998 resultados para 181-1121


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Introduction Aedes aegypti is responsible for the transmission of the dengue and yellow fever viruses. This study evaluated the effects of extracts from Cnidosculos phyllacanthus, Ricinus communis, and Coutarea hexandra on the developmental periods of A.aegypti larvae and pupae. Crude extracts of C. phyllacanthus and C. hexandra and oil from R. communis and C. phyllacanthus were used. Methods Bioassays of the larvicidal and pupicidal effects of these products at different concentrations and times of exposure were evaluated. The lethal and sublethal effects were determined using different concentrations in larvicidal tests. Mortality data were evaluated by Probit analysis to determine the LC50 and LC90 values. Results The vegetable oils from C. phyllacanthus and R. communis demonstrated greater efficiency for larval control with an LC50=0.28µl/mL and an LC90=1.48µl/mL and LC50=0.029µl/mL and a LC90=0.26µl/mL, respectively. In pupal tests toxic effects for all insects were verified after exposure to the products at significant LC50 and LC90 values for 24 and 48h. The effects of sublethal concentrations of C. phyllacanthus (oil) were more effective on the insects. Conclusions The vegetables oils from C. phyllacanthus and R. communis demonstrated greater potential from the control of different developmental periods in the life cycle of this insect.


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Introduction Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella zoster virus (VZV) are responsible for a variety of human diseases, including central nervous system diseases. The use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques on cerebrospinal fluid samples has allowed the detection of viral DNA with high sensitivity and specificity. Methods Serial dilutions of quantified commercial controls of each virus were subjected to an in-house nested-PCR technique. Results The minimum detection limits for HSV and VZV were 5 and 10 copies/µL, respectively. Conclusions The detection limit of nested-PCR for HSV and VZV in this study was similar to the limits found in previous studies.


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Introduction Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and liver steatosis (LS) are the most common causes of chronic liver disease, and their coexistence is frequently observed in clinical practice. Although metabolic syndrome is the main cause of LS, it has not been associated with HBV infection. The aims of this study were to describe the lipid profile and prevalence of LS among HBV carriers and to identify the characteristics associated with LS in this group. Methods This retrospective cross-sectional study included hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive patients evaluated during 2011 and 2012. Results Of the 83 patients included, the mean age was 46.4±12.5 years, 53% were men, and 9.1% were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) -positive. These patients exhibited the following lipid profile: total cholesterol = 175.4±38.8mg/dL, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) = 113.0±32.7mg/dL, and triglycerides = 91.1±45.2mg/dL. Their fasting glucose was 95.3±14.5g/dL, and fasting insulin was 6.1±5.9µIU/mL. Liver steatosis was observed on abdominal ultrasound in 11.3% of individuals. Factors associated with the presence of LS included higher levels of total cholesterol, prothrombin activity, fasting insulin, and body mass index (BMI) as well as lower levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Conclusions These findings suggest that LS in patients with chronic HBV appears to be a consequence of metabolic alterations and insulin action rather than of viral factors.


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Introduction Thrombocytopenia is a common complication in malaria patients. The relationship between abnormal platelet profile and clinical status in malaria patients is unclear. In low and unstable endemic regions where vivax malaria predominates, the hematologic profiles of malaria patients and their clinical utility are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to characterize the thrombograms of malaria patients from Colombia, where Plasmodium vivax infection is common, and to explore the relationship between thrombograms and clinical status. Methods Eight hundred sixty-two malaria patients were enrolled, including 533 (61.8%) patients infected with Plasmodium falciparum, 311 (36.1%) patients infected with Plasmodium vivax and 18 (2.1%) patients with mixed infections. Results The most frequently observed changes were low platelet count (PC) and high platelet distribution width (PDW), which were observed in 65% of patients; thrombocytopenia with <50,000 platelets/µL was identified in 11% of patients. Patients with complications had lower PC and plateletcrit (PT) and higher PDW values. A higher risk of thrombocytopenia was identified in patients with severe anemia, neurologic complications, pulmonary complications, liver dysfunction, renal impairment and severe hypoglycemia. The presence of thrombocytopenia (<150,000 platelets/µL) was associated with a higher probability of liver dysfunction. Conclusions Young age, longer duration of illness and higher parasitemia are associated with severe thrombocytopenia. Our study showed that thrombocytopenia is related to malaria complications, especially liver dysfunction. High PDW in patients with severe malaria may explain the mechanisms of thrombocytopenia that is common in this group of patients.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to identify a rapid and simple phenotypic method for extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) detection in Enterobacter cloacae. METHODS: A total of 79 consecutive, non-repeated samples of E. cloacae were evaluated. Four phenotypic methods were applied for ESBL detection, results were compared to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as the gold standard reference method: 1) ceftazidime and cefotaxime disks with and without clavulanate, both with boronic acid added; 2) disk approximation using cefepime and amoxicillin/clavulanate; 3) ESBL screening by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ≥ 16µg/mL and 4) by MIC ≥ 2µg/mL for cefepime. RESULTS: Method 4 showed the best combination of sensitivity (100%) and specificity (94%). CONCLUSIONS: MIC ≥ 2µg/mL for cefepime would be very useful for the phenotypic detection of ESBL in samples of E. cloacae.


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Objecto de intervenção arqueológica desde 1987, as ruínas arqueológicas de Dume, correspondentes aos vestígios da basílica cristã de meados do século VI e de parte do mosteiro fundado por São Martinho de Dume, reaproveitando parte de uma uilla romana, viram reconhecidas a sua importância e valor histórico, cultural e científico, tendo sido classificadas como Monumento Nacional - Decreto n.º 45/93, de 30-11. Apresenta-se uma síntese dos resultados obtidos, contextualizando-os no quadro da arquitectura cristã antiga de Braga e da Antiguidade Tardia do Noroeste de Portugal. Abordaremos ainda o projecto de valorização em curso, com o qual se pretende criar um pólo cultural e lúdico, que funcione como centro de interpretação do sítio, podendo receber visitas organizadas de público escolar, público indiferenciado e especialistas em Arqueologia e História.


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O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de estudo sobre a ictiofauna (inventano, distribuição, aspectos ecológicos) da bacia do rio Trombetas, entre Oriximiná e o igarapé Caxipacoré, na área de influência da futura UHE Cachoeira Porteira. Foram realizadas seis expedições de coleta entre os anos de 1985 e 1988, sendo três no período de cheia e três na seca, em seis diferentes regiões. Os dados quantitativos foram obtidos utilizando-se uma bateria padronizada com onze malhadeiras, em pescarias de 24 horas. O esforço empregado com este aparelho por região e época foi de 1.544,97 m2/24 horas. Outros aparelhos e métodos também foram utilizados nas capturas de modo que o inventário fosse o mais completo possível. No total foram coletadas 342 espécies de peixes, pertencentes a 11 ordens e 43 famílias. Nas pescarias padronizadas foram capturados 10.806 exemplares, com 2.181.735 gramas, correspondendo a 228 espécies, de 9 ordens e 30 famílias. O rio Trombetas apresenta duas regiões distintas no seu curso, sendo a cachoeira Porteira, o ponto de divisão. A ictiofauna apresenta distribuição espacial relacionada com esta separação, cerca de um terço das espécies são exclusivas da região de jusante e outro terço ocorre apenas na região de montante. As cachoeiras e corredeiras são importantes barreiras à dispersão das espécies dentro do rio Trombetas, mas as condições ambientais gerais parecem também influenciar esta distribuição. Das espécies que tiveram a alimentaçãoanalisada a maioria dependia de alimentos de origem autóctone. As espécies piscívoras foram dominantes em biomassa na maioria das regiões e épocas.


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The authors thank the federal agency CAPES and the Foundation for Research Support of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP) for providing a PhD scholarship, and the University of Minho, in Portugal, for the international collaboration.


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The eco-efficient, self-compacting concrete (SCC) production, containing low levels of cement in its formulation, shall contribute for the constructions' sustainability due to the decrease in Portland cement use, to the use of industrial residue, for beyond the minimization of the energy needed for its placement and compaction. In this context, the present paper intends to assess the viability of SCC production with low cement levels by determining the fresh and hardened properties of concrete containing high levels of fly ash (FA) and also metakaolin (MK). Hence, 6 different concrete formulations were produced and tested: two reference concretes made with 300 and 500 kg/m3 of cement; the others were produced in order to evaluate the effects of high replacement levels of cement. Cement replacement by FA of 60% and by 50% of FA plus 20% of MK were tested and the addition of hydrated lime in these two types of concrete were also studied. To evaluate the self-compacting ability slump flow test, T500, J-ring, V-funnel and L-box were performed. In the hardened state the compressive strength at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 90 days of age was determined. The results showed that it is possible to produce low cement content SCC by replacing high levels of cement by mineral additions, meeting the rheological requirements for self-compacting, with moderate resistances from 25 to 30 MPa after 28 days.


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Simultaneous measurements of the tt¯, W+W−, and Z/γ∗→ττ production cross-sections using an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Events are selected with two high transverse momentum leptons consisting of an oppositely charged electron and muon pair. The three processes are separated using the distributions of the missing transverse momentum of events with zero and greater than zero jet multiplicities. Measurements of the fiducial cross-section are presented along with results that quantify for the first time the underlying correlations in the predicted and measured cross-sections due to proton parton distribution functions. These results indicate that the correlated NLO predictions for tt¯ and Z/γ∗→ττ significantly underestimate the data, while those at NNLO generally describe the data well. The full cross-sections are measured to be σ(tt¯)=181.2±2.8+9.7−9.5±3.3±3.3 pb, σ(W+W−)=53.3±2.7+7.3−8.0±1.0±0.5 pb, and σ(Z/γ∗→ττ)=1174±24+72−87±21±9 pb, where the cited uncertainties are due to statistics, systematic effects, luminosity and the LHC beam energy measurement, respectively.


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Este trabalho analisou dados de três inventários florestais realizados na área da Floresta Experimental, pertencente à Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental e localizada no km 54 da BR-174, em Manaus/AM. O objetivo foi estudar a dinâmica da floresta - taxas de incremento, recrutamento e mortalidade - além do estoque de carbono, em uma área de floresta primária, sem qualquer tipo de intervenção. Os inventários foram realizados nos anos de 2005, 2007 e 2010, em 15 parcelas permanentes de 1 hectare cada, onde foram mensuradas todas as árvores com diâmetro a 1,3 m de altura do solo (DAP) superior a 10 cm. Foram calculadas as taxas de recrutamento e mortalidade, os incrementos periódicos anuais (IPAs) em termos de DAP, área basal e volume, as biomassas fresca e seca acima do nível do solo e total e o estoque de carbono da vegetação. As taxas de recrutamento foram de 2% e 1,8% e as de mortalidade foram de 0,95% e 1,3% para os períodos entre 2005 e 2007 e 2007 e 2010, respectivamente. O volume foi de 345,62 m3 ha-1 para o ano de 2005, aumentando para 360,67 m3 ha-1 em 2010, com IPAs de 4,32 m3 ha-1 ano-1 entre 2005 e 2007 e 1,31 m3 ha-1 ano-1 entre 2007 e 2010. O estoque de carbono total teve um acréscimo de 173,63 t C ha-1 em 2005 para 181,01 t C ha-1 em 2010, confirmando que a floresta acumulou carbono no período, atuando assim como sumidouro.


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Este resumo relata a experiência em sala de aula na Universidade do Minho - Braga - Portugal, na disciplina de Sistemas Móveis e Ubíquos no Mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas. realizou-se a avaliação heurística da usabilidade de Nielsen nas aplicações desenvolvidas para dispositivos móveis por grupos. A metodologia embasou-se na aplicação de 3 projetos de 7 alunos, bem como aos 9 usuários externos a sala de aula; fundou-se ainda na avaliação direta por uma especialista. Validou-se com questionário de perguntas fechadas no intuito de confirmar os dados coletados. Ao final descreveu-se o grau de usabilidade das aplicações sugestões.


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CdS nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized using colloidal methods and incorporated within a diureasil hybrid matrix. The surface capping of the CdS NPs by 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) and 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) organic ligands during the incorporation of the NPs within the hybrid matrix has been investigated. The matrix is based on poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) chains grafted to a siliceous skeleton through urea bonds and was produced by sol–gel process. Both alkaline and acidic catalysis of the sol–gel reaction were used to evaluate the effect of each organic ligand on the optical properties of the CdS NPs. The hybrid materials were characterized by absorption, steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM). The preservation of the optical properties of the CdS NPs within the diureasil hybrids was dependent on the experimental conditions used. Both organic ligands (APTMS and MPTMS) demonstrated to be crucial in avoiding the increase of size distribution and clustering of the NPs within the hybrid matrix. The use of organic ligands was also shown to influence the level of interaction between the hybrid host and the CdS NPs. The CdS NPs showed large Stokes shifts and long average lifetimes, both in colloidal solution and in the xerogels, due to the origin of the PL emission in surface states. The CdS NPs capped with MPTMS have lower PL lifetimes compared to the other xerogel samples but still larger than the CdS NPs in the original colloidal solution. An increase in PL lifetimes of the NPs after their incorporation within the hybrid matrix is related to interaction between the NPs and the hybrid host matrix.


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A participação dos metais pesados nas reações químicas do metabolismo dos peixes tornou esses elementos um dos principais focos nos estudos de contaminação. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as concentrações dos metais Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn e Hg no tecido muscular de peixes da bacia do rio Cassiporé (Estado do Amapá) e ambiente, visando avaliar os riscos de contaminação. As concentrações de Cd em Plagioscion squamosissimus (1,061 µg g-1) e Pb em Poptella compressa (4,280 µg g-1) apresentaram valores que ultrapassam os limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. As concentrações de Cr em P. compressa (0,937 ± 0,5 µg g-1), Pimelodella cristata (0,463 ± 0,03 µg g-1) e Cyphocharax gouldingi (0,364 ± 0,12 µg g-1), bem como de Hg em P. squamosissimus (0,670 µg g-1), Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (0,630 µg g-1), Hoplias malabaricus (0,570 µg g-1 e Serrasalmus rhombeus (0,548 µg g-1) foram acima do limite legal. A coluna d'água apresentou altas concentrações de metais pesados em todos os pontos analisados, mostrando uma contaminação dessa bacia. Portanto, essas elevadas concentrações de metais pesados no ambiente e tecido muscular dos peixes indicam um elevado grau de contaminação na bacia do rio Cassiporé e risco a saúde do homem.


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According to epidemiological data, Candida tropicalis has been related to urinary tract infections and haematological malignancy. Several virulence factors seem to be responsible for C. tropicalis infections, for example: their ability to adhere and to form biofilms onto different indwelling medical devices; their capacity to adhere, invade and damage host human tissues due to enzymes production such as proteinases. The main aim of this work was to study the behaviour of C. tropicalis biofilms of different ages (24120 h) formed in artificial urine (AU) and their ability to express aspartyl proteinase (SAPT) genes. The reference strain C. tropicalis ATCC 750 and two C. tropicalis isolates from urine were used. Biofilms were evaluated in terms of culturable cells by colony-forming units enumeration; total biofilm biomass was evaluated using the crystal violet staining method; metabolic activity was evaluated by XTT assay; and SAPT gene expression was determined by real-time PCR. All strains of C. tropicalis were able to form biofilms in AU, although with differences between strains. Candida tropicalis biofilms showed a decrease in terms of the number of culturable cells from 48 to 72 h. Generally, SAPT3 was highly expressed. C. tropicalis strains assayed were able to form biofilms in the presence of AU although in a strain- and time-dependent way, and SAPT genes are expressed during C. tropicalis biofilm formation.