982 resultados para liquid characterization
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Characterization of rotavirus P genotypes circulating among paediatric inpatients in Northern Brazil
Between November 1992 and August 1993, twenty-eight rotavirus-positive stool samples obtained from paediatric inpatients in Belém, Brazil, aged less than four years, were tested by RT-PCR to determine the P genotype specificities. With the exception of 7 non-diarrhoeic children, all patients were either diarrhoeic at admission or developed diarrhoea while in hospital. Rotavirus strains with the gene 4 alleles corresponding to P1B[4] and P1A[8] types (both of which bearing G2 specificity) predominated, accounting for 78.6% of the strains. While only one P2A[6] type strain - with (mixed) G1 and 4 type specificities - was detected, the gene 4 allele could not be identified in 4 (14.3%) of the strains. Most (81%) of the specimens were obtained from children during their first 18 months of life. Rotavirus strains bearing single P1B[4] type-specificity were identified in both diarrhoeic (either nosocomial, 28.6% or community-acquired diarrhoea, 28.6%) and non-diarrhoeic (42.8%) children. P1A[8] gene 4 allele, on the other hand, was detected only among diarrhoeic children, at rates of 57.1% and 42.9% for nosocomial- and- community acquired diarrhoea, respectively. Mixed P1A[8],1B[4] type infection was identified in only one case of community-acquired diarrhoea.
Antigenic preparations (saline, methylic, metabolic and exoantigens) of four agents of chromoblastomycosis, Fonsecaea pedrosoi, Phialophora verrucosa, Cladophialophora (Cladosporium) carrionii and Rhinocladiella aquaspersa were obtained. Partial chemical characterization of these antigenic preparations was obtained by determination of the levels of total lipids, protein, and carbohydrates, and identification of the main sterols and carbohydrates. Methylic antigens presented the highest lipid contents, whereas metabolic antigens showed the highest carbohydrate content. Total lipid, protein, and carbohydrate levels were in the range of 2.33 to 2.00mg/ml, 0.04 to 0.02 mg/ml and 0.10 to 0.02 mg/ml, respectively, in the methylic antigens and in the range of 0.53 to 0.18mg/ml, 0.44 to 0.26mg/ml, and 1.82 to 1.02 mg/ml, respectively, in saline antigens. Total lipid, protein, and carbohydrate contents were in the range of 0.55 to 0.20mg/ml, 0.69 to 0.57mg/ml and 10.73 to 5.93mg/ml, respectively, in the metabolic antigens, and in the range of 0.55 to 0.15mg/ml, 0.62 to 0.20mg/ml and 3.55 to 0.42mg/ml, respectively, in the exoantigens. Phospholipids were not detected in the preparations. Saline and metabolic antigens and exoantigens presented hexose and the methylic antigen revealed additional pentose units in their composition. The UV light absorption spectra of the sterols revealed squalene and an ergosterol fraction in the antigens. The characterization of these antigenic preparations may be useful for serological evaluation of patients of chromoblastomycosis.
FEBS journal, Volume 278, Issue 14, pages 2511-2524, July 2011
The aim of this work was to assess the influence in the diagnostic value for human hydatid disease of the composition of bovine hydatid cyst fluid (BHCF) obtained from fertile (FC) and non-fertile cysts (NFC). Eight batches from FC and 5 from NFC were prepared and analysed with respect to chemical composition: total protein, host-derived protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents. No differences were observed in the first two parameters but carbohydrate and lipid contents were shown to be higher in batches from FC than in those from NFC. Bands of 38 and 116 kD in SDS-PAGE profiles were observed to be present in BHCF from FC only. Two pools were prepared from BHCF batches obtained from FC (PFC) and NFC (PNFC), respectively. Antigen recognition patterns were analysed by immunoblot. Physicochemical conditions for adsorption of antigens to the polystyrene surface (ELISA plates) were optimized. The diagnostic value of both types of BHCF as well as the diagnostic relevance of oxidation of their carbohydrate moieties with periodate were assessed by ELISA using 42 serum samples from hydatid patients, 41 from patients with other disorders, and 15 from healthy donors. Reactivity of all sera against native antigen were tested with and without free phosphorylcholine. The best diagnostic efficiency was observed using BHCF from periodate-treated PFC using glycine buffer with strong ionic strength to coat ELISA plates.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Doctoral Degree in Biology by Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
As excelentes propriedades mecânicas, associadas ao seu baixo peso, fazem com que os materiais compósitos sejam atualmente dos mais interessantes da nossa sociedade tecnológica. A crescente utilização destes materiais e a excelência dos resultados daí provenientes faz com que estes materiais sejam utilizados em estruturas complexas de responsabilidade, pelo que a sua maquinagem se torna necessária de forma a possibilitar a ligação entre peças. O processo de furação é o mais frequente. O processo de maquinagem de compósitos terá como base os métodos convencionais utilizados nos materiais metálicos. O processo deverá, no entanto, ser convenientemente adaptado, quer a nível de parâmetros, quer a nível de ferramentas a utilizar. As características dos materiais compósitos são bastante particulares pelo que, quando são sujeitos a maquinagem poderão apresentar defeitos tais como delaminação, fissuras intralaminares, arrancamento de fibras ou dano por sobreaquecimento. Para a detecção destes danos, por vezes a inspeção visual não é suficiente, sendo necessário recorrer a processos específicos de análise de danos. Existem já, alguns estudos, cujo âmbito foi a obtenção de furos de qualidade em compósitos, com minimização do dano, não se podendo comparar ainda com a informação existente, no que se refere à maquinagem de materiais metálicos ou ligas metálicas. Desta forma, existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, de forma a que o grau de confiança na utilização destes materiais se aproxime aos materiais metálicos. Este trabalho experimental desenvolvido nesta tese assentou essencialmente na furação de placas laminadas e posterior análise dos danos provocados por esta operação. Foi dada especial atenção à medição da delaminação causada pela furação e à resistência mecânica do material após ser maquinado. Os materiais utilizados, para desenvolver este trabalho experimental, foram placas compósitas de carbono/epóxido com duas orientações de fibras diferentes: unidireccionais e em “cross-ply”. Não se conseguiu muita informação, junto do fornecedor, das suas características pelo que se levaram a cabo ensaios que permitiram determinar o seu módulo de elasticidade. Relativamente á sua resistência â tração, como já foi referido, a grande resistência oferecida pelo material, associada às limitações da máquina de ensaios não permitiu chegar a valores conclusivos. Foram usadas três geometrias de ferramenta diferentes: helicoidal, Brad e Step. Os materiais utilizados nas ferramentas, foram o aço rápido (HSS) e o carboneto de tungsténio para as brocas helicoidais de 118º de ângulo de ponta e apenas o carboneto de tungsténio para as brocas Brad e Step. As ferramentas em diamante não foram consideradas neste trabalho, pois, embora sejam reconhecidas as suas boas características para a maquinagem de compósitos, o seu elevado custo não justifica a sua escolha, pelo menos num trabalho académico, como é o caso. As vantagens e desvantagens de cada geometria ou material utilizado foram avaliadas, tanto no que diz respeito à delaminação como á resistência mecânica dos provetes ensaiados. Para a determinação dos valores de delaminação, foi usada a técnica de Raio X. Algum conhecimento já existente relativamente a este processo permitiu definir alguns parâmetros (por exemplo: tempo de exposição das placas ao liquido contrastante), que tornaram acessível o procedimento de obtenção de imagens das placas furadas. Importando estas imagens para um software de desenho (no caso – AutoCad), foi possível medir as áreas delaminadas e chegar a valores para o fator de delaminação de cada furo efetuado. Terminado este processo, todas as placas foram sujeitas a ensaios de esmagamento, de forma a avaliar a forma como os parâmetros de maquinagem afectaram a resistência mecânica do material. De forma resumida, são objetivos deste trabalho: - Caracterizar as condições de corte em materiais compósitos, mais especificamente em fibras de carbono reforçado com matriz epóxida (PRFC); - Caracterização dos danos típicos provocados pela furação destes materiais; - Desenvolvimento de análise não destrutiva (RX) para avaliação dos danos provocados pela furação; - Conhecer modelos existentes com base na mecânica da fratura linear elástica (LEFM); - Definição de conjunto de parâmetros ideais de maquinagem com o fim de minimizar os danos resultantes da mesma, tendo em conta os resultados provenientes dos ensaios de força, da análise não destrutiva e da comparação com modelos de danos existentes e conhecidos.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências do Ambiente pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn
Dissertation submitted to obtain the phD degree in Biochemistry, specialty in Physical- Biochemistry, by the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, especialidade Bioquímica-Física pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Molecular characterization of Dengue viruses type 1 and 2 isolated from a concurrent human infection
In 2001, an autochthonous case of dual viremia, resulting from naturally acquired dengue virus DEN-1 and DEN-2 infections was detected during the dengue outbreak that occurred in Barretos, a city with about 105,000 inhabitants in the North region of São Paulo State. Serotype identification was based on virus isolation to C6/36 mosquito cells culture and immunofluorescence assays using type-specific monoclonal antibodies. The double infection was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Comparative analysis of the 240-nucleotide sequences of E/NS1 gene junction region between the genome of DEN-1 and DEN-2 isolates of the corresponding reference Nauru and PR 159S1 strains, respectively, showed some nucleotide differences, mainly silent mutations in the third codon position. Results of maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of E/NS1 gene sequences indicated that both genotypes of DEN-1 and DEN-2 viruses recovered from double infection in Barretos belonged to genotypes I and III, respectively.
In São Paulo State, Brazil, the epidemic increase in isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis has been observed since 1994. A total of 105 S. Enteritidis strains (72 from human and 33 from non-human sources) isolated during the period 1975-1995, previously characterized by phage typing, was analyzed by antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profile, and ribotyping. Over 70% of the strains were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested, however, multiple resistance to antimicrobials was observed among the studied strains, mainly those from hospitalized patients. Phage type 8 (PT-8) was predominant among the strains isolated during the period of 1975-1992, but in the following years, PT-4 was the most frequent phage type identified. Seven different plasmid profiles were detected and 96% of the isolates harbored a plasmid of approximately 36 MDa. Ribotyping discriminated fourteen ribotypes (R1 to R14) among the strains examined. By analysis of dendrogram the strains were included in three groups with similarity level of 60%. The obtained results indicate that, a single ribotype (R11), determined for PT-4 strains isolated from 1993, characterizes the epidemic clone of S. Enteritidis in our region.
A novel optical disposable probe for screening fluoroquinolones in fish farming waters is presented, having Norfloxacin (NFX) as target compound. The colorimetric reaction takes place in the solid/liquid interface consisting of a plasticized PVC layer carrying the colorimetric reagent and the sample solution. NFX solutions dropped on top of this solid-sensory surface provided a colour change from light yellow to dark orange. Several metals were tested as colorimetric reagents and Fe(III) was selected. The main parameters affecting the obtained colour were assessed and optimised in both liquid and solid phases. The corresponding studies were conducted by visible spectrophotometry and digital image acquisition. The three coordinates of the HSL model system of the collected image (Hue, Saturation and Lightness) were obtained by simple image management (enabled in any computer). The analytical response of the optimised solid-state optical probe against concentration was tested for several mathematical transformations of the colour coordinates. Linear behaviour was observed for logarithm NFX concentration against Hue+Lightness. Under this condition, the sensor exhibited a limit of detection below 50 μM (corresponding to about 16 mg/mL). Visual inspection also enabled semi-quantitative information. The selectivity was ensured against drugs from other chemical groups than fluoroquinolones. Finally, similar procedure was used to prepare an array of sensors for NFX, consisting on different metal species. Cu(II), Mn(II) and aluminon were selected for this purpose. The sensor array was used to detect NFX in aquaculture water, without any prior sample manipulation.