993 resultados para André
This paper was selected by the editors of the Journal of Chemical Physics as one of the few of the many notable JCP articles published in 2009 that present ground-breaking research
Most studies on the environmental performance of buildings focus on energy demand and associated greenhouse gas emissions. They often neglect to consider the range of other resource demands and environmental impacts associated with buildings, including water. Studies that assess water use in buildings typically consider only operational water, which excludes the embodied water in building materials or the water associated with the mobility of building occupants. A new framework is presented that quantifies water requirements at the building scale (i.e. the embodied and operational water of the building as well as its maintenance and refurbishment) and at the city scale (i.e. the embodied water of nearby infrastructures such as roads, gas distribution and others) and the transport-related indirect water use of building occupants. A case study house located in Melbourne, Australia, is analysed using the new framework. The results show that each of the embodied, operational and transport requirements is nearly equally important. By integrating these three water requirements, the developed framework provides architects, building designers, planners and decision-makers with a powerful means to understand and effectively reduce the overall water use and associated environmental impacts of residential buildings.
The photophysical properties of Ru(II) and Re(I) polypyridyl complexes including a bis-bipyridyl pyrene ligand are presented. The complexes ([(bpy)(2)Ru](2)bpb)(4+) and [(CO)(3)ReCl(bpb)] (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine, bpb = 1,6-bis-(4-(2,2'-bipyrid-yl)-pyrene) were designed with the intent of examining intramolecular energy migration between MLCT states localized on the metal complexes and pyrene-localized (3)(pi-pi) states. Absorption spectroscopy of both complexes containing the bpb ligand reveals that in addition to the MLCT and the pyrene-centered (1)(pi-pi) transitions, a new absorption band is observed near 400 nm for both complexes. Absorption spectral data for the Re(I) complex strongly suggest the presence of a pyrene(pi) to bpy(pi) intraligand charge transfer (ILCT) transition. Emission spectra at room temperature and at 77 K are almost identical for the Ru(II) and Re(I) complexes containing the bpb ligand. The (3)MLCT emission of related bipyridyl compounds lacking the pyrene is observed at higher energy than for the pyrene-containing complexes, ([(bpy)(2)Ru](2)bpb)(4+) and [(CO(3)ReCl(bpb)]. The Ru(II) complex emits at room temperature with a remarkably long lifetime (130 micros in degassed DMSO). This emission is also strongly sensitive to oxygen and is almost entirely quenched in an aerated solution. In addition, excited-state absorption spectra exhibit features not consistent with (3)MLCT or (3)(pi-pi) states of the parent chromophores. The combined characteristics suggest the emission arises from either (3)(pi-pi) or (3)ILCT states or a state with mixed parentage.
This paper describes the status of the 2008 edition of the HITRAN molecular spectroscopic database. The new edition is the first official public release since the 2004 edition, although a number of crucial updates had been made available online since 2004. The HITRAN compilation consists of several components that serve as input for radiative-transfer calculation codes: individual line parameters for the microwave through visible spectra of molecules in the gas phase; absorption cross-sections for molecules having dense spectral features, i.e. spectra in which the individual lines are not resolved; individual line parameters and absorption cross-sections for bands in the ultraviolet; refractive indices of aerosols, tables and files of general properties associated with the database; and database management software. The line-by-line portion of the database contains spectroscopic parameters for 42 molecules including many of their isotopologues. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper describes the status circa 2001, of the HITRAN compilation that comprises the public edition available through 2001. The HITRAN compilation consists of several components useful for radiative transfer calculation codes: high-resolution spectroscopic parameters of molecules in the gas phase, absorption cross-sections for molecules with very dense spectral features, aerosol refractive indices, ultraviolet line-by-line parameters and absorption cross-sections, and associated database management software. The line-by-line portion of the database contains spectroscopic parameters for 38 molecules and their isotopologues and isotopomers suitable for calculating atmospheric transmission and radiance properties. Many more molecular species are presented in the infrared cross-section data than in the previous edition, especially the chlorofluorocarbons and their replacement gases. There is now sufficient representation so that quasi-quantitative simulations can be obtained with the standard radiance codes. In addition to the description and justification of new or modified data that have been incorporated since the last edition of HITRAN (1996), future modifications are indicated for cases considered to have a significant impact on remote-sensing experiments. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Am 29./30.05.2012 fand in Hamburg die Konferenz “Junges Forum Hochschul- und Mediendidaktik” (JFHM) statt. Ausgerichtet vom Zentrum für Hochschul- und Weiterbildung (ZHW) der Universität Hamburg, kooperierten bei der Konzeption und Durchführung der Tagung Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus hochschul- und mediendidaktischer Berufspraxis mit Vertreterinnen der wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchsförderung aus der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (DGHD) und der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW). Das Ziel der Tagung war die Sichtbarmachung und Vernetzung theoretischer und praktischer hochschul- und mediendidaktischer Arbeit. Der vorliegende Sammelband vereint Beiträge der Konferenz und gibt so einen Einblick in aktuelle Themen von Hochschul- und Mediendidaktik - und zwar speziell aus der Perspektive jüngerer Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie Praktikerinnen und Praktiker. Er gibt damit auch Anhaltspunkte dafür, welche Themen diese Arbeitsbereiche in Zukunft (weiter) beschäftigen werden. (DIPF/Autor)
En Suiza existen tres niveles educativos: uno o dos cursos de clases preescolares. Cinco o seis cursos de escuela primaria. Cuatro o tres años de escuela secundaria inferior (fin de la escolaridad obligatoria). (En todos los casos, numerados del 1 al 9).
Variation of phytoplankton assemblages along the Mozambique coast as revealed by HPLC and microscopy
This study is an integrated overview of pigment and microscopic analysis of phytoplankton communities throughout the Mozambican coast. Collected samples revealed notable patterns of phytoplankton occurrence and distribution, with community structure changing between regions and sample depth. Pigment data showed Delagoa Bight, Sofala Bank and Angoche as the most productive regions throughout the sampled area. In general, micro-sized phytoplankton, particularly diatoms, were important contributors to biomass both at surface and sub-surface maximum (SSM) samples, although were almost absent in the northern stations. In contrast, nano- and pico-sized phytoplankton revealed opposing patterns. Picophytoplankton were most abundant at surface, as opposed to nanophytoplankton, which were more abundant at the SSM. Microphytoplankton were associated with cooler southern water masses, while picophytoplankton were related to warmer northern water masses. Nanophytoplankton were found to increase their contribution to biomass with increasing SSM. Microscopy information on the genera and species level revealed the diatoms Chaetoceros spp., Proboscia alata, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Cylindrotheca closterium and Hemiaulus haukii as the most abundant taxa of the micro-sized phytoplankton. Discosphaera tubifera and Emiliania huxleyi were the most abundant coccolithophores, nano-sized phytoplankton.
Los agrietamientos poligonales representan una forma común de modelado granítico cuyo origen y evolución continúa en fase de estudio, no existiendo una sistematización de estas estructuras diversas. Algunos autores explican su origen por procesos geodinámicos internos, relacionándolo con movimientos de planos de fractura en estados tardíos de consolidación magmática. Otros autores atribuyen su formación y desarrollo a factores externos relacionados con el régimen climático. La gran variedad de agrietamientos poligonales requiere la utilización de un número mayor de variables para definir los distintos orígenes, y las posibles interrelaciones entre los factores externos e internos, así como para explicar la evolución de dichas estructuras y avanzar en la clasificación de los patrones concretos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a sistematizar los mecanismos que intervienen en el desarrollo de agrietamientos poligonales. Para ello se estudian únicamente agrietamientos poligonales formados sobre planos de fractura verticales o subverticales. En particular se establecen relaciones entre la presencia de agrietamientos poligonales y la red de fracturación, la altura de aparición, la orientación e inclinación de la pared, la morfología de las placas y la profundidad de incisión de las grietas perimetrales. Por otra parte, establece relaciones entre procesos geodinámicos internos y procesos de meteorización externos.
La vida y obra de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman (1939) han sido fuertemente influenciadas por el exilio sufrido por sus padres. Por azares del destino, la escritora nació en Hyères, Francia y enseguida la familia se instaló en París en espera del término de la guerra de España. Después de la trágica muerte del hermano mayor y una vez Franco en el poder, se embarcan rumbo a Cuba, donde pasan tres años paradisíacos alejados de España, de la guerra y del resto del mundo. Finalmente en 1942, se trasladan a México donde se establecen de forma definitiva. El libro Las confidentes (1997) contiene quince historias que van desarrollando algunos de estos puntos decisivos en la personalidad de la “hispanomexicana”. En ocasiones los elementos autobiográficos sobrepasan la personalidad de los protagonistas y en otras el exilio es el motor de la narración.
El presente trabajo intenta mostrar de qué manera Plotino refuta la noción aristotélica del tiempo como «número» o «medida del movimiento», cuáles son las aporías que plantea, cómo las compulsa con sus propios argumentos y qué soluciones propone con respecto a esa misma confrontación. Todo esto será encauzado a partir de un estudio descriptivo y analítico, acompañado de una lectura a la vez hermenéutica y crítica de los textos seleccionados para esta ocasión.