998 resultados para Bleaching agents - Citotoxicity


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of antibacterial agents and mineral trioxide aggregate in the healing of bacterial contaminated primate pulps. Study Design: The experiment required four adult male primates (Cebus opella) with 48 teeth prepared with buccal penetrartions into the pulpal tissues. The preparations (Cebus opella) with 48 teeth prepared with buccal penetrations into the exposed to cotton pellets soaked in a bacterial mixture consisting of microorganisms normally found in human pulpal abscesses obtained from the Endodontic Clinic of UNESP. Following bacterial inoculation (30 minute exposure), the pulpal tissue was immediately treated with either sterile saline, Cipro HC Otic solution (12), diluted Buckley formecresol solution (12) or Otosporin otic solution (12) for 5 minutes. After removal of the pellet, hemostasis was obtained and a ZOE base applied to the DFC treated pulps and the non-treated controls (12). After hemostasis, the other exposed pulps were covered with mineral trioxide aggregate (ProRoot). The pulpal bases were all covered with a RMGI (Fuji II LC). The tissue samples were collected at one day, two days, one week and over four weeks (34 days). Results: Following perfusion fixation, the samples were demineralized, sectioned, stained and histologically graded. After histologic analysis, presence of neutrophilic infiltrate and areas of hemorrhage with hyperemia were observed . The depth of the neutrophilic infiltrate depended on the agent or material used. The pupal tissue treated with Otic suspensions demonstrated significantly less inflammation (Kruskal Wallis non parametric analysis, H=9.595 with 1 degree of freedom; P=0.0223) than the formocresol and control groups. The hard tissue bridges formed over the exposure sites were more organized in the MTA treatment groups than in the control and ZOE groups (Kruskal Wallis non parametric analysis, H=18.291 with 1 degree of freedom; P=0.0004). Conclusions: Otic suspensions and MTA are effective in treating bacterial infected pulps and stimulate the production of a hard tissue bridge over the site of the exposure.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of 20% and 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels on the color, opacity, and fluorescence of composite resins. Seven composite resin brands were tested and 30 specimens, 3-mm in diameter and 2-mm thick, of each material were fabricated, for a total of 210 specimens. The specimens of each tested material were divided into three subgroups (n=10) according to the bleaching therapy tested: 20% hydrogen peroxide gel, 35% hydroxide peroxide gel, and the control group. The baseline color, opacity, and fluorescence were assessed by spectrophotometry. Four 30-minute bleaching gel applications, two hours in total, were performed. The control group did not receive bleaching treatment and was stored in deionized water. Final assessments were performed, and data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey tests (p<0.05). Color changes were significant for different tested bleaching therapies (p<0.0001), with the greatest color change observed for 35% hydrogen peroxide gel. No difference in opacity was detected for all analyzed parameters. Fluorescence changes were influenced by composite resin brand (p<0.0001) and bleaching therapy (p=0.0016) used. No significant differences in fluorescence between different bleaching gel concentrations were detected by Tukey test. The greatest fluorescence alteration was detected on the brand Z350. It was concluded that 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel generated the greatest color change among all evaluated materials. No statistical opacity changes were detected for all tested variables, and significant fluorescence changes were dependent on the material and bleaching therapy, regardless of the gel concentration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of peroxide passage from the pulp chamber to the external enamel surface during the internal bleaching technique. Fifty bovine teeth were sectioned transversally 5 mm below the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), and the remaining part of the root was sealed with a 2-mm layer of glass ionomer cement. The external surface of the samples was coated with nail varnish, with the exception of standardized circular areas (6-mm diameter) located on the enamel, exposed dentin, or cementum surface of the tooth. The teeth were divided into three experimental groups according to exposed areas close to the CEJ and into two control groups (n=10/group), as follows: GE, enamel exposure area; GC, cementum exposed area; GD, dentin exposed area; Negative control, no presence of internal bleaching agent and uncoated surface; and Positive control, pulp chamber filled with bleaching agent and external surface totally coated with nail varnish. The pulp chamber was filled with 35% hydrogen peroxide (Opalescence Endo, Ultradent). Each sample was placed inside of individual flasks with 1000 mu L of acetate buffer solution, 2 M (pH 4.5). After seven days, the buffer solution was transferred to a glass tube, in which 100 mu L of leuco-crystal violet and 50 mu L of horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined by spectrophotometer and converted into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn-Bonferroni tests (alpha=0.05). All experimental groups presented passage of peroxide to the external surface that was statistically different from that observed in the control groups. It was verified that the passage of peroxide was higher in GD than in GE (p<0.01). The GC group presented a significantly lower peroxide passage than did GD and GE (p<0.01). It can be concluded that the hydrogen peroxide placed into the pulp chamber passed through the dental hard tissues, reaching the external surface and the periodontal tissue. The cementum surface was less permeable than were the dentin and enamel surfaces.


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Anaplasmataceae organisms comprise a group of obligate intracellular gram-negative, tick-borne bacteria that can infect both animals and humans. In the present work we investigate the presence of Ehrlichia, Anaplasrna, and Neorickettsia species in blood samples from Brazilian marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus), using both molecular and serologic techniques. Blood was collected from 143 deer captured along floodplains of the Parana River, near the Porto Primavera hydroelectric power plant. Before and after flooding, marsh deer were captured for a wide range research program under the financial support of São Paulo State Energy Company (CESP), between 1998 and 2001. Samples were divided into four groups according to time and location of capture and named MS01 (n = 99), MS02 (n = 18) (Mato Grosso do Sul, before and after flooding, respectively), PX (n = 9; Peixe River, after flooding), and AGUA (n = 17; Aguapei River, after flooding). The seroprevalences for Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were 76.76% and 20.2% in MS01, 88.88% and 5.55% in MS02, 88.88% and 22.22% in PX, and 94.12% and 5.88% in AGUA, respectively. Sixty-one animals (42.65% of the total population) were PCR-positive for E. chaffeensis PCR (100.0% identity based on 16S rRNA, dsb, and groESL genes). Seventy deer (48.95% of the total population) were PCR-positive for Anaplasma spp. (99.0% of identity with A. platys, and in the same clade as A. phagocytophilum, A. bovis, and A. platys based on 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis). Our results demonstrate that Brazilian marsh deer are exposed to E. chaffeensis and Anaplasma spp. and may act as reservoirs for these rickettsial agents, playing a role in disease transmission to humans and other animals. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acid erosion is a superficial loss of enamel caused by chemical processes that do not involve bacteria. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as the presence of acid substances in the oral cavity, may cause a pH reduction, thus potentially increasing acid erosion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microhardness of bleached and unbleached bovine enamel after immersion in a soda beverage, artificial powder juice and hydrochloric acid. The results obtained for the variables of exposure time, acid solution and substrate condition (bleached or unbleached enamel) were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests. It was concluded that a decrease in microhardness renders dental structures more susceptible to erosion and mineral loss, and that teeth left unbleached show higher values of microhardness compared to bleached teeth.


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In the search for new therapeutic tools against tuberculosis two novel iron complexes, [Fe(L-H)3], with 3-aminoquinoxaline-2-carbonitrile N(1),N(4)-dioxide derivatives (L) as ligands, were synthesized, characterized by a combination of techniques, and in vitro evaluated. Results were compared with those previously reported for two analogous iron complexes of other ligands of the same family of quinoxaline derivatives. In addition, the complexes were studied by cyclic voltammetry and EPR spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammograms of the iron compounds showed several cathodic processes which were attributed to the reduction of the metal center (Fe(III)/Fe(II)) and the coordinated ligand. EPR signals were characteristic of magnetically isolated high-spin Fe(III) in a rhombic environment and arise from transitions between m(s) = +/- 1/2 (geff-9) or m(s) = +/- 3/2 (g(eff)similar to 4.3) states. Mossbauer experiments showed hyperfine parameters that are typical of high-spin Fe(III) ions in a not too distorted environment. The novel complexes showed in vitro growth inhibitory activity on Mycobacterium tuberculosis H(37)Rv (ATCC 27294), together with very low unspecific cytotoxicity on eukaryotic cells (cultured murine cell line J774). Both complexes showed higher inhibitory effects on M. tuberculosis than the "second-line" therapeutic drugs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is well known that histamine is found in high concentration in mast cell granules(1). The histamine content of these granules may be released to the extracellular space if an appropriate stimulus is provided(2). Besides histamine, other preformed active substances like enzymes, chemotatic factors and proteoglycans, as well as newly generated mediators like eicosanoids, platelet activating factor and adenosine are released during the secretion process of mast cells(3). The activation of mast cell degranulation has been associated with a number of pathologic disorders, most frequently, diseases derived from the atopic state(4). It is now evident that mast cells are the primary effector cells in the early reaction in both allergic and non-allergic asthma(5,6), although some authors doubt that the late reaction of asthma is a mast cell dependent event(6). Other studies point towards basophils as cellular elements involved in the secondary phase of inflammation in allergic diseases(7). Secretion would depend on a histamine releasing factor, and on the presence of IgE on the basophil's surface(8). There is also evidence suggesting involvement of mast cells in some non-allergic inflammatory processes like arthritis(9). The pharmacological management of these diseases basically consists in the use of methylxantines, beta 2-adrenergic agonists, glucocorticoids, sodium cromoglycate-like drugs, anticholinergic and antihistaminic H 1 antagonists(10). Their therapeutic effects include bronchodilatation, receptor and physiological antagonism, prevention of inflammatory responses induced by secondary cells, and finally, inhibition of mast cell activation(11). This review is concerned with compounds having inhibitory action on mast cell activation, and their possible importance on the pathophysiology of mast cell-related diseases.


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Thermogravimetry-derivative thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry were used to study the thermal behaviour of furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, and amiloride hydrochloride. The results revealed the extents of their thermal stability and also permitted interpretations concerning their thermal decompositions. © 1996 Akadémiai Kiadó.


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Thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry (TG, DTG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), were used to study the thermal behaviour of mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, sodium diclofenac, phenylbutazone, dipyrone and salicylamide. The results led to thermal stability data and also to the interpretation concerning the thermal decomposition. © 1996 Akadémial Kiadó.


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A selection of commercially available disinfectants, sanitizers and water sanitizers based on iodophor, quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) and phenolic compounds were tested for their activity against a phage type 4 strain of Salmonella serotype Enteritidis in the presence of a variety of organic materials. In general the phenolic preparations were the most effective followed by the QACs and the iodophors. They were all inactivated to different degrees by chick fluff, chicken faeces, feed and wood shavings. The inactivation was greatest when Salmonella organisms were pre-dried in feed. Under these conditions formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde were still active. There was some evidence that induced resistance to stress conditions including culture at 42°C and anaerobic culture increased resistance to one of the water sanitizers.


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Difficulties in sterilizing impressions by traditional methods have led to chemical disinfection as an alternative, and some studies have shown that disinfectants may adversely affect impressions. PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of disinfection methods on the dimensional stability of 6 elastomeric materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Impression materials were submitted to the following treatments: immersion in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes, immersion in 2% glutaraldehyde solution for 30 minutes, and no immersion (control). After treatments, impressions were poured, and respective stone casts were measured with a Nikon Profile projector and compared with the master model. RESULTS: The elastomeric materials had different reproduction capacities, and the disinfecting treatments did not differ from the control.


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The formation of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) during the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) in pure water and in water solutions containing 1% CaCl2 (accelerator) and 0.01% saccharose (retarder) was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SAXS measurements were performed under isothermal conditions within the temperature range 25 °C T < 52 °C. The experimental results indicate that the time variation of the mass fraction of the C-S-H product phase, α(f), can be fitted, under all conditions of paste setting, by Avrami equation, α(t) = 1 -exp(-(kt)′), k being a rate parameter and n an exponent depending on the characteristics of the transformation. The parameter n is approximately equal to 2 for hydration of C^S in pure water. Depending on temperature, n varies from 2 to 2.65 for hydration in the presence of CaC^ and saccharose. The value n = 2 is theoretically expected for lateral growth of thin C-S-H plates of constant thickness. The time dependence of SAXS intensity indicates that the transformed phase (C-S-H) consists of colloidal particles in early stages of hydration, evolving by two-dimensional growth toward a disordered lamellar structure composed of very thin plates. The activation energy ΔE for the growth of C-S-H phase was determined from the time dependence of X-ray scattering intensity. These data were obtained by in situ measurements at different temperatures of hydration. The values of ΔE are 37.7, 49.4, and 44.3 kJ/mol for hydration in pure water and in water solutions containing CaCl2 and saccharose, respectively. © 2000 American Chemical Society.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ultrasound during the removal of posts cemented with either zinc phosphate cement, glass ionomer cement or resin cement. Methodology: Eighty-four single-rooted teeth were prepared and after cementation of cast posts, they were randomly divided into six groups of 14. Groups 1, 2 and 3 did not receive ultrasonic vibration, whilst groups 4, 5 and 6 received ultrasonic vibration for 10 min. The force necessary for post removal was determined using a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analysed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (5%). Results: The application of ultrasonic vibration reduced the retention provided by zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements by 39% and 33%, respectively. Conclusions: A statistically significant reduction in the force necessary to remove posts cemented with zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements occurred following application of ultrasound. The application of ultrasonic vibration did not influence the retention of cast posts cemented with resin cement.