992 resultados para matemática computacional


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The so called Campaign for the Improvement and Diffusion of High School (in Portuguese, CADES) took place between 1953 and 1971, in Brazil. During this period, the Campaign published or helped publish dozens of books, in different teaching areas, and several of them were located by the authors of this article. These books guided high school teachers with respect to curriculum planning, legal aspects and methods of teaching. In this article, we contextualize historically this Campaign and also mention its objectives. We briefly describe some of the books found - especially those related to the teaching of mathematics - in order to open perspectives for future approaches and research that can be done based on this written material. Our main aim is to discuss its orientations and to provide ingredients that enable the construction of considerations related to this perspective of training mathematics teachers during a period when there were few colleges and universities to prepare teachers in Brazil.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the teachers' need, as autonomous professionals, to evaluate their own pratice. Considering that Descriptive Functional Analysis (DFA) may be a pedagogical method for analysis, implementation, and change of teachers' mathematics teaching practices, the objective of the present research was to teach repertoires compatible with DFA to two mathematics teachers in elementary schools of São Paulo state. When teachers are responsible for evaluation and self evaluation, they recognize themselves as fundamental agents of transformation in education.


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We developed this dissertation aiming its in the process of teaching and learning of the Principle of Mathematical Induction and we set our efforts so that the students of the first year of the high school can assimilate the content having the knowledge seen in the basic education as foreknowledge. With this, we seek to awake in the student the interest on proofs, showing how much it s needed in examples that involve contents that he is already seen


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O método de fluxo de carga convencional é considerado inadequado para se obter o ponto de máximo carregamento (PMC) de sistemas de potência, devido à singularidade da matriz Jacobiana neste ponto. Os métodos da continuação são ferramentas eficientes para a solução deste tipo de problema, visto que técnicas de parametrização podem ser utilizadas para evitar a singularidade da matriz Jacobiana. Neste trabalho, novas opções para a etapa de parametrização do método da continuação são apresentadas. Mostra-se que variáveis com claro significado físico podem ser utilizadas na etapa de parametrização. As seguintes variáveis foram testadas: perda total de potência ativa e reativa, potência ativa e reativa na barra de referência, potência reativa das barras de geração, e as perdas de potência ativa e reativa nas linhas de transmissão (LT). Além de facilitar a implementação computacional do método de continuação, as técnicas de parametrização apresentadas simplificam a definição matemática e o entendimento do método por parte de engenheiros de potência, visto que os métodos de continuação existentes na literatura sempre utilizam técnicas de parametrização complexas, e de interpretação puramente geométrica. Resultados obtidos com a nova metodologia para os sistemas testes do IEEE (14, 30, 57 e 118 barras) mostram que as características de convergência do método de fluxo de carga convencional são melhoradas na região do PMC. Além disso, durante o traçado das curvas PV, as diversas técnicas de parametrização podem ser comutadas entre si possibilitando o cálculo de todos os pontos da curva com um número reduzido de iterações. Diversos testes são realizados para proporcionar a comparação do desempenho dos esquemas de parametrização propostos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A matemática intervalar é uma teoria matemática originada na década de 60 com o objetivo de responder questões de exatidão e eficiência que surgem na prática da computação científica e na resolução de problemas numéricos. As abordagens clássicas para teoria da computabilidade tratam com problemas discretos (por exemplo, sobre os números naturais, números inteiros, strings sobre um alfabeto finito, grafos, etc.). No entanto, campos da matemática pura e aplicada tratam com problemas envolvendo números reais e números complexos. Isto acontece, por exemplo, em análise numérica, sistemas dinâmicos, geometria computacional e teoria da otimização. Assim, uma abordagem computacional para problemas contínuos é desejável, ou ainda necessária, para tratar formalmente com computações analógicas e computações científicas em geral. Na literatura existem diferentes abordagens para a computabilidade nos números reais, mas, uma importante diferença entre estas abordagens está na maneira como é representado o número real. Existem basicamente duas linhas de estudo da computabilidade no contínuo. Na primeira delas uma aproximação da saída com precisão arbitrária é computada a partir de uma aproximação razoável da entrada [Bra95]. A outra linha de pesquisa para computabilidade real foi desenvolvida por Blum, Shub e Smale [BSS89]. Nesta aproximação, as chamadas máquinas BSS, um número real é visto como uma entidade acabada e as funções computáveis são geradas a partir de uma classe de funções básicas (numa maneira similar às funções parciais recursivas). Nesta dissertação estudaremos o modelo BSS, usado para se caracterizar uma teoria da computabilidade sobre os números reais e estenderemos este para se modelar a computabilidade no espaço dos intervalos reais. Assim, aqui veremos uma aproximação para computabilidade intervalar epistemologicamente diferente da estudada por Bedregal e Acióly [Bed96, BA97a, BA97b], na qual um intervalo real é visto como o limite de intervalos racionais, e a computabilidade de uma função intervalar real depende da computabilidade de uma função sobre os intervalos racionais


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This work presents JFLoat, a software implementation of IEEE-754 standard for binary floating point arithmetic. JFloat was built to provide some features not implemented in Java, specifically directed rounding support. That feature is important for Java-XSC, a project developed in this Department. Also, Java programs should have same portability when using floating point operations, mainly because IEEE-754 specifies that programs should have exactly same behavior on every configuration. However, it was noted that programs using Java native floating point types may be machine and operating system dependent. Also, JFloat is a possible solution to that problem


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The intervalar arithmetic well-known as arithmetic of Moore, doesn't possess the same properties of the real numbers, and for this reason, it is confronted with a problem of operative nature, when we want to solve intervalar equations as extension of real equations by the usual equality and of the intervalar arithmetic, for this not to possess the inverse addictive, as well as, the property of the distributivity of the multiplication for the sum doesn t be valid for any triplet of intervals. The lack of those properties disables the use of equacional logic, so much for the resolution of an intervalar equation using the same, as for a representation of a real equation, and still, for the algebraic verification of properties of a computational system, whose data are real numbers represented by intervals. However, with the notion of order of information and of approach on intervals, introduced by Acióly[6] in 1991, the idea of an intervalar equation appears to represent a real equation satisfactorily, since the terms of the intervalar equation carry the information about the solution of the real equation. In 1999, Santiago proposed the notion of simple equality and, later on, local equality for intervals [8] and [33]. Based on that idea, this dissertation extends Santiago's local groups for local algebras, following the idea of Σ-algebras according to (Hennessy[31], 1988) and (Santiago[7], 1995). One of the contributions of this dissertation, is the theorem that it guarantees that, when deducing a local Σ-equation E t t in the proposed system SDedLoc(E), the interpretations of t and t' will be locally the same in any local Σ-algebra that satisfies the group of fixed equations local E, whenever t and t have meaning in A. This assures to a kind of safety between the local equacional logic and the local algebras


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This work aims to develop modules that will increase the computational power of the Java-XSC library, and XSC an acronym for "Language Extensions for Scientific Computation . This library is actually an extension of the Java programming language that has standard functions and routines elementary mathematics useful interval. in this study two modules were added to the library, namely, the modulus of complex numbers and complex numbers of module interval which together with the modules original numerical applications that are designed to allow, for example in the engineering field, can be used in devices running Java programs


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This work consists on the study of two important problems arising from the operations of petroleum and natural gas industries. The first problem the pipe dimensioning problem on constrained gas distribution networks consists in finding the least cost combination of diameters from a discrete set of commercially available ones for the pipes of a given gas network, such that it respects minimum pressure requirements at each demand node and upstream pipe conditions. On its turn, the second problem the piston pump unit routing problem comes from the need of defining the piston pump unit routes for visiting a number of non-emergent wells in on-shore fields, i.e., wells which don t have enough pressure to make the oil emerge to surface. The periodic version of this problem takes into account the wells re-filling equation to provide a more accurate planning in the long term. Besides the mathematical formulation of both problems, an exact algorithm and a taboo search were developed for the solution of the first problem and a theoretical limit and a ProtoGene transgenetic algorithm were developed for the solution of the second problem. The main concepts of the metaheuristics are presented along with the details of their application to the cited problems. The obtained results for both applications are promising when compared to theoretical limits and alternate solutions, either relative to the quality of the solutions or to associated running time


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This present study aimed to examine the use of games with rules in working with math education in regular classes included in Elementary School, in the municipal education schools of Natal/RN, observing the learning process and development of all students, especially those with disabilities. The theoretical references used are based on Vygotsky's works and other authors from the historical-cultural perspective, as well as researchers in the field of Inclusive Education and Mathematics Education. The investigation was based on the qualitative research guidelines, with the application of semi-structured interviews with educational coordinators and teachers from the schools involved as well as classroom observations, looking for, in the speeches of those involved and in their teaching practices, elements to reflect on the Mathematics Inclusive Education, the use of games with rules -starting from its goals, the participation of disabled students, the pedagogical mediations, up to its accessibility - and from the learning of disabled students. The analysis results showed that the concepts underlying the development of inclusive teaching practices still refer to the clinical-medical paradigm, understanding the student with disabilities from their deficiencies; which teachers use, in their majority, the mathematical games with rules in their classes, but which the teaching mediation, during these activities, still needs to be qualified so that they can, effectively, contribute to the learning and development of all students; students with disabilities do not always participate in games with others colleagues; games with rules are rarely accessible; and that the Universal Design principles are not adopted in the selected classrooms for this study. Thus, it is clear that much remains to be done so that Mathematics Education can contribute to the learning and development of all students, and among those actions the teacher continuing education is recommended


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This work an algorithm for fault location is proposed. It contains the following functions: fault detection, fault classification and fault location. Mathematical Morphology is used to process currents obtained in the monitored terminals. Unlike Fourier and Wavelet transforms that are usually applied to fault location, the Mathematical Morphology is a non-linear operation that uses only basic operation (sum, subtraction, maximum and minimum). Thus, Mathematical Morphology is computationally very efficient. For detection and classification functions, the Morphological Wavelet was used. On fault location module the Multiresolution Morphological Gradient was used to detect the traveling waves and their polarities. Hence, recorded the arrival in the two first traveling waves incident at the measured terminal and knowing the velocity of propagation, pinpoint the fault location can be estimated. The algorithm was applied in a 440 kV power transmission system, simulated on ATP. Several fault conditions where studied and the following parameters were evaluated: fault location, fault type, fault resistance, fault inception angle, noise level and sampling rate. The results show that the application of Mathematical Morphology in faults location is very promising