974 resultados para medial forebrain bundle
It has been suggested that decisionmaking depends on sensitive feelings associatedwith cognitive processing rather than cognitiveprocessing alone. From human lesions, we knowthe medial anterior inferior-ventral prefrontalcortex processes the sensitivity associated withcognitive processing, it being essentiallyresponsible for decision making.In this fMRI (functional Magnetic ResonanceImage) study 15 subjects were analyzed usingmoral dilemmas as probes to investigate the neuralbasis for painful-emotional sensitivity associatedwith decision making. We found that a networkcomprising the posterior and anterior cingulateand the medial anterior prefrontal cortex wassignificantly and specifically activated by painfulmoral dilemmas, but not by non-painful dilemmas.These findings provide new evidence that thecingulate and medial anterior prefrontal areinvolved in processing painful emotionalsensibility, in particular, when decision makingtakes place. We speculate that decision makinghas a cognitive component processed by cognitivebrain areas and a sensitivity component processedby emotional brain areas. The structures activatedsuggest that decision making depends on painfulemotional feeling processing rather than cognitiveprocessing when painful feeling processinghappens
The role of dopamine and serotonin in spinal pain regulation is well established. However, little is known concerning the role of brain dopamine and serotonin in the perception of pain in humans. The aim of this study was to assess the potential role of brain dopamine and serotonin in determining experimental pain sensitivity in humans using positron emission tomography (PET) and psychophysical methods. A total of 39 healthy subjects participated in the study, and PET imaging was performed to assess brain dopamine D2/D3 and serotonin 5-HT1A receptor availability. In a separate session, sensitivity to pain and touch was assessed with traditional psychophysical methods, allowing the evaluation of potential associations between D2/D3 and 5-HT1A binding and psychophysical responses. The subjects’ responses were also analyzed according to Signal Detection Theory, which enables separate assessment of the subject’s discriminative capacity (sensory factor) and response criterion (non-sensory factor). The study found that the D2/D3 receptor binding in the right putamen was inversely correlated with pain threshold and response criterion. 5-HT1A binding in cingulate cortex, inferior temporal gyrus and medial prefrontal cortex was inversely correlated with discriminative capacity for touch. Additionally, the response criterion for pain and intensity rating of suprathreshold pain were inversely correlated with 5-HT1A binding in multiple brain areas. The results suggest that brain D2/D3 receptors and 5-HT1A receptors modulate sensitivity to pain and that the pain modulatory effects may, at least partly, be attributed to influences on the response criterion. 5-HT1A receptors are also involved in the regulation of touch by having an effect on discriminative capacity.
The Mal de Río Cuarto disease is caused by Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV) transmitted by Delphacodes kuscheli. Comparative studies were carried out on the cytopathological alterations produced by MRCV in corn (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), as seen with a transmission electron microscope. Corn plants were infected with viruliferous D. kuscheli collected from the endemic disease area (i.e. Río Cuarto County, Córdoba, Argentina). For the viral transmission to small grain cereal plants, laboratory rared insects were used. In this case, the inoculum source was wheat and barley plants infected with MRCV isolate grown in a greenhouse. Leaf samples with conspicuous symptoms were collected: enations and size reduction in corn; crenatures, swelling veins and dark green color in small grain cereals. Viral infection was corroborated by DAS-ELISA. Viroplasms containing complete and incomplete virus particles and fibrillar material were found in the cytoplasm of infected cells in all species. Mature virions were between 60 and 70 nm diameter. In wheat and barley, viroplasms and dispersed particles were observed only in phloem, while in corn virions were also found in cells of the bundle sheath. Crystalline arrays of particles were detected in corn enation constitutive cells. Tubular inclusions were found only in wheat samples. The three species showed abnormalities in the chloroplasts of affected cells. The results showed that MRCV cytopathology has similarities with other viruses from the genus Fijivirus, family family Reoviridae, but slight differences depending upon the host plant.
Many manufacturing companies have started to offer complete solutions to their customers’ unique needs due to toughening competition and customer demand. Discourse on this kind of solution business is still developing, hence, there is not an established definition for the concept of solution. The aim of the study is to profoundly identify the concept of solution and to understand how the industry’s current views differ from the theoretical concepts. The describing dimensions are identified from selected 13 theoretical notions, and from responses, that the employees of five different companies have given. The 32 interview transcripts are analyzed with thematic analysis and qualitative content analysis. According to the findings, the concept of solution is characterized by integration, customization, risk-sharing, value co-creation, long-term orientation, and desired outcomes. The industry’s insights differ in terms of them all. The results illustrate, that a solution is a bundle, and the whole solution is customized on some level for a client. A solution supplier needs to be customer-focused, in which value co-creation is only a part. The solution solves the customer’s problem, and improves both the customer’s, and the supplier’s business. Neither long-term focus nor risks-sharing were directly employed to characterize the concept of solution. Differences are mainly due to the different approaches to the definitions and inexperience of the companies.
An optode based on thymol blue (TB), an acid-based indicator, has been constructed and evaluated as a detector in FIA system for CO2 determination. The dye was chemically immobilised on the surface of a bifurcated glass optical fibre bundle, using silanisation in organic media. In FIA system, hydrogen carbonate or carbonate samples are injected in a buffer carrier solution, and then are mixed with phosphoric acid solution to generate CO2, which diffuses through a PTFE membrane, in order to be collected in an acceptor carrier fluid, pumped towards to detection cell, in which the optode was adapted. The proposed system presents two linear response ranges, from 1.0 x 10-3 to 1.0 x 10-2 mol l-1, and from 2.0 x 10-2 to 0.10 mol l-1. The sampling frequency was 11 sample h-1, with good repeatability (R.S.D < 4 %, n = 10). In flow conditions the optode lifetime was 170 h. The system was applied in the analysis of commercial mineral water and the results obtained in the hydrogen carbonate determination did not differ significantly from those obtained by potentiometry, at a confidence level of 95 %.
ABSTRACTAlthough poorly studied, the bacterial halo blight is an important disease in the major coffee-producing states of Brazil. External damage and anatomical changes on leaves were measured in seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo, susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae, by using histological sections obtained at 10 and 20 days after inoculation (DAI). The changes on the epidermis were smaller than the lesions measured in the mesophyll, irrespective of the evaluated colonization period, showing that the internal damage caused by the bacterium represent twice the damage observed externally. From the inoculation site, lysis occurred on the epidermal cells and on the palisade and spongy parenchyma cells, with strong staining of their cellular contents, as well as abnormal intercellular spaces in the palisade parenchyma, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mesophyll cells and partial destruction of chloroplasts. Additionally, this study revealed the presence of inclusion bodies in epidermal and mesophyll cells. Bacterial masses were found in the apoplast between and within mesophyll cells. Bacteria were also observed in the bundle sheath and vascular bundles and were more pronounced at 20 DAI, not only near the inoculation site but also in distant areas, suggesting displacement through the vascular system. These results can be useful to understand this plant-pathogen interaction.
The 'Niagara Rosada' grape is the main Brazilian table grape belonging to the Labrusca family. It develops medium, cylindrical and compact bunches with berries presenting a pinkish skin and a foxy flavor that is valued in the Brazilian market. These berries are tender and have a pedicel-berry connection provided by the vascular bundles and surrounding skin. This cultivar is very susceptible to berry drop mainly caused by vibration and senescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal mechanical behavior of the pedicel-berry detachment, using resistance indexes extracted from traction force-deformation curves. Test results showed two different detachment types. In the first one, which exhibited higher average resistance, a considerable portion of the vascular bundle came out attached to the pedicel and in the second type; the vascular bundle was retained inside the berry. The proposed indexes based on maximum detachment force, force at 0.2; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.2 mm, and maximum force to corresponding deformation ratio did not discriminate the senescence of the berry.
Pathological gambling, a form of behavioral addiction, refers to maladaptive, compulsive gambling behavior severely interfering with an individual’s normal life. The prevalence of pathological gambling has been estimated to be 1–2% in western societies. The reward deficiency hypothesis of addiction assumes that individuals that have, or are prone, to addictions have blunted mesolimbic dopamine reward signaling, which leads to compulsive reward seeking in an attempt to compensate for the malfunctioning brain reward network. In this research project, the effects of gambling were measured using brain [11C] raclopride PET during slot machine gambling and possible brain structural changes associated with pathological gambling using MRI. The subjects included pathological gamblers and healthy volunteers. In addition, impulse control disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease were investigated by using brain [18F]fluorodopa PET and conducting an epidemiological survey. The results demonstrate mesolimbic dopamine release during gambling in both pathological gamblers and healthy volunteers. Striatal dopamine was released irrespective of the gambling outcome, whether the subjects won or not. There was no difference in gambling induced dopamine release between pathological gamblers and control subjects, although the magnitude of the dopamine release correlated with gambling related symptom severity in pathological gamblers. The results also show that pathological gambling is associated with extensive abnormality of brain white matter integrity, as measured with diffusion tensor imaging, similar to substance-addictions. In Parkinson’s disease patients with impulse control disorders, enhanced brain [18F] fluorodopa uptake in the medial orbitofrontal cortex was observed, indicating increased presynaptic monoamine function in this region, which is known to influence signaling in the mesolimbic system and reward processing. Finally, a large epidemiological survey in Finnish Parkinson’s disease patients showed that compulsive behaviors are very common in Parkinson disease and they are strongly associated with depression. These findings demonstrate the role of dopamine in pathological gambling, without support for the concept of reward deficiency syndrome.
We present a case of a 56-year-old woman with abdominal pain, normal laboratorial exams, normal carcinoembryonary antigen (CEA) and abdominal tomography exam with tumor formation in hepatic region. A tumor lesion was identified in a surgery in the medial segment of the inferior vena cava. A surgical resection was done, respecting the security limits, and reconstruction of the inferior vein with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft was performed. The histological examination showed differentiated leiomyossarcoma of the inferior vena cava. This report points to the necessity of differential diagnoses with leiomyossarcoma in the presence of abdominal mass, supra-mesocolic, and non-specific abdominal symptoms, since its pre-surgical diagnoses occurs in only 5% to 10% of the cases.
OBJETIVO: Determinar parâmetros anátomo-cirúrgicos para o acesso rápido, seguro e preciso da veia basílica no terço distal do braço e avaliar os aspectos anatômicos relacionados à presença, número e sintopia neural na região. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 30 membros superiores de cadáveres adultos, brasileiros, do sexo masculino (27 a 58 anos), fixados em solução de formalina a 10%. Foi criado um método trigonométrico utilizando-se parâmetros anatômicos, determinando-se um triângulo cujo ápice foi o ponto de referência para a localização da veia basílica no terço distal do braço. A região foi dissecada e a veia exposta. O método foi também utilizado na dissecação venosa de 15 pacientes. RESULTADOS: A veia basílica foi encontrada na face medial do terço distal do braço de todos os cadáveres, localizando-se no ápice do trígono em 70% dos casos e em situação medial em relação ao mesmo em 30%. Em 83,33% havia ramos dos nervos cutâneos mediais do braço e antebraço junto à adventícia da veia basílica. Foram encontrados dois ramos dos nervos cutâneos mediais do braço e antebraço relacionados a cada veia basílica em 90% dos membros superiores e apenas um ramo no restante. Em 30% dos casos existiam ramos posteriores à veia basílica, o que deve ser considerado ao se realizar a dissecação da mesma. CONCLUSÕES: O método proposto para a localização da veia basílica mostrou-se eficaz, rápido, seguro e preciso, indicando ser uma boa opção de acesso venoso no paciente em estado crítico que necessite de tal procedimento.
Blunt rupture of the renal pelvis is a exceedingly rare injury. Hematuria is absent in one-third of cases. Such injuries are usually caused by desacceleration forces. Despite improved imaging techniques, diagnosis of this injuries is frequently delayed. Diagnosis is suggested by the presence of massive medial extravasation of contrast material at excretory urography or computed tomography. Surgical treatment consists in pyeloplasty or pyeloraphy with stent placement (double J) or nephrostomy.
OBJETIVO: O estudo foi transversal e retrospectivo por meio dos registros fotográficos, nos transoperatórios de 53 tireoidectomias totais e parciais, realizadas entre janeiro de 2002 a agosto de 2006, em pacientes portadores de doenças benignas e malignas da tireóide. RESULTADOS: Foram obtidas imagens de 111 glândulas paratireóides. Das 67 superiores, 65 (97%) estavam envolvidas pelo fino e irregular tecido adiposo peri-glandular. Das 44 inferiores, 41 (93,1%) estavam parcial ou totalmente envoltas pela esparsa gordura aderida à cápsula tireóide. A escolha da via de acesso e o cuidado para evitar hemorragias são dois itens que evitam maiores dificuldades. Acrescem-se os rigores da técnica com a ligadura do pedículo superior, sendo realizada em primeiro lugar, seguida da mobilização do lobo tireóideo em sentido medial. Esses gestos possibilitam a melhor identificação das paratireóides. CONCLUSÃO: É indispensável conservar o tecido adiposo aderido à cápsula tireóidea, onde se alojam mais de 90% das paratireóides. O manuseio cirúrgico dessa delgada lâmina adiposa provoca a mudança da cor das paratireóides, tornando-as amarronzadas, destacando-as entre o amarelo-ouro da gordura e impondo maior atenção ao cirurgião.
O autor apresenta, detalhadamente, a técnica de ressecção anterior ultrabaixa e interesfinctérica com anastomose coloanal por videolaparoscopia para tratamento do câncer do reto distal. São descritos os principais passos da operação: 1 - Posição do Paciente; 2 - Posicionamento do Equipamento e Equipe; 3 - Posicionamento dos Trocartes e Exploração da Cavidade Abdominal; 4 - Exposição do Campo Operatório; 5 - Ligadura dos Vasos Mesentéricos Inferiores pelo acesso medial; 6 - Mobilização do Ângulo Esplênico e do Colon Sigmóide; 7 - Excisão total do mesorreto, preservação dos nervos pélvicos e mobilização do reto pela técnica de Rullier; 8- Secção do reto distal e anastomose coloanal;9-Ressecção interesfinctérica (RI) e anastomose coloanal com coloplastia transversa, bolsa colónica em J ou anastomose latero-terminal. A utilização desta técnica, apesar de ser um procedimento complexo, mostrou-se viável e segura, pois apresentou baixo índice de complicação pós-operatória e mortalidade.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar anatomicamente a origem femoral e inserção tibial das bandas ântero-medial e póstero-lateral do ligamento cruzado anterior. MÉTODOS: Estudados oito joelhos de cadáveres, foram feitas as seguintes medidas no fêmur: distância do centro da banda ântero-medial à cartilagem profunda e a ao teto. Ainda no fêmur, do centro da banda póstero-lateral à cartilagem profunda, a cartilagem inferior e à cartilagem superficial. Na tíbia, foi aferido do bordo ósseo tibial anterior à região anterior da banda ântero-medial, ao centro da banda ântero-medial e ao centro da banda póstero-lateral. Também foi medido o centro da banda póstero-lateral ao bordo ósseo posterior da tíbia e o comprimento ântero-posterior total da inserção tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior. RESULTADOS: No fêmur, a distância do centro da banda ântero-medial à cartilagem profunda foi de 6,3 ±1,4mm e ao teto 11,2 ±2mm. Ainda no fêmur, a medida do centro da banda póstero-lateral à cartilagem profunda 9 ±4mm, à cartilagem superficial 7,6 ±1,8mm e a cartilagem inferior 4,2 ±0,9mm. Na tíbia, a distância do bordo ósseo tibial anterior à região anterior da banda ântero-medial foi de 11,9 ±2,8mm, ao centro da banda ântero-medial 18,8 ±2,6mm e ao centro da banda póstero-lateral 26,5 ±2,3mm. A medida do centro da banda póstero-lateral ao bordo ósseo posterior da tíbia foi 19,6 ±4mm e o comprimento ântero-posterior total da inserção tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior 19,4 ±1,8mm. CONCLUSÃO: O centro da inserção tibial da banda ântero-medial encontra-se a aproximadamente 20mm da extremidade anterior da tíbia, enquanto o centro da póstero-lateral se encontra a 30mm. A distância entre o centro da origem da banda ântero-medial até a cartilagem profunda é 6mm e da póstero-lateral 10mm.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o emprego de técnicas de reconstrução imediata de vulva, pós-ressecção cirúrgica, com retalhos fasciocutâneos das faces medial e/ou posterior da coxa. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte transversal, retrospectivo, para análise do resultado da reconstrução cirúrgica imediata, com retalhos fasciocutâneos em nove pacientes submetidas à vulvectomia, no período de maio de 2009 a agosto de 2010. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 61 anos (variação 36 a 82 anos). Em 56% dos casos, o diagnóstico foi neoplasia intraepitelial vulvar (NIV) tipo usual. A vulvectomia radical foi realizada em 45% das pacientes, a vulvectomia simples em 33% e as ressecções amplas, em 22%. Foram confeccionados 11 retalhos fasciocutâneos, sendo 36,3% de transposições de retalho posterior de coxa, 18,2% de retalhos mediais de coxa, 18,2% de retalhos em avanço em V-Y, 18,2% de retalhos em avanço simples e 9,1% de rotação de retalho de região posterior de coxa. Não houve casos de perdas importantes dos retalhos confeccionados. CONCLUSÃO: Os retalhos fasciocutâneos de coxa são, atualmente, boas opções para a reconstrução imediata da vulva pós-ressecção oncológica devido à preservação da sensibilidade e da disponibilidade tecidual nas áreas doadoras. A associação do Cirurgião Plástico com o Ginecologista oferece tranquilidade às pacientes e determina bons resultados pós-operatórios.