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The present paper studies focus on the symptoms of the post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescents post-disaster. 482 students from 6 secondary schools and 17 primary schools in the extremely severe disaster areas in Mianzhu, Sichuan province and 785 students from 3 primary schools and 9 secondary schools in the severe disaster areas in Baoji, Shaanxi respectively were surveyed on the symptoms of the post-traumatic stress disorder and the extent of disaster exposure after the Wenchuan earthquake. Self-compiled background information questionnaire and CRIES were used for the investigation. In this study, we contrast the extent of disaster exposure in the two areas in order to explore the related factors about the post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescent post-disaster. The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows: 1. There are significant positive corrections between the post-traumatic stress disorder and the extent of disaster exposure(get trapped in the earthquake、relatives and friends have been injured in the earthquake、look at relatives and friends dying in the earthquake).The more exposed in the disaster, the more serious symptom of the post-traumatic stress disorder. The trauma exposure indicators (get trapped in the earthquake, relatives and friends have been injured in the earthquake、look at relatives and friends dying in the earthquake)were all significant predictors for PTSD severity. 2. There are significant sex difference in the extent(F=8.750, p <0.05) and the incidence rate of PTSD(χ =20.735, df=5,p =0.001), the extent and the incidence rate of girls in Mianzhu is significantly higher than that of boys. 3. The age is also an influence factor of PTSD. The extent (F=7.246, p <0.001)and the incidence rate (χ =20.735, df=5,p =0.001)of PTSD get higher as adolescent in Mianzhu get older. 4. As the extremely severe disaster areas, the extent of disaster exposure of Mianzhu areas significantly higher than that of the severe disaster areas Baoji. However, there are not difference in the extent of PTSD between two areas(t=0.181,df=1265,p=0.857), there are only significant difference in the incidence rate of PTSD between two areas(χ =8.766,df=1,p=0.003), the incidence rate of PTSD in Mianzhu areas significantly higher than that of Baoji areas.
Existem poucos dados de produção de leite de vacas de corte na literatura, provavelmente, em função da dificuldade em se medir essa variável. O presente documento visa a incentivar a obtenção desse dado fundamental para entender a eficiência da fase de cria, segmento do ciclo completo em que há o maior dispêndio de energia na produção de carne. Para isso, na primeira parte, é descrita, em detalhes, uma metodologia para se obterem dados de produção de leite de vacas de corte com o uso de ordenhadeira mecânica. Informações sobre o número de pontos avaliados, uso de ocitocina, importância de dados de composição do leite e todos os aspectos relevantes para uma boa mensuração da produção de leite são abordados. Um modelo para a determinação das curvas de lactação e de seus parâmetros, programado em Excel e que é parte integrante deste documento (CLV Corte.xls), é descrito e informações para seu uso são fornecidas. O usuário deste documento, portanto, tem condições de fazer mensurações adequadas da produção de leite de vacas de corte e obter as estimativas de produção e da curva de lactação de forma automática, pelo modelo fornecido.
Estresses hídricos e térmicos: efeitos e estratégias de resistência; Melhoramento genético e desenvolvimento de cultivares; Nutrição e adubação; Práticas culturais; Evapotranspiração e necessidades hídricas; Manejo de irrigação; Fertirrigação; Fitossanidade.
"The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is the entry-level subject in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is required of all students at MIT who major in Electrical Engineering or in Computer Science, as one fourth of the "common core curriculum," which also includes two subjects on circuits and linear systems and a subject on the design of digital systems. We have been involved in the development of this subject since 1978, and we have taught this material in its present form since the fall of 1980 to approximately 600 students each year. Most of these students have had little or no prior formal training in computation, although most have played with computers a bit and a few have had extensive programming or hardware design experience. Our design of this introductory Computer Science subject reflects two major concerns. First we want to establish the idea that a computer language is not just a way of getting a computer to perform operations, but rather that it is a novel formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology. Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Secondly, we believe that the essential material to be addressed by a subject at this level, is not the syntax of particular programming language constructs, nor clever algorithms for computing particular functions of efficiently, not even the mathematical analysis of algorithms and the foundations of computing, but rather the techniques used to control the intellectual complexity of large software systems.
La0.8Sr0.2Mn1.1O3 (LSM1.1)-10 mol% Sc2O3-Stabilized ZrO2 co-doped with CeO2 (ScSZ) composite cathodes were investigated for anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with thin 8 mol% Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) electrolyte. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results indicated that the ScSZ electrolytes displayed good chemical compatibility with the nonstoichiometric LSM1.1 against co-firing at 1300 degrees C. Increasing the CeO2 content in the ScSZ electrolytes dramatically suppressed the electrode polarization resistance, which may be related to the improved surface oxygen exchange or the enlarged active area of cathode. The 5Ce10ScZr was the best electrolyte for the composite cathodes, which caused a small ohmic resistance decrease and the reduced polarization resistance and brought about the highest cell performance. The cell performances at lower temperatures seemed to rely on the electrode polarization resistance more seriously, than the ohmic resistance. Compared with the cell impedance at higher temperatures, the higher the 5Ce10ScZr proportion in the composite cathodes, the smaller the increment of the charge transfer resistance at lower temperatures. The anode-supported SOFC with the LSM1.1-5Ce10ScZr (60:40) composite cathode achieved the maximum power densities of 0.82 W/cm(2) at 650 degrees C and 2.24 W/cm(2) at 800 degrees C, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Effect of redox cycling on a Ni-YSZ anode prepared from 50 wt.% NiO and 50 wt.% YSZ was investigated by using temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), XRD and SEM techniques. XRD results showed that NiO was formed during re-oxidation. Both the XRD and TPR results depicted that the conversion of nickel to NiO depended on the re-oxidation temperature. The oxidation of Ni to NiO occurred quickly in the initial several minutes and then reached a quasi equilibrium. The TPR profiles tracing the redox cycling showed that it brought continuous changes in the NiO micro-structure at 800 degrees C, whereas at 600 degrees C it had only little effects on the reduction of NiO. Re-oxidation resulted in the formation of spongy aggregates of NiO crystallites. Redox cycling at 800 degrees C led to a continuous decrease in the primary crystallite size of NiO and a high dispersion of the Ni particles. A continuous expansion of the slice sample was observed in both of the oxidized and reduced states during the redox cycling at 800 degrees C, whereas this process did not occur during the redox cycling at 600 degrees C. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
A demanda por esta oleaginosa está aumentando no RS, de forma que os produtores estão expandindo a área e a época de plantio, com isso surge um interesse especial no período de plantio janeiro/fevereiro (safrinha). Visando atender esta demanda, foram realizados ensaios com quatro datas de semeadura e em seis locais, a fim de determinar a viabilidade técnica deste cultivo no período da safrinha 2007 no RS. Os ensaios foram instalados nos seguintes locais / instituições do RS: Pelotas (Embrapa Clima Temperado); Passo Fundo (Embrapa Trigo); Bagé (Embrapa Pecuária Sul); Fortaleza dos Valos (COTRIMAIO); Santa Rosa (COOPERMIL); Rio Pardo (AFUBRA).