976 resultados para spatially varying object pixel density


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Land cover (LC) refers to what is actually present on the ground and provide insights into the underlying solution for improving the conditions of many issues, from water pollution to sustainable economic development. One of the greatest challenges of modeling LC changes using remotely sensed (RS) data is of scale-resolution mismatch: that the spatial resolution of detail is less than what is required, and that this sub-pixel level heterogeneity is important but not readily knowable. However, many pixels consist of a mixture of multiple classes. The solution to mixed pixel problem typically centers on soft classification techniques that are used to estimate the proportion of a certain class within each pixel. However, the spatial distribution of these class components within the pixel remains unknown. This study investigates Orthogonal Subspace Projection - an unmixing technique and uses pixel-swapping algorithm for predicting the spatial distribution of LC at sub-pixel resolution. Both the algorithms are applied on many simulated and actual satellite images for validation. The accuracy on the simulated images is ~100%, while IRS LISS-III and MODIS data show accuracy of 76.6% and 73.02% respectively. This demonstrates the relevance of these techniques for applications such as urban-nonurban, forest-nonforest classification studies etc.


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Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) assist in strategic decision-making activities considering spatial and temporal variables, which help in Regional planning. WEPA is a SDSS designed for assessment of wind potential spatially. A wind energy system transforms the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical or electrical energy that can be harnessed for practical use. Wind energy can diversify the economies of rural communities, adding to the tax base and providing new types of income. Wind turbines can add a new source of property value in rural areas that have a hard time attracting new industry. Wind speed is extremely important parameter for assessing the amount of energy a wind turbine can convert to electricity: The energy content of the wind varies with the cube (the third power) of the average wind speed. Estimation of the wind power potential for a site is the most important requirement for selecting a site for the installation of a wind electric generator and evaluating projects in economic terms. It is based on data of the wind frequency distribution at the site, which are collected from a meteorological mast consisting of wind anemometer and a wind vane and spatial parameters (like area available for setting up wind farm, landscape, etc.). The wind resource is governed by the climatology of the region concerned and has large variability with reference to space (spatial expanse) and time (season) at any fixed location. Hence the need to conduct wind resource surveys and spatial analysis constitute vital components in programs for exploiting wind energy. SDSS for assessing wind potential of a region / location is designed with user friendly GUI’s (Graphic User Interface) using VB as front end with MS Access database (backend). Validation and pilot testing of WEPA SDSS has been done with the data collected for 45 locations in Karnataka based on primary data at selected locations and data collected from the meteorological observatories of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Wind energy and its characteristics have been analysed for these locations to generate user-friendly reports and spatial maps. Energy Pattern Factor (EPF) and Power Densities are computed for sites with hourly wind data. With the knowledge of EPF and mean wind speed, mean power density is computed for the locations with only monthly data. Wind energy conversion systems would be most effective in these locations during May to August. The analyses show that coastal and dry arid zones in Karnataka have good wind potential, which if exploited would help local industries, coconut and areca plantations, and agriculture. Pre-monsoon availability of wind energy would help in irrigating these orchards, making wind energy a desirable alternative.


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Pixel based image fusion entails combining geometric details of a high-resolution Panchromatic (PAN) image and spectral information of a low-resolution Multispectral (MS) image to produce images with highest spatial content while preserving the spectral information. This work reviews and implements six fusion techniques – À Trous algorithm based wavelet transform (ATW), Mulitresolution Analysis based Intensity Modulation, Gram Schmidt fusion, CN Spectral, Luminance Chrominance and High pass fusion (HPF) on IKONOS imagery having 1 m PAN and 4 m MS channels. Comparative performance analysis of techniques by various methods reveals that ATW followed by HPF perform best among all the techniques.


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The Packaging Research Center has been developing next generation system-on-a-package (SOP) technology with digital, RF, optical, and sensor functions integrated in a single package/module. The goal of this effort is to develop a platform substrate technology providing very high wiring density and embedded thin film passive and active components using PWB compatible materials and processes. The latest SOP baseline process test vehicle has been fabricated on novel Si-matched CTE, high modulus C-SiC composite core substrates using 10mum thick BCB dielectric films with loss tangent of 0.0008 and dielectric constant of 2.65. A semi-additive plating process has been developed for multilayer microvia build-up using BCB without the use of any vacuum deposition or polishing/CMP processes. PWB and package substrate compatible processes such as plasma surface treatment/desmear and electroless/electrolytic pulse reverse plating was used. The smallest line width and space demonstrated in this paper is 6mum with microvia diameters in the 15-30mum range. This build-up process has also been developed on medium CTE organic laminates including MCL-E-679F from Hitachi Chemical and PTFE laminates with Cu-Invar-Cu core. Embedded decoupling capacitors with capacitance density of >500nF/cm2 have been integrated into the build-up layers using sol-gel synthesized BaTiO3 thin films (200-300nm film thickness) deposited on copper foils and integrated using vacuum lamination and subtractive etch processes. Thin metal alloy resistor films have been integrated into the SOP substrate using two methods: (a) NiCrAlSi thin films (25ohms per square) deposited on copper foils (Gould Electronics) laminated on the build-up layers and two step etch process for resistor definition, and (b) electroless plated Ni-W-P thin films (70 ohms to few Kohms per square) on the BCB dielectric by plasma surface treatment and activation. The electrical design and build-up layer structure along- - with key materials and processes used in the fabrication of the SOP4 test vehicle were presented in this paper. Initial results from the high density wiring and embedded thin film components were also presented. The focus of this paper is on integration of materials, processes and structures in a single package substrate for system-on-a-package (SOP) implementation


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In a dense multi-hop network of mobile nodes capable of applying adaptive power control, we consider the problem of finding the optimal hop distance that maximizes a certain throughput measure in bit-metres/sec, subject to average network power constraints. The mobility of nodes is restricted to a circular periphery area centered at the nominal location of nodes. We incorporate only randomly varying path-loss characteristics of channel gain due to the random motion of nodes, excluding any multi-path fading or shadowing effects. Computation of the throughput metric in such a scenario leads us to compute the probability density function of random distance between points in two circles. Using numerical analysis we discover that choosing the nearest node as next hop is not always optimal. Optimal throughput performance is also attained at non-trivial hop distances depending on the available average network power.


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We present a method to guess the realization of an arbitrarily varying source. Let TU be the type of the unknown state sequence. Our method results in a guessing moment that is within Kn (TU) + O(log n=n) of the minimum attainable guessing moment with full knowledge of source statistics, i.e., with knowledge of the sequence of states sn. The quantity Kn (TU) + O(log n=n) can be interpreted as the penalty one pays for not knowing the sequence of states sn of the source. Kn (TU) by itself is the penalty one pays for guessing with the additional knowledge that the state sequence belongs to type TU. Conversely, given any guessing strategy, for every type TU, there is a state sequence belonging to this type whose corresponding source forces a guessing moment penalty of at least Kn (TU) ¡ O(log n=n).


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We present an extrema based unwarping technique for signals with time-varying periodicity. We show that for arbitrary variation of pitch periodicity in speech signal,the unwarping technique maps the signals to periodic signals which enable eficient estimation of periodicity. We demonstrate the e�ectiveness of the new technique using both synthetic and real speech signals.


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A comparative study of strain response and mechanical properties of rammed earth prisms, has been made using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors (optical) and clip-on extensometer (electro-mechanical). The aim of this study is to address the merits and demerits of traditional extensometer vis-à-vis FBG sensor; a uni-axial compression test has been performed on a rammed earth prism to validate its structural properties from the stress - strain curves obtained by two different methods of measurement. An array of FBG sensors on a single fiber with varying Bragg wavelengths (..B), has been used to spatially resolve the strains along the height of the specimen. It is interesting to note from the obtained stress-strain curves that the initial tangent modulus obtained using the FBG sensor is lower compared to that obtained using clip-on extensometer. The results also indicate that the strains measured by both FBG and extensometer sensor follow the same trend and both the sensors register the maximum strain value at the same time.


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in any dimension. Key to the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm is an alternate definition of the Reeb graph that considers equivalence classes of level sets instead of individual level sets. The algorithm works in two steps. The first step locates all critical points of the function in the domain. Critical points correspond to nodes in the Reeb graph. Arcs connecting the nodes are computed in the second step by a simple search procedure that works on a small subset of the domain that corresponds to a pair of critical points. The paper also describes a scheme for controlled simplification of the Reeb graph and two different graph layout schemes that help in the effective presentation of Reeb graphs for visual analysis of scalar fields. Finally, the Reeb graph is employed in four different applications-surface segmentation, spatially-aware transfer function design, visualization of interval volumes, and interactive exploration of time-varying data.


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Structural and charge density distribution studies have been carried out on a single crystal data of an ammonium borate, [C(10)H(26)N(4)][B(5)O(6)(OH)(4)](2), synthesized by solvothermal method. Further, the experimentally observed geometry is used for the theoretical charge density calculations using the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory, and the results are compared with the experimental values. Topological analysis of charge density based on the Atoms in Molecules approach for B-O bonds exhibit mixed covalent/ionic character. Detailed analysis of the hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure in the ammonium borate provides insights into the understanding of the reaction pathways that net atomic charges and electrostatic potential isosurfaces also give additional such systems. could result in the formation of borate minerals. The input to evaluate chemical and physical properties in such systems.