


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Social context, such as mate availability and perceived competition, can influence a male’s mating tactics. In Drosophila melanogaster most research has investigated how physical interactions and the perceived levels of sperm competition alter mating behaviour. I wanted to know if males would respond to the perceived social environments without the presence of physical interaction. Using a unique apparatus, I altered focal males’ social context by separating them physically from a social environment using a screen. Focal males were either in: (i) the presence of rival males and mates, (ii) the presence of potential mates only, (iii) isolation, or (iv) the presence of rival males only. I also manipulated the period the focal male was conditioned to a social environment to assess if the timing of cues is important. My findings suggest that the duration of acclimation alters male mating tactics. Regardless of social environment, the duration a male was conditioned influenced copulation latency. Males that were conditioned to their social environment for the duration of the experiment had differing copulation latencies between environments. Males held in isolation took longer to successfully court females, and transferred less sperm during mating then experimental males in the presence of rival males. Additionally, copulation duration correlated with the number of sperm transferred. Overall, my results suggest that the social environment and the perceived competition level affect mating strategies even without physical interactions. Since this apparatus may trick flies into believing they are a part of a social group, while controlling the male mating status, future work could examine behavioural, genetic and physiological phenotype effects of the social environment for both sexes.