982 resultados para 2006-06-BS


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Drug-associated cue-induced relapse to drug seeking causes most difficulties of therapy for drug addiction. Addicts are exposed to two forms of environmental stimuli during drug-taking: contextual stimuli (e.g. a house in which the drug is consumed) and discrete stimuli (DS, e.g. a crack pipe or a syringe for drug). These stimuli become contextual cues and discrete cues, respectively. The incentive value of contextual cues plays a great role in opiates relapse. Compared with drug self-administration model, conditioned place preference (CPP) reflects the approach behavior for drug cues, not concerned with acquisition of operant behaviors. The present study aimed to investigate the role of basolateral amygdala (BLA) and hippocampus in the effect of opiates-related contextual cues using CPP model. Establishing DS-dependent or contextual cues-dependent CPP, the effect of BLA or hippocampus inactivation prior to training phase on acquisition of contextual cues-opiates association was evaluated. Inactivation prior to test phase was used to evaluate roles of BLA and hippocampus in expression of contextual cues-dependent morphine CPP. The main results were as follows: Inactivation of BLA or dorsal hippocampus selectively impaired acquisition of contextual cue-dependent CPP, but inactivation of ventral hippocampus had no impact on acquisition of either DS-dependent or contextual cue-dependent morphine CPP. Inactivation of BLA selectively inhibited expression of contextual cue-depended CPP. Inactivation of ventral hippocampus inhibited expression of both DS-dependent and contextual cue-dependent morphine CPP. These results suggest that BLA and dorsal hippocampus contribute to contextual cue association with opiates but not DS-opiates association. BLA and ventral hippocampus play important roles in incentive value of contextual cues. The present study provides more information for the neurological substrates underlying contextual cues associated with opiates.


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In this article, we begin from the research about how money influences the behavior of people, and try to discuss how money influences people's moral judgment on the five degrees of morality (harm/care, fairness/reciprocal, loyalty/in-group, authority/respect, purity/sanctity). Meanwhile, we try to discuss whether the money priming is based on the mechanism of competition priming. Besides that, we want to find out whether moral identification and positive vocabulary could rescue the change of moral judgment after money priming. The money priming in this research is based on picture priming and syntax priming; the competition priming and moral identification priming are based on imagination priming. We chose the undergraduate, graduate student and adult as sample, combined the scale investigation with computer based experiment. This research contains five standard case experiments, which form three. Based on all the research above, we have some conclusions: 1. Money priming has impacts on moral judgment, which are not consistent on different degree of morality. But the total effect of money priming is that it changes moral judgment to a worse state. 2. Money priming is not complete competition priming, but social value orientation (including competition orientation) could mediate the influence of money priming on moral judgment. Generally, people with personal orientation or competition orientation could be influenced more easily by money priming. 3. After money priming, the moral judgment could be influence by moral identification and positive vocabulary. In all, both the moral judgment and positive vocabulary could make the moral judgment to a better state. But the function of them may be different, moral identification is more related to moral cognition and positive vocabulary is more related to moral emotional regulation. This research is based on priming method, and supports the money influence on psychology, the concept of morality and moral identification with experimental evidence. Also this research discusses the measurement of morality.


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This project was carried out with the aims to investigate the mechanism of circadian immune regulation by one of the core Clock gene, mPer2. To achieve this, we selected mPer2 knock out (mPer2-/-) mice as the optimal animal model. Two different approaches were performed. In the first approach, we injected WT or mPer2-/- mice with an equal dosage of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and systematically measured serum corticosterone induction, expression of core Clock genes, as well as a key enzyme for corticosterone metabolism (mStAR) in adrenal gland. We found that the acute induction of corticosterone and mStAR were closely associated with the circadian immune response to LPS. Besides, real time quantitative PCR (q-PCR) and luciferase assay consistently showed that mStAR is a Clock controlled gene in adrenal gland, where its expression is negatively influenced by mPer2. In the second approach, expression level and circadian manner of 11 cytotoxicity regulation genes in WT or mPer2-/- mice bone marrow were measured by q-PCR in order to explore the candidate genes which could mediate the circadian immune regulation by mPer2. We found that expression level of Ly49C, Ly49I, and Nkg2d was significant down-regulated in mPer2-/- mice. Further, we found that daily expression of Ly49C and Nkg2d fluctuated in a circadian manner in WT mice, where these rhythms were disrupted in mPer2-/- mice. Thus, it was suggested that these two cytotoxic genes were two clock controlled genes whose circadian expression were regulated by mPer2. Taken together, our results suggested that corticosterone, mStAR, Ly49C, and Nkg2d were four candidate molecules that may mediate the circadian immune response regulation by mPer2.


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.