998 resultados para ANOMALIAS TERMICA


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Trabalho final de Mestrado conducente ao grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Malformacion congénita, es todo defecto estructural primario que resulta de un fallo o error localizado en la morfogénesis. La incidencia en los recién nacidos vivos, es no menor al 5 por ciento, con aumento considerable en todos los países. Condicionan alteraciones orgánicas y funcionales, complicadas, secuelas que implican un alto costo social. Nuestra investigacion utiliza el metodo clínico descriptivo, para la determinación de la frecuencia de las malformaciones congénitas en los Recién Nacidos Vivos en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de Enero a Junio de 1999, Pero también sistematiza conceptos teórico-prácticos y elabora para el médico general y pediatra una propuesta metodológica reflejada en algoritmos para el Diagnóstico de las malformaciones congénitas, tomando como instrumentos la historia clínica, el exámen físico y los exámenes complementarios. Se examinaron 2.346 recién nacidos vivos y se determinó que el 4.9 por ciento de ellos presentó dentro de las primeras 48 horas de vida algún tipo de malformación congénita; 3 por ciento con patrón único y 1.9 por ciento con patrón múltiple. Se observa 6.6 por ciento malformaciones menores y 3.7 por ciento mayores. El diagnóstico etiológico de los pacientes con patrón múltiple fué para síndromes comosómicos, 9.4 por ciento; síndromes mendelianos, 13.9 por ciento; síndromes multifactoriales 53.4 por ciento. No se llego al diagnóstico etiológico en el 23.2 por ciento.


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Se realizó un estudio clínico descriptivo en 80 pacientes en labor de parto, en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de la ciudad de Cuenca en 1995, con el objeto de evaluar ecográficamente, durante la labor de parto, la estática, antropometría, el grado de bienestar fetal y determinar el perfil neuroconductal. Se establecieron 2 grupos; un grupo control conformado por 40 pacientes en labor de parto en las que se realizó el control clínico y un grupo de pacintes [grupo de estudio] en las que además de la valoración se realizó el control ecográfico, considerando principalmente como parámetros de control agudos de movimientos respiratorios, movimientos oculares, movimientos corporales y bucales, el tono fetal y la estimulación vibroacústica tipo 1 [reflejo de sobresalto]. Se encontró que el perfil neuroconductual planteado en el trabajo tiene una sensibilidad del 100 por ciento, con una especificidad del 82.6 por ciento, un valor predictivo de la prueba negativa del 100 por ciento. La exactitud es de 90 por ciento y el índice de Kappa de 0.75 por ciento. La prueba de Fisher, al comparar cada uno de los parámetros con la valoración del Apgar es significativa con una probabilidad de p menos 0.01. La escala de puntuación utilizada incluyó; 10, feto sano; 8, sospecha de hipoxia fetal; 6, hipoxia fetal leve; 4 hipoxia fetal moderada; y 0-2, hipoxia fetal grave. Se observó correlación entre puntaje del perfil neuroconductual y el exámen clínico del recién nacido. Durante la labor de parto el diámetro biparietal para la estimación del peso fetal no tiene utilidad clínica. Se acompaña una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva, se exponen las conclusiones y se realizan las recomendaciones pertinentes


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Background: In Portugal folic acid supplementation is recommended to start at least 2-3 months before conception for primary prevention of Neural Tube Defects. The aim of this study was to evaluate, within gestations with at least one congenital anomaly, possible association between maternal socio-demographic factors and the use of folic acid. Methods: Using data from the Portuguese national registry of congenital anomalies, for the 2004-2013 period, the association between folic acid use during pregnancy and maternal characteristics was studied using the chi-square test. Results: Considering all reported cases with congenital anomaly, the use of folic acid before conception was reported by 12.7% (n = 1233) of the women; 47.8% (n = 4623) started supplementation during the 1st trimester, 7% (n = 680) did not take folic acid and 32.5% (3143) of the records had no information on folic acid use. Women with professions that require higher academic differentiation started the use of supplements before pregnancy (p <0.001); women under 19 years old and with Arab ethnicity (p <0.001) did not take folic acid. Mothers with a previous pregnancy reported less use of folic acid (11.5% versus 14.7%) than mothers without a previous pregnancy (p <0.001). Conclusions: The results suggest some degree of association between maternal characteristics and use of folic acid. To increase the consumption of folic acid before pregnancy new measures are need to promote this primary prevention, among couples and health professionals. This study highlights some maternal characteristics and subgroups of mothers for who the measures should be reinforced.


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Background: Maternal occupation as a proxy of environmental exposure has been consistently associated with specific congenital anomalies (CA) in the foetus and newborn. On the other hand, geographical location of the mother such as place of residence and place of work have not been used as proxy for environmental exposures during pregnancy. We designed a pilot study aiming to investigate the association between maternal place of residence and workplace during pregnancy and CA in Portugal. Methods: Cases and controls are identified in the maternity unit. Cases are all live births with at least one CA delivered in the Barreiro hospital located in a heavy industrial area near Lisboa. Controls are the two normal births following each case. Residents outside the study area, stillbirths and women who decline to participate or are incapable of giving consent are excluded. A health professional interviews the mothers using a questionnaire adapted from the registry form of the Portuguese national registry of CA and includes information on places during pregnancy (residence, workplace, leisure), and demographic characterization as place of birth, infant sex, weight, description of CA, age of mother, ethnicity, maternal birth place. Maternal health and obstetric history, education, smoking, alcohol, drugs and medication use is also collected as potential confounders. Results: The pilot study started in January 2016 and at the moment two cases and four controls have been recruited without refusals. The study will continue to be implemented and it is proposed to start in other hospital units during 2016.


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In Portugal, prenatal care guidelines advocate two prenatal ultrasound scans for all pregnant women. Not following this recommendation is considered inadequate prenatal surveillance. The National Registry of Congenital Anomalies (RENAC in Portuguese) is an active population-based registry and an important instrument for the epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies (CA) in Portugal. Regarding pregnancies with CA, this study aims to describe the epidemiology of absent prenatal ultrasound scans and factors associated with this inadequate surveillance.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira,


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Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) is used as an artificial lift technique. However, pumping viscous oil is generally associated with low Reynolds number flows. This condition leads to a performance degradation respect to the performance expected from the regular operation with water that most of the centrifugal pumps are originally designed for. These issues are considered in this investigation through a numerical study of the flow in two different multistage, semi-axial type ESPs. This investigation is carried out numerically using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package, where the transient RANS equations are solved numerically. The turbulence is modeled using the SST model. Head curves for several operating conditions are compared with manufacturer’s curves and experimental data for a three-stage ESP, showing good agreement for a wide range of fluid viscosities and rotational speeds. Dimensionless numbers (n, n, n e Re) are used to investigate performance degradation of the ESPs. In addition, flow phenomena through the impellers of the ESPs are investigated using flow field from numerical results. Results show that performance degradation is directly related to rotational Reynolds number, Re. In addition, it was verified that performance degradation occurs for constant normalized specific speedn, which shows that performance degradation occurs similarly for different centrifugal pumps. Moreover, experimental data and numerical results agreed with a correlation from literature between head and flow correction factors proposed by Stepanoff (1967). A definition of modified Reynolds number was proposed and relates the head correction factor to viscosity. A correlation between head correction factor and the modified Reynolds number was proposed, which agreed well with numerical and experimental data. Then, a method to predict performance degradation based on the previous correlations was proposed. This method was compared with others from literature. In general, results and conclusions from this work can also be useful to bring more information about the flow of highly viscous fluids in pumps, especially in semi-axial, multistage ESPs.


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O convento de S. Francisco, em Montemor-o-Novo, que durante cerca de quatro séculos esteve implantado fora do contexto urbano local, está, na actualidade, envolvido pela malha habitacional e por equipamentos colectivos. O estado de parcial abandono e de degradação acelerada em que se encontra o conjunto, obriga a que, por todas as formas, haja empenho da comunidade social na sua urgente recuperação e valorização cultural. É efectuada uma leitura do conjunto edificado remanescente, uma análise dos materiais aplicados e das técnicas construtivas utilizadas, a que se segue um diagnóstico do estado patológico, identificando-se as anomalias mais relevantes, de natureza estrutural e não estrutural. Apresentam-se propostas para a reparação e eliminação dos factores de alteração. Finalmente, sugerem-se algumas possibilidades para a valorização futura do conjunto, enquanto peça importante do nosso património colectivo. ABSTRACT; The St. Francisco convent in Montemor-o-Novo which during about four centuries was outside the urban context, is nowadays completely involved by the urban agglomerate and collective facilities. The situation of partial abandonment and the accelerated degradation where the joint is, requires to, by all the ways have interest by the social community in its urgent recovery and in its cultural valorization. Is done a reading of the built joint, an analyse of the employed materials and the techniques of construction used, which is followed by a diagnostic of the pathological condition, identifying the most outstanding anomalies, of structural and not structural character, presenting suggestions to its reparation and reduce of the transformation agents. Finally, are enumerate some possibilities to the future benefit of the joint, while important piece of our collective heritage.


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Introdução: A tosse constitui um dos principais motivos de consulta médica e, apesar de na maioria dos casos ser de etiologia vírica ou alérgica, por vezes surgem diagnósticos inesperados. Caso Clínico: Criança do sexo feminino, 19 meses, sem antecedentes relevantes. Recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência por tosse produtiva há 3 semanas e rinorreia serosa, sem febre. Noção materna de dificuldade respiratória e recusa alimentar parcial. À admissão, polipneica, com tiragem subcostal e gemido expiratório. Auscultatoriamente, murmúrio vesicular globalmente diminuído, tempo expiratório aumentado e sibilos dispersos. Analiticamente sem alterações. A radiografia torácica evidenciou volumosa imagem quística no hemitórax direito. A TC to- rácica documentou estômago intratorácico. Foi submetida a laparoscopia que constatou hérnia do hiato paraesofágica. Após Fundoplicatura de Nissen ficou assintomática. Discussão: A hérnia do hiato é rara em idade Pediátrica, tendo sido um achado inesperado no caso clínico descrito. Consideramos assim que, apesar da sua raridade, as anomalias anatómicas devem ser consideradas no diagnóstico diferencial da tosse persistente.


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Aims: To compare reading performance in children with and without visual function anomalies and identify the influence of abnormal visual function and other variables in reading ability. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried in 110 children of school age (6-11 years) with Abnormal Visual Function (AVF) and 562 children with Normal Visual Function (NVF). An orthoptic assessment (visual acuity, ocular alignment, near point of convergence and accommodation, stereopsis and vergences) and autorefraction was carried out. Oral reading was analyzed (list of 34 words). Number of errors, accuracy (percentage of success) and reading speed (words per minute - wpm) were used as reading indicators. Sociodemographic information from parents (n=670) and teachers (n=34) was obtained. Results: Children with AVF had a higher number of errors (AVF=3.00 errors; NVF=1.00 errors; p<0.001), a lower accuracy (AVF=91.18%; NVF=97.06%; p<0.001) and reading speed (AVF=24.71 wpm; NVF=27.39 wpm; p=0.007). Reading speed in the 3rd school grade was not statistically different between the two groups (AVF=31.41 wpm; NVF=32.54 wpm; p=0.113). Children with uncorrected hyperopia (p=0.003) and astigmatism (p=0.019) had worst reading performance. Children in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grades presented a lower risk of having reading impairment when compared with the 1st grade. Conclusion: Children with AVF had reading impairment in the first school grade. It seems that reading abilities have a wide variation and this disparity lessens in older children. The slow reading characteristics of the children with AVF are similar to dyslexic children, which suggest the need for an eye evaluation before classifying the children as dyslexic.


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Pós Graduação em Educação Especial - Domínio Cognitivo Motor


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O presente trabalho tem como base a reabilitação e reforço de edifícios tradicionais, mais concretamente as técnicas aplicadas nesta área. A abordagem deste tema surge essencialmente devido ao panorama atual, com a existência de um grande número de edifícios tradicionais, que devem ser conservados de forma a preservar o património arquitetónico português. Desta forma pretende-se conhecer os tipos de edifícios tradicionais existentes em Portugal e no estrangeiro, as anomalias principais e suas típicas causas e por fim as técnicas de reabilitação e reforço a aplicar, de maneira a serem feitas comparações entre países. Para além disto pretende-se apresentar uma visão geral sobre os custos de reabilitação e reforço de edifícios tradicionais. No fim, apresentam-se algumas conclusões sobre o assunto e propostas de trabalhos futuros, de modo a se facilitarem os conhecimentos e investimentos nesta área.


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Os trabalhos publicados sobre estudos relacionados com a obtenção de propriedades da Litosfera na Península Ibérica, indicam uma anomalia na espessura da litosfera no SW da Península referida. Para estes estudos são utilizados valores de altitude , elevação do geóide, anomalias gravíticas e estrutura térmica da região. O trabalho que pretendemos apresentar, consiste em fazer o estudo referido, tendo em conta as características específicas da região em estudo. Serão consideradas as variações de alguns parâmetros na região, como , por exemplo, o fluxo de calor e a profundidade da Moho, tendo em vista a obtenção de informação sobre a estrutura térmica da região e implicações nos resultados dos modelos, nomeadamente na espessura da Litosfera.


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The Behavioral Finance develop as it is perceived anomalies in these markets efficient. This fields of study can be grouped into three major groups: heuristic bias, tying the shape and inefficient markets. The present study focuses on issues concerning the heuristics of representativeness and anchoring. This study aimed to identify the then under-reaction and over-reaction, as well as the existence of symmetry in the active first and second line of the Brazilian stock market. For this, it will be use the Fuzzy Logic and the indicators that classify groups studied from the Discriminant Analysis. The highest present, indicator in the period studied, was the Liabilities / Equity, demonstrating the importance of the moment to discriminate the assets to be considered "winners" and "losers." Note that in the MLCX biases over-reaction is concentrated in the period of financial crisis, and in the remaining periods of statistically significant biases, are obtained by sub-reactions. The latter would be in times of moderate levels of uncertainty. In the Small Caps the behavioral responses in 2005 and 2007 occur in reverse to those observed in the Mid-Large Cap. Now in times of crisis would have a marked conservatism while near the end of trading on the Bovespa speaker, accompanied by an increase of negotiations, there is an overreaction by investors. The other heuristics in SMLL occurred at the end of the period studied, this being a under-reaction and the other a over-reaction and the second occurring in a period of financial-economic more positive than the first. As regards the under / over-reactivity in both types, there is detected a predominance of either, which probably be different in the context in MLCX without crisis. For the period in which such phenomena occur in a statistically significant to note that, in most cases, such phenomena occur during the periods for MLCX while in SMLL not only biases are less present as there is no concentration of these at any time . Given the above, it is believed that while detecting the presence of bias behavior at certain times, these do not tend to appear to a specific type or heuristics and while there were some indications of a seasonal pattern in Mid- Large Caps, the same behavior does not seem to be repeated in Small Caps. The tests would then suggest that momentary failures in the Efficient Market Hypothesis when tested in semistrong form as stated by Behavioral Finance. This result confirms the theory by stating that not only rationality, but also human irrationality, is limited because it would act rationally in many circumstances