991 resultados para minutes 25.4


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Dinoflagellate cysts are useful for reconstructing upper water conditions. For adequate reconstructions detailed information is required about the relationship between modern day environmental conditions and the geographic distribution of cysts in sediments. This Atlas summarises the modern global distribution of 71 organicwalled dinoflagellate cyst species. The synthesis is based on the integration of literature sources together with data of 2405 globally distributed surface sediment samples that have been preparedwith a comparable methodology and taxonomy. The distribution patterns of individual cyst species are being comparedwith environmental factors that are knownto influence dinoflagellate growth, gamete production, encystment, excystment and preservation of their organic-walled cysts: surface water temperature, salinity, nitrate, phosphate, chlorophyll-a concentrations and bottom water oxygen concentrations. Graphs are provided for every species depicting the relationship between seasonal and annual variations of these parameters and the relative abundance of the species. Results have been compared with previously published records; an overview of the ecological significance as well as information about the seasonal production of each individual species is presented. The relationship between the cyst distribution and variation in the aforementioned environmental parameters was analysed by performing a canonical correspondence analysis. All tested variables showed a positive relationship on the 99% confidence level. Sea-surface temperature represents the parameter corresponding to the largest amount of variance within the dataset (40%) followed by nitrate, salinity, phosphate and bottom-water oxygen concentration, which correspond to 34%, 33%, 25% and 24% of the variance, respectively. Characterisations of selected environments as well as a discussion about how these factors could have influenced the final cyst yield in sediments are included.


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Vols. 1-4 also called Archiv der Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Geschichte, Bd. 22-25, 4. Folge and also Jahrbücher für die Landeskunde, Bd. 11-14.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The pumping characteristics of four Australian honey samples were investigated in a straight pipe. Six flow rates (100-500 kg h(-1)) were studied at three temperatures (35-50degreesC). The pressure loss increased with an increase in the length of the pipe, as the low rate was increased and as the temperature was reduced. In the 25.4 mm-pipe, the Reynolds number ranged from 0.2-32.0 and are substantially less than the critica value (2040-2180) for laminar condition in the system. The relationship between the wall shear stress and shear rate approximated power-law behaviour, and the power-law index was not significantly (p>0.05) different from 1.0. The honey samples exhibited Newtonian behaviour at all the temperatures and this was confirmed by rheometric studies using Couette geometry. A friction chart was generated independent of temperature and the type of honey. An equation was developed to predict the pressure loss of the honey in a typical pipeline at any temperature once the viscosity-temperature relationship had been established.


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A presente tese propõe uma interpretação exegética da profecia de Jr 30-31 na perspectiva social. Jr 30-31 forma uma unidade literária no livro de Jeremias, composta por subunidades que podem ser designadas de perícopes. Grande parte das expectativas salvíficas deste trecho literário devem ser atribuídas à literatura originária do livro, e provém das articulações sociais engendradas por Jeremias no fim do século 7 e início do século 6 a.C. em prol dos empobrecidos da antiga sociedade palestina Israel/Norte e de Judá/Sul. Os primeiros ditos salvíficos de Jr 30-31 surgiram na época de Josias (Jr 30,10-11.18-21; 31,2-5). Nessa época, originaram-se as expectativas de salvação dirigidas para as populações israelitas do Norte. Outro intenso surgimento das expectativas salvíficas aconteceu nos anos imediatamente posteriores à queda de Judá, em 587 a.C., quando Jeremias novamente direcionou uma palavra de esperança aos pobres do Israel/Norte, e incluiu também em sua mensagem aqueles que permaneceram na terra de Judá/Sul depois do saque babilônico. Nesse cenário podem ser localizadas as seguintes perícopes: 30,3.5-7.12-17; 31,15.16-20.21-22.27-28.31-34. A presente tese supõe que, de modo geral, Jr 30-31 seja uma reconfirmação da desmilitarização e da desurbanização de Jerusalém ocorridas naquele período, já que esse novo cenário político e econômico favoreceu os desprestigiados da Palestina. O tribalismo é o moto das expectativas salvíficas da literatura jeremiana original. No engendramento de uma nova sociedade, retribalizada, livre do jugo monárquico e dos imperialismos, Jr 30-31 defendem a posse da terra aos camponeses que sofreram espoliações do império assírio e dos reis judaítas. Com a queda do Estado de Judá, os empobrecidos poderiam retomar suas vidas e possuir a terra como meio de produção e subsistência. A relação entre as palavras de salvação e o tribalismo também pode ser notado em outros trechos do livro de Jeremias. A estruturação verbal proponente de destruição e reconstrução de 31,28 pode ser encontrada em Jr 1,10; 18,7.9; 24,6; 42,10 e 45,4. As promessas de salvação contidas em Jr 1,10, 31,27-28 e 42,10 anunciam a continuidade da vida na terra de Judá depois da catástrofe de 587 a.C. Essa ideia também pode ser percebida em Jr 23,5-6, 30,8-9. Em Jr 24,6, por sua vez, lê-se uma promessa para os exilados de Judá, que viviam na Babilônia sob o sistema tribal. Em Jr 3,6-13.19-25; 4,1-2, as expectativas salvíficas de Jeremias apresentam o caminho para a reorganização social através da conversão para Javé.


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Competition between three foliose, saxicolous lichens common on slate rock in South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. was studied experimentally using the de Wit design. Fragments of the three species were cut from the edges of large thalli, glued to 5 x 5 cm plots marked out on pieces of slate which were then placed on boards in the field. For each combination of pairs of species, the two species were grown either in monoculture at a density of 24 fragments per plot or together in three mixtures in differing proportions, i.e. species A:B with 16:8, 12:12 and 8:16 fragments per plot; the density remaining constant throughout. Area of the species in the plots after 3 years was used as an estimate of growth. Physcia orbicularis and Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa grew similarly in monoculture. In mixtures of the two, growth of each species was linearly related to its proportion in a mixture, suggesting little competition had occurred during three years. By contrast, the growth of Parmelia conspersa in monoculture was significantly greater than that of P. orbicularis or P. glabratula. In addition, the growth of both species was substantially reduced in mixtures with P. conspersa; P. glabratula being eliminated in the mixture in which it was the minority species. These results suggest that P. conspersa should predominate in communities with either of the other two species and, in the absence of P. conspersa, communities dominated by P.orbicularis and P. glabratula should be more stable.


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This paper is based on qualitative research which found that the contraceptive pill had achieved a "hegemonic status" among some British women in their thirties. In addition, despite the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, the idea of using condoms was very unpopular, and the research suggests that this is linked to a reluctance to rely on male cooperation over contraception. This paper will further argue that the women generally chose methods that they felt would be in their own best interests, and were often exercising considerable agency within the constraints of their relationships. Moreover, by accepting the responsibility for contraception, the women not only gained sole control over their fertility, but contraception may be an area within heterosexuality where women can exercise power.


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For forty years linguists have talked about idiolect and the uniqueness of individual utterances. This article explores how far these two concepts can be used to answer certain questions about the authorship of written documents—for instance how similar can two student essays be before one begins to suspect plagiarism? The article examines two ways of measuring similarity: the proportion of shared vocabulary and the number and length of shared phrases, and illustrates with examples drawn from both actual criminal court cases and incidents of student plagiarism. The article ends by engaging with Solan and Tiersma's contribution to this volume and considering whether such forensic linguistic evidence would be acceptable in American courts as well as how it might successfully be presented to a lay audience.


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Purpose - The purpose of this research paper is to demonstrate how existing performance measurement may be adopted to measure and manage performance in extended enterprises. Design/methodology/approach - The paper reviews the literature in performance measurement and extended enterprises. It explains the collaborative architecture of an extended enterprise and demonstrates this architecture through a case study. A model for measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises is developed using the case study. Findings - The research found that due to structural differences between traditional and extended enterprises, the systems required to measure and manage the performance of extended enterprises, whilst being based upon existing performance measurement frameworks, would be structurally and operationally different. Based on this, a model for measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises is proposed which includes intrinsic and extrinsic inter-enterprise coordinating measures. Research limitations/implications - There are two limitations this research. First, the evidence is based on a single case, thus further cases should be studied to establish the generalisibility of the presented results. Second, the practical limitations of the EE performance measurement model should be established through longitudinal action research. Practical implications - In practice the model proposed requires collaborating organisations to be more open and share critical performance information with one another. This will require change in practices and attitudes. Originality/value - The main contribution this paper makes is that it highlights the structural differences between traditional and collaborative enterprises and specifies performance measurement and management requirements of these collaborative organisations. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose – In 2001, Euronext-Liffe introduced single security futures contracts for the first time. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact that these single security futures had on the volatility of the underlying stocks. Design/methodology/approach – The Inclan and Tiao algorithm was used to show that the volatility of underlying securities did not change after universal futures were introduced. Findings – It was found that in the aftermath of the introduction of universal futures the volatility of the underlying securities increases. Increased volatility is not apparent in the control sample. This suggests that single security futures did have some impact on the volatility of the underlying securities. Originality/value – Despite the huge literature that has examined the effects of a futures listing on the volatility of underlying stock returns, little consensus has emerged. This paper adds to the dialogue by focusing on the effects of a single security futures contract rather than concentrating on the effects of index futures contracts.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider the current status of strategic group theory in the light of developments over the last three decades. and then to discuss the continuing value of the concept, both to strategic management research and practising managers. Design/methodology/approach – Critical review of the idea of strategic groups together with a practical strategic mapping illustration. Findings – Strategic group theory still provides a useful approach for management research, which allows a detailed appraisal and comparison of company strategies within an industry. Research limitations/ implications – Strategic group research would undoubtedly benefit from more directly comparable, industry-specific studies, with a more careful focus on variable selection and the statistical methods used for validation. Future studies should aim to build sets of industry specific variables that describe strategic choice within that industry. The statistical methods used to identify strategic groupings need to be robust to ensure that strategic groups are not solely an artefact of method. Practical implications – The paper looks specifically at an application of strategic group theory in the UK pharmaceutical industry. The practical benefits of strategic groups as a classification system and of strategic mapping as a strategy development and analysis tool are discussed. Originality/value – The review of strategic group theory alongside alternative taxonomies and application of the concept to the UK pharmaceutical industry.


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This article considers the utilisation of the UK’s Prudential Borrowing Framework (PBF) and the associated Prudential Code for local government capital finance. It finds that the increased flexibility and local freedom are at the cost of less financial certainty in terms of the risks borne by local authorities and local tax payers. The PBF seems to encourage a less formal approach to risk, being considered inevitable and handled if and when adverse risk outcomes occur. Consequently capital projects may lack affordability, sustainability and prudence. The Prudential Indicators required by the Code are not easily understood by non-specialists and their calculation cannot be used to replace sound judgement or to identify the best financing option.


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The paper extends the current literature on peer review journal evaluations by providing a number of insights based on the diversity of Production and Operations Management (POM) research. We provide peer review evaluations for POM research outlets, based on a sampling frame that includes a large number of POM researchers worldwide. More specifically, the paper develops and tests various hypotheses as to whether the perceived quality and relevance of a journal is affected by such factors as: (i) nature of research work (empiricists versus modelers), (ii) society membership, (iii) research productivity, (iv) geographical location, and (v) seniority. Our findings suggest that caution must be exercised when utilizing existing POM journal rankings, as some factors, particularly the difference between empiricists and modelers, may influence journal evaluation. These must be considered when addressing issues such as faculty promotions, tenure, and salary. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.