982 resultados para medida de temperatura em elemento combustível


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A criação dos números fracionários se deu em um determinado momento que os números naturais não eram mais suficientes para moderar as situações do dia a dia. Assim, os números naturais expressam a idéia de quantidade e os números fracionários a de quantidade e medida. É nesse sentido que o número fracionário é representado por a/b, onde a é a quantidade e b a medida. As frações expressam dois tipos de grandezas (coisas que podemos contar ou medir, como por exemplo, massa, temperatura, tempo): contínuas e discretas. Na sala de aula, as frações deveriam ser trabalhadas, em um primeiro momento, a partir da observação, manipulação e comparação. E só posteriormente o professor poderia trabalhar os aspectos formais do assunto. As frações expressam diversas idéias matemáticas na tentativa de representar situações do cotidiano, algumas dessas ideias são: partição (parcela), quociente (resultado de uma divisão), medida, probabilidade e número (a/b). Cumpre, ainda, acrescentar que as frações equivalentes são aquelas que representam ou significam um mesmo resultado.


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A abordagem da doença alérgica, nomeadamente da alergia respiratória, surge reforçada com o contributo da Aerobiologia no conhecimento, evolução e controlo da doença. Por seu turno, a caracterização bioquímica dos aeroalergénios de uma região pemite avaliar a sua composição e potencial alergénico, com particular interesse para espécies vegetais cuja introdução e/ou proximidade a áreas populacionais, potenciam o aparecimento ou o aumento de sensibilização a aeroalergénios. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação incidiu em duas vertentes de investigação distintas, porém complementares e interdependentes: numa primeira parte, no estudo da composição aerobiológica da atmosfera da cidade do Funchal no período 2002-2004 (Capítulo I), e numa segunda parte, na caracterização bioquímica dos alergénios polínicos mais frequentes detectados no referido período (Capítulo II). Assim, numa primeira parte, a monitorização aerobiológica (incluindo pólenes, esporos de fungos e demais partículas de origem biológica), foi realizada com um polinómetro do tipo volumétrico, tipo Hirst (Burkard). Os dados obtidos foram correlacionados com os parâmetros meteorológicos e avaliado o seu significado estatístico, permitindo antever a influência das variáveis ambientais em cada tipo particular de pólen e de fungo. Constataram-se algumas diferenças no conteúdo aerobiológico comparativamente ao restante território nacional. No espectro polínico dominaram as Poaceae e Urticaceae, plantas ornamentais (Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Cupressaceae) e as representativas da faixa norte da cidade (Ericaceae, Myrtaceae e Pinaceae). Comparativamente a outras regiões do País, o espectro polínico foi no cômputo geral semelhante, embora se destaque para esta região, a expressividade do tipo Corylus no total polínico anual. A Primavera e o início de Verão, corresponderam às épocas de maior diversidade e concentração de pólenes. As diferenças encontradas no espectro polínico da cidade do Funchal são explicadas por variáveis intrínsecas desta região, tais como a composição vegetal, a localização da cidade, condições geo-climáticas inerentes, e a influência dos parâmetros meteorológicos, nomeadamente a temperatura e humidade relativa. Verificou-se a ocorrência de um maior número de pólenes quando a humidade se situa entre os 50 e 60 %, com a precipitação e a velocidade do vento a atingir valores mais baixos. A análise da variação intra-diurna observada revelou que há uma maior representação de pólenes entre as 11 e as 16 horas. Este estudo aerobiológico confere dados para o estabelecimento do primeiro calendário polínico da região e a definição de padrões de sazonalidade. Por seu turno, a fenologia dos principais tipos polínicos observados no Funchal permite definir um padrão anual de ocorrências polínicas. Relativamente à aeromicologia, verifica-se que, durante o período de estudo foram observados esporos de fungos sobretudo na Primavera (particularmente em Abril e Maio), início do Verão e no Outono. Os Deuteromicetes representaram a classe predominante, sendo Cladosporium o fungo mais abundante na atmosfera do Funchal, cujas concentrações mais elevadas ocorrem a humidades relativas de 40 a 70%. Tal como os pólenes, os esporos apresentam um dinâmica de variação intra-diurna particular: ocorreram em maior concentração entre as 13 e as 15 horas, surgindo igualmente nas primeiras horas da madrugada e da noite. O coberto vegetal do Funchal poderá afectar a aeromicologia local, na medida em que constitui um substrato importante para o crescimento de fungos, tal como as gramíneas que proliferam em quantidade e variedade ao longo de todo o ano. Constatou-se a existência de correlação entre a ocorrência de alguns esporos de fungos e taxa polínicos mais frequentes na atmosfera do Funchal. A análise de Spearman sugere a existência de correlação entre a ocorrência de Parietaria com a de Alternaria e Drechslera. Os esporos de fungos, incluindo esporos de fetos constituem uma fracção significativa das partículas na atmosfera do Funchal, sendo cerca de 11 vezes superior à dos pólenes. Na segunda parte do trabalho, o estudo bioquímico dos aeroalergénios polínicos implicou a optimização dos procedimentos de extracção, apurando-se três técnicas para a obtenção dos perfis proteicos de extractos de pólen desde a sua fonte natural. Esta análise permitiu detectar e identificar através das técnicas de SDS-PAGE-Imunoblotting, proteínas IgE específicas do pólen de plantas possivelmente relacionadas com a sensibilização alérgica. Em consonância com a monitorização aerobiológica, foram preparados extractos de pólen de 10 espécies de plantas. Os resultados em SDS-PAGE revelaram um elevado polimorfismo proteico em todos os extractos. Obtiveram-se extractos de pólen de 7 plantas acerca das quais não se conheciam estudos desta natureza: Acacia mearnsii, Avena barbata, Carduus squarrosus, Carlina salicifolia, Datura candida, Echium nervosum e Urtica membranosa. Por imunoblotting detectou-se no soro de dois pacientes IgE específica a proteínas de D. candida, com pesos moleculares entre 150,71 ± 0,05 e 58,92 ± 5,67 KDa. O soro de um deles reagiu igualmente com 5 alergénios de P. pinaster com 42,02 ± 0,05; 38,61 ± 0,46 ; 35,70 ± 7,78 ; 31,82 ± 2,11 e 27,45 ± 0,46 KDa. No soro de outro indivíduo foi detectada IgE específica para uma proteína de A. mearnsii com 66,66 ± 0,13 KDa, e outra de C. squarrosus,de 67,53 ± 0,29 KDa. É de destacar a sensibilidade e fiabilidade da técnica de Imunoblotting, e o interesse em incluila na metodologia de diagnóstico complementar da alergia respiratória. A ampla difusão de espécies como Ricinus communis, Urtica spp. ou A. mearnsii e sua proximidade à presença humana, reforçam, por um lado, a importância da vigilância aerobiológica, e por outro lado, requer uma definição do seu carácter alergénico para a população desta região.


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Esta tese é dedicada às redes de período longo, LPG’s, em fibra óptica, escritas por exposição a radiação ultravioleta (UV) ou por exposição a descargas eléctricas, e às suas aplicações em comunicações ópticas e em sistemas sensores. Numa primeira fase estudaram-se os aspectos teóricos fundamentais para a compreensão das LPG, nomeadamente os dois modelos matemáticos propostos na literatura, para a transmissão espectral de uma LPG, o modelo de duas camadas e o modelo de três camadas. Em seguida, estudou-se o deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante perante mudanças de parâmetros externos. Aqui, verificou-se que para variações da temperatura no exterior da LPG, o deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante é linear. Por outro lado, para variações de índice de refracção exterior, verificou-se que à medida que o índice exterior se aproxima dos valores do índice de refracção da bainha, o comprimento de onda ressonante tende para valores mais baixos. Por último, realizou-se um estudo da transmissão espectral de duas aplicações que envolvem LPG’s, nomeadamente dois tipos de interferómetros e filtros ópticos. Numa segunda fase, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta de simulação destes modelos, que permitia não só a obtenção dos espectros de transmissão das LPG’s mas também a obtenção das curvas de phase matching em função do período da rede e do comprimento de onda ressonante. A aplicação permitia também a obtenção das curvas do deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante, perante variações do índice de refracção exterior ou da temperatura. Para além disso, essa ferramenta realiza a simulação dos espectros de transmissão de filtros ópticos e de interferómetros de Michelson e de Mach-Zehnder construídos com base em LPG’s. A última fase do trabalho, a componente laboratorial, foi realizada na Unidade de Optoelectrónica e Sistemas Electrónicos do INESC Porto, onde foram construídos e testados os dispositivos estudados anteriormente, com o intuito de validar a aplicação desenvolvida. A ferramenta de simulação demonstrou ser capaz de simular de forma adequada os diversos aspectos do comportamento das LPG’s que foram estudados. A comparação dos resultados obtidos permitiu concluir que o modelo mais correcto para o estudo das LPG’s é o modelo de três camadas, o que está de acordo com o esperado.


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Este documento descreve a implementação de um sistema interferométrico diferencial para a interrogação de redes de Bragg com o objectivo da medição diferencial de deformação e temperatura. Foram implementados dois sistemas de interrogação, um utiliza uma configuração implementada através de instrumentação física, e outro, uma configuração implementada através de instrumentação virtual, desenvolvida com recurso ao ambiente LabVIEW®. O esquema diferencial permite diminuir os efeitos de sensibilidade cruzada indissociáveis a estes sistemas. Foram realizados testes de deformação e temperatura de forma a validar o funcionamento do sistema virtual. Em ambos os casos, os resultados foram próximos dos obtidos com o sistema convencional, verificando-se que a instrumentação virtual é uma forma de aproveitar as vantagens que este esquema de interrogação apresenta: grande sensibilidade e elevada gama dinâmica, e permite reduzir uma de suas desvantagens, o elevado custo. Verificou-se ainda a viabilidade da aplicação da configuração estudada num sistema de análise térmica diferencial para identificação de compostos em amostras desconhecidas. O sistema foi demonstrado utilizando uma mistura de acetona e metanol. Do trabalho realizado nesta dissertação foi possível efectuar algumas publicações que foram submetidas em Revistas e Conferências Científicas. A primeira ao Symposium On Enabling Optical Networks and Sensors SEON - 2010, Anexo A. A segunda à 21st International Conference on Optical Sensors - OFS 2011, Anexo B. E uma terceira submetida à revista Journal of Lightwave Technology, Anexo C.


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A pesquisa em pauta teve como seu principal objetivo investigar de forma compreensiva o portfólio como uma inovação pedagógica no contexto social e cultural do colégio da Policia Militar Diva Portela na cidade de Feira de Santana-BA. Ressalta os aspectos ligados à aprendizagem dos discentes diante deste dispositivo avaliativo portfólio e sua eficácia enquanto norteador do trabalho escolar. Procura ainda identificar as características do portfólio e sua característica enquanto elemento documental da trajetória dos estudantes ou das comunidades colaborativas no que tange à sua aprendizagem. Explicita também aspectos comuns às comunidades colaborativas, a partir do momento em que se estudou esta proposta de inovação pedagógica através do trabalho constante em pequenos grupos em processo de colaboração. Para tanto, dialogamos principalmente com os seguintes teóricos: Vygotsky, Piaget, Papert, Freire, Luckesi, Villas Boas, Fino, Sousa, Guber, Macedo e Demo. Optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa e pelo método etnográfico, onde utilizamos a observação, relatos, a entrevista semi-estruturada e não-estruturada. Ao desenvolver este trabalho com vistas a uma inovação pedagógica, espera-se ampliar as possibilidades de aprimorar a metodologia e o trabalho escolar, à medida que docente e discente participam ativamente da construção da sua construção do conhecimento e sua formação a partir de uma perspectiva processualista, característica fundante do portfólio.


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MELO, D. M. A. et al. Synthesis and charactezarion of lanthanum and yttrium doped Fe2O3 pigments. Cerâmica, São Paulo, v. 53, p. 79-82, 2007.


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The WTP produce many kinds of residue on your treatment stages, but the sludge is the more problematic from the final disposition point view. The actual rate of residue production deriving from technological evolution and the crescent population needs prevents the subtle equilibrium generation between consumption and recycling/reuse, creating problems of pollution resulting from inappropriate management of residues. Thus, is necessary achieve a new equilibrium between the grow from raw materials and energy and the residue generation. This equilibrium should be achieved by technical and economic feasibility of environmental supported models through recycling and reuse. The red ceramic industry stand out in residue absorption question as raw material due their clay mass heterogeneity, constituted by clay minerals and non-clay minerals with wide mineralogical variation, allowing residue inclusion which act like plastic or non-plastic materials, contributing to retain heavy metals contained in residues in the vitreous mass formed during the burning of the ceramic bodies. This work propose the study of the influence of incorporation of 25 wt.% sludge from wastewater treatment plant, according preliminary results, in the mass to produce ceramic bodies. The raw materials was characterized through chemical composition analyses by XRF, mineralogical analyses by XRD, thermal analyses by TG and DTA, Atterberg limits and thermodilatometry. Subsequently was composed the mass with 75 wt.% of clay and 25 wt.% of dried wastewater sludge from UFRN WWTP. Samples with 6,0 x 2,0 x 0,5 cm was produced with unidirectional compacting under pressure of 20MPa and burned in temperatures between 950 and 1,200ºC. After fired, the ceramic bodies have been submitted to physical and mechanical analyses through the measure of firing shrinkage, water absorption, density, apparent porosity and flexural strength; crystallographic analyses through XRD and microstructure analyses by SEM. The technological properties obtained was satisfactory to production of roof tiles with 25 wt.% at 1,200 ºC, but the production of others products at lower temperatures was not feasible


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The direct use of natural gas makes the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) potentially more competitive with the current energy conversions technologies. The Intermediate Temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC) offer several advantages over the High Temperature SOFC (HT-SOFC), which includes better thermal compatibility among components, fast start with lower energy consumption, manufacture and operation cost reduction. The CeO2 based materials are alternatives to the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) to application in SOFC, as they have higher ionic conductivity and less ohmic losses comparing to YSZ, and they can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). Ceria has been doped with a variety of cations, although, the Gd3+ has the ionic radius closest to the ideal one to form solid solution. These electrolytes based in ceria require special electrodes with a higher performance and chemical and termomechanical compatibility. In this work compounds of gadolinia-doped ceria, Ce1-xGdxO2-δ (x = 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3), used as electrolytes, were synthesized by polymeric precursors method, Pechini, as well as the composite material NiO - Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95, used as anode, also attained by oxide mixture method, mixturing the powders of the both phases calcinated already. The materials were characterized by X ray diffraction, dilatometry and scanning electronic microscopy. The refinement of the diffraction data indicated that all the Ce1-xGdxO2-δ powders were crystallized in a unique cubic phase with fluorite structure, and the composite synthesized by Pechini method produced smaller crystallite size in comparison with the same material attained by oxide mixture method. All the produced powders had nanometric characteristics. The composite produced by Pechini method has microstructural characteristics that can increase the triple phase boundaries (TPB) in the anode, improving the cell efficiency, as well as reducing the mass transport mechanism effect that provokes anode degradation


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The cells unitaria of the solid oxide fuel cell are separated by means of interconnects, which serve as electrical contact between the cells. Lanthanum Chromite (LaCrO3) has been the most common material used as interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells. Reducing the operating temperature around 800 º C of cells to solid oxide fuel make possibilite the use of metallic interconnects as an alternative to ceramic LaCrO3. Metallic interconnects have advantages over ceramic interconnects such as high thermal conductivity, electricity, good ductility, low cost, good physical and mechanical properties. In this work evaluate the thermo-mechanical properties of the metallic substrate and coated metallic substrate with the ceramic LaCrO3 film via spray-pyrolysis, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of using this material as a component of a fuel cell solid oxide. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, oxidation behavior, mechanical strength, optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X-ray diffraction proved the formation phase of the LaCrO3 on the metallic substrate and the identification of the phases formed after the oxidative test and mechanical strength at high temperature. The oxidation behavior showed the increased oxidation resistance of the coated metallic substrate. It was noted that the mechanical resistance to bending of the coated metallic substrate only increases at room temperature. The optical microscopy (OM) has provided an assessment of both the metallic substrate and the LaCrO3 film deposited on the metal substrate that, in comparison with the micrographs obtained from SEM. The SEM one proved the formation of Cr2O3 layer on the metallic substrate and stability of LaCrO3 film after oxidative test, it can also observe the displacement of the ceramic LaCrO3 film after of mechanical testing and mapping of the main elements as chromium, manganese, oxygen, lanthanum in samples after the thermo-mechanical tests.


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In this work have been studied the preparation, characterization and kinetic study of decomposition of the polymerizing agent used in the synthesis under non-isothermal condition ceramics PrMO3 of general formula (M = Co and Ni). These materials were obtained starting from the respective metal nitrates, as a cations source, and making use of gelatin as polymerizing agent. The powders were calcined at temperatures of 500°C, 700°C and 900°C and characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG / DTG/ DTA), Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The perovskite phase was detected in all the X-rays patterns. In the infrared spectroscopy observed the oxide formation as the calcination temperature increases with the appearance of the band metal - oxygen. The images of SEM revealed uniform distribution for the PrCoO3 and particles agglomerated as consequence of particle size for PrNiO3. From the data of thermal analysis, the kinetics of decomposition of organic matter was employed using the kinetics methods called Model Free Kinetics and Flynn and Wall, in the heating ratios 10, 20 and 30° C.min-1 between room temperature and 700°C. Finally, been obtained the values of activation energy for the region of greatest decomposition of organic matter in samples that were determined by the degree of conversion (α)


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Population growth experienced in major cities, allied to society s need of infra-structure, especially ones related to habitational demands, increases the consumption of construction materials. As a consequence, consumption of natural resources itself. Thus, due to this process, concrete is one of the most produced materials in civil construction. This is also due to the great diversity of its application, easiness in its execution and adequate mechanical performance, as well as low production costs. Following the same tendencies in construction development, the ceramic industry has intensified the production of porcelain ceramic tiles and floors. These are achieved by a fine finishing and receive polishing at the end of the fabrication process. This work researched the use of porcelain residues in polishing for the production of concrete. All of which; due to economical and environmental issues. This process aims to prove adequate destiny for this type of residue, due to environmental issues, incorporating it to the concrete itself; all of which provides economy in consumption of the materials that constitute concrete. Thus, the main characteristics of concrete were investigated through the inclusion of different concentration of the porcelain residue as additional trait element. The residue rates incorporated to the trait varied from 10% to 50% in relation to the cement mass, in the traits with plastic additives and without plastic additives. It is observed that the inclusion of porcelain residue produced a meaningful alteration in the consistency of fresh concrete. This residue has a fine granulometry and it considerably absorbed the water used in the concrete spreading, influencing the way this material is dealt with. Thus, the value of cement striking decreases with the increase of residues present in trait. The maximal incorporation of the residue was of 50%, massively, for the same factor water/initial cement. The use of residues in concrete results in an 40% increase in the compression resistance. It is also proportional to residue concentration of porcelain in the trait. The microstructure was also favored once porosity and concrete absorption decreases with the use of this residue. The parameters demonstrate the quality and durability of the concrete produced with this residue. The use of porcelain residue in concrete composition has not produced meaningful thermal behavior changes. Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity have been maintained basically constant


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One of waste produced on large scale during the well drilling is the gravel drilling. There are techniques for the treatment of the same, but there isn t consensus on what are the best in terms of economic and environmental. One alternative for disposal of this waste and objective of this paper is the incorporation and immobilization of gravel clay matrix to assess their technological properties. The Raw Materials used were characterized by the following techniques: Chemical Analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), mineralogical analysis by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Grain Size Analysis (FA) and Thermal Analysis by Thermogravimetry (TG) and thermodiferential (DTA). After characterizing, samples were formulated in the following percentages: 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100% (weight) of gravel drilling, then the pieces were pressed, dried (110 ° C) and sintered at temperatures of 850, 950 and 1050 ° C. After sintering, samples were tested for water absorption, linear shrinkage, flexural strength, porosity, density, XRD and test color. The results concluded that the incorporation of gravel drilling is a viable possibility for solid masonry bricks and ceramic blocks manufacture at concentrations and firing temperature described here. Residue incorporation reduces an environmental problem, the cost of raw materials for manufacture of ceramic products


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This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load


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The cerium oxide has a high potential for use in removing pollutants after combustion, removal of organic matter in waste water and the fuel-cell technology. The nickel oxide is an attractive material due to its excellent chemical stability and their optical properties, electrical and magnetic. In this work, CeO2-NiO- systems on molars reasons 1:1(I), 1:2(II) e 1:3(III) metal-citric acid were synthesized using the Pechini method. We used techniques of TG / DTG and ATD to monitor the degradation process of organic matter to the formation of the oxide. By thermogravimetric analysis and applying the dynamic method proposed by Coats-Redfern, it was possible to study the reactions of thermal decomposition in order to propose the possible mechanism by which the reaction takes place, as well as the determination of kinetic parameters as activation energy, Ea, pre-exponential factor and parameters of activation. It was observed that both variables exert a significant influence on the formation of complex polymeric precursor. The model that best fitted the experimental data in the dynamic mode was R3, which consists of nuclear growth, which formed the nuclei grow to a continuous reaction interface, it proposes a spherical symmetry (order 2 / 3). The values of enthalpy of activation of the system showed that the reaction in the state of transition is exothermic. The variables of composition, together with the variable temperature of calcination were studied by different techniques such as XRD, IV and SEM. Also a study was conducted microstructure by the Rietveld method, the calculation routine was developed to run the package program FullProf Suite, and analyzed by pseudo-Voigt function. It was found that the molar ratio of variable metal-citric acid in the system CeO2-NiO (I), (II), (III) has strong influence on the microstructural properties, size of crystallites and microstrain network, and can be used to control these properties


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Cells the solid oxide fuel are systems capable to directly convert energy of a chemical reaction into electric energy in clean, quiet way and if its components in the solid state differentiate of excessively the techniques for having all. Its more common geometric configurations are: the tubular one and to glide. Geometry to glide beyond the usual components (anode, cathode and electrolyte) needs interconnect and sealant. E the search for materials adjusted for these components is currently the biggest challenge found for the production of the cells. The sealants need to present chemical stability in high temperatures, to provoke electric isolation, to have coefficient of compatible thermal expansion with the excessively component ones. For presenting these characteristics the glass-ceramics materials are recommended for the application. In this work the study of the partial substitution of the ZrO2 for the Al2O3 in system LZS became it aiming at the formation of system LZAS, this with the addition of natural spodumene with 10, 20 and 30% in mass. The compositions had been casting to a temperature of 1500°C and later quickly cooled with the objective to continue amorphous. Each composition was worn out for attainment of a dust with average diameter of approximately 3μm and characterized by the techniques of DRX, FRX, MEV, dilatometric analysis and particle size analysis. Later the samples had been conformed and treated thermally with temperatures in the interval between 700-1000 °C, with platform of 10 minutes and 1 hour. The analyses for the treated samples had been: dilatometric analysis, DRX, FRX, electrical conductivity and tack. The results point with respect to the viability of the use of system LZAS for use as sealant a time that had presented good results as isolating electric, they had adhered to a material with similar α of the components of a SOFC and had presented steady crystalline phases