999 resultados para Barreiras Socioculturais
The implementation of the nursing process should be experienced by all nurses during their formative years. However, the lack of implementation of the nursing process for care planning during the educational process and the existing disorder in the formation process prompted the following research questions: What is the meaning of teaching the nursing process to the nursing professors? Do nursing professors use strategies and methods that promote critical thinking in their students? The objective of the study was to analyze the meaning that teaching of the nursing process has for the nursing faculty of the bachalaureate nursing course. Qualitative descriptive study conducted with a sample of 30 faculty members that taught nursing care courses in the nursing program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, RN. Two instruments were used, a questionaire and an interview guide. The questionnaire was designed to obtain sociodemographic, educational and work information, of faculty activities and of the teaching of nursing care. The guide was composed of five open questions regarding the understanding and perceptions of the nursing process, its utilization in teaching, and the nursing care teaching strategies. Interview data were submitted to content analysis techniques and interpreted according to the principles of Symbolic Interactionism. Six categories related to the analytical themes were identified: the nursing process as the guide for the care actions; clinical rationality; use of the care activities; teaching relevance; teaching barreirs; teaching strategies with focus on the abilities and competencies of the clinical rationale. Faculty perceptions regarding the teaching of the nursing process; nursing care approach in the nurses‟ formation. The study indicates that the participants understand the relevance of the nursing process a work instrument and that the use of this method during the nurses‟ formation enhances the abilities and competencies for critical thinking that is essencial for care. The strategies for teaching of abilities and competencies were identified, however the nursing faculty should use codes, direction and the influence so that the students can Interact and therefore stimulate the use of the nursing process
A ausência de cuidados do homem com a saúde representa um fenômeno significativo, pois contribui para o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade masculina por causas evitáveis. Essa realidade torna-se mais relevante quando se trata do policial militar, devido às peculiaridades do seu processo de trabalho. Visto isso, considera-se que os cuidados de saúde adotados por policiais militares atrelam-se ao entendimento de que possuem sobre os agravos à saúde, o qual perpassa por concepções de gênero e da profissão. Isso levou ao seguinte questionamento: Como o policial militar concebe os cuidados com a saúde. Objetivou-se analisar concepções de policiais militares sobre cuidados com a saúde. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido junto a um Batalhão Militar do Comando de Policiamento de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de junho a julho de 2013. Essa etapa foi antecedida pela anuência do Comandante Geral da Polícia Militar do Rio Grande do Norte, sob a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, com o CAAE nº 15449713.7.0000.5537, e autorização formal dos entrevistados mediante a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE), atendendo às exigências da Resolução 466/2012, do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, no que se refere à pesquisa com seres humanos. Participaram do estudo 21 policiais militares, do sexo masculino, que trabalhavam no policiamento ostensivo, não estavam de licença médica e apresentaram condições psicológicas e/ou físicas favoráveis para responder aos questionamentos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada mediante um roteiro constituído de duas partes: a primeira com questões sociodemográficas com vistas à caracterização dos participantes da pesquisa e a segunda com duas questões norteadoras relativas ao objeto de estudo. Os depoimentos foram tratados conforme o método de análise de conteúdo na modalidade de análise temática segundo Bardin. Desse processo, emergiram três categorias: hábitos de vida de policiais militares, repercussão do trabalho na saúde de policiais militares e atitudes de policiais militares em frente dos problemas de saúde. A análise dos dados foi subsidiada pelo referencial teórico do Modelo de Crenças em Saúde (Health Belief Model), de acordo com as variáveis vulnerabilidade e barreiras . Para respaldar a discussão dos resultados, buscou-se na literatura conhecimentos acerca da saúde do homem e do policial militar. Os resultados apontaram que os entrevistados procuram cuidar da saúde com práticas de exercícios físicos, alimentos saudáveis e preservação do sono. No entanto, vivenciam dores de coluna, ganho de peso, dificuldades para dormir, estresse e sofrimento psicológico. Diante disso, eles buscam apoio quando acometidos por agravos à saúde e reconhecem a necessidade de medidas de segurança durante o serviço. Portanto, notam a sua condição de vulnerabilidade em decorrência de seu ofício, porém enfrentam dificuldades na adoção de práticas preventivas de agravos a saúde. Mediante os resultados, faz-se necessário que o enfermeiro atuante junto a este público elabore, implemente e acompanhe estratégias de atenção a sua saúde
A eficiência na absorção de nutrientes pelos frutos pode sofrer interferências em função da estrutura morfológica presente. Assim, frente à importância do conhecimento da morfologia dos frutos para um manejo mais adequado dos pomares em termos de adubação foliar, ou de tratamentos pós-colheita para ampliar a vida útil dos mesmos, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo, cujo objetivo foi descrever a morfologia do pericarpo dos frutos de goiabeira. Para isto, amostras do pericarpo de goiabas (cv. Paluma) foram observadas ao microscópio ótico e eletrônico de varredura. Algumas das características observadas, como a presença de cutícula espessa, cêra epicuticular, três camadas subepidérmicas de células compactas e grande quantidade de esclereídeos, bem como a presença esporádica e dispersa de estômatos, podem constituir-se em barreiras para a absorção e movimentação de nutrientes e substâncias aplicadas aos frutos de goiabeira.
This study discusses the use of information technologies for knowledge management in networks of franchises in the Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, whose management and operation are complex activities, characterized by the geographic spread of their network unities, creating barriers to communication and information sharing between franchisors, franchisees and final customers. In view of this, the following hypotheses were formulated: the knowledge management can be a positive alternative for improving communication between units; and information technology can eliminate many problems related mainly to capture and share knowledge. In general, it aims to investigate, in qualitative and quantitative aspects, how information technology can support knowledge management in networks of franchises. Specifically purposes to register the existence of managerial practices related to knowledge management in enterprises at the franchising sector; to verify whether they have the technological resources with the potential to facilitate the sharing of information; to identify what are the technologies of information and communication used in the organizational environment; and suggest measures that will facilitate the process of organizational learning, using information technology and communication as tools. It concludes that knowledge management becomes a positive alternative, especially in strengthening of bonds of communication and sharing of knowledge between the franchises. In this regard, information technology must provide all the services of the corporation to facilitate communication between franchisor and franchisee, through a single and integrated system. However, they still show unsuitable for more sophisticated technology platforms
natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN
Demand for organic foods in the Brazil are growing year last, characterizing itself for if constituting in a new strategical segment of commercialization. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate the factor that influence the interest of the consumers in the purchase decision of organic products, aiming to characterize the level of competitiveness of these products, assisting in the creation of environmental strategies for the development of the activity and contributing in the increment of the knowledge about the subject, that can assist it in the increase of the commercialization and the consumption of these foods. From data collected in the city of Manaus/AM, it was used a survey research, of exploratory and descriptive character. The sample was obtained using 421 questionnaires, in which was realized the descriptive analysis, analysis of groupings and association analysis among variables using the test qui-square. The results found in this study indicate that the majority the of consumers of supermarkets of the Manaus/AM never to purchase organic foods. Generally the consumers to have few or some knowledge about these foods, however, the level of the interest in to obtain information about the subject is high.The barriers mains in the purchase of organic products are the label fault in the product and the quality no certificate in the product. Among the profile characteristics, the variables income and level scholar are associate to interest level in the obtain information about the subject
The objective of this work was to investigate the factors that inhibit the use of Environmental Techniques in the Gas Station of the city of Natal/RN. For this, a survey with the aid of a questionnaire was used like research instrument. It s used a sample for convenience, not probabilistic. For collection of the data, it was used directly application of the questionnaire to the Managers or Assistant managers of the gas station, in accordance with its availability or presence. The data was collected in all the regions of Natal (North, South, East and West). The population in accordance with the data of the ANP of September 2005 is of 111 ranks and the collected sample was of 86. To carry through the analysis of the data of this research had been used softwares Excel and Statistic version 5.0, for Windows. The analysis of data is divided in two parts; descriptive analysis and analysis of groupings (clusters). The results showed that bigger part of the interviewed ones has between 30 and 39 years of age; they have second grade completed; they had declared to have little between and reasonable knowledge how much to the use of Clean Technology (CT) in gas station; and a small part of the interviewed ones had informed to have much knowledge how much the resolutions of the CONAMA established for the Gas Station. Of the searched ranks, the majority is national(76.7%); the most accurate practice environmental used in the gas station are: it collects selective of oil used or contaminated and ecological tanks - coated with strengthened fibre glass; great part of the interviewed ones (33.8%) informed that never the TL makes planning of referring future action; about of the half of the interviewed ones (84.9%) they had more declared that its employees have of none to a reasonable level of training for deal with problems that compromise the environment; the majority of the ranks (72.1%) functions has for more then six years. It is observed that almost all the interviewed ones (96.5%) evaluate as being important or very important the implantation of CT in Gas Station and the great majority (82.1%) evaluates the difficulty in if implanting these technologies in Gas Station as being easy or very easy. In the analysis of cluster, it was verified existence of two groupings (as much in the variable of the barriers and benefits), being that inside of each clusters exists homogeneity and between clusters exists heterogeneity. In reality, everything is important or very important in the opinion of the interviewed ones. There only exists a small significant difference that separates them in clusters
Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available
The objective of the dissertation was the realization of kinematic modeling of a robotic wheelchair using virtual chains, allowing the wheelchair modeling as a set of robotic manipulator arms forming a cooperative parallel kinematic chain. This document presents the development of a robotic wheelchair to transport people with special needs who overcomes obstacles like a street curb and barriers to accessibility in streets and avenues, including the study of assistive technology, parallel architecture, kinematics modeling, construction and assembly of the prototype robot with the completion of a checklist of problems and barriers to accessibility in several pathways, based on rules, ordinances and existing laws. As a result, simulations were performed on the chair in various states of operation to accomplish the task of going up and down stair with different measures, making the proportional control based on kinematics. To verify the simulated results we developed a prototype robotic wheelchair. This project was developed to provide a better quality of life for people with disabilities
Nowadays, when accidents with oil tanker or shore tanks occur and there is oil spill, some arrangements are made in order to repress and to fix the situation. For the containment, barriers or detours are usually made of synthetic materials such as polyurethane foam. In order to clear water away, techniques like in loco burning, biodegradant agents, dispersant agents and sorbent materials application are used. The most of the sorbent materials are also synthetic and they are used because it is easy to store them and their availability in market. This dissertation introduces the study of vegetable fibers of pineapple leaf fibers (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.), cotton fibers (Gossypium herbaceum L.), kapok fibers (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.), curauá fibers (Ananas erectifolius L.B. Sm.) and sisal fibers (Agave sisalana Perrine) related to their capacity of sorption of oil in case of accidental spill in the ocean. This work evaluates the substitution possibility of synthetic materials by natural biodegradable materials with less cost
The reality of water resources management in semiarid regions, such as the Seridó region, has been shaped by a complex chain involving social-cultural, political, economic and environmental aspects, covering different spheres of activity - from local to federal. Because water is a scarce element, the most rational way pointed out by our recent history has been to move towards an increasing emphasis on the need for a truly rational, integrated, sustainable and participatory water resources management, supported by legislation and by a network of institutions that could materialize it. In this sense, despite all the advances in the formulation of public policies in water resources, which ones have indeed lead to significant changes that have occurred or are underway in semiarid regions such as Seridó? What factors may be preventing the realization of the desires rationality embedded in the framers of water policies intents? How to properly manage water resources if the current actors who promote their management and the political, human, cultural and institutional processes that intervene in this management, show strong traces of unsustainability? The research methodology adopted in this paper led to a breakdown of the traditional approach to water resource management, to integrate it into other areas of knowledge, especially to political science and public administration, catalyzed by the concept of "sustainable development". From a broad, interdisciplinary literature review, an exhaustive characterization of the river basin Seridó, a set of interviews with key people in the public administration acting in the region, a series of diagnoses and a set of propositions were made in order to correct the direction of current public policies for the region. From the point of view of public policies, it is in the deployment phase, not in its formulation, which lies a major problem of the lack of significant progress in water management. The lack of coordination between government programs are well characterized, as well as the lack of efficiency and effectiveness of their actions. The causes of this secular model are also discussed, including political factors and social relations of production, which led to a stalemate difficult, but of possible solution. It can be perceived there is a scenario of progressive deterioration of natural resources of the fragile ecosystem and a network of environmental and social consequences difficult to reverse, the result of a persistent and inertial sociopolitical culture, whose main factors reinforce itself. The work leads towards a characterization of the water resources management also from the perspective of environmental, institutional, political and human sustainability , the latter being identified, particularly as investment in the development of people as autonomous beings - not based in ideological directives of any kind - in the emancipation of the traditional figure of the poor man of the hinterland" to the "catalyst for change" responsible for their own decisions or omissions, based upon an education for free-thinking that brings each one as co-responsible epicenter of (self-) sustainable changes in their midst
Urban centers in Pitimbu Watershed use significant groundwater sources for public supply. Therefore, studies in Dunas Barreiras aquifer are relevant to expand knowledge about it and help manage water resources in the region. An essential tool for this management is the numerical modeling of groundwater flow. In this work, we developed a groundwater flow model for Pitimbu Watershed, using the Visual Modflow, version 2.7.1., which uses finite difference method for solving the govern equation of the dynamics of groundwater flow. We carried out the numerical simulation of steady-state model for the entire region of the basin. The model was built in the geographical, geomorphological and hydrogeological study of the area, which defined the boundary conditions and the parameters required for the numerical calculation. Owing to unavailability of current data based on monitoring of the aquifer it was not possible to calibrate the model. However, the simulation results showed that the overall water balance approached zero, therefore satisfying the equation for the three-dimensional behavior of the head water in steady state. Variations in aquifer recharge data were made to verify the impact of this contribution on the water balance of the system, especially in the scenario in which recharge due to drains and sinks was removed. According to the results generated by Visual Modflow occurred significantly hydraulic head lowering, ranging from 16,4 to 82 feet of drawdown. With the results obtained, it can be said that modeling is performed as a valid tool for the management of water resources in Pitimbu River Basin, and to support new studies
The present study seeks to present a historico-epistemological analysis of the development of the mathematical concept of negative number. In order to do so, we analyzed the different forms and conditions of the construction of mathematical knowledge in different mathematical communities and, thus, identified the characteristics in the establishment of this concept. By understanding the historically constructed barriers, especially, the ones having ontologicas significant, that made the concept of negative number incompatible with that of natural number, thereby hindering the development of the concept of negative, we were able to sketch the reasons for the rejection of negative numbers by the English author Peter Barlow (1776 -1862) in his An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers, published in 1811. We also show the continuity of his difficulties with the treatment of negative numbers in the middle of the nineteenth century
O objetivo central é discutir a possibilidade de uma ética pertinente ao conjunto de ações atualmente realizadas sob o enfoque da Atenção Psicossocial no campo da Saúde Mental Coletiva. Utilizando o método do ensaio, partirei da análise de algumas proposições importantes sobre a ética na Saúde Mental, presentes na literatura recente, e da experiência de vários anos no campo da Atenção Psicossocial como trabalhador, como assessor clínico-institucional do Ministério da Saúde e como formador de psicoterapeutas. Duas vertentes de análise são consideradas: éticas disciplinares, chamadas éticas da psiquiatria, incluindo uma tentativa importante de complementá-las criticamente sob o enfoque da ética do cuidado, e éticas fundadas em concepções psicanalíticas do sujeito e seu sofrimento, que destacam as dimensões do sujeito como entre social e como entre subjetivo ou entre sentido. Com base nas diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde e na psicanálise do campo freudiano, procura-se fundamentar a ética da Clínica na Atenção Psicossocial como ética do cuidar-se - base necessária para a construção do protagonismo dos sujeitos do sofrimento na produção do sentido necessário à superação do sofrimento e demais impasses que motivaram a procura de ajuda, e para a possibilidade de seu reposicionamento no entre social e no entre sentido; componentes da saúde em sintonia com a subjetividade singularizada referenciada nos Ideais socioculturais e no devir desejante. Demonstra-se que essa ética exige dos trabalhadores do campo a superação dialética dos modos de produção de saúde e subjetividade em sintonia com o Modo Capitalista de Produção e seus derivados autoritários.
It is still common among contemporary educational proposals an overemphasis abstraction, to the formalism and symbolism of mathematical knowledge at the expense of the sociocultural aspects of Mathematics. Coming up by questioning some academic mathematical tenets and valuing knowledge developed in different sociocultural contexts within Mathematical Education, the Ethnomatematics is consolidating itself as a research field. Despite its contributions to the educational context, because its philosophical character and the paucity of debates about the subject, the implementation of educational proposals for basic education are scarce. Given this situation, this dissertation comes up with a view to develop an educational intervention in the light of Ethnomathematics in a class of 6th grade of an elementary school from a red ceramic industries workers community, located in a countryside from Russas-CE and from this intervention, to develop a set of pedagogical recommendations aiming basic education teachers. Adopting a perspective of qualitative research, particularly guided by action research, this study used observation, field diary, interviews and activities with students as tools for data collection. It was found that the use of field research as part of teaching and learning favored the placement of students as critical subjects of their own reality . Furthermore, the educational experience culminated in the development of a method of teaching based on a relationship between protocooperational Ethnomatematics and the Resolution of Problems. It is necessary to broaden the debate about the ways in which the Ethnomatematics can contribute to the school context, bringing proposals closer to the reality of basic education teachers in order to help the promotion of an education which values cultural diversity without taking away the students from the access of the academic knowledge