996 resultados para Anesthesia manpower
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
To describe the results of the home enteral nutrition (HEN) registry of the NADYA-SENPE group in 2011 and 2012. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrieved the data of the patients recorded from January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2012. RESULTS: There were 3021 patients in the registry during the period from 29 hospitals, which gives 65.39 per million inhabitants. 97.95% were adults, 51.4% male. Mean age was 67.64 ± 19.1, median age was 72 years for adults and 7 months for children. Median duration with HEN was 351 days and for 97.5% was their first event with HEN. Most patients had HEN because of neurological disease (57.8%). Access route was nasogastric tube for 43.5% and gastrostomy for 33.5%. Most patients had limited activity level and, concerning autonomy, 54.8% needed total help. Nutritional formula was supplied from chemist's office to 73.8% of patients and disposables, when necessary, was supplied from hospitals to 53.8% of patients. HEN was finished for 1,031 patients (34.1%) during the period of study, 56.6% due to decease and 22.2% due to recovery of oral intake. CONCLUSIONS: Data from NADYA-SENPE registry must be explained cautiously because it is a non-compulsory registry. In spite of the change in the methodology of the registry in 2010, tendencies regarding HEN have been maintained, other than oral route
BACKGROUND Despite the progressive increase in life expectancy and the relationship between aging with multi-morbidities and the increased use of healthcare resources, current clinical practice guidelines (CPG) on cardiometabolic risk cannot be adequately applied to elderly subjects with multiple chronic conditions. Its management frequently becomes complicated by both, an excessive use of medications that may lead to overtreatment, drug interactions and increased toxicity, and errors in dosage and non-compliance. Concerned by this gap, the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine created a group of independent experts on cardiometabolic risk who discussed what they considered to be unanswered questions in the management of elderly patients. DISCUSSION Current guidelines do not specifically address the problem of elderly with multiple chronic conditions. For this reason, the combined use of the limited available evidence, clinical experience and common sense, could all help us to address this unmet need. In very old people, life expectancy and functionality are the most important factors for guiding potential treatments. Their higher propensity to develop serious adverse events and their shorter lifespan could prevent them from obtaining the potential benefits of the interventions administered. SUMMARY In this document, experts on cardiometabolic risk factors have established a number of consensual recommendations that have taken into account international guidelines and clinical experience, and have also considered the more effective use of healthcare resources. This document is intended to provide general recommendations for clinicians and to promote the effective use of procedures and medications.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
PURPOSE: Since 1982, the Radiation Oncology Group of the EORTC (EORTC ROG) has pursued an extensive Quality Assurance (QA) program involving all centres actively participating in its clinical research. The first step is the evaluation of the structure and of the human, technical and organisational resources of the centres, to assess their ability to comply with the current requirements for high-tech radiotherapy (RT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A facility questionnaire (FQ) was developed in 1989 and adapted over the years to match the evolution of RT techniques. We report on the contents of the current FQ that was completed online by 98 active EORTC ROG member institutions from 19 countries, between December 2005 and October 2007. RESULTS: Similar to the data collected previously, large variations in equipment, staffing and workload between centres remain. Currently only 15 centres still use a Cobalt unit. All centres perform 3D Conformal RT, 79% of them can perform IMRT and 54% are able to deliver stereotactic RT. An external reference dosimetry audit (ERDA) was performed in 88% of the centres for photons and in 73% for electrons, but it was recent (<2 years) in only 74% and 60%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The use of the FQ helps maintain the minimum quality requirements within the EORTC ROG network: recommendations are made on the basis of the analysis of its results. The present analysis shows that modern RT techniques are widely implemented in the clinic but also that ERDA should be performed more frequently. Repeated assessment using the FQ is warranted to document the future evolution of the EORTC ROG institutions.
AUTORES Informe Uruguay DPTO. DE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA Y SOCIAL UDELAR Prof. Dra. Marisa Buglioli Prof. Agda. Dra. Ima León Prof. Adj. Dra. Cecilia Severi Asist. Dr. Miguel Alegretti Asist. Dr. Mario Romero Doc. Colaboradora: Dra. Lucia Alonso Informe Argentina UNIVERSIDAD ISALUD Prof. Martín Langsam Informe Paraguay Prof. Natalia Meza Prof. María Noce Prof. Julia Pineda Informe Brasil UNIVERSIDADE SÃO PAULO FACULTADE SAÚDE PUBLICA CEPEDOC Prof. Daniele Sacardo Nigro Prof. Juan Carlos Aneiros Fernandez Introducción a la Salud Internacional Prof. Martin Langsam Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública COORDINACIÓN Prof. Luis Andrés López Fernández Prof. Juan Ignacio Martínez Millán ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA Y LOGÍSTICA Elisabeth María Ilidio Paulo
The purpose of this study is to retrospectively evaluate 18 consecutive cases of peritalar dislocations referred to our department during a period of 25 years and to delineate the factors influencing long-term prognosis. There were 13 (73%) medial and 5 (27%) lateral dislocations. Six patients (33%) suffered an open injury, including 2 of 13 (15%) medial and 4 of 5 (80%) lateral dislocations. Associated fractures involving the hindfoot or forefoot were noted in 7 feet, including 3 of 5 lateral dislocation cases. Reduction was accomplished under general anesthesia; in no case was open reduction necessary. In 4 of 6 open injuries with associated fractures, temporary fixation with Kirschner wires was performed. Patients were immobilized in a plaster cast for 4 weeks, or for 6 weeks in the presence of fracture, followed by weightbearing as tolerated. At a mean follow-up of 10.2 years (range, 4 to 26 years), 10 patients (56%) showed excellent results; all had sustained a closed medial low-energy dislocation. There were 3 cases (17%) with fair results and 5 cases (28%) with poor results. Forty-five percent of patients showed a restriction of activity, a reduction of subtalar range of motion, and moderate or severe radiographic signs of hindfoot degenerative arthritis. There were no cases of talar avascular necrosis, and in no case was secondary surgery necessary. Lateral dislocation and open medial dislocations with concomitant fractures showed a greater potential for poor prognosis. The results were independent from period of cast immobilization, suggesting that 4 to 6 weeks of immobilization provides acceptable long-term results.
BACKGROUND The high prevalence of women that do not reach the recommended level of physical activity is worrisome. A sedentary lifestyle has negative consequences on health status and increases health care costs. The main objective of this project is to assess the cost-effectiveness of a primary care-based exercise intervention in perimenopausal women. METHODS/DESIGN The present study is a Randomized Controlled Trial. A total of 150 eligible women will be recruited and randomly assigned to either a 16-week exercise intervention (3 sessions/week), or to usual care (control) group. The primary outcome measure is the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. The secondary outcome measures are: i) socio-demographic and clinical information; ii) body composition; iii) dietary patterns; iv) glycaemic and lipid profile; v) physical fitness; vi) physical activity and sedentary behaviour; vii) sleep quality; viii) quality of life, mental health and positive health; ix) menopause symptoms. All outcomes will be assessed at baseline and post intervention. The data will be analysed on an intention-to-treat basis and per protocol. In addition, we will conduct a cost effectiveness analysis from a health system perspective. DISCUSSION The intervention designed is feasible and if it proves to be clinically and cost effective, it can be easily transferred to other similar contexts. Consequently, the findings of this project might help the Health Systems to identify strategies for primary prevention and health promotion as well as to reduce health care requirements and costs. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02358109 . Date of registration: 05/02/2015.
Publicado en la página Web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Vida sana / Promoción de la Salud en el Lugar de Trabajo / Entornos)
BACKGROUND Health sector reforms taking place in Colombia during the Nineties included policies to promote social participation in the health system, which is considered essential to its functioning. The aim of this article is to analyse the meaning and the significance of participation in health for the different social actors involved in implementing policies in Colombia. METHODS A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study was carried out using focal groups (FG) and semi-structured individual interviews (I) of the different social actors: 210 users (FG), 40 community leaders (FG), 3 policy makers (E) and 36 healthcare professionals (E). A carried out analysis was content up of the contents. The study area corresponded to the municipalities of Tulua and Palmira in Colombia. RESULTS The concept of participation was interpreted differently depending on the actor studied: for users and leaders the concept referred to contributing ideas, presence in social spaces, solidarity and frequently, and use of the health services. Healthcare professionals considered the activities carried out by institutions together with the community as social participation, the use of services and affiliation to the health system. Policy markers considered participation to concern evaluation and control of the health services by the community, to improve its quality. CONCLUSIONS The different concepts of participation reveal dif ferences between the content of the policy and how it is understood and interpreted by the different social actors in their interaction with the health services. These different perspectives must be taken into account to develop a link between society and the health services.
The objective of this study is to review the health promotion interventions on spanish youths published in Spanish in the 1995-2000 period and to describe them in accordance with the scope within which they have been carried out, the topics addressed, the methodology, the evaluation design used and the results obtained. Two hundred and fourteen intervention were identified. Illegal drugs were the topic on which the largest number of interventions were focused (29.8%), followed by alcohol (15.9%), the risk-related sexual behaviours (14.6%) and leisure time (12.6%). The activities carried out most often were: participation-based educational methods (30.7%), explanatory education methods (11.5%) and the preparation of educational materials (11%). In 80.8% of the cases, some evaluation of the health promotion activities was found. The type of evaluation employed most often was the process evaluation (73.7%), and the medium-long term results evaluation being those employed the least (2.2%). The evaluation methodologies used most often were questionnaires (28.2%). A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was employed in 13.2% of the cases. The four interventions in which the medium-long term impact was gauged had the purpose of preventing and reducing cigarette smoking and/or drinking and or marijuana smoking, all of these initiatives achieving a reduction in cigarette smoking. In conclusion, it seems necessary to improve the design of the evaluations of the health promotion initiatives addressed to young people in Spain and to increase the dissemination of the same by way of their publication.