977 resultados para orientamento :: 573 :: Orientamento economico-aziendale
Ce rapport constitue une version augmentée d’un premier rapport datant d’août 2005. Les 21 fiches annotées peuvent aussi être consultées individuellement (en format HTML) à partir du « Portail des ressources pédagogiques et disciplinaires en sciences de l'information » accessible à l’adresse : http://www.ebsi.umontreal.ca/clip/
Rapport de recherche
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This thesis will study the Italian literary phenomenon Gomorra, viaggi nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della Camorra. First, the focus will be on the text's hybrid nature and implications and also on its literary and intellectual inspirations (such as Truman Capote, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Leonardo Sciascia). Secondly, we will take a closer look at the structure of the novel's narrative and its literary details, in order to reveal the different processes used by Roberto Saviano to convince the reader. Interwoven in this book's central plot, we will find a main obsession: the need to understand. Lastly, we will discuss the question of the great power treated in this novel, the one of a criminal organisation transformed by the revelations made throughout the story. These revelations will allow us to draw interesting comparisons between organized crime and merchant capitalism. For this part, we will refer to Guy Debord's La société du spectacle, and to Hannah Arendt's work on the question of totalitarianism. All of these elements will allow us to discuss the different perspectives within the narrative's framework, and more precisely, the figure of the narrator/author/character that gives Saviano's novel anthropological qualities, in the form of an ethnofiction (Augé).
Objectif : Étudier l'association entre l’utilisation de contraceptifs hormonaux et le risque d'acquisition du VIH-1 chez les femmes au Malawi, en Afrique du Sud, en Zambie et au Zimbabwe. Devis : Analyses secondaires de 2887 femmes âgées de 17-55 ans ayant participé à l’étude HPTN 035, une étude de phase II/IIb sur l’efficacité de deux gels microbicides pour prévenir la transmission du VIH chez les femmes à risque. Méthodes : L'association entre l'utilisation de contraceptifs hormonaux et le risque d'acquisition du VIH-1 a été évaluée en utilisant des modèles de Cox. Des risques relatifs sont estimés où le groupe de référence est celui des femmes qui n’utilisent pas de contraceptifs hormonaux. De plus, un modèle multivarié de Cox est utilisé afin de contrôler pour les facteurs potentiellement confondants. Résultats : Les contraceptifs injectables ont été utilisés par 52,1% des femmes, alors que les contraceptifs oraux ont été utilisés par 20,7% de celles-ci. Pendant l'étude, il y a eu 192 séroconversions. L'incidence observée du VIH était de 2,28; 4,19 et 4,69 pour 100 personne-années pour les contraceptifs oraux, injectables et non hormonaux, respectivement. Lors de l’analyse multivariée, nous n'avons trouvé aucune association significative entre l’usage des contraceptifs hormonaux et l’acquisition du VIH-1. Le risque relatif ajusté (RRa) pour les contraceptifs oraux est de 0,573 (IC de 95% : [0,31-1,06]) et 0,981 (IC de 95% : [0,69 ; 1,39]) pour les contraceptifs injectables. Conclusions : Bien que cette étude ne démontre pas d’association entre l’usage des contraceptifs hormonaux et le VIH-1, nous concluons toutefois que ces méthodes de contraception ne protègent pas contre le VIH-1, et il est ainsi recommandé aux femmes utilisant des hormones contraceptives de toujours utiliser le condom pour prévenir l'infection au VIH-1.
Le succès électoral du Bloc québécois était prévisible. Il s'est également avéré significatif à court terme et aura des implications majeures dans les mois à venir. La première section de ce chapitre explique le caractère prévisible de la performance du Bloc, en montrant que le nouveau parti représentait une part importante et stable de l'électorat québécois. La deuxième partie traite du rôle du Bloc québécois à Ottawa et souligne, en particulier, la proximité idéologique du parti et de son électorat. Enfin, la troisième partie discute des possibilités qui s'offrent au Bloc et au Parti québécois dans la bataille référendaire qui s'amorce, insistant notamment sur les perceptions des électeurs moins décidés. En conclusion, une brève discussion suggère que le Bloc pourrait demeurer un acteur important dans les années à venir, même si les souverainistes perdaient leur référendum.
The value of the lateral bending test is important in the assessment of spinal curve mobility and prediction of surgical outcome in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, radiographic bending tests are unable to assess the reducibility of trunk asymmetry. This study aims to exploit surface topography measurement in order to evaluate the changes in shape of the trunk (a) between bending and neutral standing positions, and (b) between standing pre- and post-operative visits, in a cohort of adolescents with AIS having undergone surgical correction; and to correlate the differences measured in cases (a) and (b). Our cohort includes 13 patients with right thoracic AIS. Each patient had their 3D trunk surface digitized with a multi-head InSpeck system in standing posture (at the pre-op and post-op visits) and in maximum voluntary right and left bending (at the pre-op visit). We developed a novel trunk shape analysis method which produces a set of inclined trunk cross-sections allowing comparison between different postures. Two asymmetry indices, trunk rotation (TR) and back surface rotation (BSR), were computed in all cases and a statistical analysis was performed. Our correlation study (Pearson test) showed fair correlations in most cases between the changes in side-bending and those post-surgery, with the strongest relationship (p-value < 0.01) when combining the TR measurements from both bendings. These results provide evidence that the bending test can be used to assess trunk asymmetry reducibility. The proposed approach could provide a non-invasive trunk asymmetry reducibility test for routine clinical use in AIS surgery planning.
Invertase was adsorbed onto micro-porous acid-activated montmorillonite clay (K-10) by two procedures, namely adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilized enzymes were characterized by XRD, surface area measurements and 27Al NMR. XRD measurements revealed an expansion of clay layers due to immobilization which suggests that intercalation had taken place. Surface area measurements also support this observation. 27Al NMR showed that interaction of enzyme with tetrahedral and octahedral Al changes with the immobilization procedure. Sucrose hydrolysis was performed in a batch reactor. The immobilized enzymes showed enhanced pH and thermal stabilities. Optimum pH and temperature were found to increase upon immobilization. The effectiveness factor (η) and Michaelis constant (Km) suggest that diffusional resistances play a major role in the reaction. The immobilized invertase could be stored in buffer of pH 5 and 6 at 5 °C without any significant loss in activity for 20 days.
Magnetic properties of nano-crystalline soft magnetic alloys have usually been correlated to structural evolution with heat treatment. However, literature reports pertaining to the study of nano-crystalline thin films are less abundant. Thin films of Fe40Ni38B18Mo4 were deposited on glass substrates under a high vacuum of ≈ 10−6 Torr by employing resistive heating. They were annealed at various temperatures ranging from 373 to 773K based on differential scanning calorimetric studies carried out on the ribbons. The magnetic characteristics were investigated using vibrating sample magnetometry. Morphological characterizations were carried out using atomic force microscopy (AFM), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM) imaging is used to study the domain characteristics. The variation of magnetic properties with thermal annealing is also investigated. From AFM and MFM images it can be inferred that the crystallization temperature of the as-prepared films are lower than their bulk counterparts. Also there is a progressive evolution of coercivity up to 573 K, which is an indication of the lowering of nano-crystallization temperature in thin films. The variation of coercivity with the structural evolution of the thin films with annealing is discussed and a plausible explanation is provided using the modified random anisotropy model
The paper introduces research on transatlantic relations done by neo-Gramscian authors. This research is distinctive by focusing on class in international relations and by using the concept of hegemony in a relational sense. Hegemony is leadership through the active consent of other classes and groups. A central question of this neo-Gramscian research is whether an international class of capitalists has emerged. Some authors have answered in the positive. This paper, however, maintains that hegemony in the international realm is still exercised by the American state, though its foreign economic policies have been greatly influenced by internationally-oriented corporations and that these actors have increasingly found allies among economic elites in other countries. The paper explores the relationship between hegemony by the American state and by internationally-oriented capital groups against the backdrop of transatlantic relations in the post-war period and the currrent debate on labor rights in international trade agreements.
Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que pretende aunar el uso de las TIC de forma significativa con el fomento de la lectura, la comunicación y la educación en valores que propugna la obra de 'El Quijote', utilizando la edición de un periódico realizado por el alumnado con ayuda de internet, cámara digital, ordenador y escáner. Se realiza en el CEIP Reyes Católicos de Vera, Almería. Los objetivos son: familiarizar al alumnado con las TIC; desarrollar habilidades que propicien la alfabetización funcional; posibilitar el incremento de la motivación, el disfrute y el interés en las experiencias de aprendizaje a través de internet; favorecer la oportunidad de intercambios lingüísticos orales, escritos y gráficos en un marco significativo; aprender a escuchar, opinar, debatir, compartir, dialogar y llegar a acuerdos; aprender a asumir responsabilidades; favorecer el trabajo el equipo; brindar la oportunidad para que se establezcan situaciones comunicativas diversas; mejorar la autoestima; crear un ambiente idóneo para investigar y realizar tareas; conocer el funcionamiento y la elaboración de un periódico; implicar a las familias así como a personas de diferentes profesiones en esta tarea investigativa; trabajar al menos durante dos cursos consecutivos bajo este enfoque. Los materiales obtenidos han sido: Cds con los periódicos editados; un ejemplar de cada periódico; libro del quijote interpretado por el alumnado de tercero; disquete con las traducciones al inglés; Don Quijote bilingüe.
El monográfico pretende ser un instrumento útil y orientador para el profesorado con el propósito de constituir una aportación a la tarea de formar al ciudadano, como consumidor crítico y reponsable en una sociedad plural. Incluye propuestas de trabajo y de actividades adaptadas a los grupos de edad: 0-6 años; 6-12, 12-14 y 14-18.