955 resultados para international trade law justice
Fish and fishery products are having a unique place in global food market due to its unique taste and flavour; moreover, the presence of easily digestible proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals make it a highly demanded food commodity.Fishery products constitute a major portion of international trade, which is a valuable source of foreign exchange to many developing countries.Several new technologies are emerging to produce various value added products from food; “extrusion technology” is one among them. Food extruder is a better choice for producing a wide variety of high value products at low volume because of its versatility. Extruded products are shelf-stable at ambient temperature. Extrusion cooking is used in the manufacture of food products such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, expanded snacks, pasta, fat-bread, soup and drink bases. The raw materialin the form of powder at ambient temperature is fed into extruder at a known feeding rate. The material first gets compacted and then softens and gelatinizes and/or melts to form a plasticized material, which flows downstream into extruder channel and the final quality of the end products depends on the characteristics of starch in the cereals and protein ingredient as affected by extrusion process. The advantages of extrusion process are the process is thermodynamically most efficient, high temperature short time enables destruction of bacteria and anti-nutritional factors, one step cooking process thereby minimizing wastage and destruction of fat hydrolyzing enzymes during extrusion process and enzymes associated with rancidity.
Fish and fishery products are regarded as healthy foods and there has been a significant increase in their global trade. Besides that, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems and technological innovations have furthered the increase in international trade in fish and fishery products.Fish and fishery product exports have a significant place in the export basket of India. Export earnings of India from fishery products increased from ` 4 crores in 1960-61to ` 12901.47 crores in 2010-11(MPEDA, 2012). The share of export earnings from fish and fishery products as a percentage of total agricultural exports of India increased from a low of 1.76 percent in 1960-61 to a high of 25.06 percent in 1994-95. But its share declined to 16.60 percent in the following year. Though its share in agricultural exports of the country has declined since then, in 2010-11, marine product exports accounted for 9.61 percent of total agricultural exports of India representing a significant share.
The paper introduces research on transatlantic relations done by neo-Gramscian authors. This research is distinctive by focusing on class in international relations and by using the concept of hegemony in a relational sense. Hegemony is leadership through the active consent of other classes and groups. A central question of this neo-Gramscian research is whether an international class of capitalists has emerged. Some authors have answered in the positive. This paper, however, maintains that hegemony in the international realm is still exercised by the American state, though its foreign economic policies have been greatly influenced by internationally-oriented corporations and that these actors have increasingly found allies among economic elites in other countries. The paper explores the relationship between hegemony by the American state and by internationally-oriented capital groups against the backdrop of transatlantic relations in the post-war period and the currrent debate on labor rights in international trade agreements.
In the last decades, there has been a growing tendency towards international trade and globalisation, particularly leading to a significant increase in flows of agricultural commodities worldwide. From a macroeconomic perspective, the commodity projections are more optimistic than the previous years and the long run tendency shows an increasing demand for feedstock. However, the strong shifts of shocks and fluctuations (in terms of prices and volumes) are a concern to global food security, with the number of hungry people rising to nearly one billion. Agriculture is a main user of natural resources, and it has a strong link with rural societies and the environment. Forecasted impacts from climate change, limited productive endorsements and emerging rivals on crop production, such bio-energy, aggravate the panorama on food scarcity. In this context, it is a great challenge on farming and food systems to reduce global hunger and produce in sustainable ways adequate supplies for food, feed, and non-food uses. The main objective of this work is to question the sustainability of food and agriculture systems. It is particularly interesting to know its role and if it will be able to respond to a growing population with increasing food demand in a world where pressure on land, water and other natural resources are already evident, and, moreover, climate change will also condition and impact the outcome. Furthermore, a deeper focus will be set on developing countries, which are expected to emerge and take a leading role in the international arena. This short paper is structured as follows: Section I, “Introduction”, describes the social situation regarding hunger, Section II, “Global Context”, attempts to summarise the current scenario in the international trading scheme and present the emerging rivals for primary resources, and in Section III, “Climate Change”, presents an overview of possible changes in the sector and future perspectives in the field. Finally, in Section IV, “Conclusion”, the main conclusions are presented.
This paper examines key aspects of Japanese Government personnel practices, and draws comparisons with the practices in the U.S. civil service and, as appropriate, with other U.S. models. Particular reference is made to the practices of two major agencies in Japan, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT). As appropriate, selected government businesses practices other than personnel practices are noted.
La población civil cada vez es más víctima de los conflictos internos armados, no sólo por estar atrapada entre varios fuegos, sino por ser directamente blanco de los ataques. Colombia no es una excepción, por eso la degradación del conflicto armado interno reclama urgentes soluciones políticas, que si bien no eliminan totalmente el conflicto, si pueden atenuar sus efectos, utilizando los instrumentos que le brindan los sistemas internacionales de protección, a los cuales como Estado se ha adherido, especialmente en lo relativo al Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Los cientos de secuestrados, privados de la libertad, los miles de desplazados y en general las víctimas de la confrontación, por lo general inocentes ajenos a las causas políticas que las generan, se imponen como prioridad ética en una sociedad que se proclama democrática y civilizada. Este trabajo procura realizar una aproximación a la acción desplegada por el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja en el conflicto armado colombiano, mostrando algunos de los desafíos a los que se enfrenta el Comité, y las alternativas que posee para llegar a dar respuesta a los mismos, máxime si se tiene en cuenta que el CICR es una de las pocas organizaciones que presta atención humanitaria de manera coherente en un largo período en los múltiples conflictos armados y en contextos inmediatamente posteriores a las crisis. En este sentido, este trabajo pretende realizar un estudio cualitativo de la dinámica operacional y política del CICR en el conflicto armado colombiano a en los últimos años.
El Derecho Penal Internacional es una rama bastante reciente del Derecho Internacional Público. En ese orden de ideas, el Derecho Penal Internacional le debe mucho a otras especialidades del Derecho Internacional, como lo son el Derecho de los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, puesto que si bien estas dos especialidades pueden y deben separarse del Derecho Penal Internacional, ciertos crímenes involucran tanto infracciones a las normas de DIH como a las de Derechos Humanos. En consecuencia, han dotado al Derecho Penal Internacional de parte de su contenido y por tanto podríamos considerarlas guardadas las proporciones- como ancestros evolutivos de la especialidad, materia de esta monografía.
Este trabajo es una Propuesta para el desarrollo de un cluster logístico para un Corredor Logístico Nacional e Internacional competitivo en Colombia; en esa medida, comienza por ser un recuento de información, cifras y datos, que desnuda el presente de Colombia, y reconoce las deficiencias existentes en materia de competitividad logística nacional frente al mundo, así como los riesgos que existen para la economía nacional al no tener la suficiente preparación para aprovechar las oportunidades comerciales del presente siglo, ni para enfrentar las amenazas que esto mismo trae consigo. Es por ello que adoptar un modelo de Clúster a la Logística Nacional adaptable a cualquier corredor logístico del país, será un frente de desarrollo potencial en la búsqueda de la competitividad logística colombiana, generando así mismo un beneficio colateral en materia de comercio exterior e internacional.
Globalization has led to a drastic change on the international trade, this has caused that many countries such as France and Colombia find new business partners. This is the raison because I develop the investigation about How these countries can be integrated commercially in the dairy sector? Colombia and France had active trade relations for more than 8 years, but this has been declining for several factors. In the case of France, it has found that Germany is an excellent producer of raw milk, which can supply domestic demand and can export large quantities with a low price to European countries because of its proximity. For this reason, Colombia is a country that can not compete with Germany directly in raw milk, but I concluded that Colombia could become a major competitor with organic milk. This is the result of a research of the way they raise and feed the cows in the two countries, Colombia is generally on open country and Germany is on cow housing. In Colombia, the country found that Venezuela could offer many benefits in the processing of raw milk, and other processes that require high technology. But today Colombia has had several disputes with Venezuela and many Colombian companies are affected in this sector. Additionally, France is one of the largest producers and distributors of processed milk and its derivatives; it launches annually many manufactured products with high technology. At this point, Colombia can take out the best advantage because it can create an strategic alliance with French companies to bring most innovative and processed products such as cheese and yoghurts. The theoretical framework of this thesis consists on the analysis of competitiveness, because it is relevant to see if these two countries are competitive or if one has the comparative advantage over the other. The related authors are: Michael Porter, Adam Smith and David Ricardo. To complete the theoretical part, we found that France has a comparative advantage over Colombia in this sector thanks to its high technology, and Colombia is not currently competitive in the area of raw milk because the milk price is higher and the distance is a barrier, and it has no technology. But this research indicates that Colombia could become a competitive country selling organic milk.
Teniendo en cuenta el dinamismo y constante evolución del comercio internacional y la necesidad de incrementar la competitividad de las naciones, para garantizar un crecimiento y desarrollo de las mismas, en este trabajo de investigación se hace un estudio a un proceso de exportación que se ve en los puertos colombianos la Inspección Antinarcóticos, que se realiza a las cargas de exportación. Para tal fin se investigaron los marcos legales y regulatorios de este proceso, la documentación requerida, la infraestructura del puerto y se determinó la realización actual de la Inspección Antinarcóticos en la Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Barranquilla, contando con la colaboración de quienes ejecutan el procedimiento y/o participan de éste. Con la información recopilada y analizada y el uso de herramientas informáticas, se identificaron oportunidades de mejora que son el resultado de esta investigación.