993 resultados para Avicultura de corte


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The objective of this study was toevaluatethe effect of the co-digestion of triturated sugarcane with beef cattlerfeddlotmanure in continuous digestorsin the amount and quality of biogas and biofertilizer. To do so, the work was divided in three steps. The first and the second part lasted30 days each and evaluated the effect of the additionof 7% of triturated sugarcane in agreement with the followingtreatments:treatment, the digestors were supplied with a mixture of 0,250 kg of manure and 1,750 kg of water ;treatment 2, the digestors were supplied with a mixture of 0,250 kg of manure, 1,610 kg of water, and 0,140 kg of triturated sugarcane. To The third period lasted 30 days and evaluated the effect of adding 3.5% of sugarcane crushed. The data analyses was performed with randomized designusing SAS®program with level of significance of 5%. The digesters with sugarcane produced in the first period respectively 0.79, 0.0127, and 0.102 m3of total production, of biogas production per kilogram of substrate, and of total production per kilogram of manure versus 0.5, 0.0081, and 0.065 m3from the control treatment, respectively..In the thirdperiod,each variable had a total production of 0.76, 0.123, and 0.98 m3and the control treatment yielded 0.51, 0.065, and 0.0082 m3.In the second period,the total production per kilogram of solidand of volatile solids added were higher in the digesters without sugarcane (0.0093 and 0.438 m3) when compared to the digesters that had additionof 7% of cane(0.271 and 0.336 m3).


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This work aimed to evaluate the pregnancy rate and follicular diameter using EB or GnRH on the insertion of progesterone implant (D0) in lactating beef cows. Two groups were tested in two experiments. In Exp. 1 were used 61 Nelore cows divided into two groups: G-BE (n = 32) and G-GnRH (n = 29), on D0 was inserted P4 implant (CIDR ) and applied 2 mL of BE (G-BE) or 2.5 mL GnRH (G-GnRH). In D9 was performed ultrasonography (U.S.) to measure the diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) present in the ovary and the implant was removed, with concomitant administration of 2.5 mL of PGF2a and estradiol cypionate (ECP ) followed by calves removal. After 48 hours all the cows were inseminated and the calves returned. In Exp. 2 50 cows were used following the same protocol described above, but the pregnancy was assessed without performing ovarian US. There was no difference (p>0.05) in pregnancy rate between treatments, BE (55%) or GnRH (41%), but the follicular diameter was significantly higher (p<0.05) in pregnant cows treated with EB (10.7 mm vs. 8.5 mm) and in cows treated with GnRH there was no difference (p>0.05) between pregnant and no pregnant cows (11.6 mm vs. 10.2 mm). We concluded the use of GnRH on D0 did not improve the pregnancy rate in lactating beef cows and follicular diameter was greater (p <0.05) in pregnant cows compared to non-pregnant only in G-BE.


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This work aimed to evaluate the influence of postpartum period (precocious - of 28 to 44 days and late - of 45 to 90 days) on the bovine pregnancy rate using fixed-time AI. For that, 678 cows were divided in two groups: precocious group (G-P, n=151) and late group (G-T, n=527). The animals received CIDR® + 2 mL of estradiol benzoate (BE) in the day zero (D0). After eight days (D8) the dispositive was removed and both groups received 2.5mL PGF2α, concurrent with PGF2α injection, they received either 1.5mL of eCG or temporary calf removal (RTB). In the next day (D9), the cows received 1 mL de BE and 24 hours later, the fixed-time AI was performed with Nelore bovine semen. The calves were returned to their mothers. The pregnancy rate was not different between the groups (p>0.05), G-P=40% and G-T=48%. The results indicate that females with less than 45 days of postpartum are able to hormone protocol of fixed-time IA.


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The objective of this work is to determine the membership functions for the construction of a fuzzy controller to evaluate the energy situation of the company with respect to load and power factors. The energy assessment of a company is performed by technicians and experts based on the indices of load and power factors, and analysis of the machines used in production processes. This assessment is conducted periodically to detect whether the procedures performed by employees in relation to how of use electricity energy are correct. With a fuzzy controller, this performed can be done by machines. The construction of a fuzzy controller is initially characterized by the definition of input and output variables, and their associated membership functions. We also need to define a method of inference and a processor output. Finally, you need the help of technicians and experts to build a rule base, consisting of answers that provide these professionals in function of characteristics of the input variables. The controller proposed in this paper has as input variables load and power factors, and output the company situation. Their membership functions representing fuzzy sets called by linguistic qualities, as “VERY BAD” and “GOOD”. With the method of inference Mandani and the processor to exit from the Center of Area chosen, the structure of a fuzzy controller is established, simply by the choice by technicians and experts of the field energy to determine a set of rules appropriate for the chosen company. Thus, the interpretation of load and power factors by software comes to meeting the need of creating a single index that indicates an overall basis (rational and efficient) as the energy is being used.


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This study aimed to technically and economically evaluate the Forwarder performance in the first cutting wood extraction from a Eucalyptus grandis plantation. Technical analysis included a movement and timing study by continuous method, and the productivity was determined using the extracted wood volume in cubic meters. Economical analysis included operational costs parameters and wood extraction cost. Results referred to the effective operational performance. Loading and unloading activities responded for more than ¾ of the total time of effective Forwarder operational cycle. Operational costs were influenced by maintenance and repair costs. The estimated cost of extraction was US$ 0.97 per cubic meter.


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Conforme relatório anual da Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento - Conab de (2012), a lavoura da cana-de-açúcar continua em expansão no Brasil e o Estado de São Paulo corresponde a 52% da produção nacional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a expansão canavieira nos EDRs de Botucatu, Jaú e Avaré frente ao “Protocolo Agroambiental” e os modelos de qualificação profissional ofertados. A metodologia utilizada constituiu-se em revisão bibliográfica. A hipótese é de que as políticas dirigidas ao setor “canavieiro” para requalificação dos cortadores não atendem de forma concreta as necessidades dos trabalhadores. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir ausência de políticas integradas para qualificar e recolocar esses trabalhadores, não assegurando, portanto, a recolocação daqueles que foram dispensados.


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The quality and efficiency in straw cutting are determinants in the sowing process, according to the occurrence of "tamp" and stops, the magnitude of the straw removal or even the known effects of the seed "envelopment" where the cutting mechanism can not cut the remaining straw. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of different mechanisms for straw cutting of a seeder individualized in different amounts of crop coverage artificially added in a clay soil. The experiment was conducted at Unesp – Sao Paulo State University in the Experimental Farm Lageado, belonging to the College of Agricultural Sciences - Unesp, Botucatu. The experimental design was split plot with four replications, with main plots consisting of five quantities of black oat straw, in area with no-tillage system and subplots of three opening furrows mechanisms, which are: plane disk (PD), corrugated disk (CD) and wavy disk (WD). The wavy disk provided greater rolling resistance, reducing the speed of the set (tractor and equipment). The plane cutting disk showed the highest values of mobilized soil area, deeper penetration into the soil, requiring lower values of vertical force and higher values of lateral force. Regarding the type of waste and doses used, they offered no resistance to cutting and there was no change in the horizontal force on straw.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV